Is this code correct for directed graph? Can this code be written without using map()? Does the g mean a graph which consists node? How can I use this after G=karate_club_graph() and input this G in stress_centrality(G)?
def stress_centrality(g):
stress = defaultdict(int)
for a in nx.nodes_iter(g):
for b in nx.nodes_iter(g):
if a==b:
# pred = nx.predecessor(G,b) # for unweighted graphs
pred, distance = nx.dijkstra_predecessor_and_distance(g,b) # for weighted graphs
if not pred.has_key(a):
return []
path = [[a,0]]
path_length = 1
index = 0
while index >= 0:
n,i = path[index]
if n == b:
for vertex in map(lambda x:x[0], path[:index+1])[1:-1]:
stress[vertex] += 1
if len(pred[n]) > i:
index += 1
if index == path_length:
path_length += 1
path[index] = [pred[n][i],0]
index -= 1
if index >= 0:
path[index][4] += 1
return stress
Wondering if you can help me understand where the critical flaw may be with my attempt at implementing Karger's algorithm in python. My program appears to take far too long to run and my computer starts to overwork running large sets of vertices. The purpose of the program is to output the minimum cut of the graph.
from random import choice
from statistics import mode
import math
fhand = open("mincuts.txt", "r")
vertices = fhand.readlines()
d = {}
for index,line in enumerate(vertices):
d["{0}".format(index+1)] = line.split()
def randy(graph, x):
y = str(choice(list(graph)))
if x == y:
y = randy(graph, x)
return y
count = 0
def contract(graph):
global count
if len(graph) == 2:
a = list(graph.keys())[0]
b = list(graph.keys())[1]
for i in range(1, len(graph[a])):
if graph[a][i] in graph[b]:
count = count + 1
x = str(choice(list(graph)))
y = randy(graph, x)
graph[x] = graph[x] + graph[y]
#remove self loops
for key in graph:
#method to remove duplicate entries in the arrays of the vertices. Source:
graph[key] = list(dict.fromkeys(graph[key]))
N = len(d)
runs = int(N*N*(math.log(N)))
outcomes = []
for i in range(runs):
e = d.copy()
count = 0
#returns most common minimum cut value
Below is a link to the graph I am running in mincuts.txt:
I have the following function:
f = x**2 + y**2
I would like to use sympy to find the maximum of and minimum value in the unit square [0,1] in x and [0,1] in y.
The expected outcome would be 0 for point [0,0] and 2 for point [1,1]
Can this be achieved?
I did something clunky, but appears to work [although not fast]:
def findMaxMin(f):
# find stationary points:
stationary_points = sym.solve([f.diff(x), f.diff(y)], [x, y], dict=True)
# Append boundary points
stationary_points.append({x:0, y:0})
stationary_points.append({x:1, y:0})
stationary_points.append({x:1, y:1})
stationary_points.append({x:0, y:1})
# store results after evaluation
results = []
# iteration counter
j = -1
for i in range(len(stationary_points)):
j = j+1
x1 = stationary_points[j].get(x)
y1 = stationary_points[j].get(y)
# If point is in the domain evalute and append it
if (0 <= x1 <= 1) and ( 0 <= y1 <= 1):
tmp = f.subs({x:x1, y:y1})
# else remove the point
j = j-1
# Variables to store info
returnMax = []
returnMin = []
# Get the maximum value
maximum = max(results)
# Get the position of all the maximum values
maxpos = [i for i,j in enumerate(results) if j==maximum]
# Append only unique points
append = False
for item in maxpos:
for i in returnMax:
if (stationary_points[item] in i.values()):
append = True
if (not(append)):
returnMax.append({maximum: stationary_points[item]})
# Get the minimum value
minimum = min(results)
# Get the position of all the minimum values
minpos = [i for i,j in enumerate(results) if j==minimum ]
# Append only unique points
append = False
for item in minpos:
for i in returnMin:
if (stationary_points[item] in i.values()):
append = True
if (not(append)):
returnMin.append({minimum: stationary_points[item]})
return [returnMax, returnMin]
I want this function to give me around 10 values split in 2 list, but it only gives me 1 value. Why?
import random
def chance():
count = 0
while count < 10:
list11 = []
list22 = []
num = random.randint(1,11)
if num > 6:
elif num < 6:
count += 1
print list11
print list22
When Running the below code, I receive an AssertionError in the Main Function, assert len(args) > 1. Any idea where in the code the issue occurs?
K-Means clustering implementation
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
import csv
import sys
Define a function that computes the distance between two data points
GAP = 2
MIN_VAL = 1000000
def get_distance(point1, point2):
dis = sqrt(pow(point1[0] - point2[0],2) + pow(point1[1] - point2[1],2))
return dis
Define a function that reads data in from the csv
def csvreader(data_file):
sampleData = []
global Countries
with open(data_file, 'r') as csvfile:
read_data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
for row in read_data:
print ', '.join(row)
if read_data <> None:
for f in read_data:
values = f.split(",")
if values[0] <> 'Countries':
return sampleData
Write the initialisation procedure
def cluster_dis(centroid, cluster):
dis = 0.0
for point in cluster:
dis += get_distance(centroid, point)
return dis
def update_centroids(centroids, cluster_id, cluster):
x, y = 0.0, 0.0
length = len(cluster)
if length == 0:
for item in cluster:
x += item[0]
y += item[1]
centroids[cluster_id] = (x / length, y / length)
Implement the k-means algorithm, using appropriate looping
def kmeans(data, k):
assert k <= len(data)
seed_ids = np.random.randint(0, len(data), k)
centroids = [data[idx] for idx in seed_ids]
clusters = [[] for _ in xrange(k)]
cluster_idx = [-1] * len(data)
pre_dis = 0
while True:
for point_id, point in enumerate(data):
min_distance, tmp_id = MIN_VAL, -1
for seed_id, seed in enumerate(centroids):
distance = get_distance(seed, point)
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
tmp_id = seed_id
if cluster_idx[point_id] != -1:
dex = clusters[cluster_idx[point_id]].index(point)
del clusters[cluster_idx[point_id]][dex]
cluster_idx[point_id] = tmp_id
now_dis = 0.0
for cluster_id, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
now_dis += cluster_dis(centroids[cluster_id], cluster)
update_centroids(centroids, cluster_id, cluster)
delta_dis = now_dis - pre_dis
pre_dis = now_dis
if delta_dis < GAP:
return centroids, clusters
def main():
args = sys.argv[1:]
assert len(args) > 1
data_file, k = args[0], int(args[1])
data = csvreader(data_file)
kmeans(data, k)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am trying to build an efficient function for splitting a list of any size by any given number of indices. This method works and it took me a few hours to get it right (I hate how easy it is to get things wrong when using indexes)
Am I over-thinking this?
def lindexsplit(List,*lindex):
index = list(lindex)
templist1 = []
templist2 = []
templist3 = []
breakcounter = 0
itemcounter = 0
finalcounter = 0
numberofbreaks = len(index)
totalitems = len(List)
lastindexval = index[(len(index)-1)]
finalcounttrigger = (totalitems-(lastindexval+1))
for item in List:
itemcounter += 1
indexofitem = itemcounter - 1
nextbreakindex = index[breakcounter]
#Less than the last cut
if breakcounter <= numberofbreaks:
if indexofitem < nextbreakindex:
elif breakcounter < (numberofbreaks - 1):
templist1 = []
breakcounter +=1
if indexofitem <= lastindexval and indexofitem <= totalitems:
templist1 = []
if indexofitem >= lastindexval and indexofitem < totalitems + 1:
finalcounter += 1
if finalcounter == finalcounttrigger:
return templist2