Cordova can't create app package for windows Store - visual-studio-2017

I'm creating an app with cordova and I need to release it on the windows store (is already in the App store and in the process to be released on the play store so the app itself is working) so I've cloned my cordova app on a windows machine downloaded the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 community edition and created a new project from existing code selecting apache cordova in the wizard.
And I can run the app on emulator and a real device but when I try to "Project" -> "Store" -> "Create App Packages..." I always fail the verification but the strange thing is that it looks that all the test are passed but at the end I got an error suggesting to check in the folder: "C:\Users[$user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\AppCertKit" for the log but the AppcertKit folder dosen't even exist and even if I create a new one is always empty.
If I try to upload the .appxupload file created in "\platforms\windows\AppPackages" I get always two errors about:
Invalid package family name
Invalid package publisher name: CN=Apache Cordova Team (expected
even if I select the remote app in the wizard for the creation of the packages.
I'm using:
Visual Studio 2017 15.2
Cordova (6.3.1 / 6.5 / 7.0.1) I've tried all of them.
Windows 10 Pro

If I try to upload the .appxupload file created in
"\platforms\windows\AppPackages" I get always two errors about:
Invalid package family name Invalid package publisher name: CN=Apache
Cordova Team (expected even if I select the remote app in the wizard
for the creation of the packages.
According to the submission error, the identity info of your package cannot be recognized by Dev Center.
To upload your package, you need to associate your project with the app name you reserved in Dev Center to match the identity info:
For more details, you can refer to Package your Windows version Cordova app.


ERROR ITMS-90596: Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed

We built our app using Expo.
We published it successfully to Google Play
We got error when submitting our app to App Store. The steps that I did to submit our app:
expo build:ios
Wait for Expo to build our app
Download .ipa file on a MacBook (a very old one without XCode)
Submit .ipa using Transporter
I got ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed. Rebuild your app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM version of Xcode and resubmit." as below. (Note: image is copied from
I think the app is build by Expo server. And it should include all required code to submit to App Stores.
What's wrong with steps above? How can we solve this?
I had a similar issue (built app on windows, built IPA in cloud by Expo, failed to submit IPA on a Mac through Transporter with ITMS error code)
In this case, I submitted the IPA with Application Loader from XCode 10.1 and it worked. I downloaded an old version here: I also needed to download the command line tools.
Related question: ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/' can't be processed."

WSO2 IS - "The system cannot find the path specified" when trying to start server

I set the path "JAVA_HOME" and installed WSO2 IS 5.6.0 x64 on Windows 2016 Server. After the installation, I try to start the server via "wso2server.bat", but I get the message "The system cannot find the path specified. The batch file cannot be found". After doing this operation, when I looked into the folder where the server was installed, I noticed that all files are deleted.
Am I doing something wrong? How to correctly run WSO2 Identity Server?
Thank you for pointing this issue with WSO2 Windows Product Installers. The issue is resolved and updated product installers are now available in WSO2 website.
You can download WSO2 IS 5.6.0 x64 Windows Installer from here. Then install WSO2 IS 5.6.0 on your machine using downloaded '.msi' file. After installation, start the server by clicking on the shortcut that build by the installer. You can find WSO2 IS 5.6.0 shortcut in following location.
Start Menu -> All apps -> WSO2
or you can search "Identity Server 5.6.0" in Windows search and click on the shortcut. This will start the WSO2 Identity Server on your machine.
For new WSO2 Products Installers you do not need to set JAVA_HOME separately. It contain jdk1.8.0_192 and if JAVA_HOME is not set, it will automatically set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.8.0_192 and start the WSO2 Product.
This blog could be a help for you to understand the installation progress.
For me the problem was solved with not downloading the windows x64 installer but rather the binary
wso2is 5.6.0 binary.
After downloading you just open bin directory and run the wso2server.bat file.
If you need to make it windows service use the NSSM

Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'ConsoleApp1' while installing new package

I get Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'ConsoleApp1' while installing a new package. In particular I am trying to install the dropbox API, but I tried several other packages and get the same result.
I install by right clicking on the project and choosing Manage nuGet Packages... Then I select the package and click Install.
The NuGet is able to connect with the NuGet server as the package seems to download. The download information flashes on the screen pretty quick so I captured it with screen recording software to see if there were error messages. There were none.
I updated visual studio 2017 to latest patch level. My windows 10 machine is also at the latest level.
The project I am trying to install into is a freshly created Console App(.Net Core).
Here are the other questions I looked at:
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes
does not have any responses because it is not a well developed question.
package restore failed rolling back package change for ' myproject' in vs 2017 .net mvc core project
Yet another poorly worded question with no viable answers.
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'myproject' in vs 2017 in MVC Core
That one is trying to update packages, not install new.
Nuget - Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'WebApplication1'. 0
Seems to be for a custom package.
I am new to using Visual Studio.
To expand on #Michael Potter's answer, create a Console App (.NET Framework), NOT Console App (.NET Core).
The problem was that I am using Console App(.Net Core) Core is not compatible with Dropbox API.
I figured that out by opening NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and running Install-Package Dropbox-Api.
Then the error message about compatibility was on the screen plain to see.
To solve the problem I am switching to Console App (.Net Framework).
bring the version of the solution package to 1.1.3enter image description here

visual studio mac for mac missing of identity class

Hi i downloaded visual studio for mac 2017 community version. I created a default MVC Core 2.0 project and i noticed that there is missing class of Account controllers where it used to have register and account other handler functions.
i created the same project in windows .In windows i can see that there is identity class and controller created.
how do i generate this authentication class in visual studio for mac Core 2.0?
I tried creating the default project in windows and copy to mac and it works!!! After i change the connection string to the server.Identity framework works fine in mac. But why is microsoft not generating the code for mac?
ok this is the command to include authentication for mac ok visual studio 2017 core 2.0.
dotnet new mvc -o moviemvc --auth Individual
once u register a new account. it will create a new database in the folder with app.db which is filebase database i believe.
open db use this sql lite browser to open it and view the content of it.
if you want to use sql server instead then you will need to add this into the line when create new project with terminal. add it in front of --auth will do
With Visual Studio on Windows there are extra options you can configure when creating a new ASP.NET Core project. These extra configuration options are not currently available with Visual Studio for Mac so a simpler ASP.NET Core project is created.
So you are left with copying the project from Windows, as you already did, or you can open a command prompt and use dotnet new to create a project. If you run the following you can see what configuration options you can specify for the ASP.NET Core MVC project template:
dotnet new mvc --help
Currently the GUI for Mac Visual Studio does not support the ability to add Authentication. However, the CLI does!
dotnet new sln --name <filename>
This will create a new sln
If you don't use the --name flag the sln will take the current folder's name
dotnet new mvc -o moviemvc --auth Individual
This will create a new .csproj with mvc and Authentication (Identity models) included
dotnet sln add </filepath>
This will add the file to the sln in the folder (if exists)
dotnet sln <path-to-solution.sln> add <path-to-project.csproj>
If you have multiple sln's in the folder, you will have to specify the sln you want to target
You can find more information here too

NuGet Package Manager not working in Visual Studio 2017 - for a.NET Core 1.1 web application

I just created a .NET Core Web Application in VS2017 and I wanted to be able to serve a single page application. In order to be able to do that I tried to install the nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles. But my NuGet installer failed and threw the following error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'MyApp'.
Right click on the project=>Properties and set TargetFramework to .net core 2.0(less than or equal to the packages version you are using)
build the project and then install whatever you want from nuget.