regex repeat group - regex

I am trying to capture the url of the images (how ever many there may be on a specific site. I am able to do so however when I then progress to try an capture other things thereafter the entire thing falls apart. Would greatly appreciate any help.
Working regex:
Non working
Sample code:
<div ng-class="{
'active': active
}" class="item text-center ng-isolate-scope" ng-transclude="" ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="">
<img class="image-circle ng-scope" ng-src="" src="">
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides --><div ng-class="{
'active': active
}" class="item text-center ng-isolate-scope" ng-transclude="" ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="">
<img class="image-circle ng-scope" ng-src="" src="">
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides --><div ng-class="{
'active': active
}" class="item text-center ng-isolate-scope" ng-transclude="" ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="">
<img class="image-circle ng-scope" ng-src="" src="">
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: slide in slides -->
<b class="ng-binding">Status:</b> Sld

For this simple example: use alternates. Please see this.
But this can get complicated if added requirements are to be implemented. In that case you might want to use a HTML parser as in JSoup.
See this one - it is already answered:

With lots of assumptions, you could try this:
src="(http://website\.bla\.com/Live.+?)"(?:(?:[^s]|s[^r]|sr[^c])*?Status.*? (Sld|Rtr))?


Understrap/Bootstrap: .row-equal-height not working for equal height columns?

I'm trying to make 3 columns in a row equal height. I used row-equal-height, but nothing happens.
Here is my code:
<div class="row row-eq-height">
<div class="col-lg-4 content-block">
<img src="../wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/Assisted-Living.jpeg" />
<h2>Assisted Living</h2>
<img class="icon" src="../wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/icons/assisted-living.png" />
Bridging the gap between seniors needing some help and being unable to care for themselves is the purpose of assisted living facilities...
<div class="col-lg-4 content-block">
<img src="../wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/Memory-Care.jpeg" />
<h2>Memory Care</h2>
<img class="icon" src="../wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/icons/memory-care.png" />
Enhancing the life of seniors with memory impairment (due to Alzheimer’s, dementia, or aging) is to specifically enhance the dignity and well-being of each resident...
<div class="col-lg-4 content-block">
<img src="../wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/Independent-Living.jpeg" />
<h2>Independent Living</h2>
<img class="icon" src="../wp-content/themes/understrap-child/img/icons/independent-living.png" />
Engaging in a fulfilling lifestyle is so much more than where you live...
Here's the website in progress:
It's the column of 3 under the hero (Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Independent Living) that I want to make equal height.
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing the visuals.
Your row-eq-height is working, but is just so happens that your content, within each column, is inside a nested child div element that is not impacted by row-eq-height.
For a quick and easy way to solve the issue, especially if your content is finalized, then add this CSS rule to your site...
.home .content-block div {
In the future, do either of the following:
If the content in any of your 3 columns expands, just simply adjust that min-height value.
If you don't want to depend on this technique, then pull out the nested divs that are in each column, so that the content is only 1 level deep, not 2.
In either case, UnderStrap is still an excellent choice for a theme and utilizing BootStrap.

Multiple bootstrap collapse in a page

I'm using bootstrap collapse but I've a problem. The first collapse I insert work fine but when I repaste it at the bottom of the page they are interfering. The second open the first one. I think I must name them differently or doing something like this but I don't know how to do. This is my code:
<a data-toggle="collapse" href="">Hello</a>
<br />
<div class="collapse" id="demo" style="text-align: left;">
What should I do ?

How can I extract URLs from html content with ruby regexp?

Lets go directly with an example since it is not easy to explain:
<li id="l_f6a1ok3n4d4p" class="online"> <div class="link"> random strings - 4 <a style="float:left; display:block; padding-top:3px;" href=""><img border="0" src="/resources/img/fdf.gif"></a> <!-- a class="none" href="#">random strings - 4 - # - </a --> </div> <div class="params"> <span>Submited: </span>7 June 2015 | <span>Host: </span> </div> <div class="report"> <a title="" href="javascript:report(3191274,%203,%202164691,%201)" class="alert"></a> <a title="" href="javascript:report(3191274,%203,%202164691,%200)" class="work"></a> <b>100% said work</b> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li> <li id="l_zsgn82c4b96d" class="online"> <div class="link"> <a href="javascript:show('zsgn82c4b96d','random%20strings%204',%20'');%20" onclick="visited('zsgn82c4b96d');" style
In the above content i want to extract from
the string "f6a1ok3n4d4p" and "" then make it as
and same for
to become
I need it to be done with ruby regex
This should give you some insight of how to do it.
javascript:show\(\'(.*?)'.*?\'([^\']*)\'\) will capture the first argument as $1, last part within ' as $2, so you get what you want by substituting as $2/$1.
That's the regex part of it, and, of course, you can adjust the regex as you see fit, for example, to include the usage of " (javascript:show\((?:\'|\")(.*?)(?:\'|\").*?\'([^\'\"]*)(?:\'|\")\) or allow only with 3 arguments.
/yourregex/.match(yourstring) will extract the information you need.

Jquery Mobile - Several items from listview on same line

I am encountering an issue with Jquery Mobile :
I want to display a grid of items using three columns. Each new item must be displayed next to the previous one and begin a new line after the third column.
To give you an example, I want something like this : JSFiddle
But my items have to be items from a splitButtonList (an icon with labels on the left and a clickable button on the right) instead of the blocks from the previous example.
The problem is : when I use the kind of code shown below, each new item is display at the bottom of the previous one, like in a list. I cannot manage to display it using my three columns grid pattern JSFiddle.
<div data-role="page" data-theme="c" id="projets">
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed" data-theme="f" data-tap-toggle="false" id="banniere">
<div data-role="content" id="content">
<div class="ui-grid-b">
<ul data-role="listview" data-split-icon="star" data-split-theme="a" class="listview">
<a href="projects.html">
<img src="img/icon/file.png" />
<h3>A label</h3>
<p>Another one</p>
<p>And finally another one</p>
<a href="projects.html">
<img src="img/icon/file.png" />
<h3>A label</h3>
<p>Another one</p>
<p>And finally another one</p>
</div><!-- /grid-b -->
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" data-theme="f" data-tap-toggle="false" id="footer">
Do you have any idea of what to do ? Using CSS maybe ? Any clue would be very precious for me. Thank you
How about this? JSFiddle
You were basically missing the 3 child containers of the grid:
<div class="ui-grid-b">
<div class="ui-block-a">Listview 1 goes here...</div>
<div class="ui-block-b">Listview 2 goes here...</div>
<div class="ui-block-c">Listview 3 goes here...</div>
</div><!-- /grid-b -->
So, as you can see you will need three different listview.
Hope this helps!

ModX: Using GetResources to display multiple pages in one page

I am trying to use getResources to display multiple resources withing one resource, including their Templates and TVs.
The code I have in the page I want to display them is:
[[!getResources? &parents=`50` &sortdir=`ASC` &sortby=`menuindex` &limit=`100` &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1` &tpl=`gigtemp` ]]
Where &tpl=gigtemp is a chunk I have created where all my template HTML and TVs are.
However, nothing is showing on the page.
Can anyone help me out?
Please let me know if I need to explain more.
Some of the info is showing, but a lot of the html is broken.
My HTML on the Chunk is:
<div class="gig-guide">
<div class="gig-info">
<img src="[[+tv.gigthumb]]" alt="Contra Clave Contra Event: [[+tv.gigname]" /></div>
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-bottom">
<div class="fb-like" data-href="[[+tv.gigfbevent]]" data-send="false" data-width="300" data-colorscheme="dark" data-show-faces="false"> </div>
<div class="gigsocialmedia"><img src="assets/images/ccc-fb.png" alt="This event on Facebook" /> <a class="twitter-share-button" href="[[+tv.gigtwitter]]" target="_blank" data-lang="en"><img src="assets/images/ccc-twiter.png" alt="Tweet this event" /></a> <img src="assets/images/ccc-email.png" alt="Email this event to a friend" /></div>
Again, any help is appreciated!
Your code is valid and as far as I can see, without errors. That means that there is something else wrong, I would guess one of the following:
You have not cleared your cache, which is not necessary but could solve weird problems
The children of resource 50 is not published or is hidden
There is something else wrong around your code, making Modx not parsing it correctly.
Edit: You had several errors in your chunk. Try replacing it with this:
<div class="gig-guide">
<div class="gig-info">
<img src="[[+tv.gigthumb]]" alt="Contra Clave Contra Event: [[+tv.gigname]]" /></div>
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-bottom">
<div class="fb-like" data-href="[[+tv.gigfbevent]]" data-send="false" data-width="300" data-colorscheme="dark" data-show-faces="false"> </div>
<div class="gigsocialmedia"><img src="assets/images/ccc-fb.png" alt="This event on Facebook" /> <a class="twitter-share-button" href="[[+tv.gigtwitter]]" target="_blank" data-lang="en"><img src="assets/images/ccc-twiter.png" alt="Tweet this event" /></a> <img src="assets/images/ccc-email.png" alt="Email this event to a friend" /></div>
Are your resources you are trying to display hidden? then you need the &showHidden=1 .
Are they unpublished? then you also need the &showUnpublished=1
You may also need the &includeContent=1 ~maybe~
See if you can get away without using the &processTVs
If you are still having issues - leave out the &tpl=``, getResources will just dump it's output to the page so you can see what is actually being returned. Might give you another clue as to what is not happening..