Template a member variable - c++

Consider the following two classes:
class LunchBox
std::vector<Apple> m_apples;
class ClassRoom
std::vector<Student> m_students;
The classes are alike in that they both contain a member variable vector of objects; however, they are unalike in that the vector's objects are different and the member variables have different names.
I would like to write a template that takes either LunchBox or ClassRoom as a template argument (or some other parameter) and an existing object of the same type (similar to a std::shared_ptr). The template would return an object that adds a getNthElement(int i); member function to improve accessing the methods. Usage would be like:
// lunchBox is a previously initialized LunchBox
// object with apples already pushed into m_apples
auto lunchBoxWithAccessor = MyTemplate<LunchBox>(lunchBox);
auto apple3 = lunchBoxWithAccessor.getNthElement(3);
I would like to do this without writing template specializations for each class (which likely would require specifying the member variable to operate on in some way). Preferably, I do not want to modify the LunchBox or ClassRoom classes. Is writing such a template possible?

You can minimize the amount of code that has to be written for each class -- it doesn't have to be a template specialization and it doesn't have to be an entire class.
class LunchBox
std::vector<Apple> m_apples;
class ClassRoom
std::vector<Student> m_students;
// you need one function per type, to provide the member name
auto& get_associated_vector( Student& s ) { return s.m_apples; }
auto& get_associated_vector( ClassRoom& r ) { return r.m_students; }
// and then the decorator is generic
template<typename T>
class accessor_decorator
T& peer;
auto& getNthElement( int i ) { return get_associated_vector(peer).at(i); }
auto& takeRandomElement( int i ) { ... }
// many more ways to manipulate the associated vector
auto operator->() { return &peer; }
LunchBox lunchBox{};
accessor_decorator<LunchBox> lunchBoxWithAccessor{lunchBox};
auto apple3 = lunchBoxWithAccessor.getNthElement(3);
The simple helper function overload should ideally be in the same namespace as the type, to make argument-dependent lookup work (aka Koenig lookup).
It's also possible to specify the member at the point of construction, if you prefer to do that:
template<typename T, typename TMemberCollection>
struct accessor_decorator
// public to make aggregate initialization work
// can be private if constructor is written
T& peer;
TMemberCollection const member;
auto& getNthElement( int i ) { return (peer.*member).at(i); }
auto& takeRandomElement( int i ) { ... }
// many more ways to manipulate the associated vector
auto operator->() { return &peer; }
template<typename T, typename TMemberCollection>
auto make_accessor_decorator(T& object, TMemberCollection T::*member)
-> accessor_decorator<T, decltype(member)>
return { object, member };
LunchBox lunchBox{};
auto lunchBoxWithAccessor = make_accessor_decorator(lunchBox, &LunchBox::m_apples);
auto apple3 = lunchBoxWithAccessor.getNthElement(3);

A simple way to do this is define a trait struct that has specializations with just the information that makes each case different. Then you have a template class that uses this traits type:
// Declare traits type. There is no definition though. Only specializations.
template <typename>
struct AccessorTraits;
// Specialize traits type for LunchBox.
template <>
struct AccessorTraits<LunchBox>
typedef Apple &reference_type;
static reference_type getNthElement(LunchBox &box, std::size_t i)
return box.m_apples[i];
// Specialize traits type for ClassRoom.
template <>
struct AccessorTraits<ClassRoom>
typedef Student &reference_type;
static reference_type getNthElement(ClassRoom &box, std::size_t i)
return box.m_students[i];
// Template accessor; uses traits for types and implementation.
template <typename T>
class Accessor
Accessor(T &pv) : v(pv) { }
typename AccessorTraits<T>::reference_type getNthElement(std::size_t i) const
return AccessorTraits<T>::getNthElement(v, i);
// Consider instead:
typename AccessorTraits<T>::reference_type operator[](std::size_t i) const
return AccessorTraits<T>::getNthElement(v, i);
T &v;
A few notes:
In this case, the implementation would technically be shorter without a traits type; with only specializations of Accessor for each type. However, the traits pattern is a good thing to learn as you now have a way to statically reflect on LunchBox and ClassRoom in other contexts. Decoupling these pieces can be useful.
It would be more idiomatic C++ to use operator[] instead of getNthElement for Accessor. Then you can directly index the accessor objects.
AccessorTraits really isn't a good name for the traits type, but I'm having trouble coming up with anything better. It's not the traits of the accessors, but the traits of the other two relevant classes -- but what concept even relates those two classes? (Perhaps SchoolRelatedContainerTraits? Seems a bit wordy...)

You said:
I would like to do this without writing template specializations for each class
I am not sure why that is a constraint. What is not clear is what else are you not allowed to use.
If you are allowed to use couple of function overloads, you can get what you want.
std::vector<Apple> const& getObjects(LunchBox const& l)
return l.m_apples;
std::vector<Student> const& getObjects(ClassRoom const& c)
return c.m_students;
You can write generic code that works with both LaunchBox and ClassRoom without writing any other specializations. However, writing function overloads is a form of specialization.
Another option will be to update LaunchBox and ClassRoom with
class LunchBox
std::vector<Apple> m_apples;
using ContainedType = Apple;
class ClassRoom
std::vector<Student> m_students;
using ContainedType = Apple;
and then, take advantage of the fact that
LaunchBox b;
std::vector<Apple>* ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<Apple>*>(&b);
is a legal construct. Then, the following class will work fine.
template <typename Container>
struct GetElementFunctor
using ContainedType = typename Container::ContainedType;
GetElementFunctor(Container const& c) : c_(c) {}
ContainedType const& getNthElement(std::size_t n) const
return reinterpret_cast<std::vector<ContainedType> const*>(&c_)->operator[](n);
Container const& c_;
and you can use it as:
LunchBox b;
auto f = GetElementFunctor<LunchBox>(b);
auto item = f.getNthElement(0);

I did a test case sample using a few basic classes:
class Apple {
std::string color_;
class Student {
std::string name_;
class LunchBox {
std::vector<Apple> container_;
class ClassRoom {
std::vector<Student> container_;
However for the template function that I wrote I did however have to change the name of the containers in each class to match for this to work as this is my template function:
template<class T>
auto accessor(T obj, unsigned idx) {
return obj.container_[idx];
And this is what my main looks like:
int main() {
LunchBox lunchBox;
Apple green, red, yellow;
green.color_ = std::string( "Green" );
red.color_ = std::string( "Red" );
yellow.color_ = std::string( "Yellow" );
ClassRoom classRoom;
Student s1, s2, s3;
s1.name_ = std::string("John");
s2.name_ = std::string("Sara");
s3.name_ = std::string("Mike");
for (unsigned u = 0; u < 3; u++) {
auto somethingUsefull = accessor(lunchBox, u);
std::cout << somethingUsefull.color_ << std::endl;
auto somethingElseUsefull = accessor(classRoom, u);
std::cout << somethingElseUsefull.name_ << std::endl;
return 0;
I'm not sure if there is a work around to have a different variable name from each different class this function can use; but if there is I haven't figured it out as of yet. I can continue to work on this to see if I can improve it; but this is what I have come up with so far.


Usage of empty structs in C++

In some code that I was reading, I found the usage of empty struct like so:
struct input_iterator_tag { };
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag { };
struct random_access_iterator_tag { };
So in the rest of the code, it was used as what they call tag dispatching.
I was wondering if there is other usage of empty structs.
from an older post I saw that :
three major reasons we use empty structs in C++ are:
a base interface
a template parameter
a type to help overload resolution. (tag dispatching if I am not wrong)
Could someone explain that please?
a type to help overload resolution. (tag dispatching if I am not wrong)
When you want to use a complex template specialization pattern on some function, you don't try to go at it directly, but rather write:
template <typename T1, typename T2, other things maybe>
int foo(T1 param1, T2 param2 and so on)
using tag = put your complex stuff here, which produces an empty struct
detail::foo_impl(tag, std::forward<T1>(param1), std::forward<T2>(param2) and so on);
Now, the compiler doesn't have to decide between competing choices of template specialization, since with different tags you get incompatible functions.
a base interface
struct vehicle {
// common members and methods,
// including (pure) virtual ones, e.g.
virtual std::size_t num_maximum_occupants() = 0;
virtual ~vehicle() = default;
namespace mixins {
struct named { std::string name; };
struct wheeled { int num_wheels; public: rev() { }; };
} // namespace mixins
struct private_sedan : public vehicle, public wheeled, named {
// I dunno, put some car stuff here
// and also an override of `num_maximum_occupants()`
Making the base struct completely empty is perhaps not that common, but it's certainly possible if you use mixins a lot. And you could check for inheritance from vehicle (although I'm not sure I'd do that).
a template parameter
Not sure what this means, but venturing a guess:
template <typename T>
struct foo { };
template <typename T, typename N>
struct foo<std::array<T, N>> {
int value = 1;
If you now use foo<T>::value in a function, it will work only if T is int with few (?) exceptions.
I also tried to come up with examples:
as a base interface
// collection of very abstract vehicles
#include <vector>
struct Vehicle {};
struct Car : Vehicle {
int count_of_windows;
struct Bike : Vehicle {
int size_of_wheels;
std::vector<Vehicle> v{Bike{}, Car{}};
as a template parameter
// print same number in 3 different formats
#include <iostream>
struct dec {};
struct hex {};
struct octal {};
template<typename HOW = dec>
void print_me(int v);
void print_me<dec>(int v) {
auto f = std::cout.flags();
std::cout << std::dec << v << std::endl;
void print_me<hex>(int v) {
auto f = std::cout.flags();
std::cout << std::hex << v << std::endl;
std::cout.flags( f );
void print_me<octal>(int v) {
auto f = std::cout.flags();
std::cout << std::oct << v << std::endl;
int main() {
a type to help overload resolution
// add a "noexcept" qualifier to overloaded function
// the noexcept version typically uses different functions
// and a custom "abort" handler
#include <iostream>
struct disable_exceptions {};
void is_number_1() {
int v;
std::cin >> v;
if (v != 1) {
throw new std::runtime_error("AAAA");
void is_number_1(disable_exceptions) noexcept {
int v;
// use C function - they don't throw
if (std::scanf("%d", &v) != 1) {
if (v != 1) {
int main() {
The example about "tag dispatching" can be found on cppreference iterator_tags. The iterator_category() member of an iterator is used to pick a different overload. That way you could write a different algorithm if for example iterator is forward_iterator, where you can only go forward, or it is a bidirectional_iterator, where your algorithm could change because you may walk back.

How to write an inheritable template class with operators

I am hoping that it is possible to write a template class that will be inherited for several type-specific sub-classes. I want the inherited methods and operators to return the type of the sub-class rather than the parent template type. This is in hopes of saving lots of development and maintenance effort if I only have to modify one base class.
Here is an example of what I have already:
template<typename T> struct TMonoPixel
T value;
TMonoPixel(T v) { value = v; }
// the template has some pure virtual functions here...
TMonoPixel operator+ (const TMonoPixel& other)
{ return TMonoPixel(value + other.value); }
struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<uint8_t>
using TMonoPixel::TMonoPixel; // I want to inherit the constructor
// each pixel type implements the virtual functions in the template
As you can see the Mono8Pixel struct inherits the + operator which accepts TMonoPixel, but using this operator returns TMonoPixel<uint8_t> rather than Mono8Pixel because it is defined in the base class.
I am planning to use these structs for iterating over pixels in an image:
Image* img; // img has an unsigned char* pointer to its pixel data
for (int row=0; row<img->height; row++) {
for (int col=0; col<img->width; col++) {
int i = (row*img->width + col);
Mono8Pixel* pixel = reinterpret_cast<Mono8Pixel*>(img->dataPtr + sizeof(unsigned char)*i);
// modify the pixel ...
Is there any way to change just the template class to ensure that Mono8Pixel(2) + Mono8Pixel(2) is returning a Mono8Pixel?
Note that whatever the solution is, these structs must maintain standard layout because of how I wish to use them.
What you want can be done using the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP). The basic idea is this:
template<class Pixel> struct TMonoPixel {
// not virtual
std::string GetSomeProperty() const {
return static_cast<const Pixel&>(*this).GetSomeProperty();
Pixel operator+(const TMonoPixel& other) const {
return Pixel(value + other.value);
struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<Mono8Pixel> {
using TMonoPixel::TMonoPixel;
std::string GetSomeProperty() const {
return "My name is Mono8Pixel";
Thanks to implicit derived-to-base conversion now you can use it like this:
template<class T>
void foo(const TMonoPixel<T>& number) {
std::cout << number.GetSomeProperty();
Mono8Pixel i;
Note that inside TMonoPixel, Pixel is an incomplete type, so you have some limitations on how it can be used. For example, you can't do this:
template<class Pixel> struct TMonoPixel {
Pixel::Type operator+(const TMonoPixel& other);
struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<Mono8Pixel> {
using Type = std::uint8_t;
Type traits is a useful technique to overcome such limitations:
struct Mono8Pixel;
template<class Pixel> struct ValueType;
template<> struct ValueType<Mono8Pixel> {
using Type = std::uint8_t;
template<class Pixel> struct TMonoPixel {
using Type = typename ValueType<Pixel>::Type;
Type value;
TMonoPixel(Type value) : value(value)
Pixel operator+(const TMonoPixel& other) const {
return Pixel(value + other.value);
struct Mono8Pixel : TMonoPixel<Mono8Pixel> {
using TMonoPixel::TMonoPixel;
The type of Mono8Pixel(2) + Mono8Pixel(2) is Mono8Pixel.
So I guess I'm asking whether these CRTP-based structs have standard layout after all of these changes to the type of value.
They do:
Complete example: https://godbolt.org/z/8z0CKX

Choose template based on run-time string in C++

I have an attribute vector that can hold different types:
class base_attribute_vector; // no template args
template<typename T>
class raw_attribute_vector : public base_attribute_vector;
raw_attribute_vector<int> foo;
raw_attribute_vector<std::string> foo;
Based on run-time input for the type, I would like to create the appropriate data structure. Pseudocode:
std::string type("int");
raw_attribute_vector<type> foo;
Obviously, this fails. An easy, but ugly and unmaintainable workaround is a run-time switch/chained if:
base_attribute_vector *foo;
if(type == "int") foo = new raw_attribute_vector<int>;
else if(type == "string") ...
I read about run-time polymorphism with functors, but found it quite complex for a task that is conceptually easy.
What is the best and cleanest way to make this work? I played around with boost::hana, finding that while I can create a mapping from string to type, the lookup can only be done at compile time:
auto types =
hana::make_pair(BOOST_HANA_STRING("int"), hana::type_c<int>),
hana::make_pair(BOOST_HANA_STRING("string"), hana::type_c<std::string>)
All possible types are known at compile-time. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. In a perfect solution, I would create the name->type mapping in a single place. Afterwards, I would use it like this
std::vector<base_attribute_vector*> foo;
foo.push_back(magic::make_templated<raw_attribute_vector, "int">);
foo.push_back(magic::make_templated<raw_attribute_vector, "std::string">);
It is not required for this magic to happen at compile time. My goal is to have as readable code as possible.
I'd use an std::map that has strings as key and std::function as values. I would associate the string with a function that returns your type. Here's an example:
using functionType = std::function<std::unique_ptr<base_attribute_vector>()>;
std::map<std::string, functionType> theMap;
theMap.emplace("int", []{ return new raw_attribute_vector<int>; });
theMap.emplace("float", []{ return new raw_attribute_vector<float>; });
// Using the map
auto base_vec = theMap["int"](); // base_vec is an instance of raw_attribute_vector<int>
Of course, this solution is valid if you only know the string value at runtime.
enum class Type
// ...
Type TypeFromString(const std::string& s)
if (s == "int") { return Type::Int; }
if (s == "string") { return Type::String; }
// ...
return Type::Unknown;
template <template <typename> class>
struct base_of;
template <template <typename> class C>
using base_of_t = typename base_of<C>::type;
And then the generic factory
template <template <typename> class C>
std::unique_ptr<base_of_t<C>> make_templated(const std::string& typeStr)
Type type = TypeFromString(typeStr);
static const std::map<Type, std::function<std::unique_ptr<base_of_t<C>>()>> factory{
{Type::Int, [] { return std::make_unique<C<int>>(); } },
{Type::String, [] { return std::make_unique<C<std::string>>(); } },
// ...
{Type::Unknown, [] { return nullptr; } }
return factory.at(type)();
a specialization is needed for each base:
template <>
struct base_of<raw_attribute_vector> {
using type = base_attribute_vector;
And then
auto p = make_templated<raw_attribute_vector>(s);
I'd probably do something like this:
1 - time registration of objects by passing a named prototype
constant time lookup at runtime
lookup by any type which can be compared to std::string
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
struct base_attribute_vector { virtual ~base_attribute_vector() = default; };
template<class Type> struct attribute_vector : base_attribute_vector {};
// copyable singleton makes handling a breeze
struct vector_factory
using ptr_type = std::unique_ptr<base_attribute_vector>;
template<class T>
vector_factory add(std::string name, T)
[]() -> ptr_type
return std::make_unique< attribute_vector<T> >();
return *this;
template<class StringLike>
ptr_type create(StringLike&& s) const {
return get_impl()._generators.at(s)();
using generator_type = std::function<ptr_type()>;
struct impl
std::unordered_map<std::string, generator_type, std::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<>> _generators;
static impl& get_impl() {
static impl _ {};
return _;
// one-time registration
static const auto factory =
.add("int", int())
.add("double", double())
.add("string", std::string());
int main()
auto v = factory.create("int");
auto is = vector_factory().create("int");
auto strs = vector_factory().create("string");
Largely based on Jarod42's answer, this is what I will be using:
class base_attribute_vector {};
template<typename T>
class raw_attribute_vector : public base_attribute_vector {
raw_attribute_vector() {std::cout << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; }
template<class base, template <typename> class impl>
base* magic(std::string type) {
if(type == "int") return new impl<int>();
else if(type == "float") return new impl<float>();
int main() {
auto x = magic<base_attribute_vector, raw_attribute_vector>("int");
auto y = magic<base_attribute_vector, raw_attribute_vector>("float");
Short answer: no, you can't instruct the compiler to evaluate a runtime condition in compile time. Not even with hana.
Long answer: there are some (mostly language independent) patterns for this.
I'm assuming that your base_attribute_vector has some virtual method, most likely pure, commonly called an interface in other languages.
Which means that depending on the complexity of your real problem, you probably want a factory or an abstract factory.
You could create a factory or abstract factory without virtual methods in C++, and you could use hana for that. But the question is: is the added complexity really worth it for that (possibly really minor) performance gain?
(also if you want to eliminate every virtual call, even from base_attribute_vector, you have to make everything using that class a template, after the entry point where the switch happens)
I mean, have you implemented this with virtual methods, and measured that the cost of the virtual calls is too significant?
Edit: another, but different solution could be using a variant type with visitors, like eggs::variant.
With variant, you can create classes with functions for each parameter type, and the apply method will switch which function to run based on it's runtime type.
Something like:
struct handler {
void operator()(TypeA const&) { ... }
void operator()(TypeB const&) { ... }
// ...
eggs::variant< ... > v;
eggs::variants::apply(handler{}, v);
You can even use templated operators (possibly with enable_if/sfinae), if they have common parts.

C++ Template : one list by class, how to factorize the code?

Suppose I have this class :
class Component1;
class Component2;
// many different Components
class Component42;
class MyClass
MyClass(void) {};
std::list<Component1> component1List;
std::list<Component2> component2List;
// one list by component
std::list<Component42> component42List;
I would like to create a function with the following signature:
template<class T> void addElement(T component);
It should do the following:
if component is of type Component1, add it to Component1List
if component is of type Component2, add it to Component2List, etc.
Is it possible? What's a good way to do this?
I can obtain the same behaviour with a function like :
template<class T> void addElement(int componentType, T component);
but I'd rather not have to specify the componentType like this : it's useless information and it open the door to possible errors (if componentType doesn't represent the type of component).
std::tuple to the rescue.
use std::decay_t
added the variadic argument form
add_component() now returns a reference to this to allow call-chaining.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
class Component1 {};
class Component2 {};
struct Component3 {
Component3() {}
// many different Components
class MyClassImpl
template<class Component> using list_of = std::list<Component>;
using all_lists_type =
list_of<ComponentTypes> ...
// add a single component
template<class Component>
MyClassImpl& add_component(Component&& c)
return *this;
// add any number of components
MyClassImpl& add_components(Components&&... c)
using expand = int[];
void(expand { 0, (void(add_component(std::forward<Components>(c))), 0)... });
return *this;
template<class Component>
auto& list_for()
using component_type = std::decay_t<Component>;
return std::get<list_of<component_type>>(_lists);
template<class Component>
const auto& list_for() const
using component_type = std::decay_t<Component>;
return std::get<list_of<component_type>>(_lists);
all_lists_type _lists;
using MyClass = MyClassImpl<Component1, Component2, Component3>;
int main()
MyClass c;
const Component3 c3;
std::cout << c.list_for<Component1>().size() << std::endl;
return 0;
The most straightforward variant is to simply not use templates but to overload the addElement() function:
void addElement(Component1 element)
void addElement(Component2 element)
// ... etc
However, this might get tedious if you have many of these (and you don't just have addElement(), I guess). Using a macro to generate the code for each type could still do the job with reasonable effort.
If you really want to use templates, you could use a template function and specialize the template function for each type. Still, this doesn't reduce the amount of code repetition when compared with the above approach. Also, you could still reduce it using macros to generate the code.
However, there's hope for doing this in a generic way. Firstly, let's create a type that holds the list:
template<typename T>
struct ComponentContainer
list<T> componentList;
Now, the derived class just inherits from this class and uses C++ type system to locate the correct container baseclass:
class MyClass:
template<typename T>
void addElement(T value)
ComponentContainer<T>& container = *this;
Notes here:
This uses private inheritance, which is very similar to the containment you originally used.
Even though ComponentContainer is a baseclass, it doesn't have any virtual functions and not even a virtual destructor. Yes, this is dangerous and should be documented clearly. I wouldn't add a virtual destructor though, because of the overhead it has and because it shouldn't be needed.
You could drop the intermediate container altogether and derive from list<T>, too. I didn't because it will make all of list's memberfunctions available in class MyClass (even if not publicly), which might be confusing.
You can't put the addElement() function into the base class template to avoid the template in the derived class. The simple reason is that the different baseclasses are scanned in order for a addElement() function and only then overload resolution is performed. The compiler will only find the addElement() in the first baseclass therefore.
This is a plain C++98 solution, for C++11 I'd look at the type-based tuple lookup solutions suggested by Jens and Richard.
If there are not too many classes you could go with overloading. A template-based solution could be done with type-based lookup for tuples:
class MyClass {
template<typename T> void addElement(T&& x) {
auto& l = std::get<std::list<T>>(lists);
l.insert( std::forward<T>(x) );
std::tuple< std::list<Component1>, std::list<Component2> > lists;
If you don't know in advance the types you will need storing when instantiating the multi-container an option is to hide the types and using type_index to keep a map of lists:
struct Container {
struct Entry {
void *list;
std::function<void *(void*)> copier;
std::function<void(void *)> deleter;
std::map<std::type_index, Entry> entries;
template<typename T>
std::list<T>& list() {
Entry& e = entries[std::type_index(typeid(T))];
if (!e.list) {
e.list = new std::list<T>;
e.deleter = [](void *list){ delete ((std::list<T> *)list); };
e.copier = [](void *list){ return new std::list<T>(*((std::list<T> *)list)); };
return *((std::list<T> *)e.list);
~Container() {
for (auto& i : entries) i.second.deleter(i.second.list);
Container(const Container& other) {
// Not exception safe... se note
for (auto& i : other.entries) {
entries[i.first] = { i.second.copier(i.second.list),
i.second.deleter };
void swap(Container& other) { std::swap(entries, other.entries); }
Container& operator=(const Container& other) {
return *this;
Container() { }
that can be used as:
Container c;
NOTE: the copy constructor as written now is not exception safe because in case a copier throws (because of an out of memory or because a copy constructor of an element inside a list throws) the already allocated lists will not be deallocated.
void addElement(Component1 component) {
void addElement(Component2 component) {

Design Pattern, adding data to a class (3rd party) without modifying it

When I have to extend the behaviour of a class without modifying it, I often use the design pattern visitor. It adds member-like functions without modifying the core of the class it works with.
More or less in the same way, I need to extend a third party class, but mostly with data, not behaviour.
In such cases, I often use a std::map matching the a key MyClass* with a value MyClassExtender. MyClassExtender contains all the additionnal information.
While doing that, I happened to wonder if there are other ways of doing that, maybe more common or more 'best-practice". Should I call this additive class an Extender ?
Is there a name for such a pattern...
Nota Bene: I could have simply aggregated the MyClass* and MyClassExtender in a new class, but I need to access MyClassExtender given a MyClass* really often, so the st::map is really convinient.
Why don't you just subclass the class? Inheritance is the way to extend classes, whether with behavior or state. Unless you just want to associate instances of the class with other data, in which case it's not extending at all, and a std::map is the right answer.
So - create your MyClass object with in the struct with your extension objects:
struct MyClassEx {
MyClassExtension extension;
MyClass object;
To make it more robustness for different types - use templates from the example: http://ideone.com/mmfK83
The solution below is inspired by std::shared_ptr/std::make_shared:
template <typename Type>
struct LinkExtension;
template <typename Type>
struct TypeEx {
using Extension = typename LinkExtension<Type>::Type;
alignas(Type) uint8_t objectData[sizeof(Type)];
alignas(Extension) uint8_t extensionData[sizeof(Extension)];
Type* getObject() { return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(objectData); }
const Type* getObject() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(objectData); }
Extension* getExtension() { return reinterpret_cast<Extension*>(extensionData); }
const Extension* getExtension() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Extension*>(extensionData); }
template <class... Args>
TypeEx(Args&&... args)
new (objectData) Type(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
new (extensionData) Extension();
TypeEx(const TypeEx&) = delete;
TypeEx& operator = (const TypeEx&) = delete;
And some helper functions:
template <typename Type, class... Args>
Type* createObjectEx(Args&&... args)
TypeEx<Type>* retVal = new TypeEx<Type>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return retVal->getObject();
template <typename Type>
typename LinkExtension<Type>::Type& getObjectEx(Type* obj)
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<TypeEx<Type>>::value, "Oops");
static_assert(offsetof(TypeEx<Type>, objectData) == 0, "Oops");
TypeEx<Type>* retVal = static_cast<TypeEx<Type>*>((void*)obj);
return *(retVal->getExtension());
template <typename Type>
const typename LinkExtension<Type>::Type& getObjectEx(const Type* obj)
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<TypeEx<Type>>::value, "Oops");
static_assert(offsetof(TypeEx<Type>, objectData) == 0, "Oops");
const TypeEx<Type>* retVal = static_cast<const TypeEx<Type>*>((const void*)obj);
return *(retVal->getExtension());
template <typename Type>
void deleteObjectEx(const Type* obj)
const TypeEx<Type>* objectEx = static_cast<const TypeEx<Type>*>((const void*)obj);
delete objectEx;
And how to link extension to class:
class MyClass {
virtual ~MyClass() = default;
struct MyClassExtension {
int a;
int b;
template <>
struct LinkExtension<MyClass> {
using Type = MyClassExtension;
And proof it works:
void printExtension(MyClass* object);
int main() {
MyClass* object = createObjectEx<MyClass>();
MyClassExtension& extension = getObjectEx(object);
extension.a = 1;
extension.b = 2;
TypeEx<MyClass> objectEx;
objectEx.getExtension()->a = 3;
objectEx.getExtension()->b = 4;
void printExtension(MyClass* object)
MyClassExtension& extension = getObjectEx(object);
std::cout << extension.a << ' ' << extension.b << std::endl;
If your compiler does not support variadic templates, the solution is still possible, but requires more hand work to be complete.