Building Chilkat with a .sh file - c++

I downloaded chilkat and I need to build it... I got 2 .sh files. The README says:
To build the C and C++ samples, first edit the and scripts and set the "-L" option's path for the system libraries.
g++ -Wl,--enable-auto-import linkSample.cpp -o"linkSample.exe" -L. -libchilkat-9.5.0 -L/c/MinGW/lib -lcrypt32 -lws2_32 -ldnsapi
#!/bin/bash -ev
gcc -c c_Sample.c -o"c_Sample.o"
g++ c_Sample.o -o"c_Sample.exe" -L. -lchilkat-9.5.0 -L/c/MinGW/lib -lcrypt32
-lws2_32 -ldnsapi
It's now clear how I should make that.... Help please :) Thanks

You haven't said what platform you are building on. But if you are using Windows + MinGW then:
The libraries for crypt32, ws2_32 and dnsapi can be downloaded from: here
For the g++ command, the -l (lowercase) option tells g++ which additional libraries you want to link against, and the -L (uppercase) option is used to tell g++ where to look for the libraries.
If you have a library file called libbar.a in the current folder (.) then you add the option (-L. -lbar)
Or, if you have a library in /path/to/foo/libbar.a then you add (-L/path/to/foo -lbar).
You will need to check the MinGW documentation for the locations of the system libraries, they are likely to be found in /lib or /usr/lib.


How to link libraries with g++ compiler?

I'm trying to link a game library for my game project in C++. I am using the g++ compiler and Atom Code Editor. Also on a Windows machine.
To link the library it needs to link those things:
Include path
Library path
Additional dependencies
The main.cpp file is at ProjectRoot/src/main.cpp and the library is at ProjectRoot/deps/lib_name
Inside the library there is and include folder, with the .h file for including, and a lib folder, with the .lib file. It's a static linking library.
So far, I've tried the following commands:
g++ -o ExecutableName.exe -I /deps/lib_name/include -L /deps/lib_name/lib src/main.cpp
Well, that didn't work though... It said that there was no such file or directory as library_name.h...
I need to know if I'm doing anything wrong and also how to specify the additional dependencies.
Every thing is correct . You just forgot to link the libraries . Do it as follows -
g++ -o ExecutableName.exe -I /deps/lib_name/include -L /deps/lib_name/lib src/main -l[library name] -l[library name]

Using c++ library on linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to install c++ library on linux
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm new to c++ and don't understand how to install a library on Linux (Mint). I want to use the GNU GMP library:
I downloaded the tar.lz file and installed it with
sudo make install
If I try to compile it, I get the error message that the header file "gmpxx.h" wasn't found. Where can I find this file? How do I compile it with the -lgmpxx -lgmp flags? I tried something like:
g++ test.cpp -o test -lgmpxx -lgmp
If the library is using the Autoconf system (which your does) then the default installation prefix is /usr/local.
That means libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib, and header files in /usr/local/include. Unfortunately few Linux systems have those added for the compiler to search by default, you need to explicitly tell the compiler to do it.
Telling the compiler to add a header-file path is done using the -I (upper-case i) option. For libraries the option is -L.
Like so:
g++ test.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgmpxx -lgmp
The above command will allow your program to build, but it's unfortunately not enough as you most likely won't be able to run the program you just built. That's because the run-time linker and program loader doesn't know the path to the (dynamic) libraries either. You need to add another linker-specific flag -rpath telling the build-time linker to embed the path inside your finished program. The front-end program g++ doesn't know this option, so you need to use -Wl,-rpath:
g++ test.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgmpxx -lgmp -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib
The options can be found in the GCC documentation (for the -I and -L and -Wl options), and the documentation for ld (the compile-time linker) for the -rpath option.
If you install a lot of custom-build libraries, you might add the path /usr/local/lib to the file /etc/ and then run the ldconfig command (as root). Then you don't need the -rpath option.
Now with all of that said, almost all libraries you would usually use for development will be available in your distributions standard repository. If you use them the libraries will be installed with paths that means you don't have to add flags.
So I recommend you install your distributions development packages for the libraries instead.

"multiple definition of `atexit'" when linking with DLL

I use MinGW32 more specifically TDM-GCC-32. I have very simple project I link to one custom library but this error pops out:
>g++ -D_WIN32 -D_MINGW -lgdi32 -lgdiplus -Linterception/x86 -linterception main.cpp -o interceptor.exe
interception/x86/libinterception.a(dgnes00125.o):(.text+0x0): multiple definitio
n of `atexit'
first defined here
interception/x86/libinterception.a(dgnes00109.o):(.text+0x0): multiple definitio
n of `_onexit'
first defined here
C:/TDM-GCC-32/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:/TD
M-GCC-32/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/../../../crt2.o: bad reloc address 0x20 in
section `.eh_frame'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Commands I use to build the library:
gcc -DINTERCEPTION_EXPORT -D_WIN32 -D_MINGW -shared -o interception.dll interception.c
dlltool -z interception.def --export-all-symbol interception.dll
dlltool -d interception.def -l libinterception.a
I guess I have to use different options for compiling the library to avoid redefinitions..
The dlltool method I believe is currently deprecated. I can't fault you here though, as most of the available documentation still says to do it this way.
Gcc will link directly against .dll files, making .a files obsolete (at least for dealing with dll's - the only current reason to use a .a file is for static linking). You don't even have to specify the dll with the -l flag, although you have to specify the path of the dll if it's not in your current directory
C:\Users\burito>gcc main.o opengl32.dll -o main.exe
gcc: error: opengl32.dll: No such file or directory
C:\Users\burito>gcc main.o c:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll -o main.exe
Ok, opengl32.dll is perhaps not a great example, but I hope I've given you the general idea.
I believe MSVC still needs its .lib files to use a .dll, for which there are several ways of making them if the library doesn't come with one.
In your specific case, the command that should work would be...
g++ -D_WIN32 -D_MINGW -lgdi32 -lgdiplus interception/x86/interception.dll main.cpp -o interceptor.exe
If for whatever reason you really do need to create a .a file from a .dll, the command that has worked for me is...
gendef interception.dll
dlltool -l interception.a -d interception.def -k -A
As the repository you linked does provide .dll files in its releases, you shouldn't have to build them yourself

libxml/parser.h: in c++ ubuntu

Even though I have installed libxml++2.6-2 libxml++2.6-doc etc in my ubuntu 12.04 version again I am getting the below error
fatal error: libxml/parser.h: No such file or directory
I am using make for building the project
Kindly suggest any other libxml libraries which I need to install
libxml/parser.h is a part o libxml library, not libxml++
For any given library, you need development packages (the ones with names ending in -dev) in order to build applications using that library.
You need to pass additional flags to your compiler: xml2-config --cflags and to linker xml2-config --libs.
I don't have access to an Ubuntu system now, but: Maybe you need to install the libxml developer package? Maybe you only have the library but not the include file(s)?
Check in /usr/include, /usr/local/include, ... for the directory libxml and the file parser.h.
If you find the file, you may need to adapt your makefile so that the parent-directory is in the list of include paths, e.g.:
INC = -I/usr/local/include
g++ $(INC) ...
If you did not find the file: Check the available libxml packages for a developer package and install that.
Before Posting the answer THANKS to the people who have answered, but those answers were not worked for me
I have just copied libxml folder from the directory usr/lib/libxml2 and pasted in usr/lib directory and compiled my code it is not giving any error. It is working fine now.
Please read #el.pescado answer before reading this. I wanted to comment on that answer but felt the need to format my code better.
gcc -c <files to compile> `xml2-config --cflags` -o <object files>
gcc <object files> -L<libxml2 lib location> `xml2-config --libs` -o <binary file>
Assuming we have a file names xmltest.c that have code that included libxml2 header like #include <libxml/parser.h>, standard location of libxml2 shared library i.e. /usr/lib64/libxml2, the above code will evaluate like this:
gcc -c xmltest.c -I/usr/include/libxml2 -o xmltest.o
gcc xmltest.o -L/usr/lib64/libxml2 -lxml2 -lz -lm -o xmltest
A better idea is to put together a Makefile that does this automatically.

gcc fails to find a library to link

I am using Ubuntu and my IDE is Aptana 3.0
I am getting the following error when trying to build. The library libfcgi.a is located in /usr/local/lib/.
In the Library C++ Linker section of the project properties, I added /usr/local/lib/ to the search path and the file /usr/local/lib/libfcgi.a.
Why can I still not build?
**** Build of configuration Debug for project rtb ****
make all
Building target: rtb
Invoking: GCC C++ Linker
g++ -L/usr/local/lib -o"rtb" ./src/rtb.o -l/usr/local/lib/libfcgi.a
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l/usr/local/lib/libfcgi.a
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [rtb] Error 1
I think this may be what you want;
g++ -L/usr/local/lib -o "rtb" ./src/rtb.o -lfcgi
-l<value> will automatically look in all folders listed with -L for a library named lib<value>.a or lib<value>.so, all you need is the '-lfcgi'.
Try "-lfcgi" instead
g++ -L/usr/local/lib -o"rtb" ./src/rtb.o -lfcgi
Your linker flag is wrong it needs to be -lfcgi and not the whole path with the "lib" prefix and the .a suffix.
You can change it by hand, or in Apatana. To do so you don't have to give him the full qualified path to your lib two times. ( You already gave him the search path, remember? ). Usually you define additional libraries just like this:
cfgi and your IDE does the rest to add it to the linker flags!
You should do
g++ -o "rtb" ./src/rtb.o -lfcgi
In the unlikely case that /usr/local/lib/ is not in your search path, you can either add that path in the command line like
g++ -L/usr/local/lib -o "rtb" ./src/rtb.o -lfcgi
or put it in the environment variable LIBRARY_PATH before calling your compile command, e.g. with bash:
if [ -z "$LIBRARY_PATH" ];
then export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib;
else export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH":/usr/local/lib;
If you insist in giving the explicit file name, omit the -l:
g++ -L/usr/local/lib -o "rtb" ./src/rtb.o /usr/local/lib/libfcgi.a
However I'd advise against that because it's inflexible. If the issue is that there's another, incompatible version of the library installed, it's better to make sure that the correct one comes first in the search path (or even better, make sure that the wrong one isn't in the search path at all ― maybe even by removing it from the system).
That's for the help all....really appreciate it.
Here is the solution. I had to use -lfcgi++ and I added the
g++ -L/usr/local/include/ -lfcgi++ -o"rtb" ./src/rtb.o
The above was the output from aptanta console. I tried -lfcgi and did not work. Google search lead to using -lfcgi++.