Can main() and its parameters have attributes? - c++

In standard C++, can the main function and its parameters have attributes?
For example, is this following legal?
[[noreturn]] int main() { std::abort(); }
or something like
[[nodiscard, carries_dependency]]
int main(int argc [[maybe_unused]],
char * argv [[carries_dependency, maybe_unused]] [])
{ /* ... function body omitted ... */ }

Yes, it is legal. There is no wording in the C++ standard (in [basic.start.main], [dcl.attr], or elsewhere) to prevent any of this. One can even mark main() as [[deprecated]] if wanted.


Access command line arguments in C++

Is it possible to get the command line arguments without receiving them via int main(int, char**)? I don't want to pass the arguments to multiple methods, so a global function would be perfect. Also, I do not want to store the arguments by myself via global variables. I'm running Windows and Linux.
int main()
int argc = GetArgumentCount();
char ** argv = GetArguments();
return 0;
It's possible to use LPTSTR WINAPI GetCommandLine(void); in win32.
I'm looking for equivalent functions in Linux.
Is it possible to get the command line arguments without receiving
them via int main(int, char**)?
Yes, with platform-specific functions. But that's not necessary (see below).
I don't want to pass the arguments to multiple methods,
That's understandable. It's an anti-pattern also known as "tramp data".
Also, I do not want to store the arguments by myself via global variables.
Yes, global variables are rarely a good idea.
Here's an alternative approach: store them as a static local container object in some globally available non-member function which returns the container by reference.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string>& Arguments()
static std::vector<std::string> arguments;
return arguments;
void f()
// use arguments anywhere else:
std::cout << Arguments()[0];
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
Of course, this can be made more sophisticated. For example, you might want to prevent anyone else but main from changing the vector by wrapping the vector in a class and declaring main as a friend, something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Arguments final
static int Count()
return arguments.size();
static std::string Get(int index)
return arguments[index];
Arguments() = delete;
friend int main(int argc, char* argv[]);
static std::vector<std::string> arguments;
std::vector<std::string> Arguments::arguments;
void f()
// use Arguments anywhere else:
std::cout << Arguments::Get(0);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
Note that special care is needed to avoid bugs at program shutdown, when static objects are destroyed. You must make sure that no destructor of a static object accesses Arguments, or else you risk undefined behaviour.
Is it possible to get the command line arguments without receiving them via int main(int, char**) ?
No (at least, not in portable manner), however you could put the usual argc, argv into some global variable (or other global data, often after parsing). And that could also be into some static data with other functions in the same translation unit retrieving it. Hence a reasonable (readable and portable) approach would be:
static int myargc;
static char **myargv;
int GetArgumentCount(void) {
return myargc;
char**GetArguments(void) {
return myargv;
int main(int argc, char**argv) {
myargc= argc;
myargv= argv;
/// etc....
Notice that on some systems or some implementations you might access to the command line arguments in some other ways.
dirty Linux specific tricks
For example, on Linux, using proc(5), you might parse /proc/self/cmdline but it is unreasonable to do that (on your Linux system, try to run od -cx /proc/self/cmdline in your terminal to guess what I mean), so I still recommend using int main(int argc, char**argv) and storing, in some global or static data, the argc and argv, or more probably, do some parsing of program arguments.
So on Linux, you might code your GetArgumentCount and GetArguments functions (by parsing /proc/self/cmdline, see also this) but it would be foolish to do so without using argc and argv from main (even if it is technically doable). Coding such a crazy GetArgumentCount and GetArguments which parses /proc/self/cmdline is left as an exercise to the masochistic reader.
Perhaps you need that because some static data's constructor -running before main and called before it from crt0- uses them; but in that case, your program's design is IMHO very wrong. I have no idea if similar dirty tricks are doable in Windows.
If you really think that is a good idea, you can easily make cor command line arguments global:
int argc_ = 0;
char** argv_ = NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
argc_ = argc;
argv_ = argv;
// ...

function pointer addressing functions with multiple arguments [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Function pointer to different functions with different arguments in C
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
is there any possibility for function pointer for addressing function with different no of arguments of same return type, if not any alternate would be helpful.. thanks in advance
struct method
char *name;
void (*ptr)(?); //? : what to define as arguments for this
void fun1(char *name)
printf("name %s\n\r",name);
void fun2(char *name, int a)
printf("name %s %d\n\r",name,a);
//defined before main()
method def[]=
//some where in main()
//call for function pointer
def[1].ptr("try", 2);
typedef void (*myfunc)(char *,int);
struct method
char *name;
myfunc ptr;
method def[]=
//we store fun1 as myfun
//type void(char*,int) and use it this way
This is by theory undefined behavior, but in reality it should work on most platforms
* edit -> this works on all plaforms just like printf(const char*,...) does.
In C, you can make your function pointer declaration read
void (*ptr)();
Which means 'A pointer to a function returning void and expecting an unspecified number of argments.'
With that adjustement, your sample program works as expected to me. However, it may well be that you're venturing into undefined (or at least implementation defined) lands here - I don't know for sure and I'm not a language lawyer (however there are plenty of language lawyers frequenting SO, so I'm sure somebody can whip up the relevant section of the standard or prove that there is none). So maybe you should rather use
/* Here be dragons! */
void (*ptr)();
Solution #1:
void fun1(char *name, ...);
void fun2(char *name, ...);
Solution #2:
method def[]=

avoiding global variables while using GLUT

GLUT is a great API and it's very easy to use but I am having some difficulty with how it handles scope. When defining callbacks there is no option to pass parameters so it seems to me as though the programmer is forced to rely on global variables, which I find difficult to accept. Right now I have all the GLUT code in it's own module, running on it's own thread, and define a static pointer which I assign at the entry point to the module, like so:
Main module
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
int foo;
boost::thread graphicsThread(glutMain, argc, argv, &foo);
return 0;
GLUT module
static int* FOO_REF;
int glutMain( int argc, char** argv, int* foo ) {
FOO_REF = foo;
glutInit(&argc, argv);
Is there a better solution than this?
If you're using freeglut or a derivative and willing to confine yourself to freeglut derivatives only it has a non-standard extension to solve exactly the problem. You can associate a void* with every window. If you make that a struct that contains all the per-window data you want you can avoid the globals entirely.
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <GL/freeglut_ext.h>
void * glutGetWindowData();
glutSetWindowData(void *data);
What I did was declare a global.h for all my globals. And initialize them in main. For my "basic/general" variables (ie camera, position, iterationNumber,...) they were all declared seperately. In main:
include "global.h"
Vector position_g = ...
Vector angles_g = ...
int time_g = 0;
int main () {
But for the variables that were "section specific" ie only in one game mode/level, I made a union and an enum.
enum mainGame{skipLevel, ...};
enum mainMenu {viewingSettings, ...};
typedef union generic_union {
int i;
char c;
bool b;
char s[100]; // or char * s;
float f;
} generic;
And declared a globalData variable.
extern generic * globalData; // in global.h
generic * globalData = NULL; // in main
Which can now be used:
int main () {
globalData = malloc (sizeof (generic)*numGlobals);
globalData[skipLevel].b = false;
Now when in your key press handling function, you can assign a key to toggle globalData[skipLevel]. And in any other file all you have to do is include global.h.
include "global.h"
void onKeyPress (... ) {
If (inMainGame) {
If (key == SPACE) {
globalData [skipLevel] = true;
And finally the use:
include "global.h"
void levelManager () {
if (globalData[skipLevel]) level++;
Only have to lug around 1 variable and one include.
You can free variables you no longer want or are using in that instance. (very useful for reducing "pollution"). If one game mode only needs 1 variable, thats all you have to store, if it needs 48, just as easy!
Can easily handle any variable type, by adding it to the union.
Totally Portable
Have to remember variable type to dereference the generic union (not that hard)
And watchout for enums being used (you can use a style for enums like mainMenu_e to solve this)
Adds complexity, but as the variable number grow, a system like this because well worth it.
Personally I find this very neat despite the few extra moving parts.
If this is unclear let me know, and Ill try to fix it :)

Is there a use for function declarations inside functions?

We can declare functions inside functions (I wanted a local variable, but it parses as a function declaration):
struct bvalue;
struct bdict {
struct bvalue {
explict operator bdict() const;
struct metainfo {
void foo(bvalue v) {
metainfo mi(bdict(v)); // parses as function declaration
metainfo mi = bdict(v); // workaround
// (this workaround doesn't work in the presence of explicit ctors)
Are the sole reasons "because it makes the parser simpler" and "because the standard says so", or is there an obscure use for this?
This is really a C question, because this behaviour was inherited directly from C (although it gets much more press in C++ because of the most vexing parse).
I suspect the answer (in the context of C, at least) is that this allows you to scope the existence of your function declarations to precisely where they're needed. Maybe that was useful in the early days of C. I doubt anyone does that any more, but for the sake of backward compatibility it can't be removed from the language.
It's useful if you need to use an external function whose name would conflict with an internal (static) function or variable in the current translation unit (source file). For instance (silly but it gets the point across):
static int read(int x)
return bar(x);
static int foo()
ssize_t read(int, void *, size_t);
read(0, buf, 1);
A function declaration inside another function hides other overloaded functions. e.g. Compiler error on Line 7
#include <iostream>
void f(int);
int main() {
void f(char *);
f(10); // Line 7
f("Hello world");
return 0;
void f(int a) {
std::cout << a;
void f(char *str) {
std::cout << str;
Are the sole reasons "because it makes
the parser simpler" and "because the
standard says so"
Yea, basically.
Everything that can be a function declaration, is a function declaration.
Unfortunately it's one of those "just is" cases.

is it possible in C or C++ to create a function inside another?

Could someone please tell me if this is possible in C or C++?
void fun_a();
//int fun_b();
int fun_b(){
or something similar, as e.g. a class inside a function?
thanks for your replies,
Wow, I'm surprised nobody has said yes! Free functions cannot be nested, but functors and classes in general can.
void fun_a();
//int fun_b();
struct { int operator()() {
} } fun_b;
int q = fun_b();
You can give the functor a constructor and pass references to local variables to connect it to the local scope. Otherwise, it can access other local types and static variables. Local classes can't be arguments to templates, though.
C++ does not support nested functions, however you can use something like boost::lambda.
C — Yes for gcc as an extension.
C++ — No.
you can't create a function inside another function in C++.
You can however create a local class functor:
int foo()
class bar
int operator()()
return 42;
bar b;
return b();
in C++0x you can create a lambda expression:
int foo()
auto bar = []()->int{return 42;};
return bar();
No but in C++0x you can which may take another few years to fully support. The standard is not complete at the time of this writing.
If you can use MSVC 2010. I ran the code below with success
void test()
[]() { cout << "Hello function\n"; }();
auto fn = [](int x) -> int { cout << "Hello function (" << x << " :))\n"; return x+1; };
auto v = fn(2);
Hello function
Hello function (2 :))
Hello function (3 :))
(I wrote >> c:\dev\loc\uniqueName.txt in the project working arguments section and copy pasted this result)
The term you're looking for is nested function. Neither standard C nor C++ allow nested functions, but GNU C allows it as an extension. Here is a good wikipedia article on the subject.
Clang/Apple are working on 'blocks', anonymous functions in C! :-D
^ ( void ) { printf("hello world\n"); }
info here and spec here, and ars technica has a bit on it
No, and there's at least one reason why it would complicate matters to allow it. Nested functions are typically expected to have access to the enclosing scope. This makes it so the "stack" can no longer be represented with a stack data structure. Instead a full tree is needed.
Consider the following code that does actually compile in gcc as KennyTM suggests.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef double (*retdouble)();
retdouble wrapper(double a) {
double square() { return a * a; }
return square;
int use_stack_frame(double b) {
return (int)b;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
retdouble square = wrapper(3);
printf("expect 9 actual %f\n", square());
printf("expect 3 actual %d\n", use_stack_frame(3));
printf("expect 16 actual %f\n", wrapper(4)());
printf("expect 9 actual %f\n", square());
return 0;
I've placed what most people would expect to be printed, but in fact, this gets printed:
expect 9 actual 9.000000
expect 3 actual 3
expect 16 actual 16.000000
expect 9 actual 16.000000
Notice that the last line calls the "square" function, but the "a" value it accesses was modified during the wrapper(4) call. This is because a separate "stack" frame is not created for every invocation of "wrapper".
Note that these kinds of nested functions are actually quite common in other languages that support them like lisp and python (and even recent versions of Matlab). They lead to some very powerful functional programming capabilities, but they preclude the use of a stack for holding local scope frames.
void foo()
class local_to_foo
public: static void another_foo()
{ printf("whatevs"); }
Or lambda's in C++0x.
You can nest a local class within a function, in which case the class will only be accessible to that function. You could then write your nested function as a member of the local class:
#include <iostream>
int f()
class G
int operator()()
return 1;
} g;
return g();
int main()
std::cout << f() << std::endl;
Keep in mind, though, that you can't pass a function defined in a local class to an STL algorithm, such as sort().
int f()
class G
bool operator()(int i, int j)
return false;
} g;
std::vector<int> v;
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), g); // Fails to compile
The error that you would get from gcc is "test.cpp:18: error: no matching function for call to `sort(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator > >, f()::G&)'
It is not possible to declare a function within a function. You may, however, declare a function within a namespace or within a class in C++.
Not in standard C, but gcc and clang support them as an extension. See the gcc online manual.
Though C and C++ both prohibit nested functions, a few compilers support them anyway (e.g., if memory serves, gcc can, at least with the right flags). A nested functor is a lot more portable though.
No nested functions in C/C++, unfortunately.
As other answers have mentioned, standard C and C++ do not permit you to define nested functions. (Some compilers might allow it as an extension, but I can't say I've seen it used).
You can declare another function inside a function so that it can be called, but the definition of that function must exist outside the current function:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
int foo(int x);
int bar(int x) { // this can't be done
return x;
int a = 3;
printf( "%d\n", foo(a));
return 0;
int foo( int x)
return x+1;
A function declaration without an explicit 'linkage specifier' has an extern linkage. So while the declaration of the name foo in function main() is scoped to main(), it will link to the foo() function that is defined later in the file (or in a another file if that's where foo() is defined).