QtConcurrent: Inform another function that result is ready - c++

I'm new to the C++ and QT world. I need to do some modifications on an existing console application.
I have the following problem: I'm running some functions (which take some time) concurrently and show a wait indicator during this time. The setup looks like this:
QFuture<void> doStuff = QtConcurrent::run(longCalc, param1, param2);
// ....
void showWaitIndicator(QFuture<void> *future)
while (future->isRunning()) {
// Show some nice indicator and so on.
This setup works just fine, but now I want to run some other tasks concurrently which have another return type and I need to access the result. Instead of QFuture<void>these are mostly QFuture<double>, QFuture<int>, etc: QFuture<double> doStuff = QtConcurrent::run(doubleCalc);
I also want to display my nice wait indicator, but the different return types mean I can't use my current showWaitIndicator() function.
Is there a good way to improve this "setup"? I'm new to C++, so I'm pretty sure there must be a way. My first idea was function overloading but this didn't work because the parameters have the same type (QFuture).
TL;DR: I need to inform my showWaitIndicator() function that QFuture finished.

You can emit a custom signal from the function that runs concurrently, or use a QFutureWatcher as a source of such signal.
E.g. when longCalc is in the same class:
MyClass::MyClass() {
Q_SIGNAL void longCalcDone();
connect(this, &MyClass::longCalcDone, this, [this]{
void MyClass::longCalc(int arg1, int arg2) {
emit MyClass::longCalcDone();
E.g. when longCalc is a free function or is in another class:
void longCalc(int, int);
MyClass::MyClass() {
Q_SIGNAL void longCalcDone();
connect(this, &MyClass::longCalcDone, this, [this]{
void doStuff() {
longCalc(param1, param2);
emit longCalcDone();
E.g. with a future watcher instead:
class MyClass : public QObject {
QFutureWatcher watcher;
MyClass() {
connect(&watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, [this]{
void doStuff() {
auto future = QtConcurrent::run(longCalc, this, param1, param2);
The while (future->isRunning()) synchronous code is an anti-pattern. Presumably you invoke QCoreApplication::processEvents within that loop. The problem is - the world is not like that, you can't take the locus of control away from the event loop and pretend that the world revolves around you. Instead, invert the control flow and have your code (a slot, a method or a functor) invoked when the future finishes.
See also this question.


QT Multi-threading & Updating GUI

I'm currently updating an existing codebase designed to be used with a GTK GUI to QT, so that it can implement multi threading, as the functions take hours to complete.
This codebase makes frequent calls to a function display(std::string), for the purpose of updating a text display widget. I redefined this function for the new QT version:
In Display.cpp:
void display(std::string output)
MainWindow * gui = MainWindow::getMainWinPtr(); //Gets instance of GUI
gui->DisplayInGUI(output); //Sends string to new QT display function
In MainWindow.cpp:
void MainWindow::DisplayInGUI(std::string output)
//converts output to qstring and displays in text edit widget
void MainWindow::mainFunction(){
//calls function in existing codebase, which itself is frequently calling display()
void MainWindow::on_mainFunctionButton_released()
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(this,&MainWindow::mainFunction);
If I run the main function in a new thread, display(std::string) won't update the GUI until the thread completes. I understand why; the GUI can only be updated in the main thread. Everything else functions as intended.
What I want to implement, but I'm not sure how, is having display(std:string) send a signal back to the main thread to call MainWindow::DisplayInGUI(output_text) with the string that was passed to the display() function. I believe this is the correct way to do it, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to avoid changing the existing codebase at all costs.
EDIT: I should add that for some dumb reasons entirely out of my control, I am forced to use C++98 (yeah, I know)
You must schedule the code that does UI calls to run in the main thread. I use a simple and easy to use wrapper for that:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <utility>
template<typename F>
void runInMainThread(F&& fun)
QObject tmp;
QObject::connect(&tmp, &QObject::destroyed, qApp, std::forward<F>(fun),
You can now run code (using a lambda in this example, but any other callable will work) in the main thread like this:
runInMainThread([] { /* code */ });
In your case:
void display(std::string output)
runInMainThread([output = std::move(output)] {
MainWindow* gui = MainWindow::getMainWinPtr();
Or you can leave display() as is and instead wrap the calls to it:
runInMainThread([str] { display(std::move(str)); );
The std::move is just an optimization to avoid another copy of the string since you should not pass the string by reference in this case (it would be a dangling reference once the string object goes out of scope.)
This is not a high performance inter-thread communication mechanism. Every call will result in the construction of a temporary QObject and a temporary signal/slot connection. For periodic UI updates, it's good enough and it allows you to run any code in the main thread without having to manually set up signal/slot connections for the various UI update operations. But for thousands of UI calls per second, it's probably not very efficient.
First of all: there's no way to make the getMainWinPtr method thread-safe, so this pseudo-singleton hack should probably go away. You can pass around some application-global context to all the objects that do application-global things like provide user feedback. Say, have a MyApplication : QObject (don't derive from QApplication, it's unnecessary). This can be passed around when new objects are created, and you'd then control the relative lifetime of the involved objects directly in the main() function:
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow win;
MyApplication foo;
// it is now guaranteed by the semantics of the language that
// the main window outlives `MyApplication`, and thus `MyApplication` is free to assume
// that the window exists and it's OK to call its methods
return app.exec();
Of course MyApplication must take care that the worker threads are stopped before its destructor returns.
To communicate asynchronous changes to QObject living in (non-overloaded) QThreads (including the main thread), leverage the built-in inter-thread communication inherent in Qt's design: the events, and the slot calls that traverse thread boundaries.
So, given the DisplayInGUI method, you need a thread-safe way of invoking it:
std::string newOutput = ...;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(mainWindow, [mainWindow, newOutput]{
This takes care of the thread-safety aspect. Now we have another problem: the main window can get hammered with those updates much faster than the screen refresh rate, so there's no point in the thread notifying the main window more often than some reasonable rate, it'll just waste resources.
This is best handled by making the DisplayInGUI method thread-safe, and leveraging the timing APIs in Qt:
class MainWindow : public QWidget {
static constexpr m_updatePeriod = 1000/25; // in ms
QMutex m_displayMutex;
QBasicTimer m_displayRefreshTimer;
std::string m_newDisplayText;
bool m_pendingRefresh;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override {
if (event->timerId() == m_displayRefreshTimer.timerId()) {
QMutexLocker lock(&m_displayMutex);
std::string text = std::move(m_newDisplayText);
m_pendingRefresh = false;
void DisplayInGUI(const std::string &str) {
// Note pass-by-reference, not pass-by-value. Pass by value gives us no benefit here.
QMutexLocker lock(&m_displayMutex);
m_newDisplayText = str;
if (m_pendingRefresh) return;
m_pendingRefresh = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &MainWindow::DisplayInGui_impl);
Q_SLOT void DisplayInGui_impl() {
if (!m_displayRefreshTimer.isActive())
m_displayRefreshTimer.start(this, m_updatePeriod);
In a more complex situation you'd likely want to factor out the cross-thread property setting to some "adjunct" class that would perform such operations without the boilerplate.
You could take advantage of the fact that QTimer::singleShot has an overload which, when called with a zero time interval, allows you to effectively schedule a task to be run on a specified thread during that thread's next idle slot...
void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, const QObject *context, Functor functor);
So your MainWindow::mainFunction could be something along the lines of...
void MainWindow::mainFunction ()
std::string output = get_ouput_from_somewhere();
QTimer::singleShot(0, QApplication::instance(),

Call Qt object method from another std::thread

I have simple Qt form which represents main window of my app. It has method:
void gui_popup::on_pushButton_clicked()
QString text = ui->MainText->toPlainText();
text = "1\n" + text;
Also I have some code, running in another thread, created like this:
std:thread* core_thread = new thread(&Init); //void Init()...
Then, at some moment or condition code from std::thread need to call gui_popup::on_pushButton_clicked(). I'm trying to do it like this:
void test_callback(void* object_ptr)
auto this_object = (gui_popup*)object_ptr;
In std::thread code I'm saving test_callback pointer and gui_popup object pointer. But when it starts calling on_pushButton_clicked() program halts with segmentation fault error. This code works fine with some other simple classes, but not with QtObject. What am I doing wrong?
I've solved it this way:
void test_callback(void* object_ptr)
QMetaObject qtmo;
qtmo.invokeMethod((gui_popup*)object_ptr, "on_pushButton_clicked");
it is, of course, much more complex than using QThread, emitting signals and all other suggested solutions. However thank you everyone for trying to help.
I usually solve it like this:
class Foo : public QObject
// connect to own signal to own slot and hence "translate" it
connect(this, SIGNAL(some_signal(QString)),
this, SLOT(some_slot(QString)));
void some_signal(QString s);
protected slots:
void some_slot(QString s)
// do something with your gui
void callback_proxy(std::string s)
emit some_signal(QString::fromUtf8(m_string.c_str()));
and then the tread does not need to know about QT:
void thread_run_function(Foo* foo)
foo->callback_proxy("Hello from Thread!");
As far as I understood this is save because the connect (signal,slot) does have a additional default parameter (Qt::ConnectionType type which defaults to Qt::AutoConnection). This tells QT to dispach signals into the qt main event loop if they originate from a foreign thread. Note that using this connection type essentialy makes qt decide on runtime whether to dispatch the signal or call the slot immediately.
HtH Martin
Edits: Some more info on default parameter and this link as reference:
See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt.html#ConnectionType-enum

Maintaining signal connections over instance swap Qt5

In my Qt5 program I have an interface with some signals.
An implementation of this interface is instanciated at start up and the signals are connected to from different parts of the program (many places).
Now I want to delete that instance and create a new instance, possibly from another implementation, and somehow maintain the signal connections so that all the places that receive the signals does not need to care that the implementation changed.
Is there any way to do this elegantly or do I have to change the architecture of program to keep control over all signal connections in one location (a lot of work)?
//PS: To be regarded as pseudocode at best, as lots of Qt boilerplate
// and error handling code has been left out, and lots of bugs are left in :-)
struct MyInterface{
virtual void doStuff()=0;
void someSignal();
struct MyImpX:public MyInterface{
void doStuff(){
emit someSignal();
struct MyImpY:public MyInterface{
void doStuff(){
emit someSignal();
struct MyWorker{
QTimer t;
MyInterface *inst=0;
MyWorker(MyInterface *inst):
void setNewInstance(MyInterface *inst){
void doStuff(){
struct MyConsumer{
public slots:
void handleIt(){
qDebug()<<"Handling signal";
void main(){
QApplication app;
MyInterface *inst=new MyImpX();
MyWorker con(inst);
MyConsumer i,j,k,l;
//In this example all the connects are in one place, but
//in reality they are called from several locations that
//Are hard to control.
//[ ... At this point some time passes where the signal is working ]
//Now the instance changes, so the old connections are lost.
con.setNewInstance(new MyImpY());
delete inst;
//[ ... At this point some time passes where the signal is NOT working ]
You could try to implement something based on this question, but I think that'll be hacky at best.
So, instead, you could have a proxy object, which does not get changed, and which can change its connections when the actual object changes. For this, you should probably use signal-signal connections, though you could also write slots which emit signals. Question has pseudocode, so here's some pseudocode as well, to demonstrate the principle.
class MyInterfaceSignalProxy : public MyInterface {
void reconnect(MyInterface *newObj, MyInterface *oldObj=0) {
if(oldObj) disconnect(oldObj, 0, this, 0); // disconnect old connections
connect(newObj, SIGNAL(someSignal()), this, SIGNAL(someSignal()));
void someSignal();
Of course you could remove the oldObj parameter, and for example store the currently connected object as private variable, or just not care about disconnection earlier connectios (for example if oldObj will be deleted or otherwise disconnected elsewhere).
And then your main would start something like:
void main(){
QApplication app;
MyInterfaceSignalProxy proxy;
MyConsumer i,j,k,l;
MyInterface *inst=new MyImpX();
MyInterface *inst2=new MyImpY();
proxy.reconnect(inst2, inst);
delete inst; // whatever

QObject that waits for a specific call from outside (async result wrapper similar to QFuture)

I want to write a class (QObject-derived) that can wait for someone calling a specific function. This class will then be used to hold the result of an asynchronous operation (behind the scenes it's a remote procedure call). The interface of the class should look like the following:
class Result : public QObject
explicit Result(...);
void done();
public slots:
void setDone(const QVariant & result);
// blocking functions to receive the result
void waitForFinished();
QVariant result() { waitForFinished(); return _result; }
QVariant result;
Of course, this class should be thread-safe, meaning that
the thread waiting for the result can be different than the one calling setDone
multiple threads can request the result
Maybe this can be done with a QFuture. However, even if it is, I also want to implement such a mechanism by myself once in order to learn thread synchronization in Qt. If you know how to do it with QFuture, you can drop a comment.
What I came up with is the following. I additionally inherited from QMutex to have a mechanism similar to Java's synchronize(this). Also, I added a bool _done member:
void Result::Result(...) :
void Result::setDone(const QVariant & result)
QMutexLocker synchronize(this);
_result = result;
_done = true;
emit done();
void Result::waitForFinished()
QMutexLocker synchronize(this);
if (!_done) {
QEventLoop loop;
connect(this, SIGNAL(done()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
Is this a correct implementation?
Another solution a friend of mine came up with was to lock the mutex in the constructor, marking the result not to be done. In setDone, unlock the mutex, and in waitForFinished use a wait condition to wait for the mutex to get unlocked. I never used QWaitCondition, so I don't know if this does what I want.

Can Qt signals return a value?

Boost.Signals allows various strategies of using the return values of slots to form the return value of the signal. E.g. adding them, forming a vector out of them, or returning the last one.
The common wisdom (expressed in the Qt documentation [EDIT: as well as some answers to this question ]) is that no such thing is possible with Qt signals.
However, when I run the moc on the following class definition:
class Object : public QObject {
explicit Object( QObject * parent=0 )
: QObject( parent ) {}
public Q_SLOTS:
void voidSlot();
int intSlot();
void voidSignal();
int intSignal();
Not only doesn't moc complain about the signal with the non-void return type, it seems to actively implement it in such a way as to allow a return value to pass:
int Object::intSignal()
int _t0;
void *_a[] = { const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&_t0)) };
QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 1, _a);
return _t0;
So: according to the docs, this thing isn't possible. Then what is moc doing here?
Slots can have return values, so can we connect a slot with a return value to a signal with a return value now? May that be possible, after all? If so, is it useful?
EDIT: I'm not asking for workarounds, so please don't provide any.
EDIT: It obviously isn't useful in Qt::QueuedConnection mode (neither is the QPrintPreviewWidget API, though, and still it exists and is useful). But what about Qt::DirectConnection and Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection (or Qt::AutoConnection, when it resolves to Qt::DirectConnection).
OK. So, I did a little more investigating. Seems this is possible. I was able to emit a signal, and receive value from the slot the signal was connected to. But, the problem was that it only returned the last return value from the multiple connected slots:
Here's a simple class definition (main.cpp):
#include <QObject>
#include <QDebug>
class TestClass : public QObject
QString testSignal();
public Q_SLOTS:
QString testSlot1() {
return QLatin1String("testSlot1");
QString testSlot2() {
return QLatin1String("testSlot2");
TestClass::TestClass() {
connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal()), this, SLOT(testSlot1()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(testSignal()), this, SLOT(testSlot2()));
QString a = emit testSignal();
qDebug() << a;
int main() {
TestClass a;
#include "main.moc"
When main runs, it constructs one of the test classes. The constructor wires up two slots to the testSignal signal, and then emits the signal. It captures the return value from the slot(s) invoked.
Unfortunately, you only get the last return value. If you evaluate the code above, you'll get: "testSlot2", the last return value from the connected slots of the signal.
Here's why. Qt Signals are a syntax sugared interface to the signaling pattern. Slots are the recipients of a signal. In a direct connected signal-slot relationship, you could think of it similar to (pseudo-code):
foreach slot in connectedSlotsForSignal(signal):
value = invoke slot with parameters from signal
return value
Obviously the moc does a little more to help in this process (rudimentary type checking, etc), but this helps paint the picture.
No, they can't.
Boost::signals are quite different from those in Qt. The former provide an advanced callback mechanism, whereas the latter implement the signaling idiom. In the context of multithreading, Qt's (cross-threaded) signals depend on message queues, so they are called asynchronously at some (unknown to the emitter's thread) point in time.
Qt's qt_metacall function returns an integer status code. Because of this, I believe this makes an actual return value impossible (unless you fudge around with the meta object system and moc files after precompilation).
You do, however, have normal function parameters at your disposal. It should be possible to modify your code in such a way to use "out" parameters that act as your "return".
void ClassObj::method(return_type * return_)
if(return_) *return_ = ...;
// somewhere else in the code...
return_type ret;
emit this->method(&ret);
You may get a return value from Qt signal with the following code:
My example shows how to use a Qt signal to read the text of a QLineEdit.
I'm just extending what #jordan has proposed:
It should be possible to modify your code in such a way to use "out" parameters that act as your "return".
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtGui>
class SignalsRet : public QObject
connect(this, SIGNAL(Get(QString*)), SLOT(GetCurrentThread(QString*)), Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(this, SIGNAL(GetFromAnotherThread(QString*)), SLOT(ReadObject(QString*)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection);
edit.setText("This is a test");
public slots:
QString call()
QString text;
emit Get(&text);
return text;
void Get(QString *value);
void GetFromAnotherThread(QString *value);
private slots:
void GetCurrentThread(QString *value)
QThread *thread = QThread::currentThread();
QThread *mainthread = this->thread();
if(thread == mainthread) //Signal called from the same thread that SignalsRet class was living
else //Signal called from another thread
emit GetFromAnotherThread(value);
void ReadObject(QString *value)
QString text = edit.text();
*value = text;
QLineEdit edit;
To use this, just request call();.
You can try to workaround this with following:
All your connected slots must save their results in some place (container) accessible from signaling object
The last connected slot should somehow (select max or last value) process collected values and expose the only one
The emitting object can try to access this result
Just as an idea.