User-data script doens't launch with EC2 Instance - amazon-web-services

Services used: ec2, autoscaling, s3, sqs, cloudwatch
AMI and Environement: Windows 64-bit
Network: IAM and security group attached
Job: Run a script which starts a program (.exe) which is loaded from S3
I have an auto scale option that launches a N number of Instances. The user data script is based on aws CLI and few commands in powershell. I was expecting the instances to execute my script upon their initialization. Note that some of the tasks before the Job is to first download the aws CLI using powershell, because the rest of the script is based on aws commands
What am I missing ? I thought the launch should start the script in user-data.
Note that this script was tested on an instance with the same configurations (VPC, Security Group, etc..)


aws autoscaling group ec2 instance to run script every minute

I want to have my ec2 instances to start running some automation script within the server once they are launched in the auto scaling group. This script will need to run every minute so userdata is probably not a good option. I wonder if there is a way to do this with ssm document. Any ideas would be much appreciated!
Do you need to store the logs of the script on either S3 or Cloudwatch? Then use an EventBridge rule and a SSM Run Command document.
Do you not care about such logs? Then use your operating system native tools: cron on Linux or task scheduler on Windows.

AWS - Conditionally run a script on EC2 instances

I am looking for a way to conditionally run a script on every existing / new EC2 instances.
For example, in Azure, you can create an Azure Policy that is executed on every existing / new VM, and when a set of conditions apply on that VM, you can deploy a VM extension or run a DSC script.
I am looking for the equivalent service in AWS.
From AWS Systems Manager Run Command - AWS Systems Manager:
Using Run Command, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, you can remotely and securely manage the configuration of your managed instances. A managed instance is any Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or on-premises machine in your hybrid environment that has been configured for Systems Manager. Run Command allows you to automate common administrative tasks and perform one-time configuration changes at scale. You can use Run Command from the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, or the AWS SDKs.
Administrators use Run Command to perform the following types of tasks on their managed instances: install or bootstrap applications, build a deployment pipeline, capture log files when an instance is removed from an Auto Scaling group, and join instances to a Windows domain.
You will need to trigger the Run Command to execute on nominated EC2 instances. It will not automatically run for every 'new' instance.
Alternatively, there is Evaluating Resources with AWS Config Rules - AWS Config:
Use AWS Config to evaluate the configuration settings of your AWS resources. You do this by creating AWS Config rules, which represent your ideal configuration settings. While AWS Config continuously tracks the configuration changes that occur among your resources, it checks whether these changes violate any of the conditions in your rules. If a resource violates a rule, AWS Config flags the resource and the rule as noncompliant.
For example, when an EC2 volume is created, AWS Config can evaluate the volume against a rule that requires volumes to be encrypted. If the volume is not encrypted, AWS Config flags the volume and the rule as noncompliant. AWS Config can also check all of your resources for account-wide requirements. For example, AWS Config can check whether the number of EC2 volumes in an account stays within a desired total, or whether an account uses AWS CloudTrail for logging.
You can create an AWS Config custom rule that triggers a process when a non-compliant resource is found. This way, an automated action could correct the situation.
You can also use an AWS managed service such as OpsWorks (Managed Chef/Puppet).
This can give you a way of running the commands in an organized way by allowing you to create defined sets of instances and associated resources.

Is it possible to run the Terrafrom/Ansible scripts without having them on a running EC2 instance?

We have several legacy applications that are running in AWS EC2 instances while we develop a new suite of applications. Our company updates their approved AMI's on a monthly basis, and requires all running instances to run the new AMI's. This forces us to regularly tear down the instances and rebuild them with the new AMI's. In order to comply with these requirements all infrastructure and application deployment must be fully automated.
To achieve automation, I'm using Terraform to build the infrastructure and Ansible to deploy the applications. Terraform will create EC2 Instances, Security Groups, SSH Keys, Load Balancers, Route 53 records, and an Inventory file to be used by Ansible which includes the IP addresses of the created Instances. Ansible will then deploy the legacy applications to the hosts supplied by the Inventory file. I have a shell script to execute the first the Terrafrom script and then the Ansible playbooks.
To achieve full automation I need to run this process whenever an AMI is updated. The current AMI release is stored in Parameter store and Terraform can detect when there is a change, but I still need to manually trigger the job. We also have an AWS SNS topic to which I can subscribe to receive notification of new AMI releases. My initial thought was to simply put the Terraform/Ansible scripts on an EC2 instance and have a Cron job run them monthly. This would likely work, but I wonder if it is the best approach. For starters, I would need to use an EC2 instance which itself would need to be updated with new AMI's, so unless I have another process to do this I would need to do it manually. Second, although our AMI's could potentially be updated monthly, sometimes they are not. Therefore, I would sometimes be running the jobs unnecessarily. Of course I could simply somehow detect if the the AMI ID has changed and run the job accordingly, but it seems like a better approach would be to react to the AWS SNS topic.
Is it possible to run the Terrafrom/Ansible scripts without having them on a running EC2 instance? And how can I trigger the scripts in response to the SNS topic?
options i was testing to trigger ansible playbook in response to webhooks from alertmanager to have some form of self healing ( might be useful for you)
run ansible in aws lambda and have it frontend with api gaetway as webhook .. alertmanager trigger ->
SNS receiver in AWS -> susbscriber-> AWS system manager - which supports ansible :
Alertmanager target jenkins webhook -> jenkins pipline uses ansible plugin to execute playbooks :
frontend ansible server with a webhook server which execute ansible commands as post actions
this can be flask based webserver or this git webhook provided below :
you can also use AWX ( ansible tower in opensource form) which expose ansible server as a api endpoint ( webhook) - currently only webhooks supported - github and gitlab.

Run a batch file on EC2 from a (python) lambda

I can see a generic way of starting an EC2 from lambda in Start and Stop Instances at Scheduled Intervals Using Lambda and CloudWatch.
Suppose I use that method to start an EC2, and suppose the AMI is a windows server 2019 customised to have a .bat file on the desktop, and also suppose I'm using a python lambda.
How can I execute this batch file from the lambda? (i.e. just as though someone had RDP'd into the instance and double-clicked on it)
Note: To be very clear, basically I want to start the EC2 using the method given in the AWS docs (above), and right after the instance has started, to run the batch file that will be sitting on the instance's desktop
I think you have a few concepts mixed together.
AWS Lambda functions run on the Lambda service, without having to use Amazon EC2 instances. This is what makes them "serverless".
If you have a batch file on an Amazon EC2 instance, you would presumably want to run that batch file on the EC2 instance itself, without involving Lambda (since you have got a server).
If you wish to run a script on an EC2 instance when it launches for the first time, you can provide a PowerShell or Command-Line script via the User Data field. Software on the AMI will automatically execute this script the first time that the instance starts.
This script could do all the work itself, or it could simply call another script that is stored on the disk. Some people use the script to download another script from a repository (eg Amazon S3 or GitHub) and then execute the downloaded script.
For more information, see: Running Commands on Your Windows Instance at Launch - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
If the Amazon EC2 instance is already running and you wish to trigger a script to execute, you can use the AWS Systems Manager Run Command. This works by having an agent on the instance which can be remotely triggered, thereby running scripts without having to login to the instance.

Powershell Automation in ec2

We are trying to automate running of multiple powershell scripts in AWS EC2 instance. Any suggestion how this can be done. These execution has to be sequential.
In order to configure state on a fresh EC2 instance, you can use 'User Data' in order to:
a. Fully provision and configure state using powershell, see:
b. Install an agent for a configuration management tool such as Puppet, Chef, Ansible (as mentioned in the comment above). An example of provisioning stock Window's AMI's can be followed here:
If you wish to trigger scripts on an existing Amazon EC2 instance (or a whole fleet of instances), also consider Running PowerShell Commands or Scripts with Amazon EC2 Run Command.