Flattening a 3D array to 1D in cuda - c++

I have the following code that I'm trying to implement in cuda but I'm having a problem of flattening a 3D array to 1D in cuda
C++ code
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
for(int j=0; j<h; j++)
for(int k=0; k<d; k++)
arr[h*w*i+ w*j+ k] = (h*w*i+ w*j+ k)*2;
This is what I have so far in Cuda
int w = h = d;
int N = 64;
__global__ void getIndex(float* A)
int i = blockIdx.x;
int j = blockIdx.y;
int k = blockIdx.z;
A[h*w*i+ w*j+ k] = h*w*i+ w*j+ k;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
float *d_A;
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_A, w * h * d * sizeof(float) );
getIndex <<<N,1>>> (d_A);
But I'm not getting the result I'm expecting, I do not know how to get the right i,j and k indices

Consider a 3D problem of size w x h x d. (This could be a simple array which has to be set like in your question or any other 3D problem that is easy to parallelize.) I will use your simple set-task for demonstration purpose.
The easiest way to handle this with a CUDA kernel is to launch one thread per array entry, that is w*h*d threads. This answer discusses why one thread per element may not always be the best solution.
Now let us have a look at the following lines of code
dim3 numThreads(w,h,d);
getIndex <<<1, numThreads>>> (d_A, w, h, d);
Here we are launching a kernel with a total of w*h*d threads.
The kernel can than be implemented as
__global__ void getIndex(float* A, int w, int h, int d) // we actually do not need w
int i = threadIdx.x;
int j = threadIdx.y;
int k = threadIdx.z;
A[h*d*i+ d*j+ k] = h*d*i+ d*j+ k;
But there is a problem with this kernel and the kernel call: The number of threads per thread block is limited (also the number of "threads in a specific direction" is bounded = the z direction is generally most bounded). As we are only calling one thread block our problem size cannot be exceed these certain limits (e.g. w*h*d <= 1024).
This is what threadblocks are for. You can practically launch a kernel with as many threads as you want. (This is not true but the limits for the maximal amount of threadblocks are not likely to be exhausted.)
Calling the kernel this way:
dim3 numBlocks(w/8,h/8,d/8);
dim3 numThreads(8,8,8);
getIndex <<<numBlocks, numThreads>>> (d_A, w, h, d);
will launch the kernel for w/8 * h/8 * d/8 thread blocks while every block contains 8*8*8 threads. So in total w*h*d threads will be called.
Now we have to adjust our kernel accordingly:
__global__ void getIndex(float* A, int w, int h, int d) // we actually do not need w
int bx = blockIdx.x;
int by = blockIdx.y;
int bz = blockIdx.z;
int tx = threadIdx.x;
int ty = threadIdx.y;
int tz = threadIdx.z;
A[h*d*(8*bx + tx)+ d*(8*by + ty)+ (8*bz + tz)] = h*d*(8*bx + tx)+ d*(8*by + ty)+ (8*bz + tz);
You can write a more general kernel using blockDim.x instead of the fixed size 8 and gridDim.x to calculate w via gridDim.x*blockDim.x. The other two dimensions are handled likewise.
In the proposed example all three dimensions w, h and d have to be multiples of 8. You can also generalize the kernel to allow every dimensions. (Then you have to parse all three dimensions to the kernel to check if the calculated position is still in range of the problem.)
As already mentioned, it may be more efficient to edit more than one entry of the array per thread. This again have to be considered when calling the kernel. A wrapper function which takes the problem size and the data and calls the kernel with the right block and thread configuration may be useful.


Kernels Synchronisation

I'm new to Cuda programming and I'm implementing the classical Floyd APSP Algorithm. This algorithm consists in 3 nested loops and all the code inside the two inner loops can be executed in parallel.
As main parts of my code, here is the kernel code:
__global__ void dfloyd(double *dM, size_t k, size_t n)
unsigned int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
unsigned int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
unsigned int index = y * n + x;
double d;
if (x < n && y < n)
d=dM[x+k*n] + dM[k+y*n];
if (d<dM[index])
and here is the part from the main function where the kernels are launched (for readability I omitted error handling code):
double *dM;
cudaMalloc((void **)&dM, sizeof_M);
cudaMemcpy(dM, hM, sizeof_M, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int dimx = 32;
int dimy = 32;
dim3 block(dimx, dimy);
dim3 grid((n + block.x - 1) / block.x, (n + block.y - 1) / block.y);
for (size_t k=0; k<n; k++)
dfloyd<<<grid, block>>>(dM, k, n);
cudaMemcpy(hM, dM, sizeof_M, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
[For the understanding, dM is referring to the distance matrix stored in the device side and hM in the host side and n is referring to the number of nodes.]
Kernels inside the k-loop have to be executed serially, this explains why I write the cudaDeviceSynchronize() instruction after each kernel execution.
However, I notice that putting this synchro instruction outside the loop leads to the same result.
Now, my question. Do the two following pieces of code
for (size_t k=0; k<n; k++)
dfloyd<<<grid, block>>>(dM, k, n);
for (size_t k=0; k<n; k++)
dfloyd<<<grid, block>>>(dM, k, n);
are equivalent?
They are not equivalent but will give the same results. The first one will make the host wait after each kernel call until the kernel has returned, while the other one will make it wait only once.
Maybe the confusing part is why does it work; in CUDA, two consecutive kernel calls on the same stream (in your case, default stream) are guaranteed to be executed serially.
Performance wise, it is advised to use the second version, as synchronisation with the host adds overhead.
Edit: in that specific case, you do not even need to call cudaDeviceSynchronize() because the cudaMemcpy will synchronize.

CUDA - Optimize mean of matrix rows calculation using shared memory

I am trying to optimize the computation of the mean of each row in my 512w x 1024h image, and then subtract the mean from the row from which it was computed. I wrote a piece of code which does it in 1.86 ms, but I want to reduce the speed. This piece of code works fine, but does not use shared memory, and it utilizes for loops. I want to do away with them.
__global__ void subtractMean (const float *__restrict__ img, float *lineImg, int height, int width) {
// height = 1024, width = 512
int tidy = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
float sum = 0.0f;
float sumDiv = 0.0f;
if(tidy < height) {
for(int c = 0; c < width; c++) {
sum += img[tidy*width + c];
sumDiv = (sum/width)/2;
for(int cc = 0; cc < width; cc++) {
lineImg[tidy*width + cc] = img[tidy*width + cc] - sumDiv;
I called the above kernel using:
subtractMean <<< 2, 512 >>> (originalImage, rowMajorImage, actualImHeight, actualImWidth);
However, the following code I wrote uses shared memory to optimize. But, it does not work as expected. Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
__global__ void subtractMean (const float *__restrict__ img, float *lineImg, int height, int width) {
extern __shared__ float perRow[];
int idx = threadIdx.x; // set idx along x
int stride = width/2;
while(idx < width) {
perRow[idx] = 0;
idx += stride;
int tidx = threadIdx.x; // set idx along x
int tidy = blockIdx.x; // set idx along y
if(tidy < height) {
while(tidx < width) {
perRow[tidx] = img[tidy*width + tidx];
tidx += stride;
tidx = threadIdx.x; // reset idx along x
tidy = blockIdx.x; // reset idx along y
if(tidy < height) {
float sumAllPixelsInRow = 0.0f;
float sumDiv = 0.0f;
while(tidx < width) {
sumAllPixelsInRow += perRow[tidx];
tidx += stride;
sumDiv = (sumAllPixelsInRow/width)/2;
tidx = threadIdx.x; // reset idx along x
while(tidx < width) {
lineImg[tidy*width + tidx] = img[tidy*width + tidx] - sumDiv;
tidx += stride;
The shared memory function was called using:
subtractMean <<< 1024, 256, sizeof(float)*512 >>> (originalImage, rowMajorImage, actualImHeight, actualImWidth);
2 blocks is hardly enough to saturate GPU use. You are going towards the right approach with utilizing more blocks, however, you are using Kepler and I would like to present an option that does not use shared memory at all.
Start with 32 threads in a block (this can be changed later using 2D blocks)
With those 32 threads you should do something along the lines of this:
int rowID = blockIdx.x;
int tid = threadIdx.x;
int stride= blockDim.x;
int index = threadIdx.x;
float sum=0.0;
at this point you will have 32 threads that have a partial sum in each of them. You next need to add them all together. You can do this without the use of shared memory (since we are within a warp) by utilizing a shuffle reduction. For details on that look here: http://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/faster-parallel-reductions-kepler/ what you want is the shuffle warp reduce, but you need to change it to use the full 32 threads.
Now that thread 0 in each warp has the sum of every row, you can divide that by the width cast to a float, and broadcast it to the rest of the warp using shfl using shfl(average, 0);. http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/#warp-description
With the average found and the warps synchronized implicitly and explicitly (with shfl), you can continue on in a similar method with the subtract.
Possible further optimizations would be to include more than one warp in a block to improve occupancy, and to manually unroll the loops over the width to improve instruction level parallelism.
Good Luck.

How do you iterate through a pitched CUDA array?

Having parallelized with OpenMP before, I'm trying to wrap my head around CUDA, which doesn't seem too intuitive to me. At this point, I'm trying to understand exactly how to loop through an array in a parallelized fashion.
Cuda by Example is a great start.
The snippet on page 43 shows:
__global__ void add( int *a, int *b, int *c ) {
int tid = blockIdx.x; // handle the data at this index
if (tid < N)
c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid];
Whereas in OpenMP the programmer chooses the number of times the loop will run and OpenMP splits that into threads for you, in CUDA you have to tell it (via the number of blocks and number of threads in <<<...>>>) to run it sufficient times to iterate through your array, using a thread ID number as an iterator. In other words you can have a CUDA kernel always run 10,000 times which means the above code will work for any array up to N = 10,000 (and of course for smaller arrays you're wasting cycles dropping out at if (tid < N)).
For pitched memory (2D and 3D arrays), the CUDA Programming Guide has the following example:
// Host code
int width = 64, height = 64;
float* devPtr; size_t pitch;
cudaMallocPitch(&devPtr, &pitch, width * sizeof(float), height);
MyKernel<<<100, 512>>>(devPtr, pitch, width, height);
// Device code
__global__ void MyKernel(float* devPtr, size_t pitch, int width, int height)
for (int r = 0; r < height; ++r) {
float* row = (float*)((char*)devPtr + r * pitch);
for (int c = 0; c > width; ++c) {
float element = row[c];
This example doesn't seem too useful to me. First they declare an array that is 64 x 64, then the kernel is set to execute 512 x 100 times. That's fine, because the kernel does nothing other than iterate through the array (so it runs 51,200 loops through a 64 x 64 array).
According to this answer the iterator for when there are blocks of threads going on will be
int tid = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
So if I wanted to run the first snippet in my question for a pitched array, I could just make sure I had enough blocks and threads to cover every element including the padding that I don't care about. But that seems wasteful.
So how do I iterate through a pitched array without going through the padding elements?
In my particular application I have a 2D FFT and I'm trying to calculate arrays of the magnitude and angle (on the GPU to save time).
After reviewing the valuable comments and answers from JackOLantern, and re-reading the documentation, I was able to get my head straight. Of course the answer is "trivial" now that I understand it.
In the code below, I define CFPtype (Complex Floating Point) and FPtype so that I can quickly change between single and double precision. For example, #define CFPtype cufftComplex.
I still can't wrap my head around the number of threads used to call the kernel. If it's too large, it simply won't go into the function at all. The documentation doesn't seem to say anything about what number should be used - but this is all for a separate question.
The key in getting my whole program to work (2D FFT on pitched memory and calculating magnitude and argument) was realizing that even though CUDA gives you plenty of "apparent" help in allocating 2D and 3D arrays, everything is still in units of bytes. It's obvious in a malloc call that the sizeof(type) must be included, but I totally missed it in calls of the type allocate(width, height). Noob mistake, I guess. Had I written the library I would have made the type size a separate parameter, but whatever.
So given an image of dimensions width x height in pixels, this is how it comes together:
Allocating memory
I'm using pinned memory on the host side because it's supposed to be faster. That's allocated with cudaHostAlloc which is straightforward. For pitched memory, you need to store the pitch for each different width and type, because it could change. In my case the dimensions are all the same (complex to complex transform) but I have arrays that are real numbers so I store a complexPitch and a realPitch. The pitched memory is done like this:
cudaMallocPitch(&inputGPU, &complexPitch, width * sizeof(CFPtype), height);
To copy memory to/from pitched arrays you cannot use cudaMemcpy.
cudaMemcpy2D(inputGPU, complexPitch, //destination and destination pitch
inputPinned, width * sizeof(CFPtype), //source and source pitch (= width because it's not padded).
width * sizeof(CFPtype), height, cudaMemcpyKind::cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
FFT plan for pitched arrays
JackOLantern provided this answer, which I couldn't have done without. In my case the plan looks like this:
int n[] = {height, width};
int nembed[] = {height, complexPitch/sizeof(CFPtype)};
result = cufftPlanMany(
2, n, //transform rank and dimensions
nembed, 1, //input array physical dimensions and stride
1, //input distance to next batch (irrelevant because we are only doing 1)
nembed, 1, //output array physical dimensions and stride
1, //output distance to next batch
cufftType::CUFFT_C2C, 1);
Executing the FFT is trivial:
cufftExecC2C(plan, inputGPU, outputGPU, CUFFT_FORWARD);
So far I have had little to optimize. Now I wanted to get magnitude and phase out of the transform, hence the question of how to traverse a pitched array in parallel. First I define a function to call the kernel with the "correct" threads per block and enough blocks to cover the entire image. As suggested by the documentation, creating 2D structures for these numbers is a great help.
void GPUCalcMagPhase(CFPtype *data, size_t dataPitch, int width, int height, FPtype *magnitude, FPtype *phase, size_t magPhasePitch, int cudaBlockSize)
dim3 threadsPerBlock(cudaBlockSize, cudaBlockSize);
dim3 numBlocks((unsigned int)ceil(width / (double)threadsPerBlock.x), (unsigned int)ceil(height / (double)threadsPerBlock.y));
CalcMagPhaseKernel<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(data, dataPitch, width, height, magnitude, phase, magPhasePitch);
Setting the blocks and threads per block is equivalent to writing the (up to 3) nested for-loops. So you have to have enough blocks * threads to cover the array, and then in the kernel you must make sure that you are not exceeding the array size. By using 2D elements for threadsPerBlock and numBlocks, you avoid having to go through the padding elements in the array.
Traversing a pitched array in parallel
The kernel uses the standard pointer arithmetic from the documentation:
__global__ void CalcMagPhaseKernel(CFPtype *data, size_t dataPitch, int width, int height,
FPtype *magnitude, FPtype *phase, size_t magPhasePitch)
int threadX = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
if (threadX >= width)
int threadY = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.y;
if (threadY >= height)
CFPtype *threadRow = (CFPtype *)((char *)data + threadY * dataPitch);
CFPtype complex = threadRow[threadX];
FPtype *magRow = (FPtype *)((char *)magnitude + threadY * magPhasePitch);
FPtype *magElement = &(magRow[threadX]);
FPtype *phaseRow = (FPtype *)((char *)phase + threadY * magPhasePitch);
FPtype *phaseElement = &(phaseRow[threadX]);
*magElement = sqrt(complex.x*complex.x + complex.y*complex.y);
*phaseElement = atan2(complex.y, complex.x);
The only wasted threads here are for the cases where the width or height are not multiples of the number of threads per block.

Wrong results with CUDA threads writing on private locations in global memory

I need each thread to write and read a private location in global memory. Below I post a working code showing my problem. In the following, I'll list the main variables and structures involved.
srcArr_h (host) --> srcArr_d (device) : array of random floats in the range [0, COLORLEVELS] with dimensions given by ARRDIM
auxD (device) : array of dimension ARRDIM * ARRDIM holding the final result in device
auxH (host) : array of dimension ARRDIM * ARRDIM holding the final result in host
c_glob_d (device) : array that reserves a private location of COLORLEVELS floats for each thread, with size given by num_threads * COLORLEVELS
idx (device) : identification number of current thread
My problem: in the kernel, I update c_glob[idx] for each value ic (ic∈ [0, COLORLEVELS]), i.e. c_glob[idx][ic]. I use c_glob[idx][COLORLEVELS] to compute the final result g0 stored in auxD. My problem is that my final results are wrong. Results copied to auxH show that I get numbers at least one order of magnitude bigger then expected or even weird numbers suggesting my operation is likely to overflow.
Help: what am I doing wrong? How can I make each thread to write and read each private location in global memory? Right now I'm debugging with ARRDIM = 512, but my goal is to make it work for ARRDIM~ 10^4, thus creating a c_glob array for 10^4*10^4 threads). I guess I will have issues with the total number of threads allowed per run.. So I was wondering if you could suggest any other solution to my problem.
Thank you.
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cuPrintf.cu"
using namespace std;
#define ARRDIM 512
__global__ void gpuKernel
float *sa, float *aux,
size_t memPitchAux, int w,
float *c_glob
float sc_loc[COLORLEVELS];
float g0=0.0f;
int tidx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int tidy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int idx = tidy * memPitchAux/4 + tidx;
for(int ic=0; ic<COLORLEVELS; ic++)
sc_loc[ic] = ((float)(ic*ic));
for(int is=0; is<COLORLEVELS; is++)
int ic = fabs(sa[tidy*w +tidx]);
c_glob[tidy * COLORLEVELS + tidx + ic] += 1.0f;
for(int ic=0; ic<COLORLEVELS; ic++)
g0 += c_glob[tidy * COLORLEVELS + tidx + ic]*sc_loc[ic];
aux[idx] = g0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
* array src host and device
int heightSrc = ARRDIM;
int widthSrc = ARRDIM;
float *srcArr_h, *srcArr_d;
size_t nBytesSrcArr = sizeof(float)*heightSrc * widthSrc;
srcArr_h = (float *)malloc(nBytesSrcArr); // Allocate array on host
cudaMalloc((void **) &srcArr_d, nBytesSrcArr); // Allocate array on device
cudaMemset((void*)srcArr_d,0,nBytesSrcArr); // set to zero
int totArrElm = heightSrc*widthSrc;
for(int ic=0; ic<totArrElm; ic++)
srcArr_h[ic] = (float)(rand() % COLORLEVELS);
cudaMemcpy( srcArr_d, srcArr_h,nBytesSrcArr,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
* auxiliary buffer auxD to save final results
float *auxD;
size_t auxDPitch;
cudaMemset2D(auxD, auxDPitch, 0, widthSrc*sizeof(float), heightSrc);
* auxiliary buffer auxH allocation + initialization on host
size_t auxHPitch;
auxHPitch = widthSrc*sizeof(float);
float *auxH = (float *) malloc(heightSrc*auxHPitch);
* kernel launch specs
int thpb_x = 16;
int thpb_y = 16;
int blpg_x = (int) widthSrc/thpb_x;
int blpg_y = (int) heightSrc/thpb_y;
int num_threads = blpg_x * thpb_x + blpg_y * thpb_y;
* c_glob: array that reserves a private location of COLORLEVELS floats for each thread
int cglob_w = COLORLEVELS;
int cglob_h = num_threads;
float *c_glob_d;
size_t c_globDPitch;
cudaMemset2D(c_glob_d, c_globDPitch, 0, cglob_w*sizeof(float), cglob_h);
* kernel launch
dim3 dimBlock(thpb_x,thpb_y, 1);
dim3 dimGrid(blpg_x,blpg_y,1);
gpuKernel<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(srcArr_d,auxD, auxDPitch, widthSrc, c_glob_d);
auxHPitch, heightSrc,
float min = auxH[0];
float max = auxH[0];
float f;
string str;
for(int i=0; i<widthSrc*heightSrc; i++)
if(min > auxH[i])
min = auxH[i];
if(max < auxH[i])
max = auxH[i];
You decided neither not to show the whole code nor a reduced size thereof reproducing your problem. Therefore, it has not been possible to make tests and verify the possible solution below.
I think you have spot the source of the problem: multiple threads are trying to write to the same memory locations in parallel. This is a situation leading to race conditions. For an example, see the fourth slide of the presentation "CUDA C: race conditions, atomics, locks, mutex, and warps".
Race conditions have a brute-force solution: atomic functions. They are described at Section B.12 of the CUDA C Programming Guide. So you can try to fix your problem by changing the line
c[ic] += 1.0f;
You will pay this fix with performance: atomic operations serialize the code to avoid race conditions.
I have mentioned that atomic functions are a brute-force solution to your problem because it can be that, by properly rethinking the implementation, you can find a way to avoid them. But this is not possible to say as of now due to the very few details you provided.

CUDA kernel error when increasing thread number

I am developing a CUDA ray-plane intersection kernel.
Let's suppose, my plane (face) struct is:
typedef struct _Face {
int ID;
int matID;
int V1ID;
int V2ID;
int V3ID;
float V1[3];
float V2[3];
float V3[3];
float reflect[3];
float emmision[3];
float in[3];
float out[3];
int intersects[RAYS];
} Face;
I pasted the whole struct so you can get an idea of it's size. RAYS equals 625 in current configuration. In the following code assume that the size of faces array is i.e. 1270 (generally - thousands).
Now until today I have launched my kernel in a very naive way:
const int tpb = 64; //threads per block
dim3 grid = (n +tpb-1)/tpb; // n - face count in array
dim3 block = tpb;
//.. some memory allocation etc.
theKernel<<<grid,block>>>(dev_ptr, n);
and inside the kernel I had a loop:
__global__ void theKernel(Face* faces, int faceCount) {
int offset = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
if(offset >= faceCount)
Face f = faces[offset];
//..some initialization
int RAY = -1;
for(float alpha=0.0f; alpha<=PI; alpha+= alpha_step ){
for(float beta=0.0f; beta<=PI; beta+= beta_step ){
//..calculation per ray in (alpha,beta) direction ...
faces[offset].intersects[RAY] = ...; //some assignment
This is about it. I looped through all the directions and updated the faces array. I worked correctly, but was hardly any faster than CPU code.
So today I tried to optimize the code, and launch the kernel with a much bigger number of threads. Instead of having 1 thread per face I want 1 thread per face's ray (meaning 625 threads work for 1 face). The modifications were simple:
dim3 grid = (n*RAYS +tpb-1)/tpb; //before launching . RAYS = 625, n = face count
and the kernel itself:
__global__ void theKernel(Face *faces, int faceCount){
int threadNum = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
int offset = threadNum/RAYS; //RAYS is a global #define
int rayNum = threadNum - offset*RAYS;
if(offset >= faceCount || rayNum != 0)
Face f = faces[offset];
//initialization and the rest.. again ..
And this code does not work at all. Why? Theoretically, only the 1st thread (of the 625 per Face) should work, so why does this result in bad (hardly any) computation?
Kind regards,
The maximum size of a grid in any dimension is 65535 (CUDA programming guide, Appendix F). If your grid size was 1000 before the change, you have increased it to 625000. That's bigger than the limit, so the kernel won't run correctly.
If you define the grid size as
dim3 grid((n + tpb - 1) / tpb, RAYS);
then all grid dimensions will be smaller than the limit. You'll also have to change the way blockIdx is used in the kernel.
As Heatsink pointed out you are probably exceeding available resources. Good idea is to check after kernel execution whether there was no error.
Here is C++ code I use:
#include <cutil_inline.h>
check_error(const char* str, cudaError_t err_code) {
if (err_code != ::cudaSuccess)
std::cerr << str << " -- " << cudaGetErrorString(err_code) << "\n";
Then when I invole kernel:
my_kernel <<<block_grid, thread_grid >>>(args);
check_error("my_kernel", cudaGetLastError());