Tracking Admob fill rate in Ionic 2 app - ionic2

I am using the floatinghotpot/cordova-admob-pro plugin to display interstitial ads in my ionic v2 mobile app.
The app functions in such a way that an interstitial ad is displayed after the user completes action. The app is working fine and I have been getting some feedback from my users saying that they don't always see the ad displayed when they complete the action.
Is there a way that I can track the fill rate that I'm getting?


OAuth2 Signin from a Bot, based on Enterprise Bot template(v4 SDK), does not work with MS Teams desktop app

I have a bot which is based on enterprise bot template(Bot builder framework SDK v4.0). I have called AuthenticationDialog (OAuth2 sign-in with AAD v2) as per other thread in the stack overflow, i have implemented to handle Invoke Activity with "signin/verifyState" in my IBot implementation , it works fine on Microsoft Teams Web app, however, MS Teams desktop app puts up the dialog for selecting sign-in user, immediately, it closes the dialog and sends the Invoke activity with signin/verifyState with "{ "state": "123456"} , i am displaying user to enter the state, when user enters, it works.
Is it a bug in the Desktop MS Teams app
(or) I am doing something wrong.
From my bot, I don't use the following line which is in the SDK sample:
await Dialog.RunAsync(turnContext, conversationState.CreateProperty<DialogState>(nameof(DialogState)), cancellationToken)
In Slack same code works like this, bot puts up the sign-in dialog, when user clicks on Sign-In, browser display the sign-in option where user can select specific user name account, after successful login, it display the screen with:
Please enter this validation code into the chat window to complete the sign-in:
When user enters the code, automatically TokenResponse is given to the bot.
In TeamsAuth sample, Startup.cs calls
// Create the bot as a transient.
services.AddTransient<IBot, TeamsBot<MainDialog>>();
In my bot calls
any idea how it can be done on my case?
I have it working well with OAuthPrompt & Azure Bot Service in both Teams desktop and mobile.
Here is my code for your reference. Check it out and see whether similar code works for you.
BTW The new suggested way of adding bot is to register it using services.AddTransient<IBot, TBot>(). Try to avoid using AddBot.

Siri should open certain Page or ViewController

My app is a self care app. In this app user can pay his bills once he is logged in. I am able to open the app successfully via Siri. Just wondering if I could pay the bills via SIRI
While opening the app I could do login in background with saved user credentials in app.
In Payment intent handler I can send the payment response to SIRI.
In iOS 10 there are two different uses for Siri. Sirikit is to register intents, such as booking a ride or making personal payments. The intents are limited to what Apple has outlined here although I am sure they will expand in the future:
The other is to use Speech Framework to transcribe speech to text. You can do whatever you want with that input, but it only works if the user opens the app and then you initiate Speech recognition.

Open graph stories Facebook

I am new in Facebook App. and I just discovered Open Graph stories. I'm wondering - where should I insert action and object code? What are the steps in approval procedure?
I'm still new to this topic but found out some stuff (not completely yet!).
Via you have your app. You can add objects / actions to the left of the screen. The approval depends on the rights your app requires. Are you using the open graph for web or mobile app? Eventually you'll need to create a screencast (video) of how Facebook works in your app to get approved.

Why am I getting "Ineligible Submission" when submitting my app to fb app center?

When I submit my application to Facebook app center, I get below error.
Ineligible Submission
Your app does not have high enough ratings and user engagement to be eligible for the App Center at this time.
How can I get enough ratings?

Embedding Facebook Social Like Plugin in Windows 8 Metro app page

Has anyone succeeded embedding Facebook Like button in metro app page? I tried both flavors HTML5 and iframe and none of them seem to be working fully.
What works:
Both flavors can render the not-logged-in version of Like button with total like count correctly.
What does not work:
Clicking on “Like” button takes user to metro IE for sign-in but its unable to return to the metro app page. User stays in metro IE blank page and even if you forcefully come back to metro app and restart, it still does not recognize that you are logged in to facebook.
Has anyone successfully able to add fully functional like button in metro app? Any pointers on what else to try?
No you can't. You can't integrate js from the outside like you would do on a normal webpage.
Instead you can login to Facebook from a Windows 8 application using OAuth. Once you have a valid access token you can perform any action using Facebook's Graph API, but liking a page is not supported (though the documentation is misleading).
Take a look at the Web Authentication sample SDK app.