I am getting error in admin panel - opencart

I am getting error in admin panel while loading open cart admin panel
Please help me to solve it, I searched and found different solutions but it didn't help me to solve.

try to use the URL without https. If you must use HTTPS, change the settings in your admin to reflect that (Use Secure Server) and then update the admin/config.php file.


Cpanel Django ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS on Admin/Auth/User and Admin/Auth/Group Pages

I'm doing a project for a client using Django and have finally installed it on CPanel.
Everything seems to be working great, but when I try to access the admin panel, the tables group or user has an error because it says it's doing a lot of redirections.
In the admin panel, I just have this:
When I try to register something, it loads the page, like this:
But when I try to access the tables, it shows me an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, as shown in the following picture:
It basically says that it's not working and to try to delete my cookies. I did that, and nothing worked. In the urls.py I only have the admin path so the redirection problem is not from something I miscofigured there.
I haven't modified the installation parameters for settings.py besides the Allowed_Host variable to allow the URL of the page, the database connection using PostgreSQL and its working, and the variables of the static files are also working.
So I'm feeling deadlocked because I can't find an answer to this and I don't believe I'm the first one experiencing this.
EDIT: The only new thing that I found is this and as I said I haven't even created files yet so I don't know what Index is this:
If someone knows anything, please let me know.

Is it possible to keep Django Admin Panel accesible in production mode? (DEBUG=False)

I am developing a webpage for my college where we will show ouur investigations, to solve that i decided to use the admin panel. The problem is that when I deply in production the webage I get a 500 Bad request
I have left the deault admin path
Also changed the path for admin and still having the same issue
Try opening on a different browser like chrome etc

How to change redirect link after changing my domain in open cart

i just change my website domain from "mysite.co.in" to "mysite.com" which runs Open cart version 3
now the problem is when a product becomes out of stock and i click notify me, it redirect to my old website urlenter image description here
And this says 404 page not found. how can i change this?
please help thank you.
You can export your database and find/replace your old URL to the new one and then again import it.

OpenCart website doesn't open until the admin is online

I'm using OpenCart to create my online marketplace.
There is a problem with my website. It won't load until the admin is logged in to the admin panel. I even have this problem on localhost.
What should I do?
Check under your settings system > settings > (yourstore) > server for an option called maintenance mode. If this is set to yes then that's your problem. If not what errors are you getting when navigating to the homepage without logging in as an admin? (check error log and enable the website to show errors).

Open Cart Administrator Login

Im using Open Cart version I was host this and working more than 6 months. It was working perfectly without any problem.
Few days before i try to login to admin panel, when i try the admin url
showing the same homepage. I couldnt get the admin login form page. I dont no whats went wrong.
My Home page URL http://vsports.lk/
Admin URL http://vsports.lk/admin/
Please if anyone can help on this...
Try It may be .htaccess issue.
Check the config.php under the admin folder
URL Like : http://website.url/admin