How to import manual changes into Terraform remote state - amazon-web-services

I am new to terraform - I have created remote tfstate in s3, and now there are some manual changes too that are done in my AWS infrastructure. I need to import those manual changes into tfstate.
I used the import command for some resources, but for some resources such as IAM policy etc, there is no such import command.
Also some resources such as DB are changed with new parameters added, and I need to import them as well. When I try to import those changes it says:
Error importing: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Can't import aws_security_group.Q8SgProdAdminSshInt, would collide
with an existing resource.
Please remove or rename this resource before continuing.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Before directly answering this question I think some context would help:
Behind the scenes, Terraform maintains a state file that contains a mapping from the resources in your configuration to the objects in the underlying provider API. When you create a new object with Terraform, the id of the object that was created is automatically saved in the state so that future commands can locate the referenced object for read, update, and delete operations.
terraform import, then, is a different way to create an entry in the state file. Rather than creating a new object and recording its id, instead the user provides an id on the command line. Terraform reads the object with that id and adds the result to the state file, after which it is indistinguishable in the state from a resource that Terraform created itself.
So with all of that said, let's address your questions one-by-one.
Importing Resources That Don't Support terraform import
Since each resource requires a small amount of validation and data-fetching code to do an import, not all resources are supported for import at this time.
Given what we know about what terraform import does from the above, in theory it's possible to skip Terraform's validation of the provided id and instead manually add the resource to the state. This is an advanced operation and must be done with care to avoid corrupting the state.
First, retrieve the state into a local file that you'll use for your local work:
terraform state pull >manual-import.tfstate
This will create a file manual-import.tfstate that you can open in a text editor. It uses JSON syntax, so though its internal structure is not documented as a stable format we can carefully edit it as long as we remain consistent with the expected structure.
It's simplest to locate an existing resource that is in the same module as where you want to import and duplicate and edit it. Let's assume we have a resources object like this:
"resources": {
"": {
"type": "null_resource",
"depends_on": [],
"primary": {
"id": "5897853859325638329",
"attributes": {
"id": "5897853859325638329"
"meta": {},
"tainted": false
"deposed": [],
"provider": ""
Each attribute within this resources object corresponds to a resource in your configuration. The attribute name is the type and name of the resource. In this case, the resource type is null_resource and the attribute name is foo. In your case you might see something like aws_instance.server here.
The id attributes are, for many resources (but not all!), the main thing that needs to be populated. So we can duplicate this structure for a hypothetical IAM policy:
"resources": {
"": {
"type": "null_resource",
"depends_on": [],
"primary": {
"id": "5897853859325638329",
"attributes": {
"id": "5897853859325638329"
"meta": {},
"tainted": false
"deposed": [],
"provider": ""
"aws_iam_policy.example": {
"type": "aws_iam_policy",
"depends_on": [],
"primary": {
"id": "?????",
"attributes": {
"id": "?????"
"meta": {},
"tainted": false
"deposed": [],
"provider": ""
The challenge at this step is to figure out what sort of id this resource requires. The only sure-fire way to know this is to read the code, which tells me that this resource expects the id to be the full ARN of the policy.
With that knowledge, we replace the two ????? sequences in the above example with the ARN of the policy we want to import.
After making manual changes to the state it's necessary to update the serial number at the top-level of the file. Terraform expects that any new change will have a higher serial number, so we can increment this number.
After completing the updates, we must upload the updated state file back into Terraform:
terraform state push manual-import.tfstate
Finally we can ask Terraform to refresh the state to make sure it worked:
terraform refresh
Again, this is a pretty risky process since the state file is Terraform's record of its relationship with the underlying system and it can be hard to recover if the content of this file is lost. It's often easier to simply replace a resource than to go to all of this effort, unless it's already serving a critical role in your infrastructure and there is no graceful migration strategy available.
Imports Colliding With Existing Resources
The error message given in your question is talking about an import "colliding" with an existing resource:
Error importing: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Can't import aws_security_group.Q8SgProdAdminSshInt, would collide with an existing resource.
Please remove or rename this resource before continuing.
The meaning of this message is that when Terraform tried to write the new resource to the state file it found a resource entry already present for the name aws_security_group.Q8SgProdAdminSshInt. This suggests that either it was already imported or that a new security group was already created by Terraform itself.
You can inspect the attributes of the existing resource in state:
terraform state show aws_security_group.Q8SgProdAdminSshInt
Compare the data returned with the security group you were trying to import. If the ids match then there's nothing left to do, since the resource was already imported.
If the ids don't match then you need to figure out which of the two objects is the one you want to keep. If you'd like to keep the one that Terraform already has, you can manually delete the one you were trying to import.
If you'd like to keep the one you were trying to import instead, you can drop the unwanted one from the Terraform state to make way for the import to succeed:
terraform state rm aws_security_group.Q8SgProdAdminSshInt
Note that this just makes Terraform "forget" the resource; it will still exist in EC2, and will need to be deleted manually via the console, command line tools, or API. Be sure to note down its id before deleting it to ensure that you can find it in order to to clean it up.

For resources you have to use import function or manually add terraform state like block..
or if there is any change in config like you mentioned dB configs.. if the dB resource is managed by terraform remote state.. terraform refresh will help you..


How do I conditionally create an S3 bucket

Is there a way I can use a terraform data call for a bucket (perhaps created and stored in a different state file) and then in the event nothing is in data, create the resource by setting a count?
I've been doing some experiments and continually get the following:
Error: Failed getting S3 bucket (example_random_bucket_name): NotFound: Not Found
status code: 404, request id: <ID here>, host id: <host ID here>
Sample code to test (this has been modified from the original code which generated this error):
variable "bucket_name" {
default = "example_random_bucket_name"
data "aws_s3_bucket" "new" {
bucket = var.bucket_name
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "s3_bucket" {
count = try(1, == "" ? 1 : 0 )
bucket = var.bucket_name
I feel like rather than generating an error I should get an empty result, but that's not the case.
Terraform is a desired-state system, so you can only describe what result you want, not the steps/conditions to get there.
If Terraform did allow you to decide whether to declare a bucket based on whether there is already a bucket of that name, you would create a configuration that could never converge: on the first run, it would not exist and so your configuration would declare it. But on the second run, the bucket would then exist and therefore your configuration would not declare it anymore, and so Terraform would plan to destroy it. On the third run, it would propose to create it again, and so on.
Instead, you must decide as part of your system design which Terraform configuration (or other system) is responsible for managing each object:
If you decide that a particular Terraform configuration is responsible for managing this S3 bucket then you can declare it with an unconditional aws_s3_bucket resource.
If you decide that some other system ought to manage the bucket then you'll write your configuration to somehow learn about the bucket name from elsewhere, such as by an input variable or using the aws_s3_bucket data source.
Sadly you can't do this. data sources must exist, otherwise they error out. There is no build in way in TF to check if a resource exists or not. There is nothing in between, in a sense that a resource may, or may not exist.
If you require such functionality, you have to program it yourself using External Data Source. Or maybe simpler, provide an input variable bucket_exist, so that you explicitly set it during apply.
Data sources are designed to fail this way.
However, if you use a state file from external configuration, it's possible to declare an output in the external state, based on whether the s3 bucket is managed by that state and use it in s3_bucket resource as condition.
For example, the output in external state will be empty string (not managed) or value for whatever property is useful for you. Boolean is another choice. Delete data source from this configuration and add condition to the resource based on the output.
It's your call if any such workarounds complicate or simplify your configuration.

Using CloudWatch Event : How to Pass JSON Object to CodeBuild as an Environment Variable

Summary: I can't specify a JSON object using CloudWatch target Input Transformer, in order to pass the object contents as an environment variable to a CodeBuild project.
I trigger an AWS CodeBuild job when an S3 bucket receives any new object. I have enabled CloudTrail for S3 operations so that I can use a CloudWatch rule that has my S3 bucket as an Event Source, with the CodeBuild project as a Target.
If I setup the 'Configure input' part of the Target, using Input Transformer, I can get single 'primitive' values from the event using the format below:
Input path textbox:
Input template textbox:
{"environmentVariablesOverride": [ {"name":"ZIP_FILE", "value":<zip_file>}]}
And this works fine if I use 'simple' single strings.
However, for example, if I wish to obtain the entire 'resources' key, which is a JSON object, I need to have knowledge of each of the keys within, and the object structure, and manually recreate the structure for each key/value pair.
For example, the resources element in the Event is:
"resources": [
"type": "AWS::S3::Object",
"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/"
"accountId": "1122334455667799",
"type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket"
I want the code in the buildspec in CodeBuild to do the heavy lifting and parse the JSON data.
If I specify in the input path textbox:
Then CodeBuild project never gets triggered.
Is there a way to get the entire JSON object, identified by a specific key, as an environment variable?
Check this...CodeBuild targets support all the parameters allowed by StartBuild API. You need to use environmentVariablesOverride in your JSON string.
{"environmentVariablesOverride": [ {"name":"ZIPFILE", "value":<zip_file>}]}
Please,avoid using '_' in the environment name.

Terraform - Is the unique id in .tfstate file always never used before?

In the Terraform State File, following is a section of .tfstate file against OpenStack (which uses AWS APIs and hence AWS is the provider) :
"primary": {
"attributes": {
"id": "6b646e50-..."
Say I delete an instance/resource manually in the console.
My Terraform Configuration can be changed in such a way that Terraform Plan can either trigger a
i) re-create (+/-) or a
ii) destroy (-) and a create/add (+).
Question is : In either case, is there a possibility for the new node that is created to have the same "id" attribute as it had before in the state file ?
In other words, will "id" attribute ("instance_id" in case of GCP) be always unique throughout the infrastructure's lifecycle?
(so that I know a new node is created/re-created for sure when comparing the old tfstate file with new tfstate file against "id" or "instance_id" attribute and ensure .tfstate reflects what was said to happen in the plan.)
The reason I am checking if the .tfstate reflects the plan (exact number of creates/re-creates/destroy) is, though the "apply" happens according to the "plan", sometimes the .tfstate DOES NOT reflect that.
The reason for this is that after "apply" , terraform seems to do a
GET call to the provider to update the .tfstate file and this GET call
sometimes returns inconsistent state of the infrastucture (i.e it may
not return a node's details even though it is created and is part of the
infrastructure !).
In that case I have to let know in our automated tool that .tfstate did not happen according to the plan and so there is a possible corruption/inconsistency in the .tfstate file to fix it with manual import.

Why is my S3 lifecycle policy not taking effect?

I have an S3 lifecycle policy to delete objects after 3 days, and I am using a prefix. My problem is that the policy works for all but one sub-directory. For example, lets say my bucket looks like this:
When I check the stg and prod directories, there are no objects older than 3 days. However, when I check the dev directory, there are objects a lot older than that.
Note - There is a huge difference between the volume of data in dev compared to the other 2. Dev holds a lot more logs than the others.
My initial thought was that it was taking longer for Eventual Consistency to show what was deleted and what wasn't, but that theory is gone considering the time that has passed.
The issue seems related to the amount of data in this location under the prefix compared to the others, but I'm not sure what I can do to resolve this. Should I have another policy specific to this location, or is there a somewhere I can check to see what is causing the failure? I did not see anything in Cloudtrail for this event.
Here is my policy:
"Rules": [
"Expiration": {
"Days": 3
"ID": "Delete Object When Stale",
"Prefix": "myPrefix/",
"Status": "Enabled"

How to update machine type property through GCP deployment manager

I have a python template as shown below for a compute instance type along with other needed config.yaml file.
controller_template = {
'name': 'controller-it',
'type': '',
'properties': {
'dockerImage': CONTROLLER_IMAGE,
'dockerEnv': {
'ADC_LISTEN_QUEUE': 'controller-subscriber'
'zone': ZONE,
'network': NETWORK_NAME,
'saEmail': SA_EMAIL
} contents
def GenerateConfig(context):
resources = [{
'name': context.env['name'],
'type': 'compute.v1.instanceTemplate',
'properties': {
'properties': {
"metadata": {
"items": [{
"key": 'gce-container-declaration',
"value": GenerateManifest(context)
}, ...
I have deployed it with the environment named qa. Now after sometime I realized that I need to change the machine type of this instance. For eg instead of n1-standard-8, I want my qa environment to update the type of machine for this resource.
However I don't see any example which mentions about updating the property of any resource.
Can we update the property of a resource in an environment using gcp deployment manager?
Or I need to add a new resource with another name and desired machine type property?
As suggested by #jordi Miralles, I modified my template to have machineType as n1-standard-16 and tried to update the deployment.
But I got below error
cloud deployment-manager deployments update qa --config dm_config.yaml
The fingerprint of the deployment is KkD38j9KYiBTiaIW8SltbA==
Waiting for update [operation-1525444590548-56b623ef1b421-b4733efd-53174d1b]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.deployment-manager.deployments.update) Error in Operation [operation-1525444590548-56b623ef1b421-b4733efd-53174d1b]: errors:
message: No method found to update field 'properties' on resource 'controller-it'
of type 'compute.v1.instanceTemplate'. The resource may need to be recreated with
the new field.
Please help.
You can update resources in your deployment manager, there is no need to create a new one with a different name if you want to change a resource. See updating a deployment
You can use your existing deployment yaml file with the changes you want to apply and then update your existing deployment:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments update [EXISTING DEPLOYMENT] --config [UPDATED YAML]
Take into account that your instance must be stopped. All other implications on changing machine type apply. Also, no data on any of your persistent disks will be lost.
Remember to turn on the instances when the update finishes!