Override open variable for class in Swift and SpriteKit for use in XCode's ActionEditor - swift3

I'm trying to make small platformer game, just in learning purposes. I've tried to animate character with array of SKTextures like this:
let animation: SKAction = SKAction.animate(
with: frames.map {
let texture : SKTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: $0)
texture.filteringMode = SKTextureFilteringMode.nearest
return texture
timePerFrame: 0.15
frames variable is array of SKTextures. I've used map to set filtering mode for each texture. This works fine and dandy, but than i've discovered that i can create animations (actions) in ActionEditor in XCode with AnimateWithTextures action. And here lies my problem. This is much more efficient, but i can't change filtering mode for textures in animation in ActionEditor. I've looked into SKTexture class and saw this:
open class SKTexture : NSObject, NSCopying, NSCoding {
The filtering mode the texture should use when not drawn at native size. Defaults to SKTextureFilteringLinear.
open var filteringMode: SKTextureFilteringMode
If i'm not mistaken open means that i can override variable, but i don't know how. I want to set default value of filteringMode to SKTextureFilteringMode.nearest for all SKTextures so ActionEditor will use textures with texture filtering set to nearest neighbor.
Also if you know how to set filtering mode for textures in specific action – i would like to know how to do it too. Thanks

you can create a function to setup the animation for you, and create an extension to SKTexture with your custom init, and when your ready just call it to your node.
extension SKTexture { // Declare this extension outside your class decleration
convenience init(customImageNamed: String) {
self.init(imageNamed: customImageNamed)
self.filteringMode = .nearest
func setupAnimationWithPrefix(_ prefix: String, start: Int, end: Int, timePerFrame: TimeInterval) -> SKAction{
var textures = [SKTexture]()
for i in start...end{
textures.append(SKTexture(customImageNamed: "\(prefix)\(i)"))
return SKAction.animate(with: textures, timePerFrame: timePerFrame)
if you have 10 images named image1, image2, image3 ect..then this is how you would use this function
func runAction(){
let action = setupAnimationWithPrefix("image", start: 1, end: 10, timePerFrame: 0.1)
} // you can change timePerFrame to your liking i find 0.1 sec per frame the best

Unfortunately you can't override a variable without subclassing it, that is to do something like
class MyTexture: SKTexture {
from there, you could override the variable:
override var filteringMode: SKTextureFilteringMode {
get {
return .nearest
set {
That should work, but now you can't change the filtering mode, ever (without going through a bunch of hooplah).
So the more apt way would be to set the default value via the initializer, but SKTexture has no public designated initializers, so that option is out of the window.
So your best bet is going to be the convenience init extension by Arie, or just make a plain function that returns a new texture:
func nearestTexture(imageNamed name: String) -> SKTexture {
let newTex = SKTexture(imageNamed: name)
newTex.filteringMode = .nearest
return newTex
let texture: SKTexture = nearestTexture(imageNamed: "lol")

ActionEditor is still very limited in features, you are going to have to write some kind of code behind to allow for texture filtering. If you do not plan on scaling your sprites (Note I said sprite, not scene, these are two different behaviors), then I would not even worry about texture filtering, the time difference would be negligible.


CAAnimation is deprecated in iOS 11 - need a recent answer?

Ok, I have looked EVERYWHERE and am trying here to simply extract an animation from a .dae imported into Xcode (or a .scn, whatever) so that I can run it on the model throughout my scene kit game. the problem is every way to do this that is referenced (including here Scenekit: Add animation to SCNNode from external Collada)
seems to be deprecated in iOS 11. So I have no way to animate any 3D model I put in my scene.
Right now I am able to display the model just still with this - I get the model from my dae and put it into my blank scn :
if let d = modelScene.rootNode.childNodes.first
theDude.node = d
theDude.setupNode() //this scales it down
func setupNode()
node.scale = SCNVector3(x: modifier, y: modifier, z: modifier)
//Then add to scene on tap
let clone = theDude.node.clone()
theDude.node = clone
theDude.node.position = hitPosition
This works. Trying to get it to run the animation that I added to it in Maya, however, does not. I added these extensions per Apple's example to my project:
And was trying to do this as it says to, just with a cube as a basic test (from the above question):
func addAnim()
let characterScene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/cubeAnimatedSkeleton.dae")!
let characterTopLevelNode = characterScene.rootNode.childNodes[0]
let idleAnimation = CAAnimation.animationWithSceneNamed("art.scnassets/cubeAnimatedSkeleton.dae")!
idleAnimation.usesSceneTimeBase = false
idleAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
characterTopLevelNode.addAnimation(idleAnimation, forKey: "idle")
But with this CAAnimation.animationWithSceneNamed("art.scnassets/cubeAnimatedSkeleton.dae")! the whole thing does not work because this extension from APPLE:
extension CAAnimation {
class func animationWithSceneNamed(_ name: String) -> CAAnimation? {
var animation: CAAnimation?
if let scene = SCNScene(named: name) {
scene.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child, stop) in
if child.animationKeys.count > 0 {
animation = child.animation(forKey: child.animationKeys.first!) //ERROR
stop.initialize(to: true)
return animation
says that addAnimation for key was deprecated in iOS 11. Replacing that with animation = child.animationPlayer(forKey: child.animationKeys.first!) doesn't work, and I don't know what else to do.
What is wrong here?

How to run different code for different scenes in Xcode sprite-kit?

I'm building a game in Xcode 8 sprite-kit and I have different levels, but when I load the next level scene, the code for the first level still runs. All of the levels have their own swift files with the same names as their respective scenes. How do I run the code meant for different scenes?
this is the function that changes levels
class func level(_ levelNumber: Int) -> GameScene?
guard let scene = GameScene(fileNamed: "Level_\(levelNumber)") else
return nil
scene.scaleMode = .aspectFit
return scene
this is code I call to change levels:
guard let scene = GameScene.level(currentScene) else
print("Level \(self.currentLevel+1) is missing?")
scene.scaleMode = .aspectFit
Personally, I handle this a little bit differently.
I like making my level files in the Scene Editor, it makes laying them out very fast.
I put all the core game engine stuff in my GameScene.swift and GameScene.sks files (ie. gameHUD, player, scoring, pause...blah blah blah)
I then create my level files separately as Level1.sks, Level2.sks etc. But these will be of class type Level, and this way you don't have to keep repeating generic stuff that is common on all levels in each Level.sks file.
I then load the GameScene file and handle any objects that are generic to all levels.
Then I load up my Level. It is important to note that when doing it like this and having separate sks files for Levels and GameScene you have to move the objects from the Level file to your GameScene when loading them.
func createLevel(levelID: Int) {
if let levelNode = SKReferenceNode(fileNamed: "Level\(levelID)") {
if let background = levelNode.childNode(withName: "backgroundTiles") as? SKTileMapNode {
background.move(toParent: self)
if let water = levelNode.childNode(withName: "waterTiles") as? SKTileMapNode {
water.move(toParent: self)
if let badGuy = levelNode.childNode(withName: "badGuy") as? SKSpriteNode {
self.badGuy = badGuy
badGuy.move(toParent: self)

QML Map: Large amount of displayed items

I have a performance issue while displaying large amounts MapItems on a Map provided by the QML Location module. I already asked the question here (https://forum.qt.io/topic/79229/large-amount-of-qml-mapitems), but nobody could help me, so I wanted to try it here once. I also found this question (How to use the QML/QtLocation module for displaying a large amount of offline data on a map?), but before adding another dependency, I wanted to see if my code can be improved so that QML can handle this situation without any help.
I am currently trying to plot a large amount of items onto a QML Map (30,000 - 120,000 points). These items shall be updated dependent of the position of a QSlider. Performance decreases strongly from about 1,000 items upwards, when I use 30,000 it takes several minutes until the QML Map has all the data visualized and is responsive again. I have a machine which is absolutely capable of fulfilling this task in general, so I think the problem is QML. I am using Qt 5.8.
Is there any way to improve this performance or is it just not possible with a QML-map to plot so many MapItems at a time? I tried MapCircles, Polylines, Polygons and MapQuickItems with images, but for me it seems like the performance issue just arises from adding this amount of MapItems, as I could not see a significant difference in processing time between these types.
I have more data on the map visualized, which should not be refreshed every time the QSlider is moved. Even though I tried just to clear all MapItems and add the new ones for performance tests, but even this did not improve the performance.
My code (a bit abstracted) looks like this:
///-------------- Widget.cpp-----------------///
void ProcessInput(int qslider_pos) {
QVariantList lat_vec;
QVariantList lon_vec;
// Fill vectors with lateral and longitudinal positions
// ...
// Clean current points on map and draw new ones
SendToQmlFuncAddPoints(lat_vec, lon_vec);
void QmlConnector::SendToQmlFuncRemovePoints()
QVariant returnedValue;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QmlMapSingleton::instance()->GetRoot(), "remove_points",
Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, returnedValue));
void QmlConnector::SendToQmlFuncAddPoints(QVariantList input_one, QVariantList input_two)
QVariant returnedValue;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QmlMapSingleton::instance()->GetRoot(), "add_points",
Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, returnedValue),
Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant::fromValue(input_one)), Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant::fromValue(input_two)));
///-------------- Map.qml -----------------///
Map {
anchors.fill: parent
property variant points: ({})
property int pointCounter: 0
id: osmplugin
name: "osm"
PluginParameter { name: "osm.mapping.highdpi_tiles"; value: true }
Component.onCompleted: {
points = new Array();
id: map
plugin: osmplugin
//Javascript functions
function add_points(array_lat, array_lon) {
var myArray = new Array()
var component = Qt.createComponent("mapcircle.qml");
for (var i=0; i<array_lat.length; i++)
var object = component.createObject(map, { "center": QtPositioning.coordinate(array_lat[i], array_lon[i]})
map.points = myArray
function remove_points() {
var count = map.points.length
for (var i = 0; i<count; i++){
map.points = []
///-------------- mapcircle.qml -----------------///
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtLocation 5.6
MapCircle {
radius: 1
border.width: 0
color: 'green'
Qt says that the performance decreases with the number of elements added to the map. Do you need all the points to be visible on the map in the same time, if not you can play around with visibility.
Can't you use QQuickPaintedItem to paint the points in C++ and wrap it into an MapQuickItem, if you have multiple polygonsfor e.g? But also there are some limitation, you cannot have to big images displayed.
If you need all the points maybe you can have different points based on the map zoom level and reduce the number of points added to the map at small zoom level, as was recommended on the other group ...

How can I get other layer in the same scene in cocos2d-x?

I have several layers in the scene, like TLayer,HLayer,TouchLayer. How can I get HLayer in HLayer? The solution I take is that I pass Layer to other Layer. However I met some problems recently. I push the Scene and pop Scene while TouchLayer still exists. So my problem is that is it right to pass HLayer to TouchLayer. Or is there a better way to do it in Cocos2d-x?
In the init() function in Scene:
I made my own create function:
TouchLayer* TouchLayer::create(TcharacterLayer* t,HcharacterLayer* h){
TouchLayer* pRet = new TouchLayer();
if (pRet && pRet->init(t,h))
return pRet;
delete pRet;
pRet = NULL;
return NULL;
Here's how we've done this in the past. Define a set of tags for our layers.
typedef enum {
} MyLayerTags
Then while creating the layers set layer specific tags:
And in TouchLayer access the TLayer and others like:
TcharacterLayer* myTLayer = this->getParent()->getChildByTag(kTLayerTag);
Sure, there is nothing wrong in adding a layer as a child. I would do that this way :
BackgroundLayer has all the necessary layers as children (remember to add TouchLayer as the last one and then pass Touch to others) and then you only add BackgroundLayer to your scene. There is even more simple way (probably better): to make BackgroundLayer inherit all the previous ones - but that depends on how much scenes you are going to make.
BackgroundLayer * bglayer = BackgroundLayer::create();
TcharacterLayer * tcharlayer = TcharacterLayer::create();
HcharacterLayer * hcharlayer = HcharacterLayer::create();
TouchLayer * tlayer = TouchLayer::create();
(assuming this as a CCScene)
class BackgroundLayer : public TcharacterLayer, HcharacterLayer, TouchLayer
In the first case you can give each layer a specific tag and then get the layer by getChildByTag(int tag) or just create fields in the BackgroundLayer class for each layer.

How do I refresh a TMS layer in OpenLayers?

I have a TMS layer that looks something like this:
var v = 1;
my_tms = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
"My TMS",
{ transparent: 'true', type:'png', getURL:get_my_url }
Where my_mapserver.php returns map tiles according to the value of v.
The app allows users to change v, and I simply want to refresh the my_tms layer, however, so far the only way I can get it to refresh is by destroying the map and recreating it.
I thought I could just do something like this:
v = 2;
my_tms = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS(
"My TMS",
{ transparent: 'true', type:'png', getURL:get_my_url }
However, these tiles are not getting requested when I redraw().
Any help is appreciated.
As TMS layers inherits from Grid layer you could try to call clearGrid() method to remove all existing tiles and then spiralTileLoad() to load new ones.
layer.redraw();, OpenLayers.Strategy.Refresh and clearGrid() didn't help me in reloading tiles of OpenLayers.Layer.TMS layer in OpenLayers 2.13.1, but helped: