win api readConsole() - c++

I am trying to use Win API ReadConsole(...) and I want to pass in a delimiter char to halt the input from the console.
The below code works but it only stops reading the input on \r\n.
I would like it to stop reading the console input on '.' for instance.
void read(char *cIn, char delim)
DWORD charsRead;
DWORD charsToRead = MAX_PATH;
cReadControl.nLength = sizeof(CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL);
cReadControl.nInitialChars = 0;
cReadControl.dwCtrlWakeupMask = delim;
cReadControl.dwControlKeyState = NULL;
DWORD lpMode;
// char cIn[MAX_PATH]; //-- buffer to hold data from the console
// lpMode &= ~ENABLE_LINE_INPUT; //-- turns off this flag
// SetConsoleMode(hFile, lpMode); //-- set the mode with the new flag off
bool read = ReadConsole(hFile, cIn, charsToRead * sizeof(TCHAR), &charsRead, &cReadControl);
cIn[charsRead - 2] = '\0';
I know there are other easy ways to do this but I am just trying to understand some of the win api functions and how to use them.
Thank you.

I saw this question and assumed it would be trivial, but spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure it out and finally have something.
That dwCtrlWakeupMask is pretty poorly documented in CONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL. MSDN says "A user-defined control character used to signal that the read is complete.", but why is it called mask? Why is it a ULONG instead of a TCHAR or something like that? I tried feeding it chars and wchars and nothing happened, so there must be more to the story.
I took to the web searching for that particular variable and found this link:!topic/golang-codereviews/KSp37ITmcUg It is a random Go library coder asking for help and the answer is that tab is 1 << '\t'. I tried it, and it works!
So, for future web searchers, dwCtrlWakeupMask is a bitmask of ASCII control characters that will cause ReadConsole to return. You can | together as many 1 << ctrl_chars as you like... but it cannot be arbitrary characters, since it is a bitmask in a 32 bit value, only the chars 1-31 (inclusive) are possible (this group btw is called control characters, it includes things like tab, backspace, bell; things that do not represent printable characters per se).
Thus, this mask:
cReadControl.dwCtrlWakeupMask = (1 << '\t') | (1 << 0x08);
Will cause ReadConsole to return when tab (\t) OR when backspace (0x08) is pressed.
The characters represented by ctrl+ some_ascii_value are the number of that letter in the english alphabet, starting at a == 1. So, ctrl+d is 4, and ctrl+z is 26.
Therefore, this will return when the user hits ctrl+d or ctrl+z:
cReadControl.dwCtrlWakeupMask = (1 << 4) | (1 << 26);
Note that the Linux terminal driver also returns on read when the user hits ctrl+d so this might be a nice compatibility thing.
I believe the point of this argument is to allow easier tab-completion in processed input mode; otherwise, you'd have to turn processed input off and process keys one by one to do that. Now you don't have to.... though tbh, I still prefer taking my input with ReadConsoleInput for interactive programs since you get much better control over it all.
But while there are a lot of other ways to do what you want - and using . as a delimiter is impossible here, since it has a value >= 32, so you need to do it yourself... understanding what this does is interesting to me anyway, and there's scarce resources on the web so I'm writing this up just for future reference.
Note that this does not appear to work in wineconsole so be sure you are on a real Windows box to test it out.
Now, dwControlKeyState is actually set BY the function. Your value passed in is ignored (at least as far as I can tell), but you can inspect it for the given flags when the function returns. So, for example, after calling ReadConsole and hitting the key, it will be 32 if your numlock was on. It will be 48 is numlock was on and you pressed shift+tab (and had numlock on). So you test it after the function returns.
I typically like MSDN docs but IMO they completely dropped the ball on explaining this parameter!

You will find this code ridiculous. It is most likely the only way to do this. If you have to adapt to use ReadFile later it is the only way that doesn't consume more input.
Most of the time you don't really want ReadConsole at all you want ReadFile on the standard input handle, but I digress.
char *cInptr = cIn;
do {
bool read = ReadConsole(hFile, cInptr, sizeof(TCHAR), &charsRead, &cReadControl);
if (read) cInptr += charsRead;
} while (read && charsRead > 0 && cInptr[-1] && cInptr[-1] != '.');
I might have too many tests in the loop due to being paranoid. I'm not inclined to look up all predicates to determine which are implied by the contract of ReadConsole.


C++ #define LPWSTR?

Ok, i have a problem in my program. I made a question about it before, but no one really understood my problem, so im trying a new approach to it this time.
If you're curious this is my problem:
My program takes arguments in the form of char* argv[] , and im having trouble making a pointer to whatever is on argv[1] using LPWSTR, since it only point to const wchar_t* objects.
This is a new thing im trying to solve my problem (i've tried multiple things but i need to know how to do what im thinking, or if its possible)
Basicly, my idea is to #define some sort of function that take whatever is on argv[1] and defines a const wchar_t* with that value.
Something like this:
#define path ((const wchar_t*)argv[1])
Im not sure that is the correct way (or even if this is possible) to do what i want to do...
If you have anny better way of solving me problem, please (please) tell me how to and help me out, i've been thinking about this so a really long time!
Explanation of my program:
Im making a program that recieves arguments. The arguments are the name of the drives, for example "F:". It then uses the function CreateFile with the drive letter. If you go here , and see the first parameter of the function, i think you will see what i mean.... the problem is that for me to make a LPWSTR, i would need a const wchat_t* object.... I hope my question is clear this time, last time people didnt really understand what i was trying to do.
Regardless, thanks!
EDIT 1: here are solve lines of my program (this is how i have to do for it to work, without arguments) (i used a fixed value in here)
int main()
HANDLE device;
device = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\F:", // Drive to open
NULL, // Security Descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, // How to create
0, // File attributes
This is with arguments (doesn't work)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HANDLE device;
device = CreateFile(argv[1], // Drive to open
NULL, // Security Descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, // How to create
0, // File attributes
NULL); // Handle to template
^ this shows what im trying to do
EDIT 2: i changed the CreateFile to CreateFileA , and this is the eroor codes it gives me (the drive D is a usb, its not a hard drive)
So unless im typing the wrong way to type a path, it always gives me erros. I think ill try another way to solve the problem, or if someone knows why thoes errors are happening, please tell!
EDIT 2: i changed the CreateFile to CreateFileA , and this is the eroor codes it gives me (the drive D is a usb, its not a hard drive)
This is a completely different question, and has nothing to do with wchar_t.
In your first snipped you passed "\\\\.\\F:" (AKA \\.\F: once we remove the C escaping); in all your tries from the command line you never provided this path, but respectively:
D - so it tried to open a file named D in the current directory, and it didn't find it (error 2, aka ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
D:\ - the root directory, which cannot be opened with CreateFile (error 3, aka ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND),
D: - the current directory on the drive D:, which again cannot be opened with CreateFile (error 5, aka ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED);
\D: - a file named "D:" in the root of the current drive, which cannot be created given that D: is not a valid file name (error 123, aka ERROR_INVALID_NAME).
To open a drive as a device, you must use the \\.\X: path (where X is the drive letter); you cannot just throw whatever floats in your mind and hope that it'll work. Call your program from the command line passing "\\.\D:" and it'll work fine.
Of course if you want to keep it simpler for the user you can accept just the drive letter on the command line and write some code to create the string required by CreateFile based on it.
if(argc<1) {
printf("Not enough arguments\n");
return 1;
const char *drive = argv[1];
char d = drive[0];
// accept both `d` and `d:` as argument for the drive
if(!((d>='a' && d<='z') || (d>='A' && d<='Z')) ||
(drive[1]!=0 && drive[1]!=':') ||
drive[2]!=0) {
printf("Invalid drive specifier: `%s`\n", drive);
return 2;
char path[]="\\\\.\\X:";
path[4] = d;
// now you can use path as argument to CreateFileA
What follows was the original answer, which is still valid but it addresses a completely different problem, unrelated to the actual problem OP is experiencing
You cannot make LPWSTR point to a char *, especially not by brutally casting the pointer - casting a pointer just makes the compiler shut up, it doesn't change the fact that what you are pointing at is not a wchar_t string. If you want to pass a char * to a function expecting a wchar_t * you have to perform an actual conversion of the pointed data.
Now, you have several possible solutions:
you can use _wmain and receive your command line arguments directly as wide characters;
you can convert your local-encoding strings to UTF-16 strings by using a function such as the MultiByteToWideChar; this can be encapsulated in a function returning a std::wstring;
you can just invoke the ANSI version of the API and let it deal with it; almost all Win32 APIs have both an ANSI and Unicode version, suffixed with A and W (CreateFile is just a macro that expands to CreateFileA or CreateFileW depending on the _UNICODE macro). So, you can use CreateFileA and pass it your string as-is.
The last two solutions are not great because using local-encoding strings as command line arguments precludes your program from opening files using arbitrary Unicode characters. OTOH, using wchar_t almost everywhere is quite a dread, since they "infect" virtually every string-processing corner of your application. The correct (IMHO) way out is to use UTF-8 everywhere, and convert on the fly when talking to the operating systems; see here for details.

How to send wstring buffer to stdin of a child process?

I'm having trouble writing a WString to the STDIN of a child process. If I have only acii character string (eg: #WSX3edc), the code works fine, but if it contains a non ascii character (eg: #WSX3edcß) it fails.
The child process is 7zr.exe (7Zip cmd line version). The input I'm writing to the STDIN is the password to extract the file.
// inject password
wPassword.append(L"\n"); \\For carriage return
DWORD dwBytesToWrite = wPassword.length()*sizeof(wchar_t);
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
char szBuffer[1024] = "\0";
wcstombs(szBuffer, wPassword.c_str(),wcslen(wPassword.c_str())+1);
dwBytesToWrite = strlen(szBuffer);
if (!WriteFile(hInput, szBuffer, dwBytesToWrite, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) {
std::cout<<"write file failed"<<GetLastError()<<std::endl;
goto Cleanup;
The writefile always succeed but some how the file extraction is not successful due to faulty password injecting mechanism.
Createprocess for this looks like : (si object has the STDIN and STDOUT streams set using a CreatePipe earlier)
NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) {
std::cout<<"7zr.exe process creation failed "<<GetLastError()<<std::endl;
goto Cleanup;
Note : 7zr.exe works just fine with this particular password, if we run it on command-line and paste this password. The extraction works fine.
If the narrow character set doesn't have the relevant password character, you can't use this approach. Instead find what option 7zr has for specifying the password. I don't have an executable called 7zr but I do have 7z, and the command 7z | find /i "pass" worked nicely.
In other news:
The variable dwBytesToWrite is initialized with one value, only to be reassigned a few lines later, without having been used.
goto Cleanup is generally ungood in C++. If you want guaranteed cleanup use a destructor (the technique called RAII, read up on it).
Microsoft's Hungarian notation, with prefixes such as sz and dw, is generally an abomination. It once, in the 1980's, supported the help system in Microsoft's Programmer's Workbench. AFAIK that product hasn't existed the last 30 years or so.
The C cast in (LPWSTR)cmd can easily introduce a bug. Use const_cast where you want to cast constness. Then it would be more clear that this cast is incorrect: you need a mutable buffer.
Instead of reporting a failure to the standard output stream, via std::cout, consider using the standard error stream, via either std::cerr or std::clog. Better, don't do i/o at the place where a failure is detected, but throw an exception to let the calling code deal with it. The calling code can't remove output that's already, uh, output.
wcslen(wide) returns the number of wide characters in its argument wide (see).
wcstombs(narrow,wide,len) writes no more than len bytes to narrow (see).
Now if we always had one wide character = one narrow character = one byte, it wouldn't have much sense to have two varieties of characters, would it?
As soon as you have a wide character that translates to more than one narrow character, there is undefined behaviour.
Since your szBuffer is of fixed size, you could just as well write
wcstombs(szBuffer, wPassword.c_str(), sizeof(szBuffer));

Clearing keyboard buffer in C++

I one part of my application I have used Sleep(5000) (I need to wait 5 sec)
The problem is that if the user presses any keyboard key during these 5 seconds, the keys will be read after sleep and it causes problems for my app.
How can I empty the buffer after sleep?
I tried cin.clear() and setbuf(stdin, NULL) but they can't clear the buffer if there is more than one character in the buffer.
The two functions you are using don't have the effect you expect them to have:
clear() doesn't affect the buffer at all but rather clears the error flags. That is, if there was an unsuccessful read a flag is set (std::ios_base::failbit). While any error flag is set (there are a few more), the stream won't attempt to read anything.
setbuf(0, 0) affects the stream's internal buffer to not exist (calls with non-null values have implementation-defined meaning which is typically "do nothing"). This is generally a Bad Idea because it causes the streams to be very slow. Also, the keys pressed by a user are probably not stored in this buffer anyway but rather in the operating systems input buffer until they are sent to application (there are platform specific ways to turn off the operating system input buffer, e.g., on POSIX you'd use tcsetattr() to set the input into non-canonical mode).
In either case, not having a buffer doesn't really help you anyway: The user may very well have typed valid input. The proper approach is to attempt reading the available input and, if this fails, to rid of the offending character (or characters). To this end you'd attempt to read the input and if it fails you'd clear() the stream and ignore() one or more characters (this example ignores an entire line; call ignore() without parameters to just ignore one character):
T value;
while (!(std::cin >> value)) {
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
You always need to verify that the input was successful anyway and the few extra lines are just adding a bit of recovery code.
The simplest way to clear the keyboard input buffer is
while(kbhit()) getch();
just put that code in your program wherever you want to clear your buffer .
headerfile needed for that is conio.h
This seems to work for Windows 10 compiled with Code::Blocks:
#include <conio.h>
* clears keyboard buffer
* #author Shaun B
* #version 0.0.2
* #fixed 15-01-2016
void clearKeyboardBuffer()
while (_kbhit())
Then called from where is needed in your C++ script.

How to get displayed width of a string?

When you have non-fixed width characters (such as \t) in a string , or escape codes, such as those for ANSI color (such as \1xb[31m), these characters add to the .length() of an std::string, but do not add to the displayed length when printed.
Is there any way in C++ to get the displayed width of a string in *nix?
For instance:
displayed_width("a\tb") would be 4 if the displayed tab width is 2
displayed_width("\1xb[33mGREEN") would be 5
Most commonly, a tab asks the terminal program to move the cursor to a column that's a multiple of 8, though many terminal programs let you configure that. With such behaviour, how much width a tab actually adds depends on where the cursor was beforehand relative to the tab stops. So, simply knowing the string content is not enough to calculate a printable width without some assumption or insight regarding prior cursor placement and tab stops.
Non-printable codes also vary per terminal type, though if you only need ANSI colour then that's pretty easy. You can move along the string counting characters; when you see an ESCAPE skip through to the terminating m. Something like (untested):
int displayed_width(const char* p)
int result = 0;
for ( ; *p; ++p)
if (p[0] == '\e' && p[1] == '[')
while (*p != 'm')
if (*p)
throw std::runtime_error("string terminates inside ANSI colour sequence");
return result;
Nothing built in. The "displayed width" of the tab character is an implementation detail, as are console escape sequences. C++ doesn't care about platform-specific things like that.
Is there something in particular you're trying to do? We may be able to suggest alternatives if we know what particular task you're working on.
Not with standard methods to my knowledge. C++ does not know about terminals.
My guess would be to use NCURSES for that. Dunno if boost has something up the sleeve for that though.
Display length on what device? A console that uses a fixed-width font? A window that uses a proportional font? This is highly device-dependent question. There is no fixed answer. You will have to use the tools associated with the target output device.

C++ Console Progress Indicator

What would be an easy way of implementing a console-based progress indicator for a task that's being executed, but I can't anticipate how much time it would take?
I used to do this back when I coded in Clipper, and it was only a matter of iterating through the chars '/', '-', '\', '|' and positioning them in the same place.
Any way / links / libs for doing that (or something similar) in C++?
The target for this is *nix environments.
changed the title to be more coherent and generic;
added target environment.
A very simple way to do it is to print out a string followed by a '\r' character. That is carriage return by itself and on most consoles, it returns the cursor to the beginning of the line without moving down. That allows you to overwrite the current line.
If you are writing to stdout or cout or clog remember to fflush or std::flush the stream to make it output the line immediately. If you are writing to stderr or cerr then the stream is unbuffered and all output is immediate (and inefficient).
A more complicated way to do it is to get into using a screen drawing library like curses. The Windows consoles have some other ways of setting them for direct screen writing but I don't know what they are.
You could try something like:
spinner(int spin_seconds) {
static char const spin_chars[] = "/-\\|";
unsigned long i, num_iterations = (spin_seconds * 10);
for (i=0; i<num_iterations; ++i) {
putchar(spin_chars[i % sizeof(spin_chars)]);
Of course, this is non-standard because of the sub-second usleep() and I'm not sure if there is any guarantee that \b erases a character or not, but it works on most platforms. You can also try \r instead if \b doesn't do the trick. Otherwise, try to find a version of curses.
Edit (curses sample)
This should get you started:
#include <curses.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void spinner(int spin_seconds) {
static char const spin_chars[] = "/-\\|";
unsigned long i, num_iterations = (spin_seconds * 10);
for (i=0; i<num_iterations; ++i) {
mvaddch(0, 0, spin_chars[i & 3]);
int main() {
initscr(); /* initializes curses */
spinner(10); /* spin for 10 seconds */
endwin(); /* cleanup curses */
return 0;
Make sure to link with either -lcurses or -lncurses. That should work on any UNIX alike out there.
Boost has a progress library which can help some of these things
Wow, clipper, perhaps you are talking about the #row,col things built in to the language? (Rhetorical question only...)
You can do simple progress bars with printf: you can leave out the trailing newline. You can obviously begin or end the string with \b in order to overprint characters. It's easy to do the traditional -\|/ kind that way.
I recall that the Eclipse UI guidelines recommended progress indicators regardless of how much you were able to tell about the actual progress. I think theory was that anything is better than nothing and to just do the best you can.
The only trick that you are likely to need is potentially to defeat line buffering. Be sure to fflush(stdout) after each output operation. (Or ostream::flush())