AppleScript X is contained in list of terms - list

I thought that simply using the "or" operator would allow me to check whether or not a variable, "theMessage" contains "x" or "y". Apparently not.
I tried this:
else if theMessage contains {"display", "screen"} then
--sleep computer's display
do shell script "pm displaysleepnow"
set theResponse to "Now sleeping the computer's display"
I'll be possibly writing a lot of these, so it'd be great if I could get a subroutine going for term in terms with operators... e.g.
if theMessage contains {....} not {....}

You have to use a repeat loop, something like this
on containsItems from qList against theText
repeat with anItem in qList
if theText contains anItem then return true
end repeat
return false
end containsItems
And use it
set theMessage to "ashlfkjhalksjdhfscreenwperoivj"
set queryList to {"display", "screen"}
set doesContain to containsItems from queryList against theMessage


How to manage looping on this list on Applscript?

The list is in the form of:-
..... And so on.
How could I loop on this list. So I could fetch the number first without ":" and type it somewhere then fetch the url that comes after that number and type it elsewhere. Then end repeat if the list is over.
Or should I use records instead?
I am still a beginner using AppleScript. I tried many commands I mixed up but the computer keeps running the script nonestop and the activity monitor shows the applescript using 100% of the processor and huge amount of ram.
Appreciate any help.
Thank you
You didn't define what your list really looks like very well so I made an assumption on my answer below. If I was wrong, hopefully my answer will at least point you in the right direction. (or if I've gotten it wrong, but you can choose to reformat it to the way I suggested, that could still help)
on run
set theList to {"0:", "1:"} -- my guess at what your list looks like.
repeat with anItem in theList
set anItem to anItem as string
set itemParts to myParseItem(anItem)
set tID to the_integer of itemParts as integer
set tURL to the_url of itemParts as string
end repeat
end run
on myParseItem(theItem)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set delimitedList to every text item of theItem
set newString to (items 2 thru -1 of delimitedList as string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theInt to item 1 of delimitedList
set theURL to newString as string
return {the_integer:theInt, the_url:theURL}
end myParseItem

Nested IF, INDEX and MATCH in Google Sheets

I'm trying to return a value in Google sheets.
This is done using an Index Match as follows, which does work:
=iferror(index(Data!B:B, match(B5339,Data!G:G,0)),"Not Found")
I'd now like to expand this, so that if this first test fails, try looking up that same data in another sheet....
=iferror(if(index(Data!B:B, match(B5340,Data!G:G,0),if(index(HeadOfficeLeads!B:B, match(B5340,HeadOfficeLeads!A:A,0))))),"Not found")
This outputs the fail msg of "Not Found".
However, although the first test is indeed false, the second test is true (this second data set does in fact hold a match).
NB - the data containing this correct match on the 2nd sheet is created by a UNIQUE ( FILTER, FWIW....
For some reason, it doesnt look like the second IF statement is being run - and the whole thing doesnt work, giving the error "Wrong number of arguments".
I have a feeling the argument issue is that the first test doesnt have an "if false" clause - but believe the "IFERROR" parent should handle this?
If not, where would I put the "if false clause" for the IF's?
You don't need any if, because iferror already contains an if statement in its logic (as its name suggests). Here is an example of nested iferror statements, simplified for clarity:
=iferror(match("a", A1:A5, 0), iferror(match("a", B1:B5", 0), "not found"))
This will return the position of "a" in column A, if it's there; otherwise, it will return its position in column B if it's there, otherwise it returns "not found".
Works the same with index or anything else around match function.

How to add regex matches to list in

I am having a Regex and I want the matches to be added to my previous List. The list (called "Items") has already some entries. (It got the entries from a listbox1 and added is now a datasource of the listbox1)
This is my source:
Dim Items As List(Of String)
<some other code here>
For Each Bam As Match In Treffer
If hashtagz = False Then
ElseIf hashtagz = True And FirstHashtags = True Then
ElseIf hashtagz = True And FirstHashtags = False Then
End If
The last part is important (the last if loop with hashtagz = true and Firsthashtags = False)
I also added the console.writeline to see what is going on. In the console, I get all the new scraped and correct information. In the Items list however, I just get a duplicate of what has been already stored in there instead of adding and updating my list with the new regex matches.
edit Additional information: The whole if condition is in a timer, so it runs again and again. At first it will add entries to a listbox. Then (now important!) it will do the Items.Add(Bam.Groups(1).ToString). It seems to add the new entries the FIRST time THAT part of the code gets executed, but after it is being run trhough again trhough a timer, it will just add the previous entries again and again
Dim Items As New List(Of String)
Dim hashtagz As Boolean
Dim FirstHashtags As Boolean
' Other code here
For Each Bam As Match In Treffer
Select Case True
Case Not hashtagz
Case FirstHashtags
Case Items.Contains(Bam.Groups(1).ToString)
' Already Exists
Case Else
End Select
After using more than 7 hours today (and a few hours yesterday, I am a newbie in VB) of testing, going through my code and building in some outputs to see where the problem is...
My concept is correct, there are no logical errors in the flow of my programm, as one can see from the console.writeline(Bam.Groups(1).ToString . I tested everything and ended up putting in a richtextbox and its like this now
For Each Bam As Match In Treffer
If hashtagz = False Then
ElseIf hashtagz = True And FirstHashtags = True Then
ElseIf hashtagz = True And FirstHashtags = False Then
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + Bam.Groups(1).ToString & vbNewLine
End If
The adding procedure seems to be looking correct with the richtextbox, but when I want to add to the Items list, it just gives out the duplicates of the previous entries instead of adding to it. The .add seems to work only the FIRST time running through that line of code, after the second time it just gives out the duplicate of the entries.
I am still trying to figure out WHY that is and I will trying to understand the posts above. Maybe someone else has also an explanation, jsut in case the others were wrong
Edit I have been experimenting still with all this, I have a function that grabs the last entry of my item list and prints out a part of it. When I do that, the print seems correct and updated. So it seems like the list IS actually being updated somehow since the "getting a part of the latest entry of list" is working and always updated. But when I want to show or save the content of the item list, that's when I get the duplicates and the updated and newest entries are not being shown!
Alright guys, I am back again after testing.
The code I posted above was correct. The real reason behind the mistake was in a few other parts of the code, which resulted in partially duplicated output of the entries of the list etc.
I lost track of the variables and the procedures my program was doing. Any hints or tips for me on how to keep track of the code on what it does and having everything in mind or how to properly structure code etc. so that I won't get lost again and again in the code?
This case can be closed, sorry for the inconvenience.

Python loop with condition: using same code whether condition is met or not

I have a dict and a list:
main = {"one": "apple", "two":"pear", "three":"banana", "four":"cherry"}
conditional_list = ["one", "four"]
The conditional list may be empty or contain values (like in the case now). I would like to iterate over the dict "main". BUT: if the conditinal list is not empty, I would like to iterate only over the items that match the conditional list. So:
for key, val in mainlist:
if conditional_list:
if key in conditional_list:
do something
do exactly the same thing
I it possible to set up the iteration in such a way, that I don't have to copy+paste the whole code of "do something" to "else" (the line where it says "do exactly the same thing")? Or to put it in another way: Is there a way to ignore the line "if key in conditional_list" if the condition is NOT met (i.e. the list is empty)?
The thing is, the code "do something" is huge and needs to be updated from time to time, copy+pasting it would make things extremly complicated. Thanks in advance!
What about this:
for key, val in mainlist:
if not conditional_list or key in conditional_list:
do something
My suggestion would be to pass the key to a doSomething() function
Also, you may have a reason, but it looks like the dictionary is being used backwards; given the context, this may be an apt solution for you:
for i in conditional_list:
doSomething(i,d(i),(i in mainlist))

filter output of subprocess.check_output

I'm trying to match values of a list to a regex pattern. If the particular value within the list matches, I'll append it to a different list of dicts. If the above mentioned value does not match, I want to remove the value from the list.
import subprocess
def list_installed():
rawlist = subprocess.check_output(['yum', 'list', 'installed']).splitlines()
#print rawlist
for each_item in rawlist:
if "[\w86]" or \
"noarch" in each_item:
print each_item #additional stuff here to append list of dicts
#i haven't done the appending part yet
#the list of dict's will be returned at end of this funct
The end goal is to eventually be able to do something similar to:
Note to gnu/linux users going wtf:
This will eventually grow into a larger sysadmin frontend.
Despite the lack of an actual question in your post, I'll make a couple of comments.
You have a problem here:
if "[\w86]" or "noarch" in each_item:
It's not interpreted the way you think of it and it always evaluates to True. You probably need
if "[\w86]" in each_item or "noarch" in each_item:
Also, I'm not sure what you are doing, but in case you expect that Python will do regex matching here: it won't. If you need that, look at re module.
I don't know how it's implemented, but it probably won't work if you expect it to remove the element from rawlist: remove won't be able to actually access the list defined inside list_installed. I'd advise to use rawlist.remove(each_item) instead, but not in this case, because you are iterating over rawlist. You need to re-think the procedure a little (create another list and append needed elements to it instead of removing, for example).