Aurora RDS instance can not be stopped - amazon-web-services

I am trying Amazon Aurora instance and I can not see an option to stop it. The only options are Delete and Reboot.
Am I missing something.

Edit: 2018/09/25 - Amazon Aurora Now Supports Stopping and Starting of Database Clusters
Per this announcement, Aurora now supports starting and stopping the db instance. This feature was released for other RDS configurations last year and generally behaves the same in this implementation. Stopping the database cluster stops the primary instance and any Aurora replicas. The database will remain stopped for 7 days, after which it will be automatically restarted.
Additionally, see:
AWS Documentation - Stopping and Starting a DB Instance
AWS CLI Documentation - aws rds start-db-instance
AWS CLI Documentation - aws rds stop-db-instance
Edit: 2018/08/13 - Serverless Aurora supports infrequent access workloads
Per this announcement, Serverless Aurora has been released and has a feature to pause compute capacity after N consecutive minutes of inactivity. Here's an example of this configuration from the announcement blog:
This value is configurable up to 1440 minutes (24 hours), and would be comparable to "stopping" an Aurora Instance because you are not paying for compute capacity while compute capacity is paused, only database storage.
If your use case includes infrequent access (example: a dev instance that is not used after-hours), then this is currently the easiest option available.
Edit: 2017/06/01 - RDS can now be stopped/started, per this announcement, but does not support Aurora yet.
In the AWS console, a 'Stop' option has been mentioned to the same menu described in the question body. A stopped instance retains its storage but cannot be modified until it is started again. Instances cannot be permanently stopped -- after seven days, a stopped instance will be automatically started again.
Unfortunately, some configurations still don't support this feature. See below the break for an alternative.
Additionally, see:
AWS Documentation - Stopping and Starting a DB Instance
AWS CLI Documentation - aws rds start-db-instance
AWS CLI Documentation - aws rds stop-db-instance
Alternative suggestion for incompatible configurations:
This includes:
Aurora via old SDKs prior to September 2018
Old SDKs prior to June 2017
RDS with Multi-AZ
RDS with read replica
RDS with SQL Server Mirroring
RDS instances in these situations cannot be stopped and started at-will like an EC2 instance. You can, however, approximate this behavior by deleting the RDS instance with a final snapshot, and then returning later to restore an RDS instance from that DB snapshot.
This is approximate to "stopping" because no new data will be written once your final snapshot is taken, and you also won't be paying for a running RDS instance. In the same way that you would pay for any EBS volumes attached to your stopped EC2 instance, you will likewise continue paying for the storage of the DB snapshot while it exists.
This behavior diverges from stopping an EC2 instance inthat the underlying infrastructure will no longer exist. When you restore from snapshot, that will be on a new RDS instance and that restoration will take some time to complete, depending on the size of both your infrastructure and snapshot.
Further Reading
AWS RDS Documentation - Delete Instance with Final Snapshot
AWS RDS Documentation - Restoring From a DB Snapshot

They did add support for stopping/starting RDS instances this month (June 2017). The key bit of info from #Venkata's link is: "The stop/start feature is available for database instances running in a Single-AZ deployment which are not part of a Read Replica (both source and replica) configuration."
This means it does not work for Aurora because it is Multi-AZ by default. You do not even receive the option in the interface.
It also will not work for MySQL if a read replica is configured. You will not get the option on the slave and you get the option on the master but it fails if you try to use it.
You can achieve the same thing with a restore from a snapshot... but the down side is that takes roughly an hour with our large db instance whereas stopping it and starting it can happen in ~5 minutes.

They just added support for this today:
Enjoy! :)


restoring aurora cluster from s3 or restoring from snapshot

well I have couple of questions. I have a aurora cluster with a single MySQL RDS instance which has 450GB of data. we use this cluster only when we are doing some specific I want to delete this cluster but keep its data available to me so I can make a new cluster whenever we need any testing to be done.
there are couple of ways this can be done as far as I know
take a snapshot of the cluster and restore the cluster from the
snapshot whenever required.
backup the cluster to s3 and restore the
cluster from s3 when required
which way is more faster and which one is more cost efficient?
can an entire cluster be restored from s3 if so what are the steps involved ? , I found the aws documentation bit too messy.
If we stop a aurora cluster, it again automatically restarts within 7 days , is there a way to prevent this automatic restart and keep it stopped when it is not required and start when required ?

Amazon RDS instances and the new Compute Savings Plans

I have a small single-instance deployment running on an EC2 instance which hosts both a web application and its database (MySQL). I've been looking to separate the deployment out into an EC2 instace for the web app and an RDS cluster for the database, and wanted to take advantage of the new AWS Savings Plans for both if possible.
My questions the are:
AWS Savings Plans seem to only apply to 'pure' compute EC2 instances, not to RDS instances as well. Can someone confirm or disprove this?
If Savings Plans did apply to RDS instances, is there a reason to not use them, and instead just use an Instance Reservation?
Since August 2020, AWS Savings Plans includes:
Amazon EC2
AWS Lambda
AWS Fargate
They do not apply to Amazon RDS db instances. For those, you can continue to use Amazon RDS Reserved Instances.
I want to clarify that even though Savings Plans do not cover RDS instances, they do cover EC2 instances that are part of EMR, ECS and EKS Clusters. Based on this link:
"Both plan types apply to EC2 instances that are a part of Amazon EMR, Amazon EKS, and Amazon ECS clusters. Amazon EKS charges will not be covered by Savings Plans, but the underlying EC2 instances will be. "
Also, Compute Savings Plans also apply to your Fargate and Lambda usage.
We moved to RDS from EC2 instances running self installed MySQL years ago. For me, at has been great. All of the RDS features work flawlessly, point and click, without the mundane work of spinning up, replicating, backing up, and failing over databases. It simply works great. Use reserved instances if you plan on keeping for at least a year. At 30% savings the cost is awash even if you bail on the server after about 9 months and don't use the entire year. Plus you can sell the unused remaining on the marketplace.
You do NOT get command line OS access to the MySQL server. You get an admin login to mySQL. The only way to manage it is through the AWS UI and the mysql client command line or managing client (like MySQL Workbench or Heidi).
You may want to run a mysqldump script on a separate EC2 to dump databases separately/additionally. AWS does SNAPSHOTS which require an entire restore of a sandbox server just to get a single table someone botched up, for example. I go to the MySQLdump files all the time. Never have needed the SNAPSHOT unless I am spinning up a sandbox copy of the entire instance for some reason.
In a nutshell, mySQL on RDS is great.
One other side note. We migrated an app using MySQL5.7 to Aurora MySQL with absolutely zero issues. Complete drop-in replacement (in our case).

AWS RDS - creating a "replica" database daily automatically

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask this question.
I'm looking to create an automated copy (backup) of my AWS RDS (MySQL) database daily and have this backup restored daily to another RDS instance and made available to another set of applications
I already have daily backups running and I can create a new rds instance from a backup but I want this to happen automatically within AWS.
Looking through AWS documentation and I can't find anything that fits this purpose but maybe there's a service that I'm not aware of.
AWS Aurora for MySQL and PostgreSQL support AutoScaling.
Autoscaling dynamically adjusts the number of Replicas available for cluster based on different metrics and policy. When sudden workload increase it'll add move read replicas and when it'll decrease it'll also remove so you don't have to pay for it.
Aurora AutoScaling
AWS RDS doesn't support autoscaling but you can always scale horizontally and vertically manually.
Scaling Your Amazon RDS Instance Vertically Horizontally

Does running AWS Redshift/taking/keeping snapshot of it run EC2 instance internally?

I am running few experiments on AWS Redshift in the free tier with a single node dc2.large cluster. I keep a snapshot as I do not need it to run the cluster at night and again restoring from that snapshot the next morning.
I can see my EC2 bill is slowly rising up with the utility but not a single documentation or blog I could find to understand if a running Redshift cluster uses EC2 instance or taking and keeping a snapshot of a Redshift cluster does the same.
Can anyone help me understanding the behavior?
Your usage of Amazon Redshift (including running a cluster and creating/keeping snapshots) should not create a charge for Amazon EC2 resources.
It might generate traffic within the VPC depending upon how you are connecting to it (eg cross-AZ traffic).

AWS Lightsail MySql Database

I have taken a AWS Lightsail Unix Instance for one of my pilot project, I wanted to explore AWS ecosystem and thought this would be a easy playground to start with. The plan I opted was a USD 5 per month, which gives 1 GB Memory, 1 Core Processor, 40 GB SSD Disk and 2 TB Transfer.
After subscribing I created a LAMP instance and a Plesk Instance, assigned static IPs to both instances and setup connections from my PC to transfer files using PuTTY; also setup access to Plesk and phpMyAdmin to start work.
In the first month itself, I am seeing a huge bill of USD 985 for using AWS RDS, details in bill are as below:
Amazon Relational Database Service for MySQL Community Edition
$1.080 per RDS db.r4.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL
My question is - When I created LAMP, does it create a AWS RDB service automatically, I have hardly used MySql for anything. It seems AWS Lightsail is throwing hidden charges without notifying customers about actuals.
No, creating a LAMP stack on Lightsail does not create an RDS instance on your behalf. With the LAMP stack on Lightsail, the MySQL database is installed on that instance alongside PHP and Apache - there is no charge beyond the $5.00 / month (in your case) as long as you don't go over the data transfer limit.
I can't say why you're getting charged for RDS, but it's not because you fired up Lightsail instances.
Thank you folks!
I tried to go through several docs AWS provides on pricing. There is no indication that AWS RDB services automatically starts on LAMP installation. I wanted to take second opinion before raising a complaint with them. I have opened a case, and they have confirmed to revert the charges, however there is no clarity how AWS RDS service has started. At present I have removed all DB snapshots and backups.