Should this be called a mutex? - c++

I have objects that can be opened in different modes, among which read and write.
If you opened it read you can still call
It is common practice in our code to call
When you are done writing.
I usually find it easier to use the concept of a mutex that I learned in c++ essentials where you let this upgradeOpen and downgradeOpen be done in the constructor and destructor of this mutex object.
class ObjectMutex{
ObjectMutex(const Object& o)
: m_o(o)
Object m_o;
Only problem is, it doesn't really lock the object to make it thread safe, so I don't think it really is a mutex.
Is there another accepted name to call this construction?

The principle which is implemented in this class is called RAII (
In general such objects can be called "RAII object".
For the name in code you can use ScopedSomething. In this particular case, for example, ScopedObjectUpgrader or another meaningful name of action which is done for the scope.

Sounds to me more like an upgradable mutex
Take a look at RAII wrappers for upgradable mutexes How to unlock boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock (made from boost::shared_mutex)? to get a better idea of how to write one yourself.
For example you probably want to write two separate RAII wrappers
class OpenLock {
OpenLock(Object& o_in) : o{o_in} {
~OpenLock() {
Object& o;
class UpgradeOpenLock {
UpgradeOpenLock(Object& o_in) : o{o_in} {
~UpgradeOpenLock() {
Object& o;
and then use it like this
OpenLock open_lck(o);
// freely read
UpgradeOpenLock upgrade_lck(o);
// freely read or write
// freely read again


What are some C++ alternatives to static objects that could make destruction safer (or more deterministic)?

I'm working on a large code base that, for performance reasons, limits access to one or more resources. A thread pool is a good analogy to my problem - we don't want everyone in the process spinning up their own threads, so a common pool with a producer/consumer job queue exists in an attempt to limit the number of threads running at any given time.
There isn't an elegant way to make ownership of the thread pool clear so, for all intents and purposes, it is a singleton. I speak better in code than in English, so here is an example:
class ThreadPool {
static void SubmitTask(Task&& t) { instance_.SubmitTask(std::move(t)); }
~ThreadPool() {
std::for_each(pool_.begin(), pool_.end(), [](auto &t) {
if (t.joinable()) t.join();
std::array<std::thread, 5> pool_;
static ThreadPool instance_; // here or anonymous namespace
The issue with this pattern is instance_ doesn't go out of scope until after main has returned which typically results in races or crashes. Also, keep in mind this is analogous to my problem so better ways to do something asynchronously isn't really what I'm after; just better ways to manage the lifecycle of static objects.
Alternatives I've thought of:
Provide an explicit Terminate function that must be called manually before leaving main.
Not using statics at all and leaving it up to the app to ensure only a single instance exists.
Not using statics at all and crashing the app if more than 1 instance is instantiated.
I also realize that a small, sharp, team could probably make the above code work just fine. However, this code lives within a large organization that has many developers of various skill levels contributing to it.
You could explicitly bind the lifetime to your main function. Either add a static shutdown() method to your ThreadPool that does any cleanup you need and call it at the end of main().
Or fully bind the lifetime via RAII:
class ThreadPool {
static ThreadPool* get() { return instance_.get(); }
void SubmitTask(Task&& t) { ... }
~ThreadPool() { ... }
ThreadPool() {}
static inline std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> instance_;
friend class ThreadPoolScope;
class ThreadPoolScope {
ThreadPool::instance_.reset(new ThreadPool());
int main() {
ThreadPoolScope thread_pool_scope{};
void some_func() {
This makes destruction completely deterministic and if you do this with multiple objects, they are automatically destroyed in the correct order.

Synchronizing method calls on shared object from multiple threads

I am thinking about how to implement a class that will contain private data that will be eventually be modified by multiple threads through method calls. For synchronization (using the Windows API), I am planning on using a CRITICAL_SECTION object since all the threads will spawn from the same process.
Given the following design, I have a few questions.
template <typename T> class Shareable
const LPCRITICAL_SECTION sync; //Can be read and used by multiple threads
T *data;
Shareable(LPCRITICAL_SECTION cs, unsigned elems) : sync{cs}, data{new T[elems]} { }
~Shareable() { delete[] data; }
void sharedModify(unsigned index, T &datum) //<-- Can this be validly called
//by multiple threads with synchronization being implicit?
The critical section of code involving reads & writes to 'data'
// Somewhere else ...
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter)
Shareable<ActualType> *ptr = static_cast<Shareable<ActualType>*>(lpParameter);
T copyable = /* initialization */;
ptr->sharedModify(validIndex, copyable); //<-- OK, synchronized?
return 0;
The way I see it, the API calls will be conducted in the context of the current thread. That is, I assume this is the same as if I had acquired the critical section object from the pointer and called the API from within ThreadProc(). However, I am worried that if the object is created and placed in the main/initial thread, there will be something funky about the API calls.
When sharedModify() is called on the same object concurrently,
from multiple threads, will the synchronization be implicit, in the
way I described it above?
Should I instead get a pointer to the
critical section object and use that instead?
Is there some other
synchronization mechanism that is better suited to this scenario?
When sharedModify() is called on the same object concurrently, from multiple threads, will the synchronization be implicit, in the way I described it above?
It's not implicit, it's explicit. There's only only CRITICAL_SECTION and only one thread can hold it at a time.
Should I instead get a pointer to the critical section object and use that instead?
No. There's no reason to use a pointer here.
Is there some other synchronization mechanism that is better suited to this scenario?
It's hard to say without seeing more code, but this is definitely the "default" solution. It's like a singly-linked list -- you learn it first, it always works, but it's not always the best choice.
When sharedModify() is called on the same object concurrently, from multiple threads, will the synchronization be implicit, in the way I described it above?
Implicit from the caller's perspective, yes.
Should I instead get a pointer to the critical section object and use that instead?
No. In fact, I would suggest giving the Sharable object ownership of its own critical section instead of accepting one from the outside (and embrace RAII concepts to write safer code), eg:
template <typename T>
class Shareable
std::vector<T> data;
struct SyncLocker
SyncLocker(CRITICAL_SECTION &cs) : sync(cs) { EnterCriticalSection(&sync); }
~SyncLocker() { LeaveCriticalSection(&sync); }
Shareable(unsigned elems) : data(elems)
Shareable(const Shareable&) = delete;
Shareable(Shareable&&) = delete;
SyncLocker lock(sync);
void sharedModify(unsigned index, const T &datum)
SyncLocker lock(sync);
data[index] = datum;
Shareable& operator=(const Shareable&) = delete;
Shareable& operator=(Shareable&&) = delete;
Is there some other synchronization mechanism that is better suited to this scenario?
That depends. Will multiple threads be accessing the same index at the same time? If not, then there is not really a need for the critical section at all. One thread can safely access one index while another thread accesses a different index.
If multiple threads need to access the same index at the same time, a critical section might still not be the best choice. Locking the entire array might be a big bottleneck if you only need to lock portions of the array at a time. Things like the Interlocked API, or Slim Read/Write locks, might make more sense. It really depends on your thread designs and what you are actually trying to protect.

Using boost::mutex as a private member of class

I have a class that contains a boost::mutex as a private member. It becomes locked when you call one of its public functions and unlocks when the function exits. This is to provide synchronous access to the object's internals.
class StringDeque
boost::mutex mtx;
std::deque<string> string_deque;
StringDeque() { }
void addToDeque(const string& str_to_add)
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(mtx);
string popFromDeque()
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(mtx);
string popped_string = string_deque.front();
return popped_string;
This class isn't meant to be particularly useful but I am just playing around with mutexes and threads.
I have a main() that also has another function defined that pops strings from the class and prints them in a thread. It will repeat this 10 times and then return from the function. Once again, this is purely for testing purposes. It looks like this:
void printTheStrings(StringDeque& str_deque)
int i = 0;
while(i < 10)
string popped_string = str_deque.popFromDeque();
cout << popped_string << endl;
int main()
StringDeque str_deque;
boost::thread the_thread(printTheStrings, str_deque);
str_deque.addToDeque("Say your prayers");
str_deque.addToDeque("Little One");
str_deque.addToDeque("And Don't forget My Son");
str_deque.addToDeque("To include everyone");
str_deque.addToDeque("I tuck you in");
str_deque.addToDeque("Warm within");
str_deque.addToDeque("Keep you free from sin");
str_deque.addToDeque("Until the sandman he comes");
str_deque.addToDeque("Sleep with one eye open");
str_deque.addToDeque("Gripping your pillow tight");
The error I keep getting is that boost::mutex is noncopyable. The printTheStrings() function takes a reference so I am a little confused as to why this is trying to copy the object.
I have read up a bit on this and one solution I keep reading is to make the boost::mutex a static private member of the object. However, this defeats the purpose of my mutex since I want it to be on an object-by-object basis rather than a class variable.
Is this just bad use of mutexes? Should I just be rethinking this entire application?
I just discovered condition_variable which should serve my purpose a lot better to have the thread wait until there is something actually in the deque before waking up to pop from the deque and print it. All the examples that I see define these mutexes and condition_variable objects at a global scope. This seems very... not object-oriented in my opinion. Even the examples straight from Boost themselves show that it is done in this way. Is this really how other people use these objects?
You are correct that printToString takes the StringQueue by reference. Your problem is that boost::thread take its arguments by value. To force it to take the arguments by reference you will need to modify things to:
boost::thread the_thread(printTheStrings, boost::ref(str_deque));
As an aside, from C++11 onwards, threads are part of the standard library. You should probably use std::thread instead

Is this an acceptable way to lock a container using C++?

I need to implement (in C++) a thread safe container in such a way that only one thread is ever able to add or remove items from the container. I have done this kind of thing before by sharing a mutex between threads. This leads to a lot of mutex objects being littered throughout my code and makes things very messy and hard to maintain.
I was wondering if there is a neater and more object oriented way to do this. I thought of the following simple class wrapper around the container (semi-pseudo C++ code)
class LockedList {
std::list<MyClass> m_List;
MutexObject Mutex;
so that locking could be done in the following way
LockedList lockableList; //create instance
lockableList.Mutex.Lock(); // Lock object
... // search and add or remove items
lockableList.Mutex.Unlock(); // Unlock object
So my question really is to ask if this is a good approach from a design perspective? I know that allowing public access to members is frowned upon from a design perspective, does the above design have any serious flaws in it. If so is there a better way to implement thread safe container objects?
I have read a lot of books on design and C++ in general but there really does seem to be a shortage of literature regarding multithreaded programming and multithreaded software design.
If the above is a poor approach to solving the problem I have could anyone suggest a way to improve it, or point me towards some information that explains good ways to design classes to be thread safe??? Many thanks.
I would rather design a resourece owner that locks a mutex and returns an object that can be used by the thread. Once the thread has finished with it and stops using the object the resource is automatically returned to its owner and the lock released.
template<typename Resource>
class ResourceOwner
Lock lock;
Resource resource;
ResourceHolder<Resource> getExclusiveAccess()
// Let the ResourceHolder lock and unlock the lock
// So while a thread holds a copy of this object only it
// can access the resource. Once the thread releases all
// copies then the lock is released allowing another
// thread to call getExclusiveAccess().
// Make it behave like a form of smart pointer
// 1) So you can pass it around.
// 2) So all properties of the resource are provided via ->
// 3) So the lock is automatically released when the thread
// releases the object.
return ResourceHolder<Resource>(lock, resource);
The resource holder (not thought hard so this can be improved)
template<typename Resource>
class ResourceHolder<
// Use a shared_ptr to hold the scopped lock
// When first created will lock the lock. When the shared_ptr
// destroyes the scopped lock (after all copies are gone)
// this will unlock the lock thus allowding other to use
// getExclusiveAccess() on the owner
std::shared_ptr<scopped_lock> locker;
Resource& resource; // local reference on the resource.
ResourceHolder(Lock& lock, Resource& r)
: locker(new scopped_lock(lock))
, resource(r)
// Access to the resource via the -> operator
// Thus allowing you to use all normal functionality of
// the resource.
Resource* operator->() {return &resource;}
Now a lockable list is:
ResourceOwner<list<int>> lockedList;
void threadedCode()
ResourceHolder<list<int>> list = lockedList.getExclusiveAccess();
// When list goes out of scope here.
// It is destroyed and the the member locker will unlock `lock`
// in its destructor thus allowing the next thread to call getExclusiveAccess()
I would do something like this to make it more exception-safe by using RAII.
class LockedList {
std::list<MyClass> m_List;
MutexObject Mutex;
friend class LockableListLock;
class LockableListLock {
LockedList& list_;
LockableListLock(LockedList& list) : list_(list) { list.Mutex.Lock(); }
~LockableListLock(){ list.Mutex.Unlock(); }
You would use it like this
LockableList list;
LockableListLock lock(list); // The list is now locked.
// do stuff to the list
} // The list is automatically unlocked when lock goes out of scope.
You could also make the class force you to lock it before doing anything with it by adding wrappers around the interface for std::list in LockableListLock so instead of accessing the list through the LockedList class, you would access the list through the LockableListLock class. For instance, you would make this wrapper around std::list::begin()
std::list::iterator LockableListLock::begin() {
return list_.m_List.begin();
and then use it like this
LockableList list;
LockableListLock lock(list);
// list.begin(); //This is a compiler error so you can't
//access the list without locking it
lock.begin(); // This gets you the beginning of the list
Okay, I'll state a little more directly what others have already implied: at least part, and quite possibly all, of this design is probably not what you want. At the very least, you want RAII-style locking.
I'd also make the locked (or whatever you prefer to call it) a template, so you can decouple the locking from the container itself.
// C++ like pesudo-code. Not intended to compile as-is.
struct mutex {
void lock() { /* ... */ }
void unlock() { /* ... */ }
struct lock {
lock(mutex &m) { m.lock(); }
~lock(mutex &m) { m.unlock(); }
template <class container>
class locked {
typedef container::value_type value_type;
typedef container::reference_type reference_type;
// ...
container c;
mutex m;
void push_back(reference_type const t) {
lock l(m);
void push_front(reference_type const t) {
lock l(m);
// etc.
This makes the code fairly easy to write and (for at least some cases) still get correct behavior -- e.g., where your single-threaded code might look like:
std::vector<int> x;
...your thread-safe code would look like:
locked<std::vector<int> > x;
Assuming you provide the usual begin(), end(), push_front, push_back, etc., your locked<container> will still be usable like a normal container, so it works with standard algorithms, iterators, etc.
The problem with this approach is that it makes LockedList non-copyable. For details on this snag, please look at this question:
Designing a thread-safe copyable class
I have tried various things over the years, and a mutex declared beside the the container declaration always turns out to be the simplest way to go ( once all the bugs have been fixed after naively implementing other methods ).
You do not need to 'litter' your code with mutexes. You just need one mutex, declared beside the container it guards.
It's hard to say that the coarse grain locking is a bad design decision. We'd need to know about the system that the code lives in to talk about that. It is a good starting point if you don't know that it won't work however. Do the simplest thing that could possibly work first.
You could improve that code by making it less likely to fail if you scope without unlocking though.
struct ScopedLocker {
ScopedLocker(MutexObject &mo_) : mo(mo_) { mo.Lock(); }
~ScopedLocker() { mo.Unlock(); }
MutexObject &mo;
You could also hide the implementation from users.
class LockedList {
std::list<MyClass> m_List;
MutexObject Mutex;
struct ScopedLocker {
ScopedLocker(LockedList &ll);
Then you just pass the locked list to it without them having to worry about details of the MutexObject.
You can also have the list handle all the locking internally, which is alright in some cases. The design issue is iteration. If the list locks internally, then operations like this are much worse than letting the user of the list decide when to lock.
void foo(LockedList &list) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
Generally speaking, it's a hard topic to give advice on because of problems like this. More often than not, it's more about how you use an object. There are a lot of leaky abstractions when you try and write code that solves multi-processor programming. That is why you see more toolkits that let people compose the solution that meets their needs.
There are books that discuss multi-processor programming, though they are few. With all the new C++11 features coming out, there should be more literature coming within the next few years.
I came up with this (which I'm sure can be improved to take more than two arguments):
template<class T1, class T2>
class combine : public T1, public T2
/// We always need a virtual destructor.
virtual ~combine() { }
This allows you to do:
// Combine an std::mutex and std::map<std::string, std::string> into
// a single instance.
combine<std::mutex, std::map<std::string, std::string>> mapWithMutex;
// Lock the map within scope to modify the map in a thread-safe way.
// Lock the map.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locked(mapWithMutex);
// Modify the map.
mapWithMutex["Person 1"] = "Jack";
mapWithMutex["Person 2"] = "Jill";
If you wish to use an std::recursive_mutex and an std::set, that would also work.

Lightweight wrapper - is this a common problem and if yes, what is its name?

I have to use a library that makes database calls which are not thread-safe. Also I occasionally have to load larger amounts of data in a background thread.
It is hard to say which library functions actually access the DB, so I think the safest approach for me is to protect every library call with a lock.
Let's say I have a library object:
dbLib::SomeObject someObject;
Right now I can do something like this:
dbLib::ErrorCode errorCode = 0;
std::list<dbLib::Item> items;
DbLock dbLock;
errorCode = someObject.someFunction(&items);
} // dbLock goes out of scope
I would like to simplify that to something like this (or even simpler):
dbLib::ErrorCode errorCode =
protectedCall(someObject, &dbLib::SomeObject::someFunction(&items));
The main advantage of this would be that I won't have to duplicate the interface of dbLib::SomeObject in order to protect each call with a lock.
I'm pretty sure that this is a common pattern/idiom but I don't know its name or what keywords to search for. (Looking at I think, it's more an idiom than a pattern).
Where do I have to look for more information?
You could make protectedCall a template function that takes a functor without arguments (meaning you'd bind the arguments at the call-site), and then creates a scoped lock, calls the functor, and returns its value. For example something like:
template <typename Ret>
Ret protectedCall(boost::function<Ret ()> func)
DbLock lock;
return func();
You'd then call it like this:
dbLib::ErrorCode errorCode = protectedCall(boost::bind(&dbLib::SomeObject::someFunction, &items));
EDIT. In case you're using C++0x, you can use std::function and std::bind instead of the boost equivalents.
In C++0x, you can implement some form of decorators:
template <typename F>
auto protect(F&& f) -> decltype(f())
DbLock lock;
return f();
dbLib::ErrorCode errorCode = protect([&]()
return someObject.someFunction(&items);
From your description this would seem a job for Decorator Pattern.
However, especially in the case of resources, I wouldn't recommend using it.
The reason is that in general these functions tend to scale badly, require higher level (less finegrained) locking for consistency, or return references to internal structures that require the lock to stay locked until all information is read.
Think, e.g. about a DB function that calls a stored procedure that returns a BLOB (stream) or a ref cursor: the streams should not be read outside of the lock.
What to do?
I recommend instead to use the Facade Pattern. Instead of composing your operations directly in terms of DB calls, implement a facade that uses the DB layer; This layer could then manage the locking at exactly the required level (and optimize where needed: you could have the facade be implemented as a thread-local Singleton, and use separate resources, obviating the need for locks, e.g.)
The simplest (and still straightforward) solution might be to write a function which returns a proxy for the object. The proxy does the locking and overloads -> to allow calling the object. Here is an example:
#include <cstdio>
template<class T>
class call_proxy
T &item;
call_proxy(T &t) : item(t) { puts("LOCK"); }
T *operator -> () { return &item; }
~call_proxy() { puts("UNLOCK"); }
template<class T>
call_proxy<T> protect(T &t)
return call_proxy<T>(t);
Here's how to use it:
class Intf
void function()
int main()
Intf a;
The output should be:
If you want the lock to happen before the evaluation of the arguments, then can use this macro:
#define PCALL(X,APPL) (protect(X), (X).APPL)
This evaluates x twice though.
This article by Andrei Alexandrescu has a pretty interesting article how to create this kind of thin wrapper and combine it with dreaded volatile keyword for thread safety.
Mutex locking is a similar problem. It asked for help here: Need some feedback on how to make a class "thread-safe"
The solution I came up with was a wrapper class that prevents access to the protected object. Access can be obtained via an "accessor" class. The accessor will lock the mutex in its constructor and unlock it on destruction. See the "ThreadSafe" and "Locker" classes in Threading.h for more details.