Reading alphabetical characters only from file - c++ - c++

I am to read words from a text file. Word is defined as a consecutive sequence of letters. So for example in the following string:
"It’s a ver5y good #” idea of a line. You know it?"
the words are:
it s a ver y good idea of line you know
('it' and 'a' are doubled)
I was wondering, if there's any clever function that reads words until it finds a non-alphabetical character? Or the only way to do it is to read char by char and use push_back until we find non-alphabetical one?

When you read a string from a stream, the stream reads a contiguous run of non-white-space characters as the string. It then ignores any white-space characters. The next non-white-space character is the beginning of the next string it'll read. This is pretty much the behavior you want, with one more exception: you want everything other than letters to be treated like white-space.
Fortunately, the stream doesn't hard-code its idea of what's "white space". It uses a locale to tell it what's white space. A locale, in turn, is composed of pieces that deal with individual aspects ("facets") of localization. The facet that deal specifically with classifying characters is a ctype facet. So, if we write a ctype facet that classifies everything other than a letter as white space, we can read "words" from the stream quite easily.
Here's some code to do exactly that:
struct alpha_only: std::ctype<char> {
alpha_only(): std::ctype<char>(get_table()) {}
static std::ctype_base::mask const* get_table() {
static std::vector<std::ctype_base::mask>
std::fill(&rc['a'], &rc['z'], std::ctype_base::lower);
std::fill(&rc['A'], &rc['Z'], std::ctype_base::upper);
return &rc[0];
The char specialization of a ctype facet is (always) table driven. All we really have to do is create a table that classifies characters properly. In this case, that means alphabetical characters are classified as upper- or lower-case, and everything else is classified as white-space. We do that by filling the table with ctype_base::space, then for the alphabetical characters basically saying: "oops, no that's not white-space, that's upper- or lower-case.
Technically, the way I've done that is slightly incorrect--it assumes that upper-case and lower-case letters are contiguous. This is true of any sane character set, but not of EBCDIC. If we wanted to be technically correct, instead of the two "std::fill" calls, we could write a loop something like this:
auto max = std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max();
for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
if (islower(i))
table[i] = std::ctype_base::lower;
else if (isupper(i))
table[i] = std::ctype_base::upper;
table[i] = std::ctype_base::space;
Either way, the conclusion is fairly simple: upper case is upper case, lower case is lower case, everything else is "white space".
Once we've written that, we need to tell the stream to use that locale; then we can read our words really easily:
int main() {
std::istringstream infile("It’s a ver5y good #” idea of a line. You know it?");
// Tell the stream to use our character classifier:
infile.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), new alpha_only));
std::string word;
while (infile >> word)
std::cout << word << "\n";
[I've put a new-line between each "word" so you can easily see what it's reading as a word.]
Based on your result in the question, you apparently also only want each word to appear once in the output. To do that, you'd typically insert each word in a set as its read, and only write it to the output if insertion in the set was successful.
std::unordered_set<std::string> words;
std::string word;
while (infile >> word)
if (words.insert(word).second)
std::cout << word << "\n";
The insert for set and unordered_set returns a pair<iterator, bool>, where the bool indicates whether insertion was successful. If it was previously present, that will fail and return false, so based on that we decide whether to write the word out or not.
With this modification, it still appears in the output twice--the first instance has the i capitalized, and the second doesn't. To filter that out, you'll need to convert each string entirely to lower-case (or entirely to upper-case) before inserting it into the set.


How can I read CSV file in to vector in C++

I'm doing the project that convert the python code to C++, for better performance. That python project name is Adcvanced EAST, for now, I got the input data for nms function, in .csv file like this:
"[ 5.9358170e-04 5.2773970e-01 5.0061589e-01 -1.3098677e+00
-2.7747922e+00 1.5079222e+00 -3.4586751e+00]","[ 3.8175487e-05 6.3440394e-01 7.0218205e-01 -1.5393494e+00
-5.1545496e+00 4.2795391e+00 -3.4941311e+00]","[ 4.6003381e-05 5.9677261e-01 6.6983813e-01 -1.6515008e+00
-5.1606908e+00 5.2009044e+00 -3.0518508e+00]","[ 5.5172237e-05 5.8421570e-01 5.9929764e-01 -1.8425952e+00
-5.2444854e+00 4.5013981e+00 -2.7876694e+00]","[ 5.2929961e-05 5.4777789e-01 6.4851379e-01 -1.3151239e+00
-5.1559062e+00 5.2229333e+00 -2.4008298e+00]","[ 8.0250458e-05 6.1284608e-01 6.1014801e-01 -1.8556541e+00
-5.0002270e+00 5.2796564e+00 -2.2154367e+00]","[ 8.1256607e-05 6.1321974e-01 5.9887391e-01 -2.2241254e+00
-4.7920742e+00 5.4237065e+00 -2.2534993e+00]
one unit is 7 numbers, but a '\n' after first four numbers,
I wanna read this csv file into my C++ project,
so that I can do the math work in C++, make it more fast.
using namespace std;
void read_csv(const string &filename)
//File pointer
fstream fin;
//open an existing file, ios::in);
vector<vector<vector<double>>> predict;
string line;
while (getline(fin, line))
std::istringstream sin(line);
vector<double> preds;
double pred;
while (getline(sin, pred, ']'))
For code emmmmmm not working ofc,
I'm totally have no idea with this...
please help me with read the csv data into my code.
Unfortunately parsing strings (and consequently files) is very tedious in C++.
I highly recommend using a library, ideally a header-only one, like this one.
If you insist on writing it yourself, maybe you can draw some inspiration from this StackOverflow question on how to parse general CSV files in C++.
You could look at getdelim(',', fin, line),
But the other issue will be those quotes, unless you /know/ the file is always formatted exactly this way, it becomes difficult.
One hack I have used in the past that is NOT PERFECT, if the first character is a quote, then the last character before the comma must also be a matching quote, and not escaped.
If it is not a quote then getdelim() some more, but the auto-alloc feature of getdelim means you must use another buffer. In C++ I end up with a vector of all the pieces of getdelim results that then need to be concatenated to make the final string:
std::vector<char*> gotLine;
*gotLine.back() = fgetch();
gotLine.back()[1] = 0;
bool gotquote = *gotLine.back() == '"'; // perhaps different classes of quote
if (*gotLine.back() != ',')
char* gotSub= nullptr;
if (!gotquote) break;
auto subLen = strlen(gotSub);
if (subLen>1 && *(gotSub-1)=='"') // again different classes of quote
if (sublen==2 || *(gotSub-2)!='\\') // needs to be a while loop
Then just concatenate all these string segments back together.
Note that getdelim supports null bytes. If you expect null bytes in the content, and not represented by the character sequences \000 or \# you need to store the actual length returned by getdelim, and use memcpy to concatenate them.
Oh, and if you allow utf-8 extended quotes it gets very messy!
The case this doesn't cover is a string that ends \\" or \\\\". Ideally you need to while count the number of leading backslashes, and accept the quote if the count is even.
Note that this leave the issue of unescaping the quoted content, i.e. converting any \" into ", and \\ into \, etc. Also discarding the enclosing quotes.
In the end a library may be easier if you need to deal with completely arbitrary content. But if the content is "known" you can live without.

How exactly does the extract>> operator works in C++

I am a computer science student, an so do not have much experience with the C++ language (considering it is my first semester using this language,) or coding for that matter.
I was given an assignment to read integers from a text file in the simple form of:
19 3 -2 9 14 4
5 -9 -10 3
This sent me of on a journey to understand I/O operators better, since I am required to do certain things with this stream (duh.)
I was looking everywhere and could not find a simple explanation as to how does the extract>> operator works internally. Let me clarify my question:
I know that the extractor>> operator would extract one continues element until it hits space, tab, or newline. What I try to figure out is, where would the pointer(?) or read-location(?) be AFTER it extracts an element. Will it be on the last char of the element just removed or was it removed and therefore gone? will it be on the space/tab/'\n' character itself? Perhaps the beginning of the next element to extract?
I hope I was clear enough. I lack all the appropriate jargon to describe my problem clearer.
Here is why I need to know this: (in case anyone is wondering...)
One of the requirements is to sum all integers in each line separately.
I have created a loop to extract all integers one-by-one until it reaches the end of the file. However, I soon learned that the extract>> operator ignores space/tab/newline. What I want to try is to extract>> an element, and then use inputFile.get() to get the space/tab/newline. Then, if it's a newline, do what I gotta do.
This will only work if the stream pointer will be in a good position to extract the space/tab/newline after the last extraction>>.
In my previous question, I tried to solve it using getline() and an sstring.
For the sake of answering my specific question, of how operator>> works, I had to accept Ben Voigt's answer as the best one.
I have used the other solutions suggested here (using an sstring for each line) and they did work! (you can see it in my previous question's link) However, I implemented another solution using Ben's answer and it also worked:
if(readFile.is_open()) {
while (readFile >> newInput) {
char isNewLine = readFile.get(); //get() the next char after extraction
if(isNewLine == '\n') //This is just a test!
cout << isNewLine; //If it's a newline, feed a newline.
cout << "X" << isNewLine; //Else, show X & feed a space or tab
lineSum += newInput;
allSum += newInput;
minInt = min(minInt, newInput);
maxInt = max(maxInt, newInput);
if(isNewLine == '\n') {
statFile << "The sum of line " << lineCounter
<< " is: " << lineSum << endl;
lineSum = 0;
With no regards to my numerical values, the form is correct! Both spaces and '\n's were catched:
Thank you Ben Voigt :)
Nonetheless, this solution is very format dependent and is very fragile. If any of the lines has anything else before '\n' (like space or tab), the code will miss the newline char. Therefore, the other solution, using getline() and sstrings, is much more reliable.
After extraction, the stream pointer will be placed on the whitespace that caused extraction to terminate (or other illegal character, in which case the failbit will also be set).
This doesn't really matter though, since you aren't responsible for skipping over that whitespace. The next extraction will ignore whitespaces until it finds valid data.
In summary:
leading whitespace is ignored
trailing whitespace is left in the stream
There's also the noskipws modifier which can be used to change the default behavior.
The operator>> leaves the current position in the file one
character beyond the last character extracted (which may be at
end of file). Which doesn't necessarily help with your problem;
there can be spaces or tabs after the last value in a line. You
could skip forward reading each character and checking whether
it is a white space other than '\n', but a far more idiomatic
way of reading line oriented input is to use std::getline to
read the line, then initialize an std::istringstream to
extract the integers from the line:
std::string line;
while ( std::getline( source, line ) ) {
std::istringstream values( line );
// ...
This also ensures that in case of a format error in the line,
the error state of the main input is unaffected, and you can
continue with the next line.
According to the standard operator>> delegates the work to std::num_get::get. This takes an input iterator. One of the properties of an input iterator is that you can dereference it multiple times without advancing it. Thus when a non-numeric character is detected, the iterator will be left pointing to that character.
In general, the behavior of an istream is not set in stone. There exist multiple flags to change how any istream behaves, which you can read about here. In general, you should not really care where the internal pointer is; that's why you are using a stream in the first place. Otherwise you'd just dump the whole file into a string or equivalent and manually inspect it.
Anyway, going back to your problem, a possible approach is to use the getline method provided by istream to extract a string. From the string, you can either manually read it, or convert it into a stringstream and extract tokens from there.
std::ifstream ifs("myFile");
std::string str;
while ( std::getline(ifs, str) ) {
std::stringstream ss( str );
double sum = 0.0, value;
while ( ss >> value ) sum += value;
// Process sum

Reverse string with non-ASCII characters

I want to change the order in the string with special characters like this:
I try to use std::reverse
std::string text("ZAŻÓŁĆ GĘŚLĄ JAŹŃ!");
std::cout << text << std::endl;
std::reverse(text.rbegin(), text.rend());
std::cout << text << std::endl;
but the output show me that:
!\203Ź\305AJ \204\304L\232Ř\304G \206āœû\305AZ <- reversed string
So i try do this "manually" :
std::string text1("ZAŻÓŁĆ GĘŚLĄ JAŹŃ!");
std::cout << text1 << std::endl;
int count = (int) floorf(text1.size() /2.f);
std::cout << count << " " << text1.size() << std::endl;
unsigned int maxIndex = text1.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
char tmp = text1[i];
text1[i] = text1[maxIndex];
text1[maxIndex] = tmp;
std::cout << text1 << std::endl;
But in this case I have a problem in text1.size() because every special character are counted twice:
13 27 <- second number is text1.size()
!\203Ź\305AJ \204\304L\232Ř\304G \206āœû\305AZ
How is the proper way to reverse a string with special characters?
Your code really does correctly reverse bytes in your string, there's nothing wrong here. The problem, however, is that your compiler stores your literal string "ZAŻÓŁĆ GĘŚLĄ JAŹŃ!" in UTF-8 encoding.
And UTF-8 stores all characters except those that match ASCII as variable-length sequences of bytes. This means that one char (one byte) is no longer one character, so reversing char's isn't now the same as reversing characters.
To achieve your goal you have at least two options:
Use some utf-8 library that will let you iterate characters instead of bytes. One example is
Somehow (and that depends a lot on the compiler and OS you are using) switch to utf-32 encoding that has constant character length and have good old constant-character-size strings without all this crazy variable-character-size troubles.
UPD: A nice link for you:
You might code a reverseUt8 function by yourself:
std::string getMultiByteReversed(char ch1, char ch2)
if (ch == '\xc3') // most utf8 characters
return std::string(ch1)+ std::string(ch2);
} else {
return std::string(ch1);
std::string reverseMultiByteString(const std::string &s)
std::string result;
for (std::string::reverse_iterator it = s.rbegin(); it != s.rend(); ++it) {
std::string reversed;
if ( (it+1) != rbegin() && (reversed = getMultiByteReversed(*it, *it+1) ) {
result += reversed;
} else {
result += *it;
return result;
You can look up the utf8 codes at:
There are a couple of issues here. The answer is complex and can depend on exactly what you're trying to do.
First is that (as other answers have stated) if your string is UTF-8 encoded, one Unicode code point may consist of multiple bytes. If you just reverse the bytes, you'll break the UTF-8 encoding. The simplest (though not necessarily the best) fix for this is to convert the string to UTF-32 and reverse the 32-bit code points rather than bytes.
The next problem is that a single grapheme might consist of multiple Unicode code points. For example, a "é" might be encoded as the two code points U+0065 followed by U+0301. If you reverse the order of these, that will break it as the combining character U+301 will now be associate with a different base character. So "Pokémon" reversed this way would become "noḿekoP" with the accent over the "m" instead of the "e".
Now you might think that you can get around this problem by normalizing the string into a composed form first. That has its own problems, however, because not every grapheme can be represented by a single code point. For example, the Canadian flag emoji (🇨🇦) is represented by the code point U+1F1E8 followed by the code point U+1F1E6. There is no single code point for it. If you reverse its code points, you get the flag for Ascension Island (🇦🇨) instead.
Then you have languages where characters change form based on context, and I don't yet know much about dealing with those.
It may be closer to what you want to reverse grapheme clusters. See UAX29: Unicode text segmentation.
have you tried swapping characters one by one.
For example, if the string length is odd, swap the first character with the last, second with the second last, till the middle character is left. If the string lengt is even, swap 1st with last, 2nd with 2nd last, till both the middle characters are swapped. In that way, the string will be reversed.

Count the number of unique words and occurrence of each word

CSCI-15 Assignment #2, String processing. (60 points) Due 9/23/13
You MAY NOT use C++ string objects for anything in this program.
Write a C++ program that reads lines of text from a file using the ifstream getline() method, tokenizes the lines into words ("tokens") using strtok(), and keeps statistics on the data in the file. Your input and output file names will be supplied to your program on the command line, which you will access using argc and argv[].
You need to count the total number of words, the number of unique words, the count of each individual word, and the number of lines. Also, remember and print the longest and shortest words in the file. If there is a tie for longest or shortest word, you may resolve the tie in any consistent manner (e.g., use either the first one or the last one found, but use the same method for both longest and shortest). You may assume the lines comprise words (contiguous lower-case letters [a-z]) separated by spaces, terminated with a period. You may ignore the possibility of other punctuation marks, including possessives or contractions, like in "Jim's house". Lines before the last one in the file will have a newline ('\n') after the period. In your data files, omit the '\n' on the last line. You may assume that the lines will be no longer than 100 characters, the individual words will be no longer than 15 letters and there will be no more than 100 unique words in the file.
Read the lines from the input file, and echo-print them to the output file. After reaching end-of-file on the input file (or reading a line of length zero, which you should treat as the end of the input data), print the words with their occurrence counts, one word/count pair per line, and the collected statistics to the output file. You will also need to create other test files of your own. Also, your program must work correctly with an EMPTY input file – which has NO statistics.
Test file looks like this (exactly 4 lines, with NO NEWLINE on the last line):
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.
all i want for christmas is my two front teeth.
the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
Copy and paste this into a small file for one of your tests.
Use a 2-dimensional array of char, 100 rows by 16 columns (why not 15?), to hold the unique words, and a 1-dimensional array of ints with 100 elements to hold the associated counts. For each word, scan through the occupied lines in the array for a match (use strcmp()), and if you find a match, increment the associated count, otherwise (you got past the last word), add the word to the table and set its count to 1.
The separate longest word and the shortest word need to be saved off in their own C-strings. (Why can't you just keep a pointer to them in the tokenized data?)
Remember – put NO NEWLINE at the end of the last line, or your test for end-of-file might not work correctly. (This may cause the program to read a zero-length line before seeing end-of-file.)
This is not a long program – no more than about 2 pages of code
Here is what I have so far:
using namespace std;
void totalwordCount(ifstream &inputFile)
char words[100][16]; // Holds the unique words.
char *token;
int totalCount = 0; // Counts the total number of words.
// Read every word in the file.
while(inputFile >> words[99])
totalCount++; // Increment the total number of words.
// Tokenize each word and remove spaces, periods, and newlines.
token = strtok(words[99], " .\n");
while(token != NULL)
token = strtok(NULL, " .\n");
cout << "Total number of words in file: " << totalCount << endl;
void uniquewordCount(ifstream &inputFile)
char words[100][16]; // Holds the unique words
int counter[100];
char *tok = "0";
int uniqueCount = 0; // Counts the total number of unique words
tok = strtok(words[99], " .\n");
while(tok != NULL)
tok = strtok(NULL, " .\n");
inputFile >> words[99];
if(strcmp(tok, words[99]) == 0)
words[99][15] += 1;
cout << counter[99] << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ifstream inputFile;
char inFile[12] = "string1.txt";
char outFile[16] = "word result.txt";
// Get the name of the file from the user.
cout << "Enter the name of the file: ";
cin >> inFile;
// Open the input file.;
// If successfully opened, process the data.
return 0;
I already took care of how to count the total number of words in the file in the totalwordCount() function, but in the uniquewordCount() function, I am having trouble counting the total number of unique words and counting the number of occurrences of each word. Is there anything that I need to change in the uniquewordCount() function?
This program contains several issues which are to be considered harmful! To prevent bad software being created based on entirely nonsensical assignments like the above, here are a number of hints:
Always test the stream for success after reading from it. Using in.eof() to determine if the stream is in a good state does not work! One of the problems is that you will get an infinite loop if the stream goes bad for a different reason than end of file, e.g., failure to correctly parse a value (this will set std::ios_base::failbit but not std::ios_base::eofbit.
Reading to a fixed size char array a using in >> a without having set up limits for the number of characters to be read is the C++ way to spell gets()! If you really think that using in >> a is the right way to (see next item), you absolutely need to set up the array's width, e.g., using in >> std::setw(sizeof(a)) >> a. You still need to check that this extraction was successful, of course.
From the looks of it, your teacher wants you to actually use std::istream::getline() to read the array, e.g., using in.getline(a, sizeof(a)) (which, of course, needs to be checked for success).
Note that the formatted input, i.e., in >> a already tokenizes the stream being received by spaces! There is no need to faff about with strtok() after that.
Once you have consumed a stream, it is consumed. Assuming the characters don't come from a file but rather from something like standard input, you also can't rewind the stream to read it again. I'd think you want to tokenize the values once and use them for both purposes.
This is more of a sidenote: after you created a stream, its nature should be entirely immaterial for the processing of the stream's content (although, e.g., for string streams you might want to eventually collect the result using the str() member): implement your stream processing functions in terms of std::istream rather than std::ifstream!
Since you have a concrete question ("Is there anything that I need to change in the uniquewordCount() function?"): yes, everything! Throw away this function entirely and rethink what you need to do. Basically, the structure of the functionality should be along the lines of
char buffer[100];
while (in.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
// tokenize buffer into words
// for each word check if it already exists
// if the word does not exist, append it to the array of known words and set count to 1
// if the word exists, increment the count
// determine if the word is shorter or longer than the shortest or longest word so far
// if it is the case, remember the word's index or a pointer to it

c++ change space to enter

I don't know if this is even possible.
I have an assignment to translate words and phrases into pig Latin in C++. the fastest way to do this would be to have the user hit enter after each word, but this would make entering a continuous phrase impossible without hitting enter instead of the space bar.
The your output could easily be:
youway exttay ouldway ebay enteredway ikelay histay
But still putting the info in would be weird.
Instead I would like to force the program to treat the space bar as though it were the enter key (carriage return).
your text would be entered like this
That way each word would enter my array separately from the string, the user only having to hit enter 1 time.
You could do something like:
Read a line of text from user input (which may have multiple words)
Split the line into words
Translate each word into Pig Latin
Print the words out with spaces between them
Rather than thinking of this in terms of "how can I change these keys to mean something else", think of it in terms of "how can I best work with what the user is expecting to type". If the user is expecting to type spaces between words (makes sense), then design your program so that it can handle that kind of input.
You can have the user input data as a single line, since that seems natural.
If you want some help in parsing the words to operate on the one at a time, then try this other question.
Here's the cheap-o way to do it:
std::string in;
while (std::cin >> in)
std::cout << piglatin(in) << char(std::cin.get());
std::cin >> in skips any leading whitespace in the input stream, and then fills in with the next whitespace-terminated word from the input stream, leaving the whitespace termination in the input stream. char(std::cin.get()) then extracts that terminator (which might be a space or a new line). The while loop is terminated by an end-of-file.
You can use that provided you understand it.
Here's a better way to find whether the word read was terminated with a space or a new-line:
#include <cctype>
char look_for_nl(std::istream& is) {
for (char d = is.get(); is; d = is.get()) {
if (d == '\n') return d;
if (!isspace(d)) {
return ' ';
// We got an eof and there was no NL character. We'll pretend we saw one
return '\n';
Now the hack looks like this:
std::string in;
while (std::cin >> in)
std::cout << piglatin(in) << look_for_nl(std::cin);