How do you increase the length of a line in Adobe After Effects? - after-effects

How do you increase the length of a line after creating one? I have tried trim paths and stroke, but I don't know how to do it. Please help!

You created the line with a path inside a shape layer? You can select one of the points and drag it to the new position. (use the pen tool and you should be able to select either points)


Use clipboard images to draw paths that repeat over entire length of the line

Using Inkscape, I have an image path created similar to below:
With this image copied to the clipboard I can then draw paths using the image, however each line I draw will 'stretch' the base image...for example:
My question is to find if there is a way to prevent the 'stretching'...? I would like the base image copied to clipboard to 'fill' and/or 'repeat' over the entire length of the drawn this possible? To show it graphically I would like to draw line(s) where the base image repeats to cover the entire length of the drawn line, similar to this:
...Possible? Any advice appreciated. I thank you in advance.
Sure. Use the 'Pattern along Path' extension or the 'Pattern along Path' path effect (< recommended, because you can modify it 'live').
Actually, that path effect is the same one as the 'from clipboard' option in the Bézier and Pencil tools, only with the 'single, stretched' option instead of 'repeated'.

How to check if the length or width of Row in a window is greater than the width of its parent window C++

I wanted to wrap the existing text of checkbox into multiline if the width of row exceeds the width of its parent window. I am not really sure how to do that.
The image I want to show the checkbox string
The image where the string is cropped and only shows if window is resized or maximized
You are going to have a problem with this I am afraid.
The setting for making a checkbox multiline is ES_MULTILINE and if you look here you will see that it states:
To create an edit control using the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function, specify the EDIT class, appropriate window style constants, and a combination of the following edit control styles. After the control has been created, these styles cannot be modified, except as noted.
So, it would seem to me that you have three ways forward, depending on what you feel is the best or most elegant for you.
Set your control in the resource editor as multiline anyway. Then it doesn't matter and will wrap. No need to have to change the setting.
Implement the needed functionality to limit the size the window can be reduced to. I can show you how if you are interested. This way, if you set the control resize properties correctly it can resize larger but only reduce down the a known dimension (ie: the dimensions you created it in the resource editor).
Possibly have two controls in the same place, one as multiline and one as single. And when you decide which you want to show, swap the visibility. But I think this is a bad idea, bit of a headache, and not worth the hassle.
IMHO I would do both ideas 1 and 2 and I would happily extend my answer to provide more information.
Having looked at your images and the comments about translations then there is a fourth idea. If you use a third party application to manage the translations and use satellite DLL files then you can adjust the resources on a language by language basis. I sometimes have to make the default width for some windows wider due to their verbose nature.
I have set BS_MULTILINE for the checkbox. The minimum size of the window is fixed but I just want the checkbox to fit in that. I expect it to show at least one word in the same line as other labels and remaining words in second line. So I am checking if the total width of the first row is greater than the width of window then show the string with \r\n in it else show normal string. However, I want to align first line or the first word of the checkbox with the checkbox and remaining words should come below the first word. Currently, the checkbox is in between two lines which looks weird. Is there anyway I can do this?

inkscape arows not align with line

I am trying to add some arrow along the line. the end arrow seems good but the arrows in the middle of the line isn't align with line. How can I make the middle arrow on the line?
I am using "Fill and stroke" property to add arrows:
The arrow is aligned with the mean of the two handles at that point, and you have a corner at this point. As Inkscape does not support individually set midmarkers, there is no work around with your curve defined as a single path using the midmarkers.
The solution is thus to
1) Break path at the point where you want the markers (edit path tool F2, then Break path icon)
2) Break apart path (Ctrl-Shift-K)
Then you can group the broken bits of your path (Ctrl-G), but combining them again will lead to other problems.

How do I draw a line on a Lazarus form?

I often use a TPanel or TGroupBox to group my form controls.
Now I need to draw just a straight line like the border of a Panel or GroupBox.
How do I do this on LAZARUS?
Thanks in advance!
Note: The technique must work on both Linux and Windows
As an optical line separator you should use either the TBevel component with Shape property set to one of the following values bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine or bsRightLine depending on which line you currently need and resize it to a smaller size (in your case you can use bsTopLine or bsBottomLine and resize the bevel vertically):
Or you can use a special component called TDividerBevel which except the single line adds to this optical divider also a caption:
Here's what I've finally done but I'm not sure if this is the RIGHT way so I won't accept my answer. If there's someone else who can point out any issues with this, please let me know. I found this pretty straightforward as well :)
Place a TGroupBox on the form.
Leave the Caption property blank. Now it should look like a panel with only borders.
Use the mouse and drag the bottom border towards the top. Now it looks like a line.
Well, I personally think this method is NOT efficient as it would take up more memory space than just a real straight line. Anyway, so far it seems to work for me :)
Here's the screenshot - look towards the bottom (just above the last text box). The only issues is that on the sides of the line, it shows the lines bending. I think I should set the properties correctly than dragging with the mouse.

What is the best way of creating a label in Cocos2D that will change its text constantly?

I know that changing the text of a CCLabel is really time consuming and hence cannot be done every frame. So how can I achieve this?
My understanding is that the general recommendation when you have to update a level regularly (for a score or the like) is to use a CCLablBMFont. CCLabelBMFont uses a bitmap font file, so it will only draw to the screen once and then can just replace the numbers or letters as needed. You really shouldn't be using CCLabelTTF for anything but completely static text, so CCLabelBMFont would be the way to go for you.
Before you worry about the images you need to make sure you uncomment these lines in your AppDelagate:
//if( ! [director enableRetinaDisplay:YES] )
//CCLOG(#"Retina Display Not supported");
Then when you create your .fnt and .png make sure to create a second .fnt and .png, which is twice is big as the original font you created and append -hd after the name. So your files should look like "original.fnt" "original.png" "original-hd.fnt" "original-hd.png"
It's not all that bad. If you have one label and you really need to change it every frame, I would go ahead and try it. You might not notice any problem. If you do notice a slowdown, though, you can either (a) use a CCLabelAtlas, which is much faster, or (b) set up a counter that tracks how many frames have passed since the last time you updated it, so you're only doing it every 2 or 3 or 5 frames.