the result of density contour plot with histogram2d and matplotlib - python-2.7

i am trying to plot a 2D contour density map using histogram2d, i2d turned the histogram output into contour plot and plotted my data with contourf but i didn't appreciated the result, since it gives me a map with a huge rectangle in the middle.
here's the code i'm usingenter image description here
db = 1
lon_bins = np.linspace(min(lons)-db, max(lons)+db, (max(lons)-min(lons))*100)
lat_bins = np.linspace(min(lats)-db, max(lats)+db, (max(lats)-min(lats))*100)
h, xedges, yedges = (np.histogram2d(lats, lons,[lat_bins, lon_bins])
yi, xi = m(*np.meshgrid(lon_bins, lat_bins))
g = np.zeros(xi.shape)
g[:-1,:-1] = h
g[-1] = g[0] # copy the top row to the bottom
g[:,-1] = g[:,0] # copy the left column to the right
print g.shape,yi.shape,xi.shape
cs = m.contourf(yi, xi, g, cmap='Dark2')
cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation='horizontal')
cbar.set_label('la densite des impacts foudre',size=18)
And here's the result i got
so my request is how to have a nicer plotting, i don't want to have that rectangle in the middle ,i want my result being more smoothed...any ideas ?

I found the answer of my request,so in order to get rid of that rectangle i added this to my code :
g[g==0.0] = np.nan
which means, the bins that have density equal to 0 wouldn't appear on the plot and it's working fine.


opencv C++ negative X,Y cordinates from detections (yolo detections)

I am using Yolo detection algorithm to predict bounding boxes, but the detection returns some values as negative integers , but the cv::rectangle function draws correct rectangles on to images, so it's kind of puzzling why there are negative or even long values in the detection coordinates, here get_rect function returns x,y,width,height, after applying NMS
std::vector<uint> rr = get_rect(img, res[j].bbox);
later converted it into opencv understandable format:
cv::Rect r = cv::Rect(rr[0],rr[1],rr[2],rr[3]);
when print following values of Rect r some values are ambiguous,
r.x = 398
r.y = 1431655936
r.width = 22
r.height = -1431655867
As can be seen values of y coordinate and height are completely out of the canvas, so any reasons for this.
Also , i made sure that the input image dimensions , infering dimensions , and output image rendering dimensions all are same, Also cv::rectangle function correctly drawing all the rectangles with there respective object locations.

algorithm that finds the "mean positioned" white pixel in a column and repeats the process for each column

I am attempting to create an algorithm that locates the white pixels in a column of a binary image, and then adds the y co-ordinates/column number of each white pixel and divides this value by the number of white pixels in the column, in order to get the "mean/middle positioned" white pixel in the column. And this returns an (x,y) co-ordinate that can be plotted. This process repeats for each column in the image and each time sy sets back to 0.
The end goal is instead of having a lines that are multiple pixels thick/wide, as shown in the image's numpy arraycurrent line multiple thicks wide array, I have lines that are just one pixel wide, whilst mantaining the original shape. I planned on doing this by selecting the "mean positioned white pixel in each column". I will then use these pixels to obtain x and y co-ordinates to plot.
Here is what I have
sx = x = img.shape[1]
sy = 0
whitec = cv2.countNonZero(img.shape[1])
arrayOfMeanY = [] #array to place (x,y) co-ordinate in
#Select column to iterate
for x in range(img.shape[1]):
# iterating through individual items in the column
for y in range(img.shape[0]):
# Checking for white pixels
pixel = img[x,y]
if pixel == 255:
# Then we check the y values of the white pixels in the column and add them all up
sy = sy+y
whitec +=1
# Doing the calculation for the mean and putting it into the meanY list
sy = sy/whitec
y = sy
print img[x,y]
# reset sy to 0 for the next column
sy = 0
My issue is I recieve this error when I run the code:
File "<ipython-input-6-e4c2225ff632>", line 27, in <module>
whitec = cv2.countNonZero(img.shape[1]) #n= number of white pixels
in the column
TypeError: src is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
How do I rectify this issue, and once once this issue is rectified will my coding do what I described above.
No need for loops here. With numpy you hardly ever need to loop over individual pixels.
Instead, create a function which takes the mean of the locations of the non-zero pixels for each column (I converted to np.intp to index the image; you could just cast with int() but np.intp is what Numpy uses for indexing arrays so, it's slightly more appropriate).
def avgWhiteLocOverCol(col):
return np.intp(np.mean(np.where(col)))
Then you can simply apply the function along all columns with np.apply_along_axis().
avgRows = np.apply_along_axis(avgWhiteLocOverCol, 0, img)
For example, let's create an image with white pixels on the middle row and on the diagonal:
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = np.eye(500)*255
img[249,:] = 255
Then we can apply the function over each column, which should give a line with half the slope:
def avgWhiteLocOverCol(col):
return int(np.mean(np.where(col)))
avgRows = np.apply_along_axis(avgWhiteLocOverCol, 0, img)
avgIndImg = np.zeros_like(img)
avgIndImg[avgRows,range(img.shape[1])] = 255

Python cv2 Image Pyramids

Trying to implement the famous Orange/Apple pyramids blending (cv2 Image Pyramids).
Note: Both images shape is 307x307.
However, since the result image is blurred due to clipping values in cv2.subtract and cv2.add (as stated in cv2 vs numpy Matrix Arithmetics), I have used numpy arithmetics instead as suggested in StackOverflow: Reconstructed Image after Laplacian Pyramid Not the same as original image.
I have tested this by performing pyramids on one image and the result image constructed back using pyramids has the same Max,Min,Average pixels values as opposed to using cv2 arithmetics.
However, on pyramids level 7, the result image gets a 'noise' of a red dot and on level 9 the result image gets a lot of green pixels noises. Images of levels 6, 7, 9 - Imgur Album.
Any ideas why would this happen? The pyramid level 9 green noise I would say happened because the image went below 1x1 shape. But what about the red dot on 7 level pyramid?
EDIT : Code Added
numberOfPyramids = 9
# generate Gaussian pyramids for A and B Images
GA = A.copy()
GB = B.copy()
gpA = [GA]
gpB = [GB]
for i in xrange(numberOfPyramids):
GA = cv2.pyrDown(GA)
GB = cv2.pyrDown(GB)
# generate Laplacian Pyramids for A and B Images
lpA = [gpA[numberOfPyramids - 1]]
lpB = [gpB[numberOfPyramids - 1]]
for i in xrange(numberOfPyramids - 1, 0, -1):
geA = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i], dstsize = np.shape(gpA[i-1])[:2])
geB = cv2.pyrUp(gpB[i], dstsize = np.shape(gpB[i-1])[:2])
laplacianA = gpA[i - 1] - geA if i != 1 else cv2.subtract(gpA[i-1], geA)
laplacianB = gpB[i - 1] - geB if i != 1 else cv2.subtract(gpB[i-1], geB)
# Now add left and right halves of images in each level
LS = []
for la, lb in zip(lpA, lpB):
_, cols, _ = la.shape
ls = np.hstack((la[:, : cols / 2], lb[:, cols / 2 :]))
# now reconstruct
ls_ = LS[0]
for i in xrange(1, numberOfPyramids):
ls_ = cv2.pyrUp(ls_, dstsize = np.shape(LS[i])[:2])
ls_ = ls_ + LS[i] if i != numberOfPyramids - 1 else cv2.add(ls_, LS[i])
cv2.imshow(namedWindowName, ls_)
After read the original article about laplacian pyramid, I find I misunderstood this method, we can fully reconstruct the original image without blur, because we use of additional pix information. And It is true that clipping value lead to blurred. Well now we come back to the beginning again :)
So the code you post is still clipping value, I advise you use int16 to save the laplacian pyramid, and not use cv2.subtract. Hope it works.

Python matplotlib animate arc

I am trying to animate arcs and circles. The circles are moving every frame. While the arcs are changing radius, position and disappearing as functions of the positions of the circles.
I am trying to animate these arcs , but they are not changing.
Below is the code sample:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib import patches
import numpy as np
particle_one = np.zeros((10,2)) #10 times steps and x,y positions
particle_two = np.zeros((10,2)) #10 times steps and x,y positions
#the two particles are moving away from each other in the x direction
for i in range(0,10):
particle_one[i,0] = i
particle_two[i,0] = 2-i
particle_one[i,1] = 2
particle_two[i,1] = -2
particle_One_Radius = 1
particle_Two_Radius = 1.5
arc_Center = np.zeros((10,2))
for i in range(0,10):
arc_Center[i,0] = (particle_one[i,0] + particle_two[i,0])/2
#the arc should disappear for frame 5
arc_Center[5,0] = 0
arc_Center[5,1] = 0
fig = plt.figure()
plt.axis([-20,20, -5,5]) #axis that I like
ax = plt.gca()
circle_One = plt.Circle([particle_one[0,0],particle_one[0,1]],particle_One_Radius)
circle_Two = plt.Circle([particle_two[0,0],particle_two[0,1]],particle_Two_Radius)
circles = []
arcs = []
#defines the arc
arc_one = patches.Arc([arc_Center[0,0],arc_Center[0,1]],5,3,angle =0 ,theta1 = 0,theta2= 270)
def init():
return ax
#draw every frame by frame
def animate(m):
#the arcs does not change
arcs[0] =patches.Arc([arc_Center[m,0],arc_Center[m,1]],5+m,3+m,angle =0 ,theta1 = 0,theta2= 270)
return ax
#animation function that draws 10 frames
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,animate , init_func= init , frames = 10 , interval = 20)
The circles animate correctly , but the arc does not change shape or location
Your problem is that instead of modifying your Arc patch as you do the circles, you create a new one at each step, but do not add it to the axes after it's created.
I've checked briefly, but I don't know how to modify the properties of an Arc instance, although I'm sure it's possible.
In the mean time, I've modified your function to remove the previous Arc from the patches list, create a new arc, and add it back to the Axes
#draw every frame by frame
def animate(m):
arcs[0] = patches.Arc([arc_Center[m,0],arc_Center[m,1]],5+m,3+m,angle =0 ,theta1 = 0,theta2= 270)
print "step %d: arc = %s" % (m, arcs[0])
return circles,arcs
I have also ran into the problem of my arc not moving. Trying to remove the arc as Diziet suggested generated the
error: "x not in list".
However, what seems to work is to do both the instantiation of the arc and adding it to the axis within the animate function, but without the call to remove it - essentially, Diziet's solution minus the line "ax.patches.remove(arcs[0])".

Transform Rectangle to trapezoid for perspective

I have picture from front-view. and I want to turn this into bird's eye view.
Now I want to calculate for each point in the rectangle (x,y) what will be transformed x,y in the trapezoid.
there must be a formula for this transformation with a given x and y and also the angle of the trapezoid (a).
I am programming in C and using opencv.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Did you consider the homography transform. You use this to create or correct perspective in an image, I think that it is exactly what you want.
With OpenCV, you can use the method cv::findHomography(). The arguments are the 4 initial points (vertices of your rectangle) and the 4 final points (the vertices of the trapeze). You get a transformation matrix that you can then use with cv::warpPerspective() or cv::perspectiveTransform().
I was able to figure out a way for your problem.
Here is the code I used for the same:
Importing the required packages:
import cv2
import numpy as np
Reading the image to be used:
filename = '1.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(filename)
Storing the height and width of the image in separate variables:
ih, iw, _ = img.shape
Creating a black window whose size is bigger than that of the image and storing its height and width in separate variables:
black = np.zeros((ih + 300, iw + 300, 3), np.uint8)
bh, bw, _ = black.shape
Storing the 4 corner points of the image in an array:
pts_src = np.array([[0.0, 0.0],[float(iw), 0.0],[float(iw), float(ih)],[0.0,float(ih)]])
Storing the 4 corner points of the trapezoid to be obtained:
pts_dst = np.array([[bw * 0.25, 0],[bw * 0.75, 0.0],[float(bw), float(bh)],[0.0,float(bh)]])
Calculating the homography matrix using pts_src and pts_dst:
h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst)
Warping the given rectangular image into the trapezoid:
im_out = cv2.warpPerspective(img, h, (black.shape[1],black.shape[0]))
cv2.imwrite("im_outImage.jpg", im_out)
If you alter the values in the array pts_dst you will be able to get different kinds of quadrilaterals.