Rmarkdown Shiny Limits - r-markdown

I have a Rmarkdown document with an embedded shiny application (runtime: shiny) which I'd like to upload to shinyapps.io (eventually). When I build the document locally, it fails to completely build, as in the page stops halfway through the document. I've confirmed that if I remove some large leaflet objects in the middle of the document then the build finishes.
I'm working on making the leaflet objects smaller, but I've seen that there is a memory limit on Shiny apps that can be reconfigured (options(shiny.maxRequestSize=30*1024^2) for 30 MB). Supposedly this is supposed to go in the server section of an app, but if the entire document is an app, does this go in the yaml, or in a setup chunk, or somewhere else?
I was able to make an MWE that illustrates my basic environment, though it does not reproduce the error. The maps chunk shows a leaflet map of census tracts for each of the 50 states and DC, and then there's a true shiny app following.
title: "Test RMD"
output: html_document
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# leaflet maps
```{r maps, echo=T,results='asis'}
us_states <- unique(fips_codes$state)[1:51] # for small, set to 2
createMaps <- function(state){
stmap <- tracts(state, cb = TRUE)
leaflet(stmap) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolygons()
htmltools::tagList(lapply(us_states, function(x) createMaps(x) ))
# Shiny application
```{r tabsets, echo=FALSE}
ui = bootstrapPage(
tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10,
sliderInput("range", "Magnitudes", min(quakes$mag), max(quakes$mag),
value = range(quakes$mag), step = 0.1
selectInput("colors", "Color Scheme",
rownames(subset(brewer.pal.info, category %in% c("seq", "div")))
checkboxInput("legend", "Show legend", TRUE)
server = function(input, output, session) {
# Reactive expression for the data subsetted to what the user selected
filteredData <- reactive({
quakes[quakes$mag >= input$range[1] & quakes$mag <= input$range[2],]
# This reactive expression represents the palette function,
# which changes as the user makes selections in UI.
colorpal <- reactive({
colorNumeric(input$colors, quakes$mag)
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
# Use leaflet() here, and only include aspects of the map that
# won't need to change dynamically (at least, not unless the
# entire map is being torn down and recreated).
leaflet(quakes) %>% addTiles() %>%
fitBounds(~min(long), ~min(lat), ~max(long), ~max(lat))
# Incremental changes to the map (in this case, replacing the
# circles when a new color is chosen) should be performed in
# an observer. Each independent set of things that can change
# should be managed in its own observer.
pal <- colorpal()
leafletProxy("map", data = filteredData()) %>%
clearShapes() %>%
addCircles(radius = ~10^mag/10, weight = 1, color = "#777777",
fillColor = ~pal(mag), fillOpacity = 0.7, popup = ~paste(mag)
# Use a separate observer to recreate the legend as needed.
proxy <- leafletProxy("map", data = quakes)
# Remove any existing legend, and only if the legend is
# enabled, create a new one.
proxy %>% clearControls()
if (input$legend) {
pal <- colorpal()
proxy %>% addLegend(position = "bottomright",
pal = pal, values = ~mag
I guess my main question is if the options() call is going in a place where Shiny can see it. It's also possible that if I made the application itself bigger that it would cause problems; I can try to get to that this evening.


How to use correctly iplot of library(ichimoku) in r shiny

Good evening.
I would like to use the ichimiko package for an interactive visualization in r shiny.
I would like that every time the user choose a sticker, the graphic can change automatically.
When I put the code in the ui interface I get the following error ('cloud not existing').
But if I save the code of the cloud (here stock = "AAPL") before running the shinyApp, the code work Well. I get the graphic but the plot is very great 0
ichimoku(getSymbols("AAPL", src = "yahoo", from=start_date, to=end_date, auto.assign=F))-> cloud
Below is the code.
start_date <- Sys.Date()-365
end_date <- Sys.Date()
ui <- fluidPage("Stock market",
titlePanel("Stop market App"),
textInput("Stock","Input Stock"),
selectInput("Stock", label = "Stock :", choices = c("DIA",
"GOOG"), selected = "AAPL", multiple = FALSE),
h2(align = "center", strong("ICHIMOKU CLOUD PLOT")),
iplot(cloud, width = 1000, height = 1000)
server <- function(input, output, session){
cs <- new.env()
data <- eventReactive(input$GO,{
getSymbols(input$Stock, src = "yahoo",
from=start_date, to=end_date, auto.assign=F)
cloud1 <- reactive({
dt<- data()
cloud <- ichimoku(dt)
cloud <- ichimoku(cloud1(), ticker = input$Stock)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
IS it also possible to fix the bslib at the left and down side?
Try to create the "iplot()" object in the server and call it in the ui with plotOutput()?

Unable to show image store in www folder in leaflet within Rshiny App

I have been using R-shiny for while, and I wanted to add an image to my leaflet pop-up content. I get a broken image. Although I saved it in a local folder (www) and I called it from there, but its still broken as if it doesn't recognize its an image.
Here is a minimum reproducible example :
city <- paste(sep = "<br/>",
paste0("<img src='www/image.jpg',width = 50,
height = 100, ' />")
ui <- fluidPage(
leafletOutput("map", height = '1000px'))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet()%>%addTiles() %>%
#leaflet::addPopups(-122.327298, 47.597131)%>%
addMarkers(-122.327298, 47.597131, popup = "city")%>%
lng = -118.456554, lat = 34.105,
label = "Default Label",
popup =city,
labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = T))
shinyApp(ui, server)
As mentioned in the comments, images placed under www should be referenced without the www folder name.
Thus, this does the trick for me (N.B. I replaced your paste'd HTML string by using tags from htmltools but this more syntactic sugar):
city <- tags$img(src = "image.jpg", width = 50, height = 100) %>%
tagList(tags$br()) %>%
ui <- fluidPage(
leafletOutput("map", height = "1000px")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
lng = -118.456554, lat = 34.105,
label = "Default Label",
popup = city)
shinyApp(ui, server)
File Structure
Root Folder
www Folder
Final Remark
I observed that in my first try, the marker icon was not properly displayed and was indeed a broken image. This was resolved by updating the leaflet library.

Scaling plotOutput height to fill the row in a sidebarLayout

I have a Shiny app with produces the following output. I would like the height of the graph to scale to fill the row which contains the sidebar, (down to some minimum dimension). This sidebar height changes depending on the data being examined.
The ui code I'm currently using is:
with the plot being rendered by renderPlot(...) This seems to adjust the /width/ automatically as I change the browser window width.
I've spent a while searching but can't find anything that does this. Is this possible?
We can use jQuery to track the height of the sidebar and set the height of the plot in css before creating the plotOutput. To do that, we need to use uiOutput in the UI, then render the plot dynamically.
So in the UI, the mainPanel will now have:
Then the plot is rendered in the server like so:
output$ridgePlot <- renderUI({
# plot data
output$ridges <- renderPlot({
# plot()
Now we use shinyjs() to write a simple javascript function that sets the height value of the plot to the height of the sidebar. The sidebar is of class well, so we first get the height of the well, save it to a variable then set the ridges plot to the height of the variable, in javascript like this:
var newHeight = $('.well').outerHeight(); $('#ridges').height(newHeight)
I have used .outerHeight() because the well has extra padding that effectively gives it extra height than the height specified in the css rules for the well.
We can use this function in shiny using runjs() from shinyjs package. Since we need to get the height from the well after it has been rendered, we use observe and use it before the plotOutput inside the renderPlot, which is also inside the renderUI.
session$onFlushed(function() {
shinyjs::runjs("var newHeight = $('.well').outerHeight(); $('#ridges').height(newHeight)")
}, once=TRUE)
Putting it together in one Shiny app:
ui = fluidPage(
titlePanel("This is just a test!"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$ridgeDates <- renderUI({
rng <- round(runif(1, 15, 21))
radioButtons("choose", "A changing list", choices = 1:rng)
output$ridgePlot <- renderUI({
datax <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),6,1)
datay <- matrix(c(1,7,6,4,5,3),6,1)
summary <- "testing text"
output$ridges <- renderPlot({
# pl <- plot(datax, datay, main = titleplot, xlab = "input$axis1", ylab = "input$axis2", pch=18, col="blue")
ggplot(NULL, aes(datax, datay))+
geom_point(colour = "#1e90ff")
session$onFlushed(function() {
shinyjs::runjs("var newHeight = $('.well').outerHeight(); $('#ridges').height(newHeight)")
}, once=TRUE)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
My example:

Select All/Deselect All Option Leaflet for R Overlay

I have a r leaflet map that has multiple layers and each layer can be checked or unchecked. I am trying to find a way to have a select all/deselect all option.
Below is my code where the overlays are reactive groups.
df() is a reactive dataframe
myLocation() is a reactive location (long,lat)
So in the map in the upper right hand corner is where I want a select all/ deselect all option
groups <- reactive({as.character(unique(df()$Folder))})
groupColors <- reactive({
colorFactor(palette = rainbow(length(groups())),
domain = df()$Folder)
output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
leaflet::addMarkers(lng=c(myLocation()[1]), lat=c(myLocation()[2]),
popup = paste("Lat/Long: ",myLocation()[2],"/",myLocation()[1]),
popupOptions = popupOptions(maxWidth = 1000, closeOnClick = TRUE))
############more code here
#this section is where a select all/ deselect option has to be placed
addLayersControl(overlayGroups=groups(),options =
layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE))
Following shiny tutorial... try using leafletProxy to modify your existing map and use the hideGroup() function from leaflet to add/remove the entire group.

Click on marker to open plot / data table

I'm working on leaflet with shiny. The tools is basic, i have a map with some markers (coming from a table with LONG and LAT).
What I want to do is to open a table or a graph when i click on the marker.
Is there a simple way to do it?
Do you have a really simple example: you have a maker on a map, you click on the marker, and there is a plot or a table or jpeg that s opening?
Here is another example, taken from here and a little bit adapted. When you click on a marker, the table below will change accordingly.
Apart from that, a good resource is this manual here:
myData <- data.frame(
lat = c(54.406486, 53.406486),
lng = c(-2.925284, -1.925284),
id = c(1,2)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
data <- reactiveValues(clickedMarker=NULL)
# produce the basic leaflet map with single marker
output$map <- renderLeaflet(
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
addCircleMarkers(lat = myData$lat, lng = myData$lng, layerId = myData$id)
# observe the marker click info and print to console when it is changed.
print("observed map_marker_click")
data$clickedMarker <- input$map_marker_click
output$myTable <- renderTable({
subset(myData,id == data$clickedMarker$id)
shinyApp(ui, server)
There is a leaflet example file here:
# When map is clicked, show a popup with city info
leafletProxy("map") %>% clearPopups()
event <- input$map_shape_click
if (is.null(event))
showZipcodePopup(event$id, event$lat, event$lng)
Online demo (see what happens when you click on a bubble):
On the client side, whenever a click on a marker takes place, JavaScript takes this event and communicates with the Shiny server-side which can handle it as input$map_shape_click.