I'm writing C++ code, targeting WinCE 6.0 device and I'm having hard time finalizing GUI for my app. VS 2005 window builder which I have to be using does not seem to simplify this task and I cant find documentation which will throw some light on API, hopefully somebody here can.
I need to be dynamically writing on widget page user is on / total number of pages. I expect CTEXT is correct widget to use
CTEXT IDC_PG, 168,183,63,63
However I dont seem to find correct way how to print on CTEXT (or any other suitable widget) Thanks in advance for any good advices.
If I'm understanding the question correctly, you want to display a bit of text on your UI of the form "Page x of n". A static text control (like CTEXT) is appropriate for this.
To set the text programmatically, you can call SetWindowText, but since this is on a dialog, it's probably easier to call SetDlgItemText.
From your example, the identifier is IDC_PG, and it should correspond to a numeric constant that is unique among all the controls on the dialog. Assuming you have an MFC object for the dialog (which I'll assume is myDialog) and a pointer to the zero-terminated text you want it to display (which I'll assume is szPageText), your call would look like:
myDialog.SetDlgItemText(IDC_PG, szPageText);
If you just have a handle to the dialog, your call would look like this:
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_PG, szPageText);
Since this is older code, it might be compiled for MBCS (often called ANSI in Windows documentation) or UTF-16 (often called Unicode or "wide" strings in MSDN), so you probably want to use the TCHAR and related macros to make sure it works either way.
TCHAR szPageText[64] = TEXT("");
wsprintf(szPageText, TEXT("Page %d of %d"), currentPage, totalPages);
myDialog.SetDlgItemText(IDC_PG, szPageText);
In more modern code, you'd probably explicitly use the wide versions of the APIs:
WCHAR szPageText[64] = L"";
::wsprintfW(szPageText, L"Page %d of %d", currentPage, totalPages);
myDialog.SetDlgItemTextW(IDC_PG, szPageText);
In our project we have three independent applications, and we have to develop a QT control application that controls these three applications. The main window will be seperated to three sub windows - each one display another one application.
I thought to use QX11EmbedWidget and QX11EmbedContainer widgets, but two problems with that:
The QX11Embed* is based on X11 protocol and I dont know if it's supported on non-x11 systems like Windows OS.
Since QT 5 these classes are not existing, and the QT documentation doesn't mention why.
So that I dont know whether to use it or not - I'll be happy to get an answers.
In addition, I see that the QT 5.1 contains QWidget::createWindowContainer(); function that in some posts it looks like this should be the replacement to the X11Embed. Can anyone please explian me more how can I use this function to create a QT widget that will run another application (a Calculator for example) inside its?
I have searched a lot in Google, and didn't find answers to my Qs.
Can anyone please help me? Am I on the right way?
If all three independent applications are written with Qt, and you have their source, you should be able to unify them just through the parenting of GUI objects in Qt.
If you don't have access to them in that way, what you are talking about is like 3rd party window management. It is kind of like writing a shell, like Windows Explorer, that manipulates the state and the size of other window applications.
Use a program like Spy++ or AutoIt Spy for Windows and the similar ones for other OS's, and learn the identifying markings of your windows you want to control, like the class, the window title, etc. Or you can launch the exe yourself in a QProcess::startDetached() sort of thing.
Then using the OS dependent calls control the windows. The Qt library doesn't have this stuff built in for third party windows, only for ones under the QApplication that you launched. There are a lot of examples of doing things like this by AutoHotKey, or AHK. It is a scripting language that is made for automating a lot of things in the windows environment, and there is port for Mac as well (though I haven't tried the mac port myself).
So in the end you are looking at finding your window probably with a call like this:
#include <windows.h>
HWND hwnd_1 = ::FindWindow("Window_Class", "Window Name");
LONG retVal = GetWindowLongA(hwnd_1, GWL_STYLE); // to query the state of the window
Then manipulate the position and state of the window like so:
::MoveWindow(hwnd_1, x, y, width, height, TRUE);
::ShowWindow(hwnd_1, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
You can even draw widgets on top of the windows you are controlling if you set your window flags correctly for the windows you are manipulating.
transparent QLabel with a pixmap
Cannot get QSystemTrayIcon to work correctly with activation reason
Some gotchas that come up in Windows when doing all of this, is finding out the quirks of the Windows UI when they set the Display scaling different from what you expect, and if you want to play nice with the Task bar, and handling all the modal windows of your programs you are manipulating.
So overall, it is do-able. Qt will make a nice interface for performing these commands, but in the end you are looking at a lot of work and debugging to get it in a beautiful, reliable, window manager.
Hope that helps.
I never tried it myself, but from the docs in Qt 5.1 I would try QWindow::fromId(WId id), which gives you a QWindow, which should be embeddable with createWindowContainer:
QWindow * QWindow::fromWinId(WId id) [static] Creates a local
representation of a window created by another process or by using
native libraries below Qt.
Given the handle id to a native window, this method creates a QWindow
object which can be used to represent the window when invoking methods
like setParent() and setTransientParent(). This can be used, on
platforms which support it, to embed a window inside a container or to
make a window stick on top of a window created by another process.
But no guarantee. :-)
I have an MFC app that uses AfxMessageBox to display message boxes. The app itself lets an end-user to change the user interface language. On the inside it does so by loading resources using LCIDs (or FindResourceEx API.) My issue is that I can't seem to make AfxMessageBox to take LCID to change the language for OK, Cancel buttons, etc. This also affects File and Folder Open dialog windows.
Any ideas how to do this?
PS. This approach must work under Windows XP and up.
According to this SO article, there are no standard functions for this, there's a link to a CodeProject article "Localizing System MessageBox" with source code for a DLL (it's in c# but seems simple enough to be rewritten in C++) which uses Windows Hook so that you can supply your own text for the MessageBox buttons; there's even a suggestion for sizing buttons to the text in the discussion part of the same article.
At the moment I’m working on a win32 application in Windows. I made a dialog in Visual Studio 2005, I added some check boxes and buttons. In C# + .net the boxes and buttons are an object. That way you can look if they are on or off, change their names and more.
I want the same thing in VC++, but I don't get it to work. At the moment I save the status in the DLGPROC, I look when a button is pressed and I update a variable. But that is not a good way. Can someone tell me how I can do this?
Is there a way to make all the buttons and check boxes an "object"? Or can I use a function to change the name of a static text field and get the status of a field?
Use MFC or WTL or (moving away from Windows-specific stuff) wxWidgets or QT or GTK.
Obviously you could write the code yourself rather than using a library, but providing object wrappers round all of the Windows control functionality is a lot of work.
I am not sure if this is what you are after, but you can think of a HWND as of an "object", all your controls have HWND handle, you can send message to EditBox and get its contents using WM_GETTEXT message, you can also send message WM_SETTEXT to static control to set its text.
I have a problem with unicode filenames appearing as question marks in my edit boxes.
When I paste unicode characters in an edit box, for example Arabic or Thai, they show correctly, but after I run this code, they become question marks. How come?
WCHAR buf[100];
GetWindowTextW(hWndEditBox, buf, 100);
SetWindowTextW(hWndEditBox, buf);
Another thing - the project is ANSI (we have code that can't be ported so the entire project stays ANSI), i.e. _UNICODE macro is undefined, but I explicitly use the Unicode versions of the filenames.
The GetWindowText function actually sends a WM_GETTEXT message to the window (hWndEditBox). Since you're using the *A functions rather than the *W function (specifically CreateWindowExA in this case, I think) your message loop will be converting from wide characters to multi-byte characters using some locale.
Your only solution here seems to be changing the entire window setup - if your code that requires ANSI is not related to UI this should be possible. Alternatively, you may be able to replace the edit box with rich edit boxes, that provide extra messages (such as streaming, for example).
You may want to check whether it is the GetWindowTextW call or the SetWindowTextW call that is doing the bad conversion - if GetWindowTextW works correctly you may be able to convert to multibyte using the correct locale before you set it.
Finally, you can try adjusting the thread's code page before reading the text, though this may cause all sorts of other issues. The usual advice is to use Unicode.
Sources: GetWindowText and this comment from Raymond Chen on his blog.
A useful answer to address SetWindowTextW()is given in https://stackoverflow.com/a/11515400/1190077 :
intercept the resulting WM_SETTEXT message and re-route it to DefWindowProcW() instead of DefWindowProc().
I'm trying to call the OpenThemeData (see msdn OpenThemeData) function but I couldn't determine what are the acceptable Class names to be passed in by the pszClassList parameter.
HTHEME OpenThemeData(
HWND hwnd,
LPCWSTR pszClassList
Could anybody tell me what are the acceptable class names that I can pass into that parameter?
The article Parts and States on MSDN contains a table which shows the control classes, parts, and states. The values in the table are defined in Vsstyle.h and Vssym32.h.
Here is a quick reference:
The answer to the question Windows Visual Themes: Gallery of Parts and States? provides a "Parts and States Explorer" application where you can browse and test most of the styles.
I know this is an old question, but I want to give an updated answer (2018) for those who come here from Google.
The accepted answer of DavidK says to look into the file "AeroStyle.xml" where the themes are defined. This file was part of the Windows 7 SDK, but has been removed from the Windows 10 SDK, so the accepted answer is not useful anymore.
The answer of splash links to the MSDN where the list of theme names, parts and states is highly incompetlete and not updated.
The themes are drawn by UxTheme.dll which reads the images and colors, etc. from the file aero.msstyles in the folder C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Aero on Windows 10.
To see the classes inside the XYZ.msstyles file use msstyles.Editor:
Several themes can only be obtained if you pass the correct window handle. There seems to be an automatic mechanism which detects the type of control from a window handle. If you pass the handle of the wrong window you may get another theme handle than expected or even NULL.
Microsoft internally has changed all their code to use OpenThemeDataForDpi() instead of OpenThemeData() because each monitor on Windows 10 may have a different resolution.
The problem that we have here is a severe lack of documentation in the MSDN and a lack of an API function to enumerate all availabe themes. Shame on Microsoft (once more).
You can look in "AeroStyle.xml" as a previous poster noted, which gives an exact list for Vista/Aero. However, if you want to play safe (and you probably do) the class names should, in general, be Windows class names of Windows common controls. For example, push buttons and check boxes use the class name "Button", the edit control "Edit", etc. I generally pick the class name of the control that's closest to whatever custom element I'm working on is, and use the theme data for that. That way you'll get code that works with XP, Vista and (hopefully) Windows 7, regardless of what the user's selected theme actually is.
However, unless you use raw Win32 a lot, you probably don't do much control creation directly using the class name. The class names are rather liberally sprinkled throughout MSDN. A good place to start is usually the "CommCtrl.h" file from the Platform SDK, which has a lot of them, and they're always described in the MSDN help on the individual common controls. You can also often learn them by looking at how dialogs are defined in .rc files by opening them in a text editor: these contain the class name for the controls.
Class names depend on the theme. For example, as the documentation for OpenThemeData states:
Class names for the Aero theme are
defined in AeroStyle.xml, which is
found in the Include folder of the
Microsoft Windows Software Development
Kit (SDK).
It has nothing to do with Aero, which even doesn't exits on XP !
See the source code of OpenThemeData()..