Clojure, unquote slicing outside of syntax quote - clojure

In clojure, we can use unquote slicing ~# to spread the list. For example
(macroexpand `(+ ~#'(1 2 3)))
expands to
(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)
This is useful feature in macros when rearranging the syntax. But is it possible to use unquote slicing or familiar technique outside of macro and without eval?
Here is the solution with eval
(eval `(+ ~#'(1 2 3))) ;-> 6
But I would rather do
(+ ~#'(1 2 3))
Which unfortunately throws an error
IllegalStateException Attempting to call unbound fn: #'clojure.core/unquote-splicing clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.throwArity (
At first I thought apply would do it, and it is indeed the case with functions
(apply + '(1 2 3)) ; -> 6
However, this is not the case with macros or special forms. It's obvious with macros, as it's expanded before apply and must be first element in the form anyway. With special forms it's not so obvious though, but still makes sense as they aren't first class citizens as functions are. For example the following throws an error
(apply do ['(println "hello") '(println "world")]) ;-> error
Is the only way to "apply" list to special form at runtime to use unquote slicing and eval?

Clojure has a simple model of how programs are loaded and executed. Slightly simplified, it goes something like this:
some source code is read from a text stream by the reader;
this is passed to the compiler one form at a time;
the compiler expands any macros it encounters;
for non-macros, the compiler applies various simple evaluation rules (special rules for special forms, literals evaluate to themselves, function calls are compiled as such etc.);
the compiled code is evaluated and possibly changes the compilation environment used by the following forms.
Syntax quote is a reader feature. It is replaced at read time by code that emits list structure:
;; note the ' at the start
user=> '`(+ ~#'(1 2 3))
(clojure.core/concat (clojure.core/list (quote clojure.core/+)) (quote (1 2 3))))
It is only in the context of syntax-quoted blocks that the reader affords ~ and ~# this special handling, and syntax-quoted blocks always produce forms that may call a handful of seq-building functions from clojure.core and are otherwise composed from quoted data.
This all happens as part of step 1 from the list above. So for syntax-quote to be useful as an apply-like mechanism, you'd need it to produce code in the right shape at that point in the process that would then look like the desired "apply result" in subsequent steps. As explained above, syntax-quote always produces code that creates list structure, and in particular it never returns unquoted expressions that look like unquoted dos or ifs etc., so that's impossible.
This isn't a problem, since the code transformations that are reasonable given the above execution model can be implemented using macros.
Incidentally, the macroexpand call is actually superfluous in your example, as the syntax-quoted form already is the same as its macroexpansion (as it should be, since + is not a macro):
user=> `(+ ~#'(1 2 3))
(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)


Clojure Core function argument positions seem rather confusing. What's the logic behind it?

For me as, a new Clojurian, some core functions seem rather counter-intuitive and confusing when it comes to arguments order/position, here's an example:
> (nthrest (range 10) 5)
=> (5 6 7 8 9)
> (take-last 5 (range 10))
=> (5 6 7 8 9)
Perhaps there is some rule/logic behind it that I don't see yet?
I refuse to believe that the Clojure core team made so many brilliant technical decisions and forgot about consistency in function naming/argument ordering.
Or should I just remember it as it is?
Slightly offtopic:
rand&rand-int VS random-sample - another example where function naming seems inconsistent but that's a rather rarely used function so it's not a big deal.
There is an FAQ on for this question:
What are the rules of thumb for arg order in core functions?
Primary collection operands come first. That way one can write → and its ilk, and their position is independent of whether or not they have variable arity parameters. There is a tradition of this in OO languages and Common Lisp (slot-value, aref, elt).
One way to think about sequences is that they are read from the left, and fed from the right:
<- [1 2 3 4]
Most of the sequence functions consume and produce sequences. So one way to visualize that is as a chain:
map <- filter <- [1 2 3 4]
and one way to think about many of the seq functions is that they are parameterized in some way:
(map f) <- (filter pred) <- [1 2 3 4]
So, sequence functions take their source(s) last, and any other parameters before them, and partial allows for direct parameterization as above. There is a tradition of this in functional languages and Lisps.
Note that this is not the same as taking the primary operand last. Some sequence functions have more than one source (concat, interleave). When sequence functions are variadic, it is usually in their sources.
Adapted from comments by Rich Hickey.
Functions that work with seqs usually has the actual seq as last argument.
(map, filter, remote etc.)
Accessing and "changing" individual elements takes a collection as first element: conj, assoc, get, update
That way, you can use the (->>) macro with a collection consistenly,
as well as create transducers consistently.
Only rarely one has to resort to (as->) to change argument order. And if you have to do so, it might be an opportunity to check if your own functions follow that convention.
For some functions (especially functions that are "seq in, seq out"), the args are ordered so that one can use partial as follows:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(let [dozen (range 12)
odds-1 (filterv odd? dozen)
filter-odd (partial filterv odd?)
odds-2 (filter-odd dozen) ]
(is= odds-1 odds-2
[1 3 5 7 9 11])))
For other functions, Clojure often follows the ordering of "biggest-first", or "most-important-first" (usually these have the same result). Thus, we see examples like:
(get <map> <key>)
(get <map> <key> <default-val>)
This also shows that any optional values must, by definition, be last (in order to use "rest" args). This is common in most languages (e.g. Java).
For the record, I really dislike using partial functions, since they have user-defined names (at best) or are used inline (more common). Consider this code:
(let [dozen (range 12)
odds (filterv odd? dozen)
evens-1 (mapv (partial + 1) odds)
evens-2 (mapv #(+ 1 %) odds)
add-1 (fn [arg] (+ 1 arg))
evens-3 (mapv add-1 odds)]
(is= evens-1 evens-2 evens-3
[2 4 6 8 10 12]))
I personally find it really annoying trying to parse out code using partial as with evens-1, especially for the case of user-defined functions, or even standard functions that are not as simple as +.
This is especially so if the partial is used with 2 or more args.
For the 1-arg case, the function literal seen for evens-2 is much more readable to me.
If 2 or more args are present, please make a named function (either local, as shown for evens-3), or a regular (defn some-fn ...) global function.

Trouble understanding a simple macro in Clojure - passing macro as stand-in for higher order function to map

I've been into Clojure lately and have avoided macros up until now, so this is my first exposure to them. I've been reading "Mastering Clojure Macros", and on Chapter 3, page 28, I encountered the following example:
user=> (defmacro square [x] `(* ~x ~x))
;=> #'user/square
user=> (map (fn [n] (square n)) (range 10))
;=> (0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81)
The context is the author is explaining that while simply passing the square macro to map results in an error (can't take value of a macro), wrapping it in a function works because:
when the anonymous function (fn [n] (square n)) gets compiled, the
square expression gets macroexpanded, to (fn [n] (clojure.core/* n
n)). And this is a perfectly reasonable function, so we don’t have any
problems with the compiler
This makes sense to me if we assume the body of the function is evaluated before runtime (at compile, or "definition" time) thus expanding the macro ahead of runtime. However, I always thought that function bodys were not evaluated until runtime, and at compile time you would basically just have a function object with some knowledge of it's lexical scope (but no knowledge of its body).
I'm clearly mixed up on the compile/runtime semantics here, but when I look at this sample I keep thinking that square won't be expanded until map forces it's call, since it's in the body of the anonymous function, which I thought would be unevaluated until runtime. I know my thinking is wrong, because if that was the case, then n would be bound to each number in (range 10), and there wouldn't be an issue.
I know it's a pretty basic question, but macros are proving to be pretty tricky for me to fully wrap my head around at first exposure!
Generally speaking function bodies aren't evaluated at compile time, but macros are always evaluated at compile time because they're always expanded at compile time whether inside a function or not.
You can write a macro that expands to a function, but you still can't refer/pass the macro around as if it were a function:
(defmacro inc-macro [] `(fn [x#] (inc x#)))
=> #'user/inc-macro
(map (inc-macro) [1 2 3])
=> (2 3 4)
defmacro is expanded at compile time, so you can think of it as a function executed during compilation. This will replace every occurrence of the macro "call" with the code it "returns".
You may consider a macros as a syntax rule. For example, in Scheme, a macros is declared with define-syntax form. There is a special step in compiler that substitutes all the macros calls into their content before compiling the code. As a result, there won't be any square calls in your final code. Say, if you wrote something like
(def value (square 3))
the final version after expansion would be
(def value (clojure.core/* 3 3))
There is a special way to check what will be the body of your macros after being expanded:
user=> (defmacro square [x] `(* ~x ~x))
user=> (macroexpand '(square 3))
(clojure.core/* 3 3)
That's why a macros is an ephemeral thing that lives only in source code but not in the compiled version of it. That's why it cannot be passed as a value or referenced somehow.
The best rule regarding macroses is: try to avoid them until you really need them in your work.

How does clojure evaluate code at compile time?

Here are two macros I had written
(defmacro hello [x] '(+ 1 2))
(defmacro hello [x] (eval '(+ 1 2)))
On macroexpanding the first one, I get (+ 1 2), and while macroexpanding the second, I get the value 3. Does this mean the addition happened at compile time? How is that even possible? What if instead of '(+ 1 2) I had written a function that queries a db. Would it query the db at compile time?
A macro injects arbitrary code into the compiler. Usually, the purpose is to "pre-process" custom code like (1 + 2) into something Clojure understands like (+ 1 2). However, you could include anything (including DB access) into the compilation phase if you really want to. After all the compiler is just a piece of software running on a general-purpose computer. Since it is open-source, you could modify the compiler code directly to do anything.
Using a macro is just a more convenient way of modifying/extending the base compiler code, that is optimized for extending the core Clojure language. However, macros are not limited to that use-case (if you really want to get crazy).
There is a similar ability using the C++ expression template mechanism, which is a Turing Complete compiler pre-processor. A famous example was to use the compiler to compute the first several prime numbers as "error" messages. See
Macro body is executed during compile time and its return value is used to replace its usage in the code and this new code will be compiled.
Thus your macro code:
(defmacro hello [x] (eval '(+ 1 2)))
will actually execute eval with the form '(+ 1 2) during compilation and the result value of that expression (3) will be returned as the result of the macro replacing its usage (e.g. (hello 0)).

Why does Clojure allow (eval 3) although 3 is not quoted?

I'm learning Clojure and trying to understand reader, quoting, eval and homoiconicity by drawing parallels to Python's similar features.
In Python, one way to avoid (or postpone) evaluation is to wrap the expression between quotes, eg. '3 + 4'. You can evaluate this later using eval, eg. eval('3 + 4') yielding 7. (If you need to quote only Python values, you can use repr function instead of adding quotes manually.)
In Lisp you use quote or ' for quoting and eval for evaluating, eg. (eval '(+ 3 4)) yielding 7.
So in Python the "quoted" stuff is represented by a string, whereas in Lisp it's represented by a list which has quoteas first item.
My question, finally: why does Clojure allow (eval 3) although 3 is not quoted? Is it just the matter of Lisp style (trying to give an answer instead of error wherever possible) or are there some other reasons behind it? Is this behavior essential to Lisp or not?
The short answer would be that numbers (and symbols, and strings, for example) evaluate to themselves. Quoting instruct lisp (the reader) to pass unevaluated whatever follows the quote. eval then gets that list as you wrote it, but without the quote, and then evaluates it (in the case of (eval '(+ 3 4)), eval will evaluate a function call (+) over two arguments).
What happens with that last expression is the following:
When you hit enter, the expression is evaluated. It contain a normal function call (eval) and some arguments.
The arguments are evaluated. The first argument contains a quote, which tells the reader to produce what is after the quote (the actual (+ 3 4) list).
There are no more arguments, and the actual function call is evaluated. This means calling the eval function with the list (+ 3 4) as argument.
The eval function does the same steps again, finding the normal function + and the arguments, and applies it, obtaining the result.
Other answers have explained the mechanics, but I think the philosophical point is in the different ways lisp and python look at "code". In python, the only way to represent code is as a string, so of course attempting to evaluate a non-string will fail. Lisp has richer data structures for code: lists, numbers, symbols, and so forth. So the expression (+ 1 2) is a list, containing a symbol and two numbers. When evaluating a list, you must first evaluate each of its elements.
So, it's perfectly natural to need to evaluate a number in the ordinary course of running lisp code. To that end, numbers are defined to "evaluate to themselves", meaning they are the same after evaluation as they were before: just a number. The eval function applies the same rules to the bare "code snippet" 3 that the compiler would apply when compiling, say, the third element of a larger expression like (+ 5 3). For numbers, that means leaving it alone.
What should 3 evaluate to? It makes the most sense that Lisp evaluates a number to itself. Would we want to require numbers to be quoted in code? That would not be very convenient and extremely problematic:
Instead of
(defun add-fourtytwo (n)
(+ n 42))
we would have to write
(defun add-fourtytwo (n)
(+ n '42))
Every number in code would need to be quoted. A missing quote would trigger an error. That's not something one would want to use.
As a side note, imagine what happens when you want to use eval in your code.
(defun example ()
(eval 3))
Above would be wrong. Numbers would need to be quoted.
(defun example ()
(eval '3))
Above would be okay, but generating an error at runtime. Lisp evaluates '3 to the number 3. But then calling eval on the number would be an error, since they need to be quoted.
So we would need to write:
(defun example ()
(eval ''3))
That's not very useful...
Numbers have be always self-evaluating in Lisp history. But in earlier Lisp implementations some other data objects, like arrays, were not self-evaluating. Again, since this is a huge source of errors, Lisp dialects like Common Lisp have defined that all data types (other than lists and symbols) are self-evaluating.
To answer this question we need to look at eval definition in lisp. E.g. in CLHS there is definition:
Syntax: eval form => result*
Arguments and Values:
form - a form.
results - the values yielded by the evaluation of form.
Where form is
any object meant to be evaluated.
a symbol, a compound form, or a self-evaluating object.
(for an operator, as in <<operator>> form'') a compound form having that operator as its first element.A quote form is a
constant form.''
In your case number "3" is self-evaluating object. Self-evaluating object is a form that is neither a symbol nor a cons is defined to be a self-evaluating object. I believe that for clojure we can just replace cons by list in this definition.
In clojure only lists are interpreted by eval as function calls. Other data structures and objects are evaluated as self-evaluating objects.
'(+ 3 4) is equal to (list '+ 3 4). ' (transformed by reader to quote function) just avoid evaluation of given form. So in expression (eval '(+ 3 4)) eval takes list data structure ('+ 3 4) as argument.

How to rename an operation in Clojure?

In my list, addition, the operation + appears as #. How can I make this appear exactly as +? When I eval it, it should also work exactly the same as +.
I guess this would also apply in all kinds of functions in Clojure...
Thanks guys.
The # character is simply not a valid character in symbol names in Clojure (see this page for a list of valid characters) and while it might work sometimes (as it often will), it is not a good practice to use it. Also, it will definitely not work at the beginning of a symbol (actually a literal, you could still do (symbol "#"), though there's probably no point in that). As the Clojure reader currently stands, there's nothing to be done about it (except possibly hacking the reader open to have it treat # (that's '#' followed by a space) as the symbol # -- or simply + -- though that's something you really shouldn't do, so I almost feel guilty for providing a link to instructions on how to do it).
Should you want to alias a name to some other name which is legal in Clojure, you may find it convenient to use the clojure.contrib.def/defalias macro instead of plain def; this has the added benefit of setting metadata for you (and should handle macros, though it appears to have a bug which prevents that at this time, at least in 1.2 HEAD).
And in case you'd like to redefine some built-in names when creating your aliases... (If you don't, the rest of this may not be relevant to you.)
Firstly, if you work with Clojure 1.1 or earlier and you want to provide your own binding for a name from clojure.core, you'll need to use :refer-clojure when defining your namespace. E.g. if you want to provide your own +:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+]))
;; you can now define your own +
(defn + [x y]
(if (zero? y)
(recur (inc x) (dec y))))
;; examples
(+ 3 5)
; => 8
(+ 3 -1)
; => infinite loop
(clojure.core/+ 3 -1)
; => 2
The need for this results from Clojure 1.1 prohibiting rebinding of names which refer to Vars in other namespaces; ns-unmap provides a way around it appropriate for REPL use, whereas (:refer-clojure :exclude ...), (:use :exclude ...) and (:use :only ...) provide the means systematically to prevent unwanted names from being imported from other namespaces in the first place.
In current 1.2 snapshots there's a "last-var-in wins" policy, so you could do without the :refer-clojure; it still generates a compiler warning, though, and it's better style to use :refer-clojure, plus there's no guarantee that this policy will survive in the actual 1.2 release.
An operation is just a piece of code, assigned to a variable. If you want to rebind an operation, you just rebind that variable:
(def - +)
(- 1 2 3)
# => 6
The only problem here, is that the # character is special in Clojure. I'm not sure whether you can use # as a variable name at all, at the very least you will need to quote it when binding it and probably also when calling it:
(def # +)
# => java.lang.Exception: No dispatch macro for:
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with Clojure to know how to quote it.