I have an overloaded function in my code with the type signatures:
void foo(std::string);
void foo(std::vector<std::string>);
I would like the user of foo to be able to call it with either a string or a list of strings
//Use case 1
//Use case 2
The problem is when the caller passes in two strings into the initializer list for foo.
This call to foo is ambiguous because it matches both type signatures.
This is because apparently {"str1","str2"} is a valid constructor for std::string
So my question is is there anything I can do in the declaration or implementation of foo such that I maintain the API I described above without hitting this ambiguous constructor case.
I do not want to define my own string class, but I am okay with defining something else instead of vector<string> as long is it can be initialized with an initializer list of strings.
Only out of curiosity, why does the string constructor accept {"str1","str2"}?
{"str1","str2"} matches the std::string constructor that accepts two iterators. Constructor 6 here. It would try to iterate from the beginning of "str1" to just before the beginning of "str2" which is undefined behavior.
You can solve this ambiguity by introducing an overload for std::initializer_list<const char*> which forwards to the std::vector<std::string> overload.
void foo(std::string);
void foo(std::vector<std::string>);
void foo(std::initializer_list<const char*> p_list)
foo(std::vector<std::string>(p_list.begin(), p_list.end()));
You could change your API slightly by using a variadic template, which prevents the ambiguity you're encountering.
template <typename... Ts>
auto foo(Ts...)
-> std::enable_if_t<all_are_convertible_to<std::string, Ts...>, void>
/* ... */
foo("aaaa", "bbb", "cc", "d");
In C++17, all_are_convertible_to can be implemented with a fold expression (or std::conjunction):
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr bool are_all_convertible =
(std::is_convertible_v<Ts, T> && ...);
In C++11 you can implement some sort of recursive type trait as follows:
template <typename, typename...>
struct are_all_convertible_to_helper;
template <typename T, typename X, typename... Xs>
struct are_all_convertible_to_helper<T, X, Xs...>
: std::integral_constant<bool,
std::is_convertible<X, T>::value && are_all_convertible_to_helper<T, Xs...>::value
template <typename T>
struct are_all_convertible_to_helper<T> : std::true_type
I'm trying to do an advanced class template argument deduction by using the new deduction guides from c++17. Unfortunately, it looks like you can only use simple template declarations after the ->, but I need a helper struct to determine the resulting type.
My use case is this one: I have a variadic template class that takes an arbitrary amount of different types. For one constructor I want to specify every single one, for another ctor I want to specify only one type and replicate it N times.
To access this N in the deduction guide I introduced a new type:
template<size_t N>
struct Replicate { };
The class I have is similar this one:
template<typename... Foos>
struct Foo {
// [ ... ] member std::tuple<Foos...>
// ctor 1: give values for all types (easy to deduce)
Foo(Foos&&... args /* rvalue ref, NOT forwarding */) { };
// ctor 2: give one value and N, result is N copies of this value.
// takes Replicate<N> as parameter to aid the deduction.
template<typename T, size_t N>
Foo(const T& t, Replicate<N>) { };
The usage would be like this:
Foo f1{1, 2, 3.0}; // deduce Foo<int, int, double>;
Foo f2{8, Replicate<4>{}}; // deduce Foo<int, int, int, int>;
The deduction guide for the first one is straight forward:
template<typename... Ts>
Foo(Ts&&...) -> Foo<Ts...>;
It gets problematic with the second (ctor 2) deduction guide. First I need a helper struct to create Foo<T, T, ... /* total N times */, T> from T and N.
template<typename, typename, typename>
struct ExpandNTimes;
template<typename T, size_t... Is>
struct ExpandNTimes<T, std::index_sequence<Is...>> {
template<size_t> using NthType = T;
using Type = Foo<NthType<Is>...>;
Then in the deduction guide I want to utilize the helper to deduce the correct type. I cant directly use Foo<something> as there is no kind of "in place parameter pack creation", therefore the helper struct.
template<typename T, size_t N>
Foo(const T&, Replicate<N>) -> typename ExpandNTimes<T, std::make_index_sequence<N>>::Type;
Unfortunately this results int an error similar to this one:
error: trailing return type of 'typename ExpandNTimes<T, /* std things */>::Type' deduction guide is not a specialization of ‘Foo<Ts>’
Is there any way to work around this issue?
This is impossible with class template argument deduction - both template names must be the same, and the thing after the -> must be a simple-template-id. This doesn't leave any room for template shenanigans.
But nothing prevents you from doing the thing that class template argument deduction is intended to replace: factory functions:
template <typename T, size_t N>
typename ExpandNTimes<T, std::make_index_sequence<N>>::Type
makeFoo(T const&, Repliace<N>);
This is doable if you can change Replicate's definition to embed a pack into a base class:
template<class> struct ReplicateBase {};
template<size_t N> struct Replicate : ReplicateBase<std::make_index_sequence<N>> {};
template<size_t, class T> using Meow = T;
template<typename T, size_t... Ns>
Foo(const T&, ReplicateBase<std::index_sequence<Ns...>>) -> Foo<Meow<Ns, T>...>;
Then it's a "simple" matter of constraining everything else to not compete with this guide when passed a Replicate:
Foo(Foos&&... args) { } and template<typename... Ts> Foo(Ts&&...) -> Foo<Ts...>; (are you sure you want to deduce references when passed lvalues?) should be constrained to when Foos/Ts aren't Replicates
template<typename T, size_t N> Foo(const T& t, Replicate<N>); needs to be constrained to prevent it from being used to deduce an empty pack (e.g., to when sizeof...(Foos) == N)
I have a Base class:
class Base() {
Base(int, int);
I have multiple classes that inherit from Base:
class childA : public Base {
childA(int, int, string);
childA::childA(int x, int y, string str) : Base (x, y)
// do something here
Same for childB, childC, etc
I want to know if it's possible to create childA, childB or childC using a string. I heard about variadic tempaltes but I don't really understand how to use it.
Variadic template is a template, which can take an arbitrary number of template arguments of any type. Both the functions could be variadic since dawn of C language (printf function, for example), then macros and now - templates.
You can declare it like this:
template<typename... Arguments> class Variadic;
then specialize it with any number of arguments, including zero:
Variadic<double> instance;
Variadic<double, std::string> instance;
Variadic<> instance;
Then you may use the argument list, known as argument pack, like this:
template<typename... Arguments> void SampleFunction(Arguments... parameters);
Just as in case of variadic functions, the argument pack can be preceded by concrete arguments:
template<typename First, typename... Rest> class BunchOfValues;
There is classic example of variadic template in STL: std::tuple. Some compilers do not support this feature fully or do not support at all, and in their case tuple is implemented through metaprogramming and macro definitions.
There is no direct way in C++ to select particular argument from the list, like it is possible with variadic functions. It's possible to use recursion to iterate through them in one direction:
template<typename T> foo(T first)
// do something;
template<typename T, typename U, typename ... Args> foo(T first, U second, Args... Rest)
// do something with T
foo(second, Rest...);
Usually iteration would rely on function overloading, or - if the function can simply pick one argument at a time - using a dumb expansion marker:
template<typename... Args> inline void pass(Args&&...) {}
which can be used as follows:
template<typename... Args> inline void expand(Args&&... args) {
pass( some_function(args)... );
expand(42, "answer", true);
which will expand to something like:
pass( some_function(arg1), some_function(arg2), some_function(arg3) etc... );
The use of this "pass" function is necessary, since the expansion of the argument pack proceeds by separating the function call arguments by commas, which are not equivalent to the comma operator. some_function(args)...; will never work. Moreover, this above solution will only work when the return type of some_function is not void. Furthermore, the some_function calls will be executed in an unspecified order, because the order of evaluation of function arguments is undefined. To avoid the unspecified order, brace-enclosed initializer lists can be used, which guarantee strict left-to-right order of evaluation. To avoid the need for a not void return type, the comma operator can be used to always yield 1 in each expansion element.
struct pass {
template<typename ...T> pass(T...) {}
pass{(some_function(args), 1)...};
The number of arguments in argument pack can be determined by sizeof...(args) expression.
As of creating initializers that use calls name it is possible only if name is defined at time of writing the code. There stingizer operator # in preprocessor that can be used, e.g.
#define printstring( x ) printf(#x "\n")
printstring( This a dumb idea );
will generate code (assuming that C++ automatically joins string literals):
printf("This a dumb idea \n")
You can declare something like this:
template<typename T> class moniker
moniker(const char* tname);
#define declare_moniker(type, name) moniker<type> name(#type)
How would variadic macro definitions and variadic template interact? I'm not sure. Compiler I have at hand failed, but it isn't C++11. Try that, if interested.
There might be typeid operator supporeted, depending on compiler settings.
const std::type_info& ti1 = typeid(A);
std::type_info got method name(), but string it returns is implementation dependant: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/type_info/name
In c++14 you could create some helper struct to determine each character of the string you pass at compile-time and to forward it to a type. However string you pass need to be stored in variable with linkage to let compiler to use it as a non-type template parameter:
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
template <char... Cs>
struct string_literal { };
template <class T, T &, class>
struct make_string_literal_impl;
template <class T, T &Cs, std::size_t... Is>
struct make_string_literal_impl<T, Cs, std::index_sequence<Is...>> {
using type = string_literal<Cs[Is]...>;
template <class T, T &>
struct make_string_literal;
template <class T, std::size_t N, T (&Cs)[N]>
struct make_string_literal<T[N], Cs>: make_string_literal_impl<T[N], Cs, std::make_index_sequence<N>> {
struct Base {
Base(int, int) { }
~Base() { }
template <class>
struct Child: Base {
using Base::Base;
constexpr char const str[] = "abc";
int main() {
Child<make_string_literal<decltype(str), str>::type> c(1, 1);
[live demo]
Unlike function declarations with parameter packs, I've found that classes require the type for each argument in the angle brackets...
Component<IntegerPair, int, int> temp(40, 5);
...which seems redundant. Here's how I defined Component:
template<typename T, class... T_Args>
class Component
Component(T_Args... args)
: m_data(args...)
T m_data;
Is there a way to remove int, int from the above statement?
If so, is it ok to remove it?
Also, is my way of instantiation m_data safe? When using
std::forward<T_Args>(args)... my compiler told me I didn't have a
constructor that could convert all of the argument types.
One way is to make the constructor a template:
#include <utility>
struct IntegerPair {
IntegerPair(int, int) {}
template<typename T>
class Component
template<typename... T_Args>
Component(T_Args&&... args)
: m_data(std::forward<T_Args>(args)...)
T m_data;
int main()
Component<IntegerPair> c {1,2};
This is functionally equivalent to std::vector and its member function emplace_back. It's perfectly ok, IMO. The error messages are pretty cryptic, as usual in template constructs like this, but this can be mitigated with an appropriate static_assert.
template parameter deduction only work for function calls so the basic pattern to achieve what you want looks like this:
template<typename T, class... T_Args>
Component<T, T_Args...> makeComponent(T_Args&&... args) {
return Component<T, T_Args...>(std::forward<T_Args>(args)...);
auto c = makeComponent<IntegerPair>(1, 1)
Is it possible to initialize all elements of std::tuple by the same argument, using the non-default constructors of the underlying types?
template <typename... TElements>
struct Container {
// I'd wish to be able to do something like this:
Container(Foo foo, Bar bar)
: tuple(foo, bar)
std::tuple<TElements...> tuple;
The point is that I don't know the tuple size (it's templated by a variadic parameter), so I can't duplicate the arguments as many times as I need. The only thing I know is that all types in TElements have a constructor taking Foo and Bar as arguments and don't have a default constructor.
The clearest way is just to construct each element in the tuple constructor argument list:
template <typename... TElements>
struct Container {
Container(Foo foo, Bar bar)
: tuple(TElements{foo, bar}...)
std::tuple<TElements...> tuple;
This will result in move (or copy) constructing each element of the tuple from its corresponding constructor parameter; if this is unacceptable you could use piecewise construction:
template <typename... TElements>
struct Container {
Container(Foo foo, Bar bar)
: tuple(std::piecewise_construct, (sizeof(TElements), std::tie(foo, bar))...)
std::tuple<TElements...> tuple;
Unfortunately in this case we have to do some kind of gymnastics (here sizeof and a comma operator) to get the variadic list TElements mentioned and ignored.
with double parameter pack expansion you can (try to) construct each element of a given tuple class with all given parameters to a function:
template <class T> struct tuple_construct_t;
template <class... Ts> struct tuple_construct_t<std::tuple<Ts...>> {
template <class... Args>
static std::tuple<Ts...> make_tuple(Args&&... args) {
//this is the central part - the double pack expansion
return std::make_tuple(Ts{args...}...);
// a little free helper function...
template <class Tup, class... Args>
Tup construct_tuple(Args&&... args) {
return tuple_construct_t<Tup>::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
And then somewhere in the code:
typedef std::tuple<NoDefault1, NoDefault2> myTuple;
auto t = construct_tuple<myTuple>(Foo{}, Bar{});
full working example: Link
Since #Rakvan deleted his answer, I'll preserve the second (correct) part of it:
template <class ... Ts, class ... Args>
std::tuple<Ts...> cartesian_make_tuple(Args && ... args)
return std::make_tuple(Ts{args...}...);
here is a working exaple
We want to do variadic expansion (to get just the right amount of parameters), but we have to put a ‘hint’ to tie the expansion to whichever pack it is we want to match:
template<typename Dummy, typename Value>
Value depends(Value&& value)
{ return std::forward<Value>(value); }
template<typename... Elements>
void example()
// naive attempt to construct all the elements from 0:
// std::tuple<Elements...> t { 0... };
// now expansion is tied to the Elements pack
std::tuple<Elements...> t { depends<Elements>(0)... };
// with two arguments:
std::tuple<Elements...> t { { depends<Elements>(0), depends<Elements>(1) }... };
Why can't the compiler figure out these template parameters? Is there a way to make it do so?
(I'm using Visual Studio 2010.)
template<typename T, typename TFunc>
void call(TFunc func) { func(T()); }
void myfunc(void *) { }
int main() { call(myfunc); }
T appears nowhere in the parameter list so T cannot be deduced from the function arguments. All types to be deduced must appear in deduced contexts in the parameter list. For example,
template <typename TReturn, typename TParameter>
void call(TReturn (*f)(TParameter))
Template parameter deduction for function templates only works based on function arguments, nothing else. The function definition is never looked at for the purpose of determining the template parameters, so your parameter T cannot possibly be deduced.
You could remedy your situation by incorporating the type into the function signature: Since you expect the outer function to be called with a function itself, make that explicit:
template <typename T> void foo(void(*f)(T))
T x;
// ...
Combine function overloading with functors, and it becomes impossible in the general case to determine what arguments can be passed to a callable entity.
Consider, for example
struct FunctorExample {
void operator()(int x) {...}
std::string operator()(const std::string& ) {...}
If there were some way to coax the compiler to pattern match on arguments, it would have to have undefined or error behavior when applied to FunctorExample.
Instead, the trend seems to be that when you want to template metaprogram with functors, you specify the functor and argument list. Examples (off the top of my head) being boost::result_of and boost::fusion.
Edit: That said, if you're willing to restrict your attention somewhat, and you can use some C++11 syntax (decltype), you can arrange to introspect a bit more:
// Support functors with a very simple operator():
template <typename T> struct argument :
public argument<decltype(&T::operator())> {};
// Pointers to member functions
template <typename C, typename R, typename A> struct argument<R(C::*)(A)>
{typedef A type;};
// Function types
template <typename R, typename A> struct argument<R(A)> {typedef A type;};
// Function pointer types.
template <typename R, typename A> struct argument<R(*)(A)> {typedef A type;};
// Now for call:
template <typename FuncType>
void call(FuncType func) {
typedef typename argument<FuncType>::type Arg;
// example:
class FunctorInt {public: int operator()(int ) {return 0;};};
void myfunc(void *) {}
int main() {
Variadic templates could be used to expand this stuff to support more than one argument.