Detect common base class - c++

Suppose one has a class hierarchy, without multiple inheritance:
struct TOP{};
struct L : TOP{};
struct R : TOP{};
struct LL : L{};
struct LR : L{};
struct RL : R{};
struct RR : R{};
Is it possible to write a metafunction that will return the type of the common base of two types? (it could return void if not common base class exists.)
For example
common_base<RR, R>::type == R
common_base<RL, RR>::type == R
common_base<LL, RR>::type == TOP
common_base<LL, std::string>::type == void
Obviously this wouldn't work with multiple inhertance, but I am focused in the the single inheritance case.
First, it doesn't seem to be possible without some introspection of the base class. So, I have this easier problem, do it in such a way that each clase knows its base (by an internal base type), for example:
struct LR : L{using base = L;};
Even in this way, I cannot seem to get the metaprogramming right.
Also I read somewhere (I can't find it now) that GCC has some extensions to detect common base class. Is that the case?

There was at some point bases and direct_bases in std::tr2 but that wasn't included. Some versions of gcc have it. Using these perhaps you can get what you want.

If you have each class alias the base as base (like below), it can be done.
struct Child : Parent { using base = Parent; }; //typedef works too
I created a struct:
template <class T1, class T2>
struct CommonBase;
CommonBase works by comparing every base of T2 to T1. When it reaches the top level base, it starts at the bottom again, but compares against the base of T1.
For example: CommonBase<RL, RR> would go through the following checks:
RL != RR
RL != R
RL != Top
R != RR
R == R
So CommonBase<RL, RR>::type == R. If there is no common base, type == void.
I put the code at the end because template metaprogramming is so pretty:
#include <type_traits>
template <class T>
struct GetBase //type = T::base, or else void
template <class TT> static typename TT::base& f(int);
template <class TT> static void f(...);
typedef std::remove_reference_t<decltype(f<T>(0))> type;
template <class T1, class T2>
struct Compare2 //Compares T1 to every base of T2
typedef typename GetBase<T2>::type _type;
template <class T, bool = !std::is_same<T, void>::value>
struct helper
typedef typename Compare2<T1, T>::type type;
template <class T>
struct helper<T, false>
typedef void type;
typedef typename helper<_type>::type type;
template <class T>
struct Compare2<T, T>
typedef T type;
template <class T1, class T2>
struct Compare1 //Uses Compare2 against every base of T1
typedef typename GetBase<T1>::type _type;
template <class T, bool = !std::is_same<T, void>::value>
struct helper
typedef typename Compare1<T, T2>::type type;
template <class T>
struct helper<T, false>
typedef void type;
typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_same<typename Compare2<T1, T2>::type, void>::value, typename helper<_type>::type, typename Compare2<T1, T2>::type> type;
template <class T>
struct Compare1<T, T> //Probably redundant
typedef T type;
template <class T1, class T2>
struct CommonBase //You can throw a std::enable_if on this to limit it to class types
typedef typename Compare1<T1, T2>::type type;
Here you can see it on some test cases.


Can you "hop" between "linked classes" in C++ metaprogramming?

Suppose you have something like this:
template<class D>
class HasDef {
typedef D Def;
class A : public HasDef<class B> {};
class B : public HasDef<class C> {};
class C {};
So it is like a "metaprogramming linked list", with type links, via the included typedef Def. Now I want to make a template "Leaf" that, when applied to A, follows the links to yield C:
void f() {
Leaf<A>::type v; // has type C
Is it even possible at all to do this? I've tried some methods with std::compare and similar, but none are valid code: everything seems to run into issues with either that C has no Def typedef, or else that the type Leaf<> itself is incomplete when the inner recursive "call" is made so it (or its internal type type) cannot be referenced.
FWIW, the reason I want this is for making a "hierarchical state machine" where that Def represents the default state for each state in the hierarchy, and something a bit more elaborate that this seems to provide a fairly neat and clean "user interface syntax" for it.
I don't really like f(...) in modern code, thus my version uses void_t from C++17:
#include <type_traits>
template<class D>
struct HasDef {
typedef D Def;
struct A : HasDef<class B> {};
struct B : HasDef<class C> {};
struct C {};
template <typename T, typename=void>
struct DefPresent : std::false_type{};
template <typename T>
struct DefPresent<T, std::void_t<typename T::Def>> : std::true_type{};
template<typename T, bool deeper = DefPresent<T>::value>
struct Leaf
using Type = typename Leaf<typename T::Def>::Type;
template<typename T>
struct Leaf<T, false >
typedef T Type;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename Leaf<C>::Type, C>::value, "C");
static_assert(std::is_same<typename Leaf<B>::Type, C>::value, "B");
static_assert(std::is_same<typename Leaf<A>::Type, C>::value, "A");
EDIT: just for completenes, 2 C++20 variants utilizing concepts. Tested on GCC 10
#include <type_traits>
#include <concepts>
template<class D>
struct HasDef {
typedef D Def;
struct A : HasDef<class B> {};
struct B : HasDef<class C> {};
struct C {};
template <typename T>
concept DefPresent = requires(T a)
typename T::Def;
template<typename T>
struct Leaf
using Type = T;
template<typename T>
requires DefPresent<T>
struct Leaf<T>
using Type = Leaf<typename T::Def>::Type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Leaf<C>::Type, C>, "C");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Leaf<B>::Type, C>, "B");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Leaf<A>::Type, C>, "A");
template<typename T>
struct Leaf2
template <typename M>
static M test(M&&);
template <DefPresent M>
static auto test(M&&) -> typename Leaf2<typename M::Def>::Type;
using Type = decltype(test(std::declval<T>()));
static_assert(std::is_same<typename Leaf2<C>::Type, C>::value, "C");
static_assert(std::is_same<typename Leaf2<B>::Type, C>::value, "B");
static_assert(std::is_same<typename Leaf2<A>::Type, C>::value, "A");
You can implement this with SFINAE to separate types that have the typedef from ones that don't when trying to follow them to their leaf. I used the trick from this SO answer here.
The first implementation for Leaf follows the typedef recursively, the second one just defines the type itself as there is no typedef to follow.
Also note I changed your classes to struct for default-public inheritance. Also I changed the order of their definitions for this to compile.
Compiler explorer
#include <type_traits>
namespace detail
template<typename T> struct contains_def {
template<typename U> static char (&test(typename U::Def const*))[1];
template<typename U> static char (&test(...))[2];
static const bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename T, bool has = contains_def<T>::value>
struct Leaf {
using type = typename Leaf<typename T::Def>::type;
template<typename T>
struct Leaf<T, false> {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
using Leaf = detail::Leaf<T>; // expose Leaf to the global scope
template <typename T>
using Leaf_t = typename Leaf<T>::type; // for convenience
template<typename T>
struct AddDef {
using Def = T;
struct C {};
struct B : AddDef<C> {};
struct A : AddDef<B> {};
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Leaf_t<A>, C>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Leaf_t<B>, C>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Leaf_t<C>, C>);
You could make it a type trait:
#include <utility> // declval
template<class L>
struct Leaf {
template<class M>
static L test(const M&); // match L's without Def
template<class M> // match L's with Def
static auto test(M&&) -> typename Leaf<typename M::Def>::type;
// find matching test() overload, prefer test(M&&):
using type = decltype( test(std::declval<L>()) );
template<class L> // bonus helper types
using Leaf_t = typename Leaf<L>::type;
Demo and template resolution # cppinsights

How do I declare SFINAE class?

Something is not working quite well for me. Is this the way to declare a class, that accepts only floating point template parameter?
template <typename T, swift::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value> = nullptr>
class my_float;
I fail to define methods outside this class. Doesn't compile, not sure why
Well... not exactly SFINAE... but maybe, using template specialization? Something as follows ?
template <typename T, bool = std::is_floating_point<T>::value>
class my_float;
template <typename T>
class my_float<T, true>
// ...
If you really want use SFINAE, you can write
template <typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
class my_float
// ...
or also (observe the pointer there isn't in your example)
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
class my_float // ------------------------------------------------^
-- EDIT --
As suggested by Yakk (thanks!), you can mix SFINAE and template specialization to develop different version of your class for different groups of types.
By example, the following my_class
template <typename T, typename = void>
class my_class;
template <typename T>
class my_class<T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
// ...
template <typename T>
class my_class<T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
// ...
is developed for in two versions (two different partial specializations), the first one for floating point types, the second one for integral types. And can be easily extended.
You can also use static_assert to poison invalid types.
template <typename T>
class my_float {
"T is not a floating point type");
// . . .
It's a little bit more direct, in my opinion.
With either of the other approaches, e.g.
template <typename T, bool = std::is_floating_point<T>::value>
class my_float;
template <typename T> class my_float<T, true> { /* . . . */ };
my_float<int,true> is a valid type. I'm not saying that that's a bad approach, but if you want to avoid this, you'll have to encapsulate
my_float<typename,bool> within another template, to avoid exposing the bool template parameter.
indeed, something like this worked for me (thanks to SU3's answer).
template<typename T, bool B = false>
struct enable_if {};
template<typename T>
struct enable_if<T, true> {
static const bool value = true;
template<typename T, bool b = enable_if<T,is_allowed<T>::value>::value >
class Timer{ void start(); };
template<typename T, bool b>
void Timer<T,b>::start()
{ \* *** \*}
I am posting this answer because I did not want to use partial specialization, but only define the behavior of the class outside.
a complete workable example:
typedef std::integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
typedef std::integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
struct Time_unit {
struct time_unit_seconds : public Time_unit {
using type = std::chrono::seconds;
struct time_unit_micro : public Time_unit {
using type = std::chrono::microseconds;
template<typename T, bool B = false>
struct enable_if {
template<typename T>
struct enable_if<T, true> {
const static bool value = true;
template<typename T,
bool b = enable_if<T,
struct Timer {
int start();
template<typename T, bool b>
int Timer<T, b>::start() { return 1; }
int main() {
Timer<time_unit_seconds> t;
Timer<time_unit_micro> t2;
// Timer<double> t3; does not work !
return 0;

std::tuple of std::shared_ptr of template parameter pack

I want to implement a class template that:
behaves like a function
it's input and output variables are all shared.
relatively easy to use.
As a result, I construct the following:
// all input/output variable's base class
class basic_logic_parameter;
// input/output variable, has theire value and iterators to functions that reference to this variable
template <typename FuncIterator, typename ValueType>
class logic_parameter
:public basic_logic_parameter
std::list<FuncIterator> _refedFuncs;
ValueType _val;
// all `function`'s base class
class basic_logic_function
virtual ~basic_logic_function() = 0;
// the function, has input/output variable
template <typename FuncIterator, typename R, typename... Args>
class logic_function_base
:public basic_logic_function
std::shared_ptr<logic_parameter<FuncIterator, R>> _ret;
std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<logic_parameter<FuncIterator, Args>>...> _args;
template <std::size_t N>
decltype(auto) arg()
return std::get<N>(_args);
template <std::size_t N>
struct arg_type
typedef std::tuple_element_t<N> type;
template <std::size_t N>
using arg_type_t = arg_type<N>::type;
decltype(auto) ret()
return _ret;
I wish to use as these like:
// drawing need color and a pen
struct Color
struct Pen
struct Iter
class Drawer
:public logic_function_base<Iter, void(Color, Pen)>
void draw()
arg_type_t<0> pColor; // wrong
My compiler can not pass this code through, why? I just want convert a template parameter pack to std::tuple of std::shared_ptr of them.
for example:
Given struct A, int, struct C, I want to have:
The problem (once the small errors are fixed1) is that you instantiate:
logic_function_base<Iter, void(Color, Pen)>
...meaning that FuncIterator is Iter and R is void(Color, Pen), so Args is emtpy <>, so decltype(_args) is an empty std::tuple<>, and your code fails to obtain the type of the 0th element of an empty tuple, which is legit.
What you want is partial specialization of logic_function_base:
template <typename F, typename T>
class logic_function_base;
template <typename FuncIterator, typename R, typename... Args>
class logic_function_base<FuncIterator, R(Args...)>: public basic_logic_function {
1 Small mistakes in your current code:
template <std::size_t N>
struct arg_type
typedef std::tuple_element_t<N, decltype(_args)> type; // Missing the tuple type
template <std::size_t N>
using arg_type_t = typename arg_type<N>::type; // Missing a typename
This may not answer your whole question, but you could use the following trait to wrap tuple element types.
template <typename T> struct wrap;
template <typename... T>
struct wrap<std::tuple<T...>> {
using type = std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<logic_parameter<T>>...>;
template <typename T>
using wrap_t = typename wrap<T>::type;
You can then use it like this:
std::tuple<int,double,char> t1;
wrap_t<decltype(t)> t2;
The type of t2 is std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<logic_parameter<int>>,std::shared_ptr<logic_parameter<double>>,std::shared_ptr<logic_parameter<char>>>.

Technique to distinguish between ordinary template parameters and template template parameters using SFINAE resolution

The question inspired by recently arised question about extended std::is_base_of type trait.
Is there any technique, which allows us to distinguish between ordinary template parameter and template template parameter in modern C++ or its extensions (say, -std=gnu++1z clang++/g++)?
namespace details
template< /* ??? */ base >
struct is_derived_from;
template< typaneme base >
struct is_derived_from< base >
static std::true_type test(base *);
static std::false_type test(void *);
template< template< typename ...formal > base >
struct is_derived_from< /* ??? */ >
template< typename ...actual > // actual parameters must be here!
static std::true_type test(base< actual... > *);
static std::false_type test(void *);
} // namespace details
template< typename derived, /* ??? */ base >
using is_derived_from = decltype(details::is_derived_from< /* ? base< ? > */ >::test(std::declval< typename std::remove_cv< derived >::type * >()));
In positive case it allows us to make some of useful type traits much more powerfull (for example, STL's std::is_base_of).
I think it requires a language feature as a "generalized typenames", isn't it?
There can be only one set of template parameters for class templates, but you can use overloading constexpr function templates instead that dispatches to the appropriate class template. Take the is_derived_from trait in the linked question, with an extra SFINAE parameter so that you don't get a hard error when B is an inaccessible or ambiguous base:
#include <type_traits>
namespace detail
template <template <class...> class B, typename Derived>
struct is_derived_from
using U = typename std::remove_cv<Derived>::type;
template <typename... Args,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_convertible<U*, Base<Args...>*>::value>>
static auto test(B<Args...>*)
-> typename std::integral_constant<bool
, !std::is_same<U, B<Args...>>::value>;
static std::false_type test(void*);
using type = decltype(test(std::declval<U*>()));
using std::is_base_of; // may want to use is_convertible instead to match
// the semantics of is_derived_from
template <template <class...> class B, typename Derived>
constexpr bool my_is_base_of() { return detail::is_derived_from<B, Derived>::type::value; }
template <class B, typename Derived>
constexpr bool my_is_base_of() { return detail::is_base_of<B,Derived>::value; }
struct B {};
struct D : B {};
template<class ...>
struct B2 {};
struct D2 : B2<int, double> { };
int main() {
static_assert(my_is_base_of<B2, D2>(), "Oops");
static_assert(my_is_base_of<B, D>(), "Oops");
static_assert(my_is_base_of<B2<int, double>, D2>(), "Oops");
static_assert(!my_is_base_of<B, D2>(), "Oops");
You asked:
Is there any technique, which allows us to distinct between ordinary template parameter and template template parameter in modern C++ or its extensions (say, -std=gnu++1z clang++/g++)?
Seems to me like you need something like:
template <typename T>
struct is_template_template : public std::false_type
template <typename T1, template <typename T> class T2>
struct is_template_template<T2<T1>> : std::true_type
Example Program
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
struct is_template_template : public std::false_type
template <typename T1, template <typename T> class T2>
struct is_template_template<T2<T1>> : std::true_type
template <typename T> struct A {};
struct B {};
int main()
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << is_template_template<A<int>>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << is_template_template<B>::value << std::endl;
return 0;

Conditional compile-time inclusion/exclusion of code based on template argument(s)?

Consider the following class, with the inner struct Y being used as a type, eg. in templates, later on:
template<int I>
class X{
template<class T1>
struct Y{};
template<class T1, class T2>
struct Y{};
Now, this example will obviously not compile, with the error that the second X<I>::Y has already been defined or that it has too many template parameters.
I'd like to resolve that without (extra) partial specialization, since the int I parameter isn't the only one and the position of it can differ in different partial specializations (my actual struct looks more like this, the above is just for simplicity of the question), so I'd like one class fits every I solution.
My first thought was obviously enable_if, but that seems to fail on me, eg. I still get the same errors:
// assuming C++11 support, else use boost
#include <type_traits>
template<int I>
class X{
template<class T1, class = std::enable_if<I==1>::type>
struct Y{};
template<class T1, class T2, class = std::enable_if<I==2>::type>
struct Y{};
So, since enable_if fails, I hope there is another way to achieve the following compile time check:
template<int I>
class X{
__include_if(I == 1){
template<class T1>
struct Y{};
__include_if(I == 2){
template<class T1, class T2>
struct Y{};
It would just be to save me a lot of code duplication, but I'd be really happy if it was somehow possible.
Edit: Sadly, I can't use the obvious: variadic templates, as I'm using Visual Studio 2010, so only the C++0x stuff that is supported there I can use. :/
There are two problems here:
enable_if works with partial specialization, not primary templates.
The number of externally-visible arguments is determined by the primary template, of which there may be only one.
Answer 1.
As you suggested in chat, a linked list of templates can emulate the variadic parameter pack.
template<int I>
class X{
template<class list, class = void>
struct Y;
template<class list>
struct Y< list, typename std::enable_if<I==1>::type > {
typedef typename list::type t1;
template<class list>
struct Y< list, typename std::enable_if<I==2>::type > {
typedef typename list::type t1;
typedef typename list::next::type t2;
If you end up with next::next::next garbage, it's easy to write a metafunction, or use Boost MPL.
Answer 2.
The different-arity templates can be named similarly but still stay distinct if they are nested inside the SFINAE-controlled type.
template<int I>
class X{
template<typename = void, typename = void>
struct Z;
template<typename v>
struct Z< v, typename std::enable_if<I==1>::type > {
template<class T1>
struct Y{};
template<typename v>
struct Z< v, typename std::enable_if<I==2>::type > {
template<class T1, class T2>
struct Y{};
X<1>::Z<>::Y< int > a;
X<2>::Z<>::Y< char, double > b;
Here you go:
And the code:
#include <iostream>
template <int I>
struct Traits
struct inner{};
template <>
struct Traits<1>
struct inner{
template<class T1>
struct impl{
impl() { std::cout << "impl<T1>" << std::endl; }
template <>
struct Traits<2>
struct inner{
template<class T1, class T2>
struct impl{
impl() { std::cout << "impl<T1, T2>" << std::endl; }
template<class T>
struct Test{};
template<class T, class K>
struct Foo{};
template<int I>
struct arg{};
template<class, class> class T,
class P1, int I
struct Test< T<P1, arg<I> > >{
typedef typename Traits<I>::inner inner;
template<class, class> class T,
class P2, int I
struct Test< T<arg<I>, P2 > >{
typedef typename Traits<I>::inner inner;
// and a bunch of other partial specializations
int main(){
typename Test<Foo<int, arg<1> > >::inner::impl<int> b;
typename Test<Foo<int, arg<2> > >::inner::impl<int, double> c;
Explanation: Basically it's an extension of the idea of partial specialization, however the difference is that rather than specializing within Test, delegate to a specific class that can be specialized on I alone. That way you only need to define versions of inner for each I once. Then multiple specializations of Test can re-use. The inner holder is used to make the typedef in the Test class easier to handle.
EDIT: here is a test case that shows what happens if you pass in the wrong number of template arguments:
Can you try below (it is not partial specialization):
template<int I>
class X
class X<1>
template<class T1>
struct Y{};
class X<2>
template<class T1, class T2>
struct Y{};
I doubt if the answer is that simple !!
Edit (Mocking Partial specialization):
#Xeo, I was able to compile following code and seems to be fullfilling.
template<int I>
struct X
struct Unused {}; // this mocking structure will never be used
template<class T1, class T2 = Unused> // if 2 params passed-->ok; else default='Unused'
struct Y{};
template<class T1>
struct Y<T1, Unused>{}; // This is specialization of above, define it your way
int main()
X<1>::Y<int> o1; // Y<T1 = int, T2 = Unused> called
X<2>::Y<int, float> o2; // Y<T1 = int, T2 = float> called
Here, however you can use X<1>, X<2> interchangeably. But in the broader example you mentioned, that is irrelevant. Still if you need, you can put checks for I = 1 and I = 2.
How about this approach - (sorry for russian)
You can use a meta function (here: inlined boost::mpl::if_c, but could be arbitrarily complex) to select the one you want. You need some scaffolding to be able to use constructors, though:
template <int I>
class X {
template <typename T1>
class YforIeq1 { /* meat of the class */ };
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class YforIeq2 { /* meat of the class */ };
template <typename T1, typename T2=boost::none_t/*e.g.*/>
struct Y : boost::mpl::if_c<I==1,YforIeq1<T1>,YforIeq2<T1,T2> >::type {
typedef typename mpl::if_c<I==1,YforIeq1<T1>,YforIeq2<T1,T2> >::type YBase;
/* ctor forwarding: C++0x */
using YBase::YBase;
/* ctor forwarding: C++03 (runs into perfect fwd'ing problem)*/
Y() : YBase() {}
template <typename A1>
Y(const A1&a1) : YBase(a1) {}
template <typename A1, typename A2>
Y(const A1&a1, const A2&a2) : YBase(a1,a2) {}
// ...
If there's a problem with both YforIeqN being instantiated for each X, then you can try wrapping them as a nullary meta function (something along the way mpl::apply does) and use mpl::eval_if_c.