I start use RxNetty and, at once, collided with problem: for each URL path must be different handler, but I didn't found simple and grateful decision.
In example, URL must has handler SomeRequestHandler, but, at the same time, URL must has SimpleRequestHandler.
To solve my problem, I found this decisions:
Simple strings comparing by parsing URLs. This decision include more boilerplate code and it is uncomfortable.
Paths annotation This is very good decision, but it work only with default Netty (without Rx) and required unofficial library netty-http, so future support can be doubt.
So, how I can switch URLs paths for different handlers, but without boilerplate code (like as string comparing)? Maybe exists something like paths annotation, but for RxNetty?
I have a controller which duty is copying a file passed along with the request (through a body POST) to a specific path under web/images. The path is specified by a property living into the specific Controller.
What I would like to do is testing it with a functional test, but I wouldn't like it to overwrite files in my project, so I would like to use vfs or change the path before my test case sends the request.
Is there a good-straight way to accomplish this?
A common approach is to load configuration that may change between environments as an environmental variable. (I have not ever used symfony before, so there may be tools to help with env vars)
The upload path could then be
$upload_path = getenv('WEB_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH') ?
getenv('WEB_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH') : 'web/images'
This will allow you to specify a temp (/tmp ?) directory when starting up your server in integration mode.
Ah cool, (disclaimer: i'm not a php person) it looks like php has IO streams that may be able to help in functional testing, and allow easy cleanup.
I believe you may be able to set your 'WEB_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH' to be one of those streams
I'll try to answer myself: I refactored my code in order to have a property that specifies the path I would like to copy/overwrite my file.
Then, inside a PHPUnit class I replace the object property's value with a vfsStream path. By doing like that I get the behavior I need, without touching my real files/paths. Everything will live inside the virtual file system and my object will use it.
Parameters are important for a clean and reusable code, but even more when you want to unit-test: I think Unit testing is helping me to force to parameterize everything in place of relapsing to hardcoding when you don't have so much time. In order to help me writing unit tests I created a class that accesses methods and properties, irrespective of their accessibility.
I'm quite sure there's already something more sophisticated, but this class fullfills my needs in this very moment. Hope it helps :-)
Warning: C++ noob
I've read multiple posts on StackOverflow about string encryption. By the way, they don't answer my doubts.
I must insert one or two hardcoded strings in my code but I would like to make it difficult to read in plain text when debugging/reverse engineering. That's not all: my strings are URLs, so a simple packet analyzer (Wireshark) can read it.
I've said difficult because I know that, when the code runs, the string is somewhere (in RAM?) decrypted as plain text and somebody can read it. So, assuming that is not possible to completely secure my string, what is the best way of encrypting/decrypting it in C++?
I was thinking of something like this:
//I've omitted all the #include and main stuff of course...
string encryptedUrl = "Ajdu67gGHhbh34590Hb6vfu6gu" //Encrypted url with some known algorithm
URLDownloadToFile(NULL, encryptedUrl.decrypt(), C:\temp.txt, 0, NULL);
What about packet analyzing? I'm sure there's no way to hide the URL but maybe I'm missing something? Thank you and sorry for my worst english!
Edit 1: What my application does?
It's a simple login script. My application downloads a text file from an URL. This file contains an encrypted string that is read using fstream library. The string is then decrypted and used to login on another site. It is very weak, because there's no database, no salt, no hashing. My achievement is to ensure that neither the url nor the login string are "easy" to read from a static analisys of the binary, and possibly as hard as possible with a dynamic analysis (debugging, revers engineering, etc).
If you want to stymie packet inspectors, the bare minimum requirement is to use https with a hard-coded server certificate baked into your app.
There is no panacea for encrypting in-app content. A determined hacker with the right skills will get at the plain url, no matter what you do. The best you can hope for is to make it difficult enough that most people will just give up. The way to achieve this is to implement multiple diverse obfuscation and tripwire techniques. Including, but not limited to:
Store parts of the encrypted url and the password (preferably a one-time key) in different locations and bring them together in code.
Hide the encrypted parts in large strings of randomness that looks indistinguishable from the parts.
Bring the parts together piecemeal. E.g., Concatenate the first and second third of the encrypted url into a single buffer from one initialisation function, concatenate this buffer with the last third in a different unrelated init function, and use the final concatenation in yet another function, all called from different random places in your code.
Detect when the app is running under a debugger and have different functions trash the encrypted contents at different times.
Detection should be done at various call sites using different techniques, not by calling a single "DetectDebug" function or testing a global bool, both of which create a single point of attack.
Don't use obvious names, like, "DecryptUrl" for the relevant functions.
Harvest parts of the key from seemingly unrelated, but consistent sources. E.g., read the clock and only use a few of the high bits (high enough that that they won't change for the foreseeable future, but low enough that they're not all zero), or use a random sampling of non-volatile results from initialisation code.
This is just the tip of the iceberg and will only throw novices off the scent. None of it is going to stop, or even significantly slow down, a skillful attacker, who will simply intercept calls to the SSL library using a stealth debugger. You therefore have to ask yourself:
How much is it worth to me to protect this url, and from what kind of attacker?
Can I somehow change the system design so that I don't need to secure the url?
Try XorSTR [1, 2]. It's what I used to use when trying to hamper static analysis. Most results will come from game cheat forums, there is an html generator too.
However as others have mentioned, getting the strings is still easy for anyone who puts a breakpoint on URLDownloadToFile. However, you will have made their life a bit harder if they are trying to do static analysis.
I am not sure what your URL's do, and what your goal is in all this, but XorStr + anti-debug + packing the binary will stop most amateurs from reverse engineering your application.
Currently I'm working on a Server-Client system which will be the backbone of my application.
I have to find the best way to send requests and handle them on the server-side.
The server-side should be able to handle requests like this one:
getPortfolio -i 2 -d all
In an old project I decided to send such a request as string and the server application had to look up the first part of the string ("getPortfolio"). Afterwards the server application had to find the correct method in a map which linked the methods with the the first part of the string ("getPortfolio"). The second part ("-i 2 -d all") got passed as parameter and the method itself had to handle this string/parameter.
I doubt that this is the best solution in order to handle many different requests.
To me it seems you're having two different questions.
For the socket part, I suggest you use Beej's guide to socket programming if you want to have full control about what you do. If you don't want to/don't have the time to treat this part yourself, you can just use a C++ socket library as well. There are plenty of them; I only used this one so far, but others might be as just good (or even better).
Regarding your parsing algorithm, you may first write down everything about the message format, so you'll have a strict guideline to follow. Then process step by step:
First, extract the "first word" and just keep the following parameters in some list. Check if the first word is valid and if it is known. If the "first word" does not match with any of the predefined existing functions, just ignore the message (and eventually report the error to the client application).
Once you have the matching function, simply call it passing the others parameters.
This way, each function will do a specific task and your code will be splitted in an elegant way.
Unfortunately, it is difficult for me to be any more explicit since we somehow lack of details here.
I'm trying to think of the correct design for a web service. Essentially, this service is going to perform a client search in a number of disparate systems, and return the results.
Now, a client can have various pieces of information attached - e.g. various pieces of contact information, their address(es), personal information. Some of this information may be complex to retrieve from some systems, so if the consumer isn't going to use it, I'd like them to have some way of indicating that to the web service.
One obvious approach would be to have different methods for different combinations of wanted detail - but as the combinations grow, so too do the number of methods. Another approach I've looked at is to add two string array parameters to the method call, where one array is a list of required items (e.g. I require contact information), and the other is optional items (e.g. if you're going to pull in their names anyway, you might as well return that to me).
A third approach would be to add additional methods to retrieve the detail. But that's going to explode the number of round trips if I need all the details for potentially hundreds of clients who make up the result.
To be honest, I'm not sure I like any of the above approaches. So how would you design such a generic client search service?
(Considered CW since there might not be a single "right" answer, but I'll wait and see what sort of answers arrive)
Create a "criteria" object and use that as a parameter. Such an object should have a bunch of properties to indicate the information you want. For example "IncludeAddresses" or "IncludeFullContactInformation".
The consumer is then responsible to set the right properties to true, and all combinations are possible. This will also make the code in the service easier to do. You can simply write if(criteria.IncludeAddresses){response.Addresses = GetAddresses;}
Any non-structured or semi-structured data is best handled by XML. You might pass XML data via a string or wrap it up in a class adding some functionality to it. Use XPathNavigator to go through XML. You can also use XMLDocument class although it is not too friendly to use. Anyway, you will need some kind of class to handle XML content of course.
That's why XML was invented - to handle data which structure is not clearly defined.
I am building an application in django, that is already using a lot of hardcoded strings. They are mostly in templates, but some also in js files and a few can be found inside the code. Now every time some string needs to be changed people comes to us and we have to waste our time finding it and changing. How could I start with cleaning this up and having all those strings in separate files, that could be edited by non-programmers?
We keep all hard-coded strings in a separate module. However, since you want users to modify the strings as they like, you better keep them in the database. I think a simple model with a key (an identifier of the string) and a value (string itself) field will do. Then you can develop a simple page where user selects a string by its identifier and updates it however he wants.
About how to use them in your apps, you can fetch all of them into a dict when your app starts (a proper place may be the init module) and use them accordingly.
What about using i18n services (gettext)? Even if you are not planning to localize your application, they provide an easy and standard way to separate strings from actual code.
Moreover, being PO quite a common standard, there are plenty of tools to edit the resource files; one of them (available also on Windows) is Poedit.