Django celery tasks in separate server - django

We have two servers, Server A and Server B. Server A is dedicated for running django web app. Due to large number of data we decided to run the celery tasks in server B. Server A and B uses a common database. Tasks are initiated after post save in models from Server A,webapp. How to implement this idea using rabbitmq in my django project

You have 2 servers, 1 project and 2 settings(1 per server).
server A (web server + rabbit)
server B (only celery for workers)
Then you set up the broker url in both settings. Something like this:
BROKER_URL = 'amqp://user:password#IP_SERVER_A:5672//' matching server A to IP of server A in server B settings.
For now, any task must be sent to rabbit in server A to virtual server /.
In server B, you must just initialize celery worker, something like this:
python celery worker -Q queue_name -l info
and thats it.
Explanation: django sends messages to rabbit to queue a task, then celery workers request some message to execute a task.
Note: Is not required that rabbitMQ have to be installed in server A, you can install rabbit in server C and reference it in the BROKER_URL in both settings(A and B) like this: BROKER_URL='amqp://user:password#IP_SERVER_C:5672//'.
Sorry for my English.


Django + Celery + Redis on a K8s cluster

I have a Django application deployed on a K8s cluster. I need to send some emails (some are scheduled, others should be sent asynchronously), and the idea was to delegate those emails to Celery.
So I set up a Redis server (with Sentinel) on the cluster, and deployed an instance for a Celery worker and another for Celery beat.
The k8s object used to deploy the Celery worker is pretty similar to the one used for the Django application. The main difference is the command introduced on the celery worker: ['celery', '-A', 'saleor', 'worker', '-l', 'INFO']
Scheduled emails are sent with no problem (celery worker and celery beat don't have any problems connecting to the Redis server). However, the asynchronous emails - "delegated" by the Django application - are not sent because it is not possible to connect to the Redis server (ERROR celery.backends.redis Connection to Redis lost: Retry (1/20) in 1.00 second. [PID:7:uWSGIWorker1Core0])
Error 1:
socket.gaierror: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname
Error 2:
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -5 connecting to redis:6379. No address associated with hostname.
The Redis server, Celery worker, and Celery beat are in a "redis" namespace, while the other things, including the Django app, are in the "development" namespace.
Here are the variables that I define:
name: redis-password
key: redis_password
value: redis://:$(CELERY_PASSWORD)#redis:6379/1
value: redis://:$(CELERY_PASSWORD)#redis:6379/1
I also tried to define CELERY_BACKEND_URL (with the same value as CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND), but it made no difference.
What could be the cause for not connecting to the Redis server? Am I missing any variables? Could it be because pods are in a different namespace?
Solution from #sofia that helped to fix this issue:
You need to use the same namespace for the Redis server and for the Django application. In this particular case, change the namespace "redis" to "development" where the application is deployed.

how to kill gunicorn server inside request response cycle

i have one Django application and one flask application.
it's running with two Gunicorn servers inside the docker containers.
my goal is if the database connection was failed (if db was down), i want to kill the Django app and flask app.
how could i do this ?

Django Celery cannot connect to remote RabbitMQ on EC2

I created a rabbitmq cluster on two instances on EC2. My django app uses celery for async tasks which in turn uses RabbitMQ for message queue.
Whenever I start celery with the command:
python celery worker --loglevel=INFO
python celeryd --loglevel=INFO
I keep getting following error message related to remote RabbitMQ:
[2015-05-19 08:58:47,307: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://myuser:**#<ip-address>:25672/myvhost/: Socket closed.
Trying again in 2.00 seconds...
I set permissions using:
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p myvhost myuser ".*" ".*" ".*"
and then restarted rabbitmq-server on both the cluster nodes. However, it didn't help.
In log file, I see few entries like below:
=INFO REPORT==== 19-May-2015::08:14:41 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.1981.0> (<ip-address>:38471 -> <ip-address>:5672)
=ERROR REPORT==== 19-May-2015::08:14:44 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.1981.0> (<ip-address>:38471 -> <ip-address>:5672):
"access to vhost 'myvhost' refused for user 'myuser'",
The file /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf contains an entry for NODE_IP_ADDRESS to bind it only to localhost. Removing the NODE_IP_ADDRESS entry from the config binds the port to all network inferfaces.
Turns out I had not created appropriate configuration files. In my case (Ubuntu 14.04), I had to create below two configuration files:
$ cat /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf
<ip_of_ec2_instance> has to be the internal IP that EC2 uses. Not the public IP that one uses to ssh into the instance. It can be obtained using ip a command.
$ cat /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
{mnesia, [{dump_log_write_threshold, 1000}]},
{rabbit, [{tcp_listeners, [25672]}]},
{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}
I think the line {rabbit, [{tcp_listeners, [25672]}]}, was one of the most important piece of configuration that I was missing.
Thanks #dgil for the initial troubleshooting help.
The question has been answered. but just leaving notes with a similar issue i faced should anybody else find it useful
I have a flask app running on ec2 with amqp as a broker on port 5672 and ec2 elasticcache memcached as a backend. The amqp broker had trouble picking up tasks that were getting fired - so i resolved it by fixing as such
Assuming you have rabbitmq-server installed (sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server), add the user and set the properties as such
sudo add_user username password
set_permissions username ".*" ".*" ".*"
restart server: sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
In your flask app for the celery configuration
broker_url=amqp://username:password#localhost:5672// (Set as above)
backend=cache+memcached://(ec2 cache url):11211/
(The cache+memcached:// tripped me up - without it i kept getting an import error (cannot import module)
Open up the port 5672 on your ec2 instance in the security group.
Now if you fire up your celery worker, it should pick up the the tasks that get fired and store the results on your memcached server

RabbitMQ not closing old connections with Celery

I use Celery with Django to consume/publish tasks to RabbitMQ from ~20 workers across a few datacenters. After about a month or so, I'm at 8000 open socket descriptors and the number keeps increasing until I restart RabbitMQ. Often I "kill -9" the Celery worker process instead of shutting them down since I do not want to wait for jobs to finish. On the workers I do not see the connections that RabbitMQ is showing. Is there a way to purge the old connections from RabbitMQ?
I'm using Celery 3.1.13 and RabbitMQ 3.2.4, all on Ubuntu 14.04. I'm not using librabbitmq, but pyamqp.
I was getting the same issue with the following 3-machine setup:
Worker (Ubuntu 14.04)
Django App Server (Ubuntu 14.04)
Rabbit MQ Server (Ubuntu 14.04 | rabbitmq-server 3.2.4)
Each task the worker received opened one connection that never closed (according to the RabbitMQ log) and consumed ~2-3 MB of memory.
I have since upgraded Celery to the latest version on my Django server and the socket descriptors and memory usage are holding steady.
I also see the connections close in the RabbitMQ log after the task completes, like so:
closing AMQP connection <0.12345.0> ( ->
Use BROKER_HEARTBEAT in Django's file.
RabbitMQ expects this value from the client(Celery in this case).
Refer to for more details.

Jobs firing to wrong celery

I am using django celery and rabbitmq as my broker (guest rabbit user has full access on local machine). I have a bunch of projects all in their own virtualenv but recently needed celery on 2 of them. I have one instance of rabbitmq running
(project1_env)python celery worker
normal celery stuff....
broker: amqp://guest#localhost:5672//
app: default:0x101bd2250 (djcelery.loaders.DjangoLoader)
push_queue: exchange:push_queue(direct) binding:push_queue
In my other project
(project2_env)python celery worker
normal celery stuff....
broker: amqp://guest#localhost:5672//
app: default:0x101dbf450 (djcelery.loaders.DjangoLoader)
job_queue: exchange:job_queue(direct) binding:job_queue
When I run a task in project1 code it fires to the project1 celery just fine in the push_queue. The problem is when I am working in project2 any task tries to fire in the project1 celery even if celery isn't running on project1.
If I fire back up project1_env and start celery I get
Received unregistered task of type 'update-jobs'.
If I run list_queues in rabbit, it shows all the queues
push_queue 0
job_queue 0
My env settings and CELERYD_CHDIR and CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE are both blank.
Some things I have tried:
purging celery
force_reset on rabbitmq
rabbitmq virtual hosts as outlined in this answer: Multi Celery projects with same RabbitMQ broker backend process
moving django celery setting out and setting CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE to the proper settings
setting the CELERYD_CHDIR in both projects to the proper directory
None of these thing have stopped project2 tasks trying to work in project1 celery.
I am on Mac, if that makes a difference or helps.
Setting up different virtual hosts made it all work. I just had it configured wrong.
If you're going to be using the same RabbitMQ instance for both Celery instances, you'll want to use virtual hosts. This is what we use and it works. You mention that you've tried it, but your broker URLs are both amqp://guest#localhost:5672//, with no virtual host specified. If both Celery instances are connected to the same host and virtual host, they will produce to and consume from the same set of queues.