How to serve a text file at root with Django - django

I got a site, say it's "". I need to serve a text file at the root, so that "" will show up.
I read through this answer: Django download a file, and I used the "download" function.
However I am at a loss how to configure the URL. Can someone help me out?
Say I put this this into my,
url('^(?P<path>.*)/$', san.views.FileDownload.as_view()),
This then supersedes all my other url patterns and render them useless. How do I make this work? Thanks!

Put it as the last urlpattern in your to ensure it doesn't sccop up everything. It should not have the trailing / either, i.e.
url('^(?P<path>.*)/?$', san.views.FileDownload.as_view()),
This will match the request "/YOUR_FILE.txt", and is also case-insensitive.
url(r'^(?i)YOUR_FILE.txt$', san.views.FileDownload.as_view()),


Replacing part of ${url}'s from a sitemap in Jmeter

I have a jmeter test plan that goes to a site's sitemap.xml page, retrieves each url on that page with an XPath Extractor, then passes ${url} to a HTTP Request sampler within a ForEach Controller to send the results for each page to a file. This works great, except I just realized that the links on this sitemap.xml page are hardcoded. This is a problem when i want to test, but all of the links on sitemap.xml are all pages. It seems like there must be a way to replace '' in each ${url} with '' with regex or something, but I haven't been able to figure out how. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Add a BeanShell pre-processor to manipulate the url.
String sUrl = vars.get("url");
String sNewUrl = sUrl.replace("", "");"sNewUrl:" + sNewUrl);
vars.put("url", sNewUrl);
You can also try to correlate the sitemap.xml with the regular expression extractor positioned till so that you extract only the URL portion of the data instead of the full host name. Shouldn't you be having it already since the HTTPSampler only allows you to enter the URI segment and not the host name?
You can use __strReplace() function available via JMeter Plugins project like:
The easiest way to install JMeter Custom Functions (as well as any other plugins) is using JMeter Plugins Manager
I was able to replace the host within the string by putting
in the path input of the second http request sampler. The answers provided by Selva and Dimitri were more elegant, so if I have time in the future to come back to this I will give them another try. I really appreciate the help!

Use RegEx to redirect using data from files

Recently, we restructured a large site of one of our customers. This caused all the news-articels on that site to be on a different place. Problem is that the google cache is still showing them on the old location, leading to A LOT of 404 not founds ( its about 1400 news entries ).
Normally, a redirect using somewhat simple regex would be fine, but not only the path to the news did change, but also some parameters. Example:
Old Url:
How the new url should look like:
As you can see, the parameter D did change from 67 to 65 and the part of the URL before the ? did also change. Also, tx_ttnews has changed to tx_news and tt_news changed to news and the &cHash part did fall away completely.
I have the changed ids in a csv in the following format:
old_id, new_id
Same goes the the changed url part before the ?. Since im not exactly an expert in using regex my question is:
Can this be done inside the .htaccess using RegEx ( not sure if it can even use a file as input)? How complicated is that? And how would such a regular expression look like?
Rather than trying to use .htaccess, it would be easier to manage and easier to code if you simply make a new page that responds on the old url (/old/path/to/the/news/details), then make that page build the new url and return a 301 to the browser with that new url.

301 redirect to correct url

I have a lot of incorrect bad links and want to 301 redirect them to the correct one, the correct url are as follows:
the back links are pointing to:
any possible way to 301 redirect the wrong back links to the correct links?
Thank you in adance
You can use this rule in your site root .htaccess:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/([^_-]+)_(.+)$ /$1-video_$2
Depending on how you want to redirect (in which method; PHP, htaccess, etc.) you have some options.
I assume you're seeing 404 errors when users are trying to get to the links from an external source, like a search engine.
If that's the case, you can easily generate the code you need for which ever method you choose using this website:
Make sure that you correctly format the URL's you want to redirect and it should work fine.
If you want to make sure your SEO issues get fixed, you should create a robots.txt file and place it in the root directory of your site (usually where the index file is) - and follow the instructions from this site: to de-index the bad links from the search engine. You may also want to create and submit (or resubmit) XML site maps to the search engines your users use most.

Rewrite first folder to GET param for all php files

I am desperately looking for a rule to achieve the following:
Input URL request would be:
It should redirect to
similarly the basic index request
would redirect to
All my php files need the parameter, wherever they are. It'd be nice if JS and CSS files would be excluded but I guess it doesn't really matter since the /file.css?p=param would just be ignored and not cause a problem. I have found rules to map a folder to the GET parameter but none of them are working for php files deeper than the index file on the root level. Thanks so much in advance
example regex page at

What does this URL mean?

I did not understand the use of 'register' after index.cfm. Can anyone please help me understand what it could mean? There is a index.cfm file in students folder. Could register be a folder name?
They might be using special commands within their .htaccess files to modify the URL to point to something else.
Things like pointing home.html -> index.php?p=home
ColdFusion will execute index.cfm. It is up to the script to decide what to do with the /register that comes after.
This trick is used to build SEO friendly URL's. For example - uses the /bulk-nuts-seeds/almonds/roasted-salted to determine which page to show.
Whats nice about this is it avoids custom 404 error handlers and URL rewrites. This makes it easier for your application to directly manage the URL's used.
I don't know if it works on all platforms, as I've only used it on IIS.
You want to look into the cgi.PATH_INFO variable, it is populated automatically by CF server when such URL format used.
Better real-life example would look something like this.
I have an URL which I want to make prettier:
I can rewrite it this way:
Our cgi.PATH_INFO value is: /category/bicycles/manufacturer/cannondale/model/trail-sl-4
We can parse it using list functions to get the same data as original URL gives us automatically.
Second part of your URL is plain GET variable, it is pushed into URL scope as usually.
Both formats can be mixed, GET vars may be used for paging or any other secondary stuff.
index.cfm is using either a CFIF IsDefind("register") or a CFIF #cgi.Path_Info# CONTAINS statements to execute a function or perform a logic step.