stata: inequality constraint in xttobit - stata

Is it possible to constrain parameters in Stata's xttobit to be non-negative? I read a paper where the authors said they did just that, and I am trying to work out how.
I know that you can constrain parameters to be strictly positive by exponentially transforming the variables (e.g. gen x1_e = exp(x1)) and then calling nlcom after estimation (e.g. nlcom exp(_b[x1:_y]) where y is the independent variable. (That may not be exactly right, but I am pretty sure the general idea is correct. Here is a similar question from Statlist re: nlsur).
But what would a non-negative constraint look like? I know that one way to proceed is by transforming the variables, for example squaring them. However, I tried this with the author's data and still found negative estimates from xttobit. Sorry if this is a trivial question, but it has me a little confused.
(Note: this was first posted on CV by mistake. Mea culpa.)
Update: It seems I misunderstand what transformation means. Suppose we want to estimate the following random effects model:
y_{it} = a + b*x_{it} + v_i + e_{it}
where v_i is the individual random effect for i and e_{it} is the idiosyncratic error.
From the first answer, would, say, an exponential transformation to constrain all coefficients to be positive look like:
y_{it} = exp(a) + exp(b)*x_{it} + v_i + e_{it}

I think your understanding of constraining parameters by transforming the associated variable is incorrect. You don't transform the variable, but rather you fit your model having reexpressed your model in terms of transformed parameters. For more details, see the FAQ at, and be prepared to work harder on your problem than you might have expected to, since you will need to replace the use of xttobit with mlexp for the transformed parameterization of the tobit log-likelihood function.
With regard to the difference between non-negative and strictly positive constraints, for continuous parameters all such constraints are effectively non-negative, because (for reasonable parameterization) a strictly positive constraint can be made arbitrarily close to zero.


C++/ Help me understand the logic

I was told to solve this problem:
given a1, ..., an are real numbers. Need to calculate min(a1, -a1a2, a1a2a3, ...,(-1)^(n+1) a1a2,... an)
but I cannot understand the logic of the task. Could you tell me what I should do?
For example, what is (-l)^n+1? I've never seen it before.
What you should do is:
use the n real numbers of input to ...
... calculate the n numbers defined by the quoted formula (though you only need one value at a time to be more efficient)
while doing so keep track of the smallest number you encounter, that is the final result
concerning the (-1)^(n+1), it is reasonable to assume (as e.g. in the comment by Weather Vane and others) that it means powers of -1 (in a lazy and unexplained but non-C++ syntax)
note that you can easily calculate one value from the previous one by simple multiplication
probably you should do all of that by writing a program, an assumption based on the fact that you are asking on StackOverflow and tag a programming language

Detecting bad input for `boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima()`

This documentation page of boost::math::tools::brent_find_minima says about its first argument:
The function to minimise: a function object (or C++ lambda) ... with no maxima occurring in that interval.
But what happens if this is not the case? (After all, this condition is rather difficult to pre-ensure, especially since the function is usually expensive to evaluate at many points.) Best would be to detect violations to this condition on the fly.
If this condition is violated, does boost throw an exception, or does it exhibit undefined behavior?
A workaround I am thinking of is to build the checking into the lambda ("function to minimize"), by capturing and maintaining a std::map<double,double> holding all the points that have been evaluated, and comparing each new evaluation with its nearest neighbor in each direction, to check whether there may be a local maximum. But I don't want to do all that if it isn't necessary.
There is no way for this to be done. If you read Corless's A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods, you'll read a very interesting point: All numerically defined functions are discontinuous halfway between representables, and have zero derivatives between representables. Basically they can be thought of as a sum of Heaviside functions.
So none of them are differentiable in the mathematical sense. Ok, maybe you think this is a bit unfair-the scale should be zoomed out. But how much? We know that |x-1| isn't differentiable at x=1, but how could a computer tell that? How does it know that there isn't some locally smooth mollifier that makes it differentiable between x=1-eps and x=1+eps? I don't think there's a good answer to this question.
One of the most difficult problems in this class arises in quadrature. Some of these methods work fast when the complex extension of the function has poles far from the real axis. Try to numerically determine that.
Function spaces are impossible to determine numerically. Users just have to get it right.

Finding an optimal solution to a system of linear equations in c++

Here's the problem:
I am currently trying to create a control system which is required to find a solution to a series of complex linear equations without a unique solution.
My problem arises because there will ever only be six equations, while there may be upwards of 20 unknowns (usually way more than six unknowns). Of course, this will not yield an exact solution through the standard Gaussian elimination or by changing them in a matrix to reduced row echelon form.
However, I think that I may be able to optimize things further and get a more accurate solution because I know that each of the unknowns cannot have a value smaller than zero or greater than one, but it is free to take on any value in between them.
Of course, I am trying to create code that would find a correct solution, but in the case that there are multiple combinations that yield satisfactory results, I would want to minimize Sum of (value of unknown * efficiency constant) over all unknowns, i.e. Sigma[xI*eI] from I=0 to n, but finding an accurate solution is of a greater priority.
Performance is also important, due to the fact that this algorithm may need to be run several times per second.
So, does anyone have any ideas to help me on implementing this?
Edit: You might just want to stick to linear programming with equality and inequality constraints, but here's an interesting exact solution that does not incorporate the constraint that your unknowns are between 0 and 1.
Here's a powerpoint discussing your problem:
I'll translate your problem into math to make things a bit easier to figure out:
you have a 6x20 matrix A and a vector x with 20 elements. You want to minimize (x^T)e subject to Ax=y. According to the slides, if you were just minimizing the sum of x, then the answer is A^T(AA^T)^(-1)y. I'll take another look at this as soon as I get the chance and see what the solution is to minimizing (x^T)e (ie your specific problem).
Edit: I looked in the powerpoint some more and near the end there's a slide entitled "General norm minimization with equality constraints". I am going to switch the notation to match the slide's:
Your problem is that you want to minimize ||Ax-b||, where b = 0 and A is your e vector and x is the 20 unknowns. This is subject to Cx=d. Apparently the answer is:
x=(A^T A)^-1 (A^T b -C^T(C(A^T A)^-1 C^T)^-1 (C(A^T A)^-1 A^Tb - d))
it's not pretty, but it's not as bad as you might think. There's really aren't that many calculations. For example (A^TA)^-1 only needs to be calculated once and then you can reuse the answer. And your matrices aren't that big.
Note that I didn't incorporate the constraint that the elements of x are within [0,1].
It looks like the solution for what I am doing is with Linear Programming. It is starting to come back to me, but if I have other problems I will post them in their own dedicated questions instead of turning this into an encyclopedia.

What's the origin of this GLSL rand() one-liner?

I've seen this pseudo-random number generator for use in shaders referred to here and there around the web:
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
It's variously called "canonical", or "a one-liner I found on the web somewhere".
What's the origin of this function? Are the constant values as arbitrary as they seem or is there some art to their selection? Is there any discussion of the merits of this function?
EDIT: The oldest reference to this function that I've come across is this archive from Feb '08, the original page now being gone from the web. But there's no more discussion of it there than anywhere else.
Very interesting question!
I am trying to figure this out while typing the answer :)
First an easy way to play with it:*12.9898+%2B+y*78.233%29+*+43758.5453%2C1%29x%3D0..2%2C+y%3D0..2%29
Then let's think about what we are trying to do here: For two input coordinates x,y we return a "random number". Now this is not a random number though. It's the same every time we input the same x,y. It's a hash function!
The first thing the function does is to go from 2d to 1d. That is not interesting in itself, but the numbers are chosen so they do not repeat typically. Also we have a floating point addition there. There will be a few more bits from y or x, but the numbers might just be chosen right so it does a mix.
Then we sample a black box sin() function. This will depend a lot on the implementation!
Lastly it amplifies the error in the sin() implementation by multiplying and taking the fraction.
I don't think this is a good hash function in the general case. The sin() is a black box, on the GPU, numerically. It should be possible to construct a much better one by taking almost any hash function and converting it. The hard part is to turn the typical integer operation used in cpu hashing into float (half or 32bit) or fixed point operations, but it should be possible.
Again, the real problem with this as a hash function is that sin() is a black box.
The origin is probably the paper: "On generating random numbers, with help of y= [(a+x)sin(bx)] mod 1", W.J.J. Rey, 22nd European Meeting of Statisticians and the 7th Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, August 1998
EDIT: Since I can't find a copy of this paper and the "TestU01" reference may not be clear, here's the scheme as described in TestU01 in pseudo-C:
#define A1 ???
#define A2 ???
#define B1 pi*(sqrt(5.0)-1)/2
#define B2 ???
uint32_t n; // position in the stream
double next() {
double t = fract(A1 * sin(B1*n));
double u = fract((A2+t) * sin(B2*t));
return u;
where the only recommended constant value is the B1.
Notice that this is for a stream. Converting to a 1D hash 'n' becomes the integer grid. So my guess is that someone saw this and converted 't' into a simple function f(x,y). Using the original constants above that would yield:
float hash(vec2 co){
float t = 12.9898*co.x + 78.233*co.y;
return fract((A2+t) * sin(t)); // any B2 is folded into 't' computation
the constant values are arbitrary, especially that they are very large, and a couple of decimals away from prime numbers.
a modulus over 1 of a hi amplitude sinus multiplied by 4000 is a periodic function. it's like a window blind or a corrugated metal made very small because it's multiplied by 4000, and turned at an angle by the dot product.
as the function is 2-D, the dot product has the effect of turning the periodic function at an oblique relative to X and Y axis. By 13/79 ratio approximately. It is inefficient, you can actually achieve the same by doing sinus of (13x + 79y) this will also achieve the same thing I think with less maths..
If you find the period of the function in both X and Y, you can sample it so that it will look like a simple sine wave again.
Here is a picture of it zoomed in graph
I don't know the origin but it is similar to many others, if you used it in graphics at regular intervals it would tend to produce moire patterns and you could see it's eventually goes around again.
Maybe it's some non-recurrent chaotic mapping, then it could explain many things, but also can be just some arbitrary manipulation with large numbers.
EDIT: Basically, the function fract(sin(x) * 43758.5453) is a simple hash-like function, the sin(x) provides smooth sin interpolation between -1 to 1, so sin(x) * 43758.5453 will be interpolation from -43758.5453 to 43758.5453. This is a quite huge range, so even small step in x will provide large step in result and really large variation in fractional part. The "fract" is needed to get values in range -0.99... to 0.999... .
Now, when we have something like hash function we should create function for production hash from the vector. The simplest way is call "hash" separetly for x any y component of the input vector. But then, we will have some symmetrical values. So, we should get some value from the vector, the approach is find some random vector and find "dot" product to that vector, here we go: fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
Also, according to the selected vector, its lenght should be long engough to have several peroids of the "sin" function after "dot" product will be computed.
I do not believe this to be the true origin, but OP's code is presented as code example in "The Book of Shaders" by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe ( ). In their code, Patricio Gonzales Vivo is cited as the author, i.e "// Author #patriciogv - 2015"
Since the OP's research dates back even further (to '08), the source might at least explain its popularity, and the author might be able to shed some light on his source.

Weighted linear least square for 2D data point sets

My question is an extension of the discussion How to fit the 2D scatter data with a line with C++. Now I want to extend my question further: when estimating the line that fits 2D scatter data, it would be better if we can treat each 2D scatter data differently. That is to say, if the scatter point is far away from the line, we can give the point a low weighting, and vice versa. Therefore, the question then becomes: given an array of 2D scatter points as well as their weighting factors, how can we estimate the linear line that passes them? A good implementation of this method can be found in this article (weighted least regression). However, the implementation of the algorithm in that article is too complicated as it involves matrix calculation. I am therefore trying to find a method without matrix calculation. The algorithm is an extension of simple linear regression, and in order to illustrate the algorithm, I wrote the following MATLAB codes:
function line = weighted_least_squre_for_line(x,y,weighting);
part1 = sum(weighting.*x.*y)*sum(weighting(:));
part2 = sum((weighting.*x))*sum((weighting.*y));
part3 = sum( x.^2.*weighting)*sum(weighting(:));
part4 = sum(weighting.*x).^2;
beta = (part1-part2)/(part3-part4);
alpha = (sum(weighting.*y)-beta*sum(weighting.*x))/sum(weighting);
a = beta;
c = alpha;
b = -1;
line = [a b c];
In the above codes, x,y,weighting represent the x-coordinate, y-coordinate and the weighting factor respectively. I test the algorithm with several examples but still not sure whether it is right or not as this method gets a different result with Polyfit, which relies on matrix calculation. I am now posting the implementation here and for your advice. Do you think it is a right implementation? Thanks!
If you think it is a good idea to downweight points that are far from the line, you might be attracted by, because one way of calculating this is via, which will give less weight to points far from the line.
If you think all your points are "good data", then it would be a mistake to weight them naively according to their distance from your initial fit. However, it's a fairly common practice to discard "outliers": if a few data points are implausibly far from the fit, and you have reason to believe that there's an error mechanism that could generate a small subset of "bad" datapoints, you could simply remove the implausible points from the dataset to get a better fit.
As far as the math is concerned, I would recommend biting the bullet and trying to figure out the matrix math. Perhaps you could find a different article, or a book which has a better presentation. I will not comment on your Matlab code, except to say that it looks like you will have some precision problems when subtracting part4 from part3, and probably part2 from part1 as well.
Not exactly what you are asking for, but you should look into robust regression. MATLAB has the function robustfit (requires Statistics Toolbox).
There is even an interactive demo you can play with to compare regular linear regression vs. robust regression:
>> robustdemo
This shows that in the presence of outliers, robust regression tends to give better results.