How to decrypt an encrypted payload in hyperledger? - blockchain

I am currently using Hyperledger Fabric. I am using the REST API to make GET request as so:
And the output I am getting back is :
"transactions": [
"type": 2,
"chaincodeID": "BMBQHHg2y0RnadYEaZZT8icjMvZbDPjkn5mFb+clFORxJqz8qsMs/QlalCT+A3msuc59KYM5sbZyhM3OeSplTWo91WAHTUgqIKVrm1gUzsouBIqLNvpqgimN36+s0ywF0Rx4gn27RmQYBbB+877Nh+w7A8Ezz92T1MgHcmzfRgVaDmiN0ga+jAfufNYglmeM4ZSysmSsz6xJtrcD5mTmHXZtvtw6uGCI1TCOMBaWTpLhNHfM2/5EB5jatdMjDi1GAlaXkDWcLgGjScL1yZpWcntz/N0cT90r6i9ycXZ0kk9wodBq2cFutDTdkl8S90kzd0gXig==",
"txid": "72bd2ab7-f769-49c9-a754-c7be0c481cf0",
"timestamp": {
"seconds": 1496062124,
"nanos": 474977395
"confidentialityLevel": 1,
"confidentialityProtocolVersion": "1.2",
"nonce": "2YgU+0WYPuTKGsKkT1hx7McOURPTIRgG",
"toValidators": "BJWJi5aSycSaJBaLIciUxlhZNyRsW6es2pO7ljUmqxP2SLzgUJtDtAeG8S5SMq+RQ9iX9m8+HIUocrD2J1MBTJaxPWcs/dYFNp1zi8k1ogbEuIQJDe/Gb0mbYVoBqGgFjofiE2lrZTO+RBVmUBQkAoybloOMUSfMawpOPTt/cIeNBq3M+t6gbTSl0ZVs5ofITWtonwhG8PNnlZwEmTLkC7evX1ImivMqo47ONxHXJlbbtjf+pL5kaqU5DrXWiv2L6Wt0xc11od4rbotnAQP2w2dqKTy2fj4ON6qCBp8i+t2FRi/iO0INJpI0aDjdkVCR",
"signature": "MEUCIQCVBtfjk3yzwfOFyOojH5tynq3HrG7dFN9URXB5C6kYDAIgLPcwJBAIVlD1I4dxzczfxmywlZn1ZMSvL2djioWgqFQ="
"stateHash": "9KEsiBp4t/VZyETXMASSYtuPuf8JowktCSbX7daPt69uqDzrJvifrPIXpI5N1kOayoq6H0afM8zN/WZpWsesHQ==",
"previousBlockHash": "v6Fo6SARD0xdE0B/jvIq22kgV5uLAKhTwLjrA4YRBskWcZOjECFbNgzlwFQhEmbar1zcAbcZVo9eo/3tx2y68g==",
"consensusMetadata": "CCA=",
"nonHashData": {
"localLedgerCommitTimestamp": {
"seconds": 1496062125,
"nanos": 496018341
"chaincodeEvents": [
So I had performed a invoke to
transfer 10 from a to b.
And i got this payload.
The payload is encrypted as the
I know we have to use the certificate to decrypt the payload and then might be use base64 decoding to get the exact payload back.
But my question is what are the exact function calls or exact steps involved in doing so ?


how to update table item in dynamodb from sqs msg payload but not overwrite the table structure?

i have the following chain: lambda->sns->sqs-> ec2 script->dynamodb table.
the test event for lambda
"body": {
"MessageAttributes": {
"vote": {
"Type": "String",
"StringValue": "b"
"voter": {
"Type": "String",
"StringValue": "count"
originally the table should have 1 partition and 2 attributes - a and b, created with this json code:
"voter": {
"S": "count"
"a": {
"N": "11"
"b": {
"N": "20"
the issue is in ec2 script that runs continuously. It has a function update_count(vote) that should just increase the existing a or b by 1. The code:
def update_count(vote):'update count....')
Key={'voter': 'count'},
UpdateExpression="ADD #vote = #vote + :incr",
ExpressionAttributeNames={'#vote': vote},
ExpressionAttributeValues={':incr': 1}
when i send my test event it overwrites my dynamodb table and it has the following structure:
An UpdateItem will never overwrite attributes which are not set in the UpdateExpression.
I would ensure that you have no other code which is inadvertantly overwriting your item, perhaps from a Lambda function listening to a stream, or another function being called unknowingly in your application.
You can enable DynamoDB Dataplane logs on Cloudtrail to understand what is happening:

AWS Step Function Error with Input to Map State

I have the following iteration state defined in a Map State:
"WriteRteToDB": {
"Comment": "Write Rte to DB. Also records the risk calculations in the same table.",
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
"End": true,
"Parameters": {
"FunctionName": "logger-lambda",
"RtInfo.$": "States.Array($)",
"ExecutionId.$": "$$.Execution.Id",
"InitTime.$": "$$.Execution.StartTime"
The parameters defined produce the following input:
"FunctionName": "logger-lambda",
"RtInfo": {
"status": 200,
"rte": {
"date": "2022-06-05 00:00:00",
"rt_value": 778129128.6631782,
"lower_80": 0,
"upper_80": 0.5,
"location_id": "WeWork Office Space & Coworking, Town Square, Alpharetta, GA, USA",
"syndrome": "Gastrointestinal"
"InitTime": "2022-06-05T15:04:57.297Z",
"ExecutionId": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:1xxxxxxxxxx1:execution:RadaRx-rteForecast:0dbf2743-abb5-e0b6-56d0-2cc82a24e3b4"
But the following Error is produced:
"error": "States.Runtime",
"cause": "An error occurred while executing the state 'WriteRteToDB' (entered at the event id #28). The Parameters '{\"FunctionName\":\"logger-lambda\",\"RtInfo\":[{\"status\":200,\"rte\":{\"date\":\"2022-12-10 00:00:00\",\"rt_value\":1.3579795204795204,\"lower_80\":0,\"upper_80\":0.5,\"location_id\":\"Atlanta Tech Park, Technology Parkway, Peachtree Corners, GA, USA\",\"syndrome\":\"Influenza Like Illnesses\"}}],\"InitTime\":\"2022-06-05T16:06:10.132Z\",\"ExecutionId\":\"arn:aws:states:us-east-1:1xxxxxxxxxx1:execution:RadaRx-rteForecast:016a37f2-d01c-9bfd-dc3f-1288fb7c1af6\"}' could not be used to start the Task: [The field \"RtInfo\" is not supported by Step Functions]"
I have already tried wrapping the RtInfo inside an array of length 1 as you can observe from above, considering that it is a state within the Map State. I have also checked Input size to make sure that it does not cross the Max Input/Output quota of 256KB.
Your task's Parameters has incorrect syntax. Pass RtInfo and the other user-defined inputs under the Payload key:
"Parameters": {
"FunctionName": "logger-lambda",
"Payload": {
"RtInfo.$": "States.Array($)",
"ExecutionId.$": "$$.Execution.Id",
"InitTime.$": "$$.Execution.StartTime"

Appflow upsert error : ID does not exist in the destination connector

Creating a appflow from S3 bucket to salesforce through CDK with upsert option.
Using existing connection to From S3 to Salesforce -
new appflow.CfnConnectorProfile(this, 'Connector',{
"connectionMode": "Public",
Destination flow Code -
new appflow.CfnFlow(this, 'Flow', {
destinationFlowConfigList: [
"connectorProfileName": "connection_name",
"connectorType": "Salesforce",
"destinationConnectorProperties": {
"salesforce": {
"errorHandlingConfig": {
"bucketName": "bucket-name",
"bucketPrefix": "subfolder",
"idFieldNames": [
"object": "object_name",
"writeOperationType": "UPSERT"
..... other props ....
tasks: [
"sourceFields": [
"Some other fields",
"connectorOperator": {
"salesforce": "PROJECTION"
"sourceFields": [
"taskProperties": [
"destinationField": "ID",
"connectorOperator": {
.... some other mapping fields.....
But the problem is - "Invalid request provided: AWS::AppFlow::FlowCreate Flow request failed: [ID does not exist in the destination conne ctor]
According to the error, how to fix the problem with the existing connector which results in ID does not exist in the destination connector
PS: ID is defined in the flow code. But still it is saying ID is not found.
I think your last connector operator should be:
"connectorOperator": {
instead of:
"connectorOperator": {
since you are mapping the field ID into itself without any transformations whatsoever.

AWS Greengrass v2 - Lambda function access to local resources

Hope you're all doing as good as possible during those covid times.
I have a lambda function that runs on a raspberry device with Greengrass version 1. This lambda access my USB port that has an XBee on it (/dev/ttyUSB0) and sends this data to an MQTT on IoT Core and it is working for some months. It functions this way: My GGC receives 5 packages every 5 minutes from a remote station that has some sensors and after unpacking this data, it sends it as a JSON through MQTT.
I'm currently trying to update my GGC_v1 to GGC_v2 and am facing a problem when deploying it. I'm not able to access the local resource on version two when running the same lambda function, even though the recipe has access for reading and writing on the device.
On GGC_V1 is uses the configuration below:
Make this function long-lived and keep it running indefinitely
Use group default (currently: Greengrass container)
Use group default (currently: ggc_user/ggc_group)
Also added access to resource /dev/ttyUSB0.
Problem Log:
2021-07-13T20:07:22.890Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-58) com.weatherStation.XBee: Finding mounted cgroups.. {serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.weatherStation.XBee, currentState=STARTING}
2021-07-13T20:07:22.909Z [INFO] (Copier) com.weatherStation.XBee: Startup script exited. {exitCode=1, serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.weatherStation.XBee, currentState=STARTING}
2021-07-13T20:07:22.915Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-53) com.weatherStation.XBee: shell-runner-start. {, serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.weatherStation.XBee, currentState=BROKEN, command=["/greengrass/v2/packages/artifacts/aws.greengrass.LambdaLauncher/2.0.7/lambda-l..."]}
2021-07-13T20:07:23.102Z [WARN] (Copier) com.weatherStation.XBee: stderr. 2021/07/13 17:07:23 could not read process state file /greengrass/v2/work/com.weatherStation.XBee/work/worker/0/state.json: open /greengrass/v2/work/com.weatherStation.XBee/work/worker/0/state.json: no such file or directory. {, serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.weatherStation.XBee, currentState=BROKEN}
2021-07-13T20:07:23.220Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-60) com.weatherStation.XBee: error while removing dir {"path": "/greengrass/v2/work/com.weatherStation.XBee/work/worker/0", "errorString": "unlinkat /greengrass/v2/work/com.weatherStation.XBee/work/worker/0/overlays: device or resource busy"}. {serviceInstance=0, serviceName=com.weatherStation.XBee, currentState=BROKEN}
"RecipeFormatVersion": "2020-01-25",
"ComponentName": "com.weatherStation.XBee",
"ComponentVersion": "5.0.2",
"ComponentType": "aws.greengrass.lambda",
"ComponentDescription": "",
"ComponentPublisher": "AWS Lambda",
"ComponentSource": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account_id:function:Greengrass_WeatherStation",
"ComponentConfiguration": {
"DefaultConfiguration": {
"lambdaExecutionParameters": {
"EnvironmentVariables": {}
"containerParams": {
"memorySize": 16000,
"mountROSysfs": false,
"volumes": {},
"devices": {
"0": {
"path": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"permission": "rw",
"addGroupOwner": true
"containerMode": "GreengrassContainer",
"timeoutInSeconds": 15,
"maxInstancesCount": 100,
"inputPayloadEncodingType": "json",
"maxQueueSize": 1000,
"pinned": true,
"maxIdleTimeInSeconds": 60,
"statusTimeoutInSeconds": 60,
"pubsubTopics": {
"0": {
"topic": "ggc/weather_station/data",
"type": "IOT_CORE"
"ComponentDependencies": {
"aws.greengrass.LambdaLauncher": {
"VersionRequirement": ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0",
"DependencyType": "HARD"
"aws.greengrass.TokenExchangeService": {
"VersionRequirement": ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0",
"DependencyType": "HARD"
"aws.greengrass.LambdaRuntimes": {
"VersionRequirement": ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0",
"DependencyType": "SOFT"
"Manifests": [
"Platform": {
"os": "linux",
"architecture": "arm"
"Lifecycle": {},
"Artifacts": [
"Uri": "",
"Digest": "GVgaQlVuSYmfgbwoStd5dfB9WamdQgrhbE72s2fF04ysno=",
"Algorithm": "SHA-256",
"Unarchive": "ZIP",
"Permission": {
"Read": "OWNER",
"Execute": "NONE"
"Lifecycle": {
"startup": {
"requiresPrivilege": true,
"script": "{aws.greengrass.LambdaLauncher:artifacts:path}/lambda-launcher start"
"setenv": {
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_CONTAINER_MODE": "{configuration:/containerMode}",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_ARN": "arn:aws:lambda:region:account_id:function:Greengrass_WeatherStation:5",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_ARTIFACT_PATH": "{artifacts:decompressedPath}/lambda-artifact",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_CONTAINER_PARAMS": "{configuration:/containerParams}",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_STATUS_TIMEOUT_SECONDS": "{configuration:/statusTimeoutInSeconds}",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_ENCODING_TYPE": "{configuration:/inputPayloadEncodingType}",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_PARAMS": "{configuration:/lambdaExecutionParameters}",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_PATH": "{aws.greengrass.LambdaRuntimes:artifacts:decompressedPath}/runtime/",
"AWS_GREENGRASS_LAMBDA_EXEC_ARGS": "[\"python3.7\",\"-u\",\"/runtime/python/\",\"--handler=main.weather_handler\"]",
"shutdown": {
"requiresPrivilege": true,
"script": "{aws.greengrass.LambdaLauncher:artifacts:path}/lambda-launcher stop; {aws.greengrass.LambdaLauncher:artifacts:path}/lambda-launcher clean"

How to add the multiple payment profiles while adding the single customer?

Using sandbox key and transaction id when I'm creating the user using json flavour. This api will response me the customerProfileId and customerPaymentProfileIdList in the list there is one id. Can we create it multiples? if yes, Then what is the json string I have to send to generate multiple customerPaymentProfileIds. If no, Then please expalin why I'm not sending the array to the api. Or how to create the multiple payment profiles using
Now I'm sending this json:-
"createCustomerProfileRequest": {
"merchantAuthentication": {
"name": "name",
"transactionKey": "transaction_key"
"profile": {
"merchantCustomerId": "This is a+fdstring",
"description": "This is a description.",
"email": "",
"paymentProfiles": {
"customerType": "individual",
"payment": {
"creditCard": {
"cardNumber": "4111111111111111",
"expirationDate": "2020-12",
"validationMode": "testMode"
Developer link
I also tried to do it like this