Migration from vtk5 to vtk7-> missing CopyIndormation from vtkPolyData - c++

I am trying to migrate a program from vtk5.10 to vtk7.0 (QT 5.7, Visual Studio 2013). I have managed to do the proper changes in some functions. Although, now I get an error on a removed function (in vtk6) the CopyInformation.
Is there any other fuction that could substitute this one in vtk7.0? I have searched on the vtk6 migration guides, but I couldn't find any helpful information (for substitution). I am new in vtk, so any advice could help.
Thank you.


error MSB4044: The "CheckRuntimeLibrary" task was not given a value for the required parameter "RuntimeLibrary"

I tried to use a C++ code for converting mnist dataset into lmdb format. I installed all the needed packages, but when I ran the code I got this error:
Error MSB4044: The "CheckRuntimeLibrary" task was not given a value for the required parameter "RuntimeLibrary". c:\Users\mohamed-witti-adou\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\Project2\packages\gflags.\build\native\gflags.targets
I am new to C++ and VS coding, I would like some help to overcome this error. Thanks in advance.
As noone else has answered and I found this question when Googling my error text: The problem in my case was that I was building a completely empty Visual Studio project that I had copied and modified for a new project. When I added a source file to the project the error went away.

Visual studio 2017 unable to update, installer uninstall with error log

I'm facing as issue where i can not do anything with my VS 2017 installer, it happened that I tried to updated via auto update but it was unsuccessful then , i close the program then reopen it again, but now it wont be able to do anything, i try to use clean up tool from Github but still fail.. follow the MS instruction but also fail
Below is my error log
[0914:0009][2017-08-30T14:59:35] Error 0x80070057: at
root, IEnumerable`1 packages, DependencyComparer comparer,
Dictionary`2 packageIndex, Dictionary`2 nodeIndex, Boolean splitNodes,
DependencyCollection deprecated) at
root, IEnumerable`1 packages, Boolean isUpdate,
IDependencyComparisonSeed seed, DependencyCollection deprecated) at
product) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Engine.PreChecks(String
installationPath, Boolean isLayoutSet, Product product, ExecuteAction
bootstrapperAction, ITelemetryOperation operation, IQuery query) at
token)The root node
"Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Community,version=15.0.26430.16" is
not in the package collection. Parameter name: root`
Thank you so much in advance for every answer, really appreciate all help,
best regards
The error for 0x80070057 in the OS Header files is:
An argument does not meet the contract of the method.
ecInvalidParam ec.h
ecInvalidSession ec.h
ecBadBuffer ec.h
E_INVALIDARG winerror.h
Some problem with an invalid parameter. Based on this try and do a /ResetSettings (devenv.exe)
DevEnv /ResetSettings
Failing that you should:
Uninstall VS2017.
Use a tool called MSIZap/msicuu2 to remove any left overs.
Failing that you have little choice but to rebuild your PC.
Troubleshooting Visual Studio 2017 installation and upgrade issues
See this link

Debugging XSLT with Intellij and Saxon - Unsupported Transformer

I'm currently trying to convert xml files to a completely different format, using IntelliJ Community Edition +Saxon to write and debug the stylesheet.
I have already Saxon-HE 9.7.0-5 as the top-most module dependency.
Running the stylesheets with the XSLT-Runner works just fine, but when I try to debug it, I get some errors.
When I specify no VM arguments I get:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported Transformer: net.sf.saxon.jaxp.TransformerImpl
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.local.LocalDebugger.prepareTransformer(LocalDebugger.java:98)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.local.LocalDebugger.<init>(LocalDebugger.java:51)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.remote.DebuggerServer$1.<init>(DebuggerServer.java:55)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.remote.DebuggerServer.<init>(DebuggerServer.java:55)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.remote.DebuggerServer.create(DebuggerServer.java:71)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.XSLTDebuggerMain.start(XSLTDebuggerMain.java:53)
at org.intellij.plugins.xslt.run.rt.XSLTRunner.main(XSLTRunner.java:143)
When I specify the VM-Arguments
as recommended here, I get the following error:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: The URI http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions does not identify an external Java class
Has anyone else experienced this?
IntelliJ IDEA Supports Saxon 9 Debugging up to Saxon
As of Saxon the net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener interface introduced braking changes net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener#open() => net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener#open(Controller) that got never adapted by JetBrains.
Since Maven artifacts for 9.3 are hard to come by you might want to manually get it from from SF.
Regarding your stack trace; It has a different story but ultimately results in going back to 9.3.
As of today, 9.3 seems to be the latest version that works with the current IntelliJ 2017.1.2 version.

integrating cocos2d-x with gaf in visual studio

i'm using cocos2d-x 3.7 on windows, visual studio 2013 and GAF_VERSION 5.0.
i'v downloaded "Cocos2dxGAFPlayer" and copied it into cocos2d/external, after that i added the gafplayer project to my cocos2dx project solution. i'm not sure but i think i have configured it properly as its running while it has this code in "HelloWorld::init()" :
auto animation = GAFAsset::createWithBundle("anim1.zip", "anim1/anim1.gaf", nullptr);
object = animation->createObjectAndRun(true);
object->setPosition(Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize() / 2);
but by using this only the png file, containing parts of animation is shown( i have attached the file i mean).
when i use the zip file generated by gap in the GAFTest project by only replacing the recourse (not the source code) it works fine.
i've searched the net for a solution, and a correct way to integrate cocos2d-x and gaf. but i couldn't find a way.
please guide me.
is there any tutorial about how to integrate cocos2d-x with gaf on visual studio so i make sure i'm doing the configuration right?
A member of GAFmedia forum suggested something which solved the problem : http://gafmedia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=447
Postby Dmitry Bushtets ยป October 7th, 2015, 7:36 am
I have one idea. Have you method call to CODE: SELECT ALL
in the code? (it can be in AppDelegate.cpp) If yes - try to remove
this call (set content scale factor to 1) and check result. Or
convert swf to gaf with CSF 1 and 2 (and 3, 4 maybe :) ). You can find
this option in GAF Converter. [Texture Atlas -> Scale Settings ->

Qt 4.8.0 - MySQL Driver not listed

After reading this tutorial http://www.pikopong.com/blog/2011/07/11/how-to-enable-mysql-support-in-qt-sdk-for-windows-part-2/ I was able to successfully built the mysql lib for Qt. But somehow it is not listed in the available drivers list, although I copied the files in the right directory.
This is how my Qt-plugins\sqldrivers directory looks like now :
And this is what QSqlDatabase::drivers() say :
Is there something essential missing?
Thank you for your help in advance and happy holidays!
I solved the problem by following the instructions in this guide:
This was posted as a solution to the same problem (See Karlson's comment)