Double Click on QTreeView Expand Item Arrow - c++

In my Qt 5.6.2 project, I noticed that if you double click on a QTreeView item (the actual arrow part, not the item text) the first click toggles the expanded state, and the second click does nothing.
I would instead like the second click to again toggle the expanded state.
I tried treeView->setExpandsOnDoubleClick(false); but the behaviour is still the same since it appears to not affect the arrow part of the item at all. It looks like Qt is deciding for me how the arrow should react to a double click regardless of the property expandsOnDoubleClick. How can I resolve this?
(Note: this behaviour didn't exist in Qt 5.0.2. Unsure about intermediate Qt versions.)

I was able to solve this by subclassing QProxyStyle and checking for the style hint SH_ListViewExpand_SelectMouseType and returning a value of 3 instead of the default 2.
class MyProxyStyle : public QProxyStyle
int styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option = 0, const QWidget *widget = 0, QStyleHintReturn *returnData = 0) const
if(hint == QStyle::SH_ListViewExpand_SelectMouseType)
return 3;
return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);


How to expand tabs in QTabWidget Qt

I have a QTabWidget like this one:
But I want to expand the tabs to "fill" the entire widget width, like this:
How can I do that?
I am using Qt 5.3.2 and Qt Creator 3.2.1
I tried to use the setExpanding function:
But it didn't work.
I found that QTabBar has a setExpanding method, which appears to do exactly what you want, but I tried it (on Windows), and it doesn't work. This is the code:
ui->tabWidget->tabBar()->setExpanding (true);
Then I found the following post:
I find the answer provided in the above post to be debatable. He says it's respecting the operating system style whether or not the expanding property is set to true and that it's a feature, not a bug, and that you have to subclass QTabBar to get the desired behavior. If I write code to do a specific thing, I feel like my instructions should override the OS style. If I just wanted the OS style, I would leave that special code out. However much I disagree with the implementation, that appears to be what we're stuck with.
So if it's important to you to have this look, then you'll need to subclass QTabBar, override the tabSizeHint--I suspect that will take some experimentation--and use QTabWidget::setTabBar to replace the default with your own. According to the documentation, you have to do that before adding any tabs, so this mechanism is not workable if you want to create your tab widget in Qt Designer. (Another argument in favor of implementing setExpanding as an override to the OS style rather than the way it's been done.)
Just set both expanding and document mode to true.
Works for me :)
As mostefa answered here, I can set a fixed width for the tabs using styleSheet.
I am calculating the width based on the QTabWidget width.
To get the QTabWidget width correctly I need to get it in the showEvent function:
void LogListForm::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev)
* Divide by 2 because we have 2 tabs.
* I need to decrease 24 pixels to fill the width correctly.
int tabWidth = (ui->myTabWidget->width()/2)-24;
* Then, I set this tabWidth to the styleSheet.
* Note: I need to set the previously styleSheet to not lose it
ui->myTabWidget->setStyleSheet( ui->myTabWidget->styleSheet() +
"QTabBar::tab {"
"width: " + QString::number(tabWidth) + "px; }" );
This works as well:
// Qt 5.12.2
// just use TabWidget in place of QTabWidget, nothing else
class TabWidget : public QTabWidget
class TabBar : public QTabBar
QSize _size;
TabBar(QWidget* a_parent) : QTabBar(a_parent)
QSize tabSizeHint(int index) const
return QSize(_size.width()/(count()?count():1), size().height());
void setWidth(int a_width)
_size = QSize(a_width, size().height());
TabBar* _tabBar = new TabBar(this);
TabWidget(QWidget* a_parent) : QTabWidget(a_parent)
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override
this worked for me:
Suggestion from Mitak worked. Assuming the tabwiget is in the centralwidget of the mainwindow, one can replace a tabwidget created with the designer as follow in the code :
QTabWidget* newTabWidget = new GeneralTabWidget(ui->tabWidget_ToReplace->parentWidget());
ui->centralWidget->layout()->replaceWidget(ui->tabWidget_ToReplace, newTabWidget );
delete ui->tabWidget_ToReplace;
ui->tabWidget_ToReplace= newTabWidget ;
if the tabwidget is situated in another location or in a dialog, one need to replace it in the appropriate layout.
Not pretty, but what worked for me was to forced the value setExpending in the minimumSizeHint override.
class A: public QTabWidget
A(QWidget *p = nullptr): QTabWidget(p)
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const override
return QTabWidget::minimumSizeHint();

Why do I not see the drop indicator in a QTableView?

I use drag and drop in my QTableView (works). However, I do not see any drop indicator. I should see a line where the drop is supposed to be inserted, shouldn't I? At least here they say so.
My init is pretty much standard.
// see model for implementing logic of drag
I have no idea why I do not see the indicator. A style sheet is used with the views, could that be the reason. However, I have disabled the stylesheet and still do not see it.
The view uses entire rows for selection, not sure if this causes an issue. So any hint is appreciated.
-- Edit --
As of the comment below, tried all selection modes: single, multi or extended, no visual effect. Also tried cell instead of row selection, again no improvement.
-- Edit 2 --
Currently evaluating another style proxy example, similar to the one below, originally referenced here
-- Related --
QTreeView draw drop indicator
How to highlight the entire row on mouse hover in QTableWidget: Qt5
I faced the same problem, I tried two options which both worked for me. IIRC, the help came from an answer on SO.
if you are subclassing QTreeView, you can override its paintEvent() method. It is calling by default the drawTree() method and the paintDropIndicator() one (the latter being part of QAbstractItemView private class).
You can call drawTree() from your paintEvent(), and it should override the default drag and drop indicator as well :
class MyTreeView : public QTreeView
explicit MyTreeView(QWidget* parent = 0) : QTreeView(parent) {}
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event)
QPainter painter(viewport());
drawTree(&painter, event->region());
the other method is to subclass QProxyStyle and overriding the drawPrimitive() method. When you get the element QStyle::PE_IndicatorItemViewItemDrop as a parameter, you can paint it your own way.
The code will look like this:
class MyOwnStyle : public QProxyStyle
MyOwnStyle(QStyle* style = 0) : QProxyStyle(style) {}
void drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget) const
if (element == QStyle::PE_IndicatorItemViewItemDrop)
//custom paint here, you can do nothing as well
QColor c(Qt::white);
QPen pen(c);
if (!option->rect.isNull())
painter->drawLine(option->rect.topLeft(), option->rect.topRight());
// the default style is applied
QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);

How to query and change the time it takes for a QToolTip to appear?

Is it possible to change the time delay between the mouse being still in a window, and the tooltip's show event?
Is there a Qt wrapper for something like TTM_SETDELAYTIME? According to the Windows documentation, the default value depends on the double-click interval.
You'll have to set a custom QProxyStyle that overrides styleHint() and returns your preferred value for QStyle::SH_ToolTip_WakeUpDelay. Sample code below.
class CustomStyle : public QProxyStyle
int styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option = nullptr,
const QWidget *widget = nullptr, QStyleHintReturn *returnData = nullptr) const override
if (hint == SH_ToolTip_WakeUpDelay)
return someCustomValue;
return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);
Apparently that's not possible with the built-in Qt Tooltips. In 4.8 qapplication.cpp they use magic numbers:
d->toolTipWakeUp.start(d->toolTipFallAsleep.isActive()?20:700, this);
So the default behavior is to show a tooltip after 700 ms, and start a 2000 ms fall-asleep timer. If we hover over another window(widget) with the fall-asleep timer still active, the delay will be reduced to 20 ms, probably under the assumption that the first tooltip was not the one the user wanted.

QToolbar force expand on too many QActions

Hi all is there any way to automatically expand a QToolbar if there is too many QActions in?
Using Qt version 5.4.1 C++11
Ive tried :ui->mainToolBar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred)
But this only expands it horizontally. I need it to expand vertically like the Expand button does.
Always expanding a toolbar vertically is not possible as far as I know (never seen it). A solution would be to add multiple toolbars. This way, you can arrange them one under the other.
What you can try is to add a custom widget to the toolbar that grows horizontally. This was proposed here by using a QScrollArea... Not sure whether this is exactly what you want, but it may work good enough.
This is how you can make a function to expand/retract a QToolbar. Firstly using a Forloop get all the child widgets from the QToolbar. You can use a Bool to lock to only get the first Widget which is the Expanding button/Action.
bool get_first_action{true};
for(QWidget* widget : ui->myToolBar->findChildren<QWidget*>())
get_first_action = false;
// This is the expanding action!
m_action_expand = widget;
Or you can do this which is probably a bit safer.
for(QWidget* widget : ui->myToolBar->findChildren<QWidget*>())
if(widget->objectName() == "qt_toolbar_ext_button")
// This is the expanding action!
m_action_expand = widget;
Once you have the sneaky expanding action assign it to a member varible
// Make sure to initialize this in the constructor!
// m_action_expand = new QWidget(this // parent)
QWidget* m_action_expand;
Now create a handy function with a good name;
void MainWindow::forceToolbarExpand()
// Grab the position of the expanding action/widget
QPointF pos(m_action_expand->pos());
// Create a fake/dummy event that replicates the mouse button press
QMouseEvent event_press(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, Qt::LeftButton,0, 0);
// Create a fake/dummy event that replicates the mouse button release
QMouseEvent event_release(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, Qt::LeftButton,0, 0);
// These two events together will fire the QAction::Toggled signal.
// Make sure to send the events!
QApplication::sendEvent(m_action_expand, &event_press);
QApplication::sendEvent(m_action_expand, &event_release);
And there we have it your QToolbar, if it can be expanded/retracted now will when you call this function. I'm not too sure if you can directly Moc/fake the toggled event but you can try it. I know this method works so yeah.

Is there a way to display icons in QListView without text?

Using a QListView, and QStandardItemModel, is it possible to display icons in the list view without displaying the associated text? QStandardItem is defined as so:
QStandardItem ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text )
So it seems to require a text string of some sort - I only want the icon displayed. If I use the following code, I get the icons as requested, but I also get a blank text element underneath them. I don't want this.
ImageListView->setViewMode( QListView::IconMode );
QStandardItemModel *iStandardModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);
QStandardItem* item1 = new QStandardItem(QIcon("images/shield-280x280.png"),"");
QStandardItem* item2 = new QStandardItem(QIcon("images/shield-280x280.png"),"");
If I go to the trouble of building a custom model, can I resolve this issue?
To expand on the accepted answer, here's the simplest delegate which can optionally hide the text (display role) of items, but otherwise acts like the default delegate. This works with any QAbstractItemView subclass (and QComboBox) and any QAbstractItemModel subclass as well. And is a better solution if one would rather keep the display role non-null for other views (or whatever reason).
class ItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
using QStyledItemDelegate::QStyledItemDelegate;
// simple public member to toggle the display role (create getter/setter if you prefer)
bool displayRoleEnabled = false;
void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *o, const QModelIndex &idx) const override
QStyledItemDelegate::initStyleOption(o, idx);
// to hide the display role all we need to do is remove the HasDisplay feature
if (!displayRoleEnabled)
o->features &= ~QStyleOptionViewItem::HasDisplay;
Yes, you can do.
first you create a delegate associated with the list-view.Then,
While inserting the elements to the listview, use set-data function to insert the icon and in the paint event of delegate you handle the drawing icon. i hope its clear.