Performance when use a timer vs a lot of thread to listen event changed? - c++

I need listen a lot of (<10) external event send to app and process them. Event can happen every 50ms or can is a hour, can't predetermine time or frequency, depend user. System use pthread on linux 3.6.5, single core cpu, ram 512. Listener must start at begin system and stop at end system, don't delay recive event (in 50ms). Moreover, also have a thread run update UI, 2 thread in threadpool to download.
External event here can is mouse click, keyboard key down/up, on/off LCD, button power, press key ir remote, a file modified, a alarm push by server,..
I consider 2 option, a listener on thread or a timer thread.
can any one please explain efficient of performance with both above away when use on descripted system ? and which one would be a better choise or a new option ?
a listener on a thread
//==================================== option 1: use 1 listener/thread
// i = [0, n]
bool waitForEvent_i(){
// can is poll change on a file description, read on socket
// or pthread_cond_wait a other thread
// ...
void thread_i(){
void startListener(){
startThread_n(); // n < 10;
a pthread such as timer proactive check all event can
//================================== option2: use timer to interval check
class Task{
void run(){
// check if have change, call excute_i()
void timer_thread(timeout){
task = queue->getTask();
usleep(timeout - task->timeExcuted()); // suppose, timeExcuted < timeout
void startTimer(){


QT: Run a function as long as button is toggled

I want to implement a GUI that receives messages from an external device. The "advancedReceiveExample" is waiting for messages. Once it has received one, it does stuff with it, saves it and terminates.
I want to make my function wait for new messages after receiving one as long as the button is toggled.
I have tried this so far:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
if (ui.pushButton->isChecked()) {
ui.pushButton->setText("Stop Receiving");
advancedReceiveExample(ui.comboBox->currentIndex() + 1);
ui.pushButton->setText("Start Receiving");
ui.label_3->setText("Not Receiving");
This works perfectly fine but as mentioned above it only receives one message. If I do that:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
if (ui.pushButton->isChecked()) {
ui.pushButton->setText("Stop Receiving");
while (1)
advancedReceiveExample(ui.comboBox->currentIndex() + 1);
ui.pushButton->setText("Start Receiving");
ui.label_3->setText("Not Receiving");
it blocks the function because the state of the button can only be change after the function "on_pushButton_clicked()" has terminated.
Visual Studio 2019
EDIT: Okay, I have understood the problem of blocking the thread. Multithreading might be the right option but I am very unexperienced regarding this topic. The <QThread> could be possible. How would you use it?
Do you have suggestions which other library could be used?
Note QT is event-based. If you keep your computer busy inside some function without returning to the main loop frequently, your GUI will freeze.
What you need to do is slice your action that you want to do into small bits that can repeatedly return to the main loop in order to keep the GUI responsive. (Another method yould be to swap out your action into a separate thread and handle it in parallel, killing the thread when the button is released)
Probably the simplest method to do what you want is with timers that you arm in the PushButton::clicked slot, and then check in the timer event whether the button is still pressed, and, if yes, do a bit of your action, save state and re-arm the timer to have you return.
Something along the lines of the following pseudo code should work and execute what you want to do in slices every 10ms:
MainWindow::onPushButtonClicked () {
// do the action, or, alternatively, start a
// parallel thread that does it
// sets up a timer to call onTimer after 10ms
QTimer::singleShot (10, this, SLOT(onTimer()));
MainWindow::onTimer () {
// check if button is still held down
if (pushButton.down) {
// re-arm timer
Timer::singleShot (10, this, SLOT(onTimer()));
// do some more action bits
else {
// kill optional background thread here
You can try it with:
*your function*

Hard Fault When Disabling Timer?

I am trying to get a pulse of 100us to occur 4 times a second through GPIO. The way I am doing this is by having two timer-based interrupts; one that triggers 4 times every second, and another that gets triggered 100us after the first.
Within the interrupt handler of the first timer, the target pin is set high, the second timer is reset, and interrupts on the second timer are enabled. Within the second interrupt handler, the target pin is set low and interrupts are disabled. Here is what my code looks like:
First timer's ISR:
void TIM4_IRQHandler(void)
TIM4 -> SR = ~(TIM_SR_UIF); // clear UIF flag
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14, GPIO_HIGH); // target pin
Second Timer's ISR:
void TIM5_IRQHandler(void)
TIM5 -> SR = ~(TIM_SR_UIF); // clear UIF flag
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14, GPIO_LOW); // target pin
retart timer function:
void Timer::restartTimer() {
myhTim->CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_CEN; // disable the timer
myhTim->CNT = 0; // reset count
myhTim->SR = 0; // clear any interrupt flags
myhTim->CR1 = TIM_CR1_CEN; // re-engage timer
For whatever reason, the second I write to CR1 I get a hard fault... Any idea why? I am aware that there are other approaches to getting a 100us pulse but this seemed to be the simplest way for what our needs are... We aren't going to need the additional timer and we will need to be semi-frequently syncing the pulse to an external piece of hardware.
The timer interrupt occurred immediately after initializing the first timer. I had to add a line of code to my second IRQ such that it would only attempt to monkey with the second timer in the case of it not being a nullptr.

boost async_wait return handler never gets called

I am working with the boost::asio tcp, version 1.57, creating a custom server/client, roughly following this example: Async_Tcp_Client , but I'm running the io_service run() in it's own thread per server/client. Also, there can be multiple server/clients per application.
Following the example I put my await_output function to sleep when I DON'T want to send a Message, and waking it up when I do want to send one (via async_write). After a varying amount of send-operations (sometimes less then 10, sometimes several thousand) I run into strange behaviour of my await_output Deadline (a boost deadline timer).
At some point, the async_wait against the timer just "disappears" and doesn't return when I cancel the deadline to send a message.
The transmit function, that is called by the Application owning the Client/Server (only by the application though, I guess it is not very threadsafe);
The await_output function that is waiting on the mOutputQueueDeadline;
And the handle_write function:
void SocketTcp::transmit(std::string pMsg) {
if (mStopped)
{ return; }
mOutputQueue.push(pMsg); // a global queue
// Signal that the output queue contains messages. Modifying the expiry
// will wake the output actor, if it is waiting on the timer.
size_t quits = mOutputQueueDeadline.expires_at(boost::posix_time::neg_infin);
//this returns '0' when the error occurs
void SocketTcp::await_output(const boost::system::error_code& ec)
if (mStopped)
{ return; }
if (mOutputQueue.empty())
size_t quits = mOutputQueueDeadline.expires_at(boost::posix_time::pos_infin);
mOutputQueueDeadline.async_wait(boost::bind(&SocketTcp::await_output, this, _1));
//this async_wait starts a wait on the deadline, that sometimes never returns!
boost::bind(&SocketTcp::handle_write, this, _1));
void SocketTcp::handle_write(const boost::system::error_code& ec)
if (mStopped)
{ return; }
mOutputQueue.pop(); //remove sent element from queue
boost::system::error_code errcode;
await_output(errcode); //start the waiting actor for outgoing messages
mConnected = false; //update the connection status
I tried implementing a workaround, restarting the await_output in transmit() when expire_at returns 0, but that leads to TWO actors beeing awakened the next time I send a message, and then running into a crash (String iterator not dereferencable - the design doesn't allow for parallel send OP, much less trying to send the same message...)
I tried debugging with the BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_HANDLER_TRACKING option, and found the error here:
#asio|1468415460.456019|0|deadline_timer#000000000050AB88.cancel //transmit cancels the timer
#asio|1468415460.456019|>474|ec=system:995 //await_output is called
#asio|1468415460.456019|474*479|socket#000000000050A9D8.async_send //starts the async send
#asio|1468415460.457019|>479|ec=system:0,bytes_transferred=102 //async send returns to it's handler
//this cancel op is the only difference to the 'normal' order,
//not sure where it originates though!!
#asio|1468415460.457019|479*480|deadline_timer#000000000050AB88.async_wait //the handler starts the new async wait
//handler 480 never gets called when the deadline is canceled the next time
I'm pretty new to c++ as well as the stackoverflow (even though it has already safed me multiple times!) so please tell me if I can improve my question somehow!

Waiting for interrupt-loop

I need a code construction for my project which waits for some time, but when there is an interrupt (e.g. incoming udp packets) it leaves this loop, does something, and after this restart the waiting.
How can I implement this? My first idea is using while(wait(2000)), but wait is a void construct...
Thank you!
I would put the loop inside a function
void awesomeFunction() {
bool loop = true;
while (loop) {
if (conditionMet)
loop = false;
Then i would put this function inside another loop
while (programRunning) {
/* Loop ended, do stuff... */
There are a few things I am not clear about from the question. Is this a multi-threaded application, where one thread handles (say) the UDP packets, and the other waits for the event, or is this single-threaded? You also didn't mention what operating system this is, which is relevant. So I am going to assume Linux, or something that supports the poll API, or something similar (like select).
Let's assume a single threaded application that waits for UDP packets. The main idea is that once you have the socket's file descriptor, you have an infinite loop on a call to poll. For instance:
#include <poll.h>
// ...
void handle_packets() {
// m_fd was created with `socket` and `bind` or `connect`.
struct pollfd pfd = {.fd = m_fd, .events = POLLIN};
int timeout;
timeout = -1; // Wait indefinitely
// timeout = 2000; // Wait for 2 seconds
while (true) {
pfd.revents = 0;
poll(&pfd, 1, timeout);
if ((pfd.revents & POLLIN) != 0) {
handle_single_packet(); // Method to actually read and handle the packet
if ((pfd.revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) != 0) {
break; // return on error or hangup
A simple example of select can be found here.
If you are looking at a multi-threaded application, trying to communicate between the two threads, then there are several options. Two of which are:
Use the same mechanism above. The file descriptor is the result of a call to pipe. The thread sleeping gets the read end of the pipe. The thread waking get the write end, and writes a character when it's time to wake up.
Use C++'s std::condition_variable. It is documented here, with a complete example. This solution depends on your context, e.g., whether you have a variable that you can wait on, or what has to be done.
Other interrupts can also be caught in this way. Signals, for instance, have a signalfd. Timer events have timerfd. This depends a lot on what you need, and in what environment you are running. For instance, timerfd is Linux-specific.

Mongoose web server getting current working threads

I am starting mongoose web server with x threads.
Is there a way that I can log when all x threads are busy so I can increase the thread count if required ?
That is not possible without changing the code of Mongoose. I would, for example, change the static void worker_thread(struct mg_context *ctx) function in mongoose.c:
While the worker thread is inside the while loop while (consume_socket(ctx, &conn->client)), you could consider the worker thread as busy.
After close_connection(conn); the worker thread is free for processing a new event in the socket queue.
You can use that point for counting the number of busy threads.
As diewie suggested, you can:
add "int num_idle" to the struct mg_context
in consume_socket, do:
// If the queue is empty, wait. We're idle at this point.
while (ctx->sq_head == ctx->sq_tail && ctx->stop_flag == 0) {
pthread_cond_wait(&ctx->sq_full, &ctx->mutex);
assert(ctx->num_idle >= 0);
if (ctx->num_idle == 0) {
... your code ...