Managing identifiers when offline in an event sourced system - offline

I have an event sourced system that runs on a server with clients that need to work offline from time to time. To make this work I have the domain events streamed from the server to the client when online so that the offline database is up to date in case the client goes offline. This works just fine.
When offline the user might add a new customer with the following sequence...
Add new customer command.
Customer aggregate added.
Customer aggregate creates initial appointment aggregate.
Query of read data returns new appointment details.
Command used to modify the appointment.
When back online I cannot reply the events for the server. Adding the new customer is fine but the resultant new appointment has an identifier I do not know about. So trying to replay the appointment update command fails because I have no idea what the correct appointment id should be.
Any ideas?

You need to review Greg Young's talk CQRS, not just for server systems.
Also Stack overflow question Occasionally Connected CQRS Systems, and the dddcqrs topic Merging Events in Occasionally Connected Clients.
I have no idea what the correct appointment id should be
Generate the ids when you generate the commands; you'll know what the appointment id is going to be, because you told the customer aggregate what id to use when creating the appointment.


Stripe Webhooks: Invoice.paid vs Checkout.Session.Completed

I use Stripes' webhooks and want to get notified, if the customer successfully "paid the bill". I came across two webhooks, which in my opinion both could do the job:
Webhook "invoice.paid" - According to Stripe doc: Occurs whenever an invoice payment attempt succeeds or an invoice is marked as paid out-of-band.
Webhook "checkout.session.completed" - According to Stripe doc: Occurs when a Checkout Session has been successfully completed.
My questions are:
I don't understand the second part of the "invoice.paid" webhook: "invoice is marked as paid out-of-band" -> What does "out-of-band" mean? Is this to be considered a successful payment?
Regarding "checkout.session.complete" -> This can also occur, if payment fails - correct?
Which webhooks shall I consider (or are there other webhooks) to see the status "customer paid the bill successfully"?
What is more, I don't really know if disputes should be considered as successful payments or not: On one hand, I get a invoice.paid webhook, on the other hand, I get a charge.dispute.created webhook. geeezus...
I appreciate your help! Thanks.
I don't understand the second part of the "invoice.paid" webhook: "invoice is marked as paid out-of-band" -> What does "out-of-band" mean? Is this to be considered a successful payment?
This is specifically referring to marking an invoice paid out of band (ie, the customer paid you outside of Stripe and you want to mark the Stripe invoice paid without collecting a payment). This will not involve an actual payment, but does transition the invoice to status=paid so this event fires.
Regarding "checkout.session.complete" -> This can also occur, if payment fails - correct?
This event signals only that the Checkout session is complete. Depending on the mode use for Checkout, this may or may not involve a payment. If an immediate payment is expected, the session will only complete if that payment is successful. For example mode=setup or mode=subscription with a free trial will not involve an immediate payment. A subscription with trial, though, will create a $0 invoice and fire invoice.paid.
Which webhooks shall I consider (or are there other webhooks) to see
the status "customer paid the bill successfully"?
This depends on what you mean by "paid" and "bill". If you mean specifically for invoices (whether related to subscriptions or not), then invoice.paid is a good choice. You can then filter for amounts greater than $0 etc to further constrain was "paid" means.
What is more, I don't really know if disputes should be considered as
successful payments or not: On one hand, I get a invoice.paid webhook,
on the other hand, I get a charge.dispute.created webhook.
Disputes are not payments, and should be an entirely separate discussion. You can only have a dispute after a payment. Suggest starting by reading the docs on disputes.
To summarize: What are you really trying to do? These events are related and sometimes overlap, but not always. It highly depends on what you're doing.
What's going on?
When you create a checkout session it will have an id, which you'll store in your database next to the user who started the checkout session.
When you receive an invoice.paid webhook event, it does not have any link back to the checkout session! (so you'll know someone paid, but you won't know who paid!)
checkout.session.completed solves this because it contains the id of the checkout session and the stripe customer id, which allows you to link the two, so you basically have a mapping from your customer ids to stripe's customer ids.
So simply grab the customer id from the checkout.session.completed event and store it in your database next to the relevant user, that way you'll be able to tell which one of your users is paying you when you receive an invoice.paid event!
How can this be implemented?
When a checkout session is started, store the checkout session id next to the user who started the session so you can look it up later
When you see checkout.session.completed, look at the accompanying JSON and take the stripe customer number and store it in your database (e.g. a column like stripe_id in users table). To figure out which of your users it's for, use the checkout session id to look it up in your database (i.e. the data you stored in step 1)
Now that you have the stripe customer id stored in your users table, whenever you see invoice.paid, look at the accompanying JSON, take the stripe customer number, look it up in your users table to find who paid, and update the expiry date of their subscription to 1 month into the future.
That's it!
Also good to know
Both checkout.session.completed and invoice.paid events are triggered when someone new subscribes, and only invoice.paid is triggered each month thereafter (presuming the user had enough funds and didn't cancel)
You can get to the stripe customer number in both webhook events like so (this is ruby, but should be similar with js or python):
payload =
data = JSON.parse(payload, symbolize_names: true)
=> "cus_Lvyv721cJGpYB1"

Flask-Login user status monitoring

I'm developing a small website with Flask & Flask-Login. I need an admin view to monitor all user's online status. I added an is-online column in user db collection and try to update it. But I didn't find any callbacks to handle session expires. How to solve it or any better idea?
FYI, Counting Online Users with Redis | Flask (A Python Microframework) -
You could get away with checking if users last activity time is bigger(older) than session life time.
if that's the case, you will go on an update their is_online status.
the way i have handled the problem in my application was, since i had a last_activity field in db for each user, to log when they have done what they have done, i could check that value vs session life time.
One very crude method is to create a separate stack that pushes and pops when a user logs in. Assuming that session id and userid on your db is not tied together (i.e., you have separate session id and user id), you can maintain a ledger of sorts and push and pop as sessions are created and destroyed.
You will have to put special emphasis on users running multiple sessions on multiple devices...which is why i put a caveat saying this is a rather crude method.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 - workflow process to generate a calendar entry that synchronises with Exchange/Outlook calendar

I'm building a workflow process in Dynamics 365 triggered by changes to a date/time field in the Opportunity entity - this should create (or update) a [Dynamics] Calendar entry for the user to whom this Opportunity is assigned on the date/time in question, which should then automatically synchronise with the user's Exchange calendar because server side Exchange synchronisation is enabled.
I've hit a brick wall with this having tried every option I can think of - the following aspects work but not the end to end solution:
1) The workflow is triggered as expected, and correctly creates the calendar entry in the Dynamics Calendar;
2) If I manually create an entry in the Dynamics Calendar it appears in the user's Exchange calendar, so I know the server side synchronisation is working correctly.
However ... calendar entries created by my workflow are not synching to the Exchange calendar.
I'm convinced I must be missing something extremely obvious but can't fathom it!
Resolved this now ... Appointments that are created by a workflow process exist in an "open" state (on our Dynamics instances - not sure if this has anything to do with instance settings) whereas manually created Appointments get a status of "scheduled" - it seems the "open" ones don't get synchronised with Exchange.
I couldn't find any settings / filters to specifically include open Appointments in the synchronisation, so instead I added a step in my workflow to set the Appointment status to "scheduled", which did the trick.

Actor Pattern - How to model Room Booking Structure ?

I'am trying to model hotel room booking system in actor pattern. just for information i'am using for this in .Net.
For now i have created following actors.
1. HotelActorRoomsActor (An Aggregate of RoomActor)
3. BookingsActor (An Aggregate of BookingActor)
4. EmployeesActor (An aggregate of EmployeeActor)
4. UIActor
Currently as i have planned iam creating the system as follows.
1. UIActor Takes the BookingInformation (Checkin, Checkout, No of rooms)
2. Tell the BookingsActor about the information.
3. BookingsActor creates / starts a new BookingActor and passes on the information
4. On BookingActor Start it will
4a. Schedule Rooms for the Booking
4b. Tell the Rooms about the schedule so that they block themselves
4c. Schedule Employee Tasks for the rooms
4d. Tell the selected employees about their tasks
4e. Tell the system that the booking as been created
4f. Tell the BookingsActor to restart the BookingActor at some specific time in
the future (24 hours before actual booking checkin) and shut down.
Problems im facing are
1. How to keep the UIActor in sync of the booking information
2. The UIActor Should also be able to Save information about multiple bookings (For a partiular customer etc) how and where should it be done inside an Actor Pattern?
3. Lets say i want the information about multiple bookings From Date1 to Date2 where should i persist this information to later retrieve it?
ad 1. you can see example of sync dispatcher in akka bootcamp
and example source:
dispatcher =
#causes ChartingActor to run on the UI thread for WinForms
ad 2. the UI actor should only collect data from user and display results, all other actions need to be pushed down for processing to let say storage actor
ad 3. you need a storage provider - that can be mongoDB or SQL solution. Passing a message to storage actor you can persist reservation data or retrive when needed.

Cronjob: Web Service query

I have a cronjob that runs every hours and parse 150,000+ records. Each record is summarized individually in a MySQL tables. I use two web services to retrieve the user information.
User demographic (ip, country, city etc.)
Phone information (if landline or cell phone and if cell phone what is the carrier)
Every time I get 1 record I check if I have information and if not I call these web services. After tracing my code I found out both of these calls takes 2 to 4 seconds and it makes my cronjob very slow and I can't compile statistics on time.
Is there a way to make these web service faster?
get the data locally and use mellissa data:
for ip:
for phone:
you can also cache them using memcache or APC which will make it faster since he does not have to request the data from the api or database.
A couple of ideas... if the same users are returning, caching the data in another table would be very helpful... you would only look it up once and have it for returning users. Upon re-reading the question it looks like you are doing that.
Another option would be to spawn new threads when you need to do the look-ups. This could be a new thread for each request, or if this is not feasible you could have n service threads ready to do the look-ups and update the results.