Reason linking to pthreads causes a change in program behavior? - c++

When linking to pthreads I get unexpected behavior during program execution, the ncurses interface becomes unresponsive, but the program does not crash. This is without using any pthread functionality, no threading headers or anything related to threads, just linking.
Are there any reasons that linking to a library can change program behavior without issuing warnings?
Pertinent information:
ncurses is also linked to the executable.
Everything is in a namespace.
Tried on current gcc and clang.
No compiler/linker errors or warnings using -Wall.
Arch Linux.
Linking ncurses and pthread together works fine on a smaller test program I made. So what I am looking for are more places to look, it's a library project and the codebase is a good size, it is all plain C++14 except for a small component that uses the ncurses library.

If you didn't changed anything in your code, didn't even include headers, but behavior changed, then your project contains UB. Possible UBs defined in standard, that may cause this:
Defining ANY function or global variables that match by name ones contained in standard headers
Defining something in std namespace.
Usage old C standard headers mixed with new C++ headers
Usage of variables that were initialized with undetermined value.
Array bound breaches, that do not lean to page fault or other kind of catastrophic result, may cause program change behavior.
Illegal use of side-effects of operators, e.g.: a ^=b ^= a ^=b;
and so on.
I recommend to check warnings, not only errors. There are certain warnings that are actually signs of semantic error or UB. AT least for GCC. Many novice programmers just ignore warnings as non-essential. E.g. this kind sneaks in quite often:
const char a = 167;
if(a == 167) // compiler makes warning here, a ==-89 in this example
// code will never be executed or even compiled
The code compiles but doesn't execute in expected way.


How c++ is compiled? (Regarding variable declaration)

So I went through this video -
Now, my doubt is that if C++ is compiled language, that is, it goes through the entire code and translates it, then if I do something like
void main() {
int a;
cout<<"This is a number = "<<a; //This will give an error (Why?)
a = 10;
Now, answer for this would be that I have not defined the value for a, which I learned in school. But if a compiler goes through the entire code and then translates it then I think it shouldn't give any error.
But by giving an error like this, it looks to me as if C++ is a interpreted language.
Can anyone put some light on this and help me solve my dilemma here?
Technically, the C++ standard doesn't mandate that the compiler has to compile C++ into machine code. As an example LLVM Clang first compiles it to IR (Intermediate Representation) and only then to machine code.
Similarly, a compiler could embed a copy of itself in a program that it compiles and then, when the program is executed compile the program, immediately invoke it and delete the executable afterwards which in practice would be very similar to the program being interpreted. In practice, all widely used C++ compilers parse and assemble programs beforehand.
Regarding your example, the statement "This will give an error" is a bit ambiguous. I'm not sure if you're saying that you're getting a compile-time error or a runtime error. As such, I will discuss both possibilities.
If you're getting a compile time error, then your compiler has noticed that your program has undefined behaviour. This is something that you always want to avoid (in some cases, such as when your application operates outside the scope of the C++ Standard, such as when interfacing with certain hardware, UB occurs by definition, as certain behaviour is not defined by the Standard). This is a simple form of static analysis. The Standard doesn't mandate the your compiler informs you of this error and it would usually be a runtime error, but your compiler informed you anyway because it noticed that you probably made a mistake. For example on g++ such behaviour could be achieved by using the -Wall -Werror flags.
In the case of the error being a runtime error then you're most likely seeing a message like "Memory Access Violation" (on Windows) or "Signal 11" (on Linux). This is due to the fact that your program accessed uninitialized memory which is Undefined Behaviour.
In practice, you wouldn't most likely get any error at all at runtime. Unless the compiler has embedded dynamic checks in your program, it would just silently print a (seemingly) random value and continue. The value comes from uninitialized memory.
Side note: main returns int rather than void. Also using namespace std; considered harmful.

GCC pragma to add/remove compiler options in a source file

I have developed a cross-platform library which makes fair use of type-punning in socket communications. This library is already being used in a number of projects, some of which I may not be aware of.
Using this library incorrectly can result in dangerously Undefined Behavior. I would like to ensure to the best of my ability that this library is being used properly.
Aside from documentation of course, under G++ the best way I'm aware of to do that is to use the -fstrict_aliasing and -Wstrict-aliasing options.
Is there a way under GCC to apply these options at a source file level?
In other words, I'd like to write something like the following:
#ifndef MY_FANCY_LIB_H
#define MY_FANCY_LIB_H
#pragma (something that pushes the current compiler options)
#pragma (something to set -fstrict_aliasing and -Wstrict-aliasing)
// ... my stuff ...
#pragma (something to pop the compiler options)
Is there a way?
I rather dislike nay-sayers. You can see an excellent post at this page:
All the other answers clearly have nothing to do with the question so here is the actual documentation for GCC:
Other compilers will have their own methods so you will need to look those up and create some macros to handle this.
Best of luck. Sorry that it took you 10 years to get any relevant answer.
Let's start with what I think is a false premise:
Using this library incorrectly can result in dangerously Undefined Behavior. I would like to ensure to the best of my ability that this library is being used properly.
If your library does type punning in a way that -fstrict-aliasing breaks, then it has undefined behavior according to the C++ standard regardless of what compiler flags are passed. The fact that the program seems to work on certain compilers when compiled with certain flags (in particular, -fno-strict-aliasing) does not change that.
Therefore, the best solution is to do what Florian said: change the code so it conforms to the C++ language specification. Until you do that, you're perpetually on thin ice.
"Yes, yes", you say, "but until then, what can I do to mitigate the problem?"
I recommend including a run-time check, used during library initialization, to detect the condition of having been compiled in a way that will cause it to misbehave. For example:
// Given two pointers to the *same* address, return 1 if the compiler
// is behaving as if -fstrict-aliasing is specified, and 0 if not.
// Based on .
static int sae_helper(int *h, long *k)
// Write a 1.
*h = 1;
// Overwrite it with all zeroes using a pointer with a different type.
// With naive semantics, '*h' is now 0. But when -fstrict-aliasing is
// enabled, the compiler will think 'h' and 'k' point to different
// memory locations ...
*k = 0;
// ... and therefore will optimize this read as 1.
return *h;
int strict_aliasing_enabled()
long k = 0;
// Undefined behavior! But we're only doing this because other
// code in the library also has undefined behavior, and we want
// to predict how that code will behave.
return sae_helper((int*)&k, &k);
(The above is C rather than C++ just to ease use in both languages.)
Now in your initialization routine, call strict_aliasing_enabled(), and if it returns 1, bail out immediately with an error message saying the library has been compiled incorrectly. This will help protect end users from misbehavior and alert the developers of the client programs that they need to fix their build.
I have tested this code with gcc-5.4.0 and clang-8.0.1. When -O2 is passed, strict_aliasing_enabled() returns 1. When -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing is passed, that function returns 0.
But let me emphasize again: my code has undefined behavior! There is (can be) no guarantee it will work. A standard-conforming C++ compiler could compile it into code that returns 0, crashes, or that initiates Global Thermonuclear War! Which is also true of the code you're presumably already using elsewhere in the library if you need -fno-strict-aliasing for it to behave as intended.
You can try the Diagnostic pragmas and change the level in error for your warnings. More details here:
If your library is a header-only library, I think the only way to deal with this is to fix the strict aliasing violations. If the violations occur between types you define, you can use the usual tricks involving unions, or the may_alias type attribute. If your library uses the predefined sockaddr types, this could be difficult.

C/C++ unused inline function undefined reference

Consider the following code (this is not pthread specific; other examples, such as those involving the realtime library, exhibit similar behavior):
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <pthread.h>
inline void foo() {
static cpu_set_t cpuset;
pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { }
This is a valid program in C and in C++. So I save the contents of this to testc.c and testcpp.cpp and try to build.
When I build in C++ I get no error. When I build in C I get an undefined reference error. Now, this error occurs in -O1 and in -O3. Is there anyway to instruct gcc to do the right thing (see that foo is unused and skip the requirement for a definition of pthread_setaffinity_np)?
EDIT: I thought it was obvious from context, but the error message is:
/tmp/ccgARGVJ.o: In function `foo':
testc.c:(.text+0x17): undefined reference to `pthread_setaffinity_np'
Note that since foo isn't being referenced in the main path, g++ correctly ignores the function entirely but gcc does not.
EDIT 2: Let me try this one more time. The function foo, and the subsequent call to pthread_setaffinity_np, is unused. The main function is empty. Just look at it! Somehow, g++ figured out that foo did not need to be included, and subsequently the build process did not trip up when we intentionally omitted -lpthread (and checking the exported symbols with nm confirms that neither foo nor reference to pthread_setaffinity_np were needed). The resultant output from gcc didn't pick up on that fact.
I am asking this question because the C++ and the C frontends seem to give different results on the same input. This doesn't seem to be an ld issue prima facie because I would expect both paths to give the same linking error, which is why I emphasized that it seems to be a compiler issue. If both C++ and C gave problems, then yes I would agree that its a linking issue.
Well, apparently your program contains an error: you declare and call function pthread_setaffinity_np, but you never define it. Apparently you forgot to supply the library that contains the definition. This is an error in both C and C++.
In other words, this is not a valid program in C and in C++. It violates the One Definition Rule of C++ (and whatever the similar rule is called in C).
The rest depends on whether the compiler will catch this error and issue a diagnostic message for it. While formally the compiler is supposed to catch it, in reality linking errors are not always caught by the compilation process (in extended sense of the term, i.e. including linking as well).
Whether they are caught or not might depend on many factors. In this particular case the factor that matters is apparently the difference between the properties of inline functions of C and C++ languages. (And yes, they are really different between C and C++). I would guess that in C++ mode the compiler decided that this inline function does not need the actual body, while in C mode it decided to generate the body anyway.
So, again, if this program, somehow successfully compiles in some circumstances, it is only because you got lucky. You seem to believe that a function that is not called is supposed to be "ignored entirely". Neither C nor C++ make such guarantees. Assuming that the definition of pthread_setaffinity_np is indeed missing, your program is invalid in both C and C++. For this reason, the compiler that refused to compile it is actually the one with the correct behavior.
Taking the above into account, you might want to ask yourself whether you really care about why you got different error reports in C and C++ modes. If you do, it will require some research into the internal mechanics of that specific implementation and won't have much to do with the languages themselves.
In C, the inline keyword does not affect the linkage of the function. Thus foo has external linkage, and cannot be optimized out because it might be called from another translation unit. If the compiler/assembler put functions in their own individual sections and the linker is able to discard unneeded function sections at link time, it might be able to avoid a linking error, but to be correct, since this program references pthread_setaffinity_np, it must contain a definition for that function somewhere anyway, i.e. you must use -lpthread or equivalent.
In C++, inline functions have internal some weird pseudo-external linkage by default, so gcc optimized it out. See the comments for details.
In short, the lack of an error in certain configurations is a failure of gcc to diagnose an invalid program. It's not the behavior you should expect.
The other lesson you should take away from this is that C and C++ are nowhere near the same thing. Choose which one you're writing and stick to it! Don't try to write code that's "interchangeable" between the two or you're likely to make it subtly incorrect in both...
inline is only a suggestion, not something a compiler is obligated to listen to, so it can't assume that foo is not used in another compilation unit.
But, yeah, it would be nice to know exactly which is the undefined reference, given that you didn't post the error, and odd that it's shows up in C and not C++ compilation.
foo might not be used in your source code, but it's almost certainly referenced elsewhere in the build process and consequently it needs to be compiled.
Especially since a lot of optimization occur in the linking process, because the linker can determine that a function is "dead" and can be discarded.
If, internally, the linker decides to assemble the entire program as one pass, and then optimization in another, I would expect you to see this error (how can it assemble the whole program?)
Further, if the function is to be exported then it most certainly has to be compiled, linked, and end up in the output.
It sounds like you're relying on compiler/linker specific behavior.

A C++ implementation that detects undefined behavior?

A huge number of operations in C++ result in undefined behavior, where the spec is completely mute about what the program's behavior ought to be and allows for anything to happen. Because of this, there are all sorts of cases where people have code that compiles in debug but not release mode, or that works until a seemingly unrelated change is made, or that works on one machine but not another, etc.
My question is whether there is a utility that looks at the execution of C++ code and flags all instances where the program invokes undefined behavior. While it's nice that we have tools like valgrind and checked STL implementations, these aren't as strong as what I'm thinking about - valgrind can have false negatives if you trash memory that you still have allocated, for example, and checked STL implementations won't catch deleting through a base class pointer.
Does this tool exist? Or would it even be useful to have it lying around at all?
EDIT: I am aware that in general it is undecidable to statically check whether a C++ program may ever execute something that has undefined behavior. However, it is possible to determine whether a specific execution of a C++ produced undefined behavior. One way to do this would be to make a C++ interpreter that steps through the code according to the definitions set out in the spec, at each point determining whether or not the code has undefined behavior. This won't detect undefined behavior that doesn't occur on a particular program execution, but it will find any undefined behavior that actually manifests itself in the program. This is related to how it is Turing-recognizable to determine if a TM accepts some input, even if it's still undecidable in general.
This is a great question, but let me give an idea for why I think it might be impossible (or at least very hard) in general.
Presumably, such an implementation would almost be a C++ interpreter, or at least a compiler for something more like Lisp or Java. It would need to keep extra data for each pointer to ensure you did not perform arithmetic outside of an array or dereference something that was already freed or whatever.
Now, consider the following code:
int *p = new int;
delete p;
int *q = new int;
if (p == q)
*p = 17;
Is the *p = 17 undefined behavior? On the one hand, it dereferences p after it has been freed. On the other hand, dereferencing q is fine and p == q...
But that is not really the point. The point is that whether the if evaluates to true at all depends on the details of the heap implementation, which can vary from implementation to implementation. So replace *p = 17 by some actual undefined behavior, and you have a program that might very well blow up on a normal compiler but run fine on your hypothetical "UB detector". (A typical C++ implementation will use a LIFO free list, so the pointers have a good chance of being equal. A hypothetical "UB detector" might work more like a garbage collected language in order to detect use-after-free problems.)
Put another way, the existence of merely implementation-defined behavior makes it impossible to write a "UB detector" that works for all programs, I suspect.
That said, a project to create an "uber-strict C++ compiler" would be very interesting. Let me know if you want to start one. :-)
John Regehr in Finding Undefined Behavior Bugs by Finding Dead Code points out a tool called STACK and I quote from the site (emphasis mine):
Optimization-unstable code (unstable code for short) is an emerging class of software bugs: code that is unexpectedly eliminated by compiler optimizations due to undefined behavior in the program. Unstable code is present in many systems, including the Linux kernel and the Postgres database server. The consequences of unstable code range from incorrect functionality to missing security checks.
STACK is a static checker that detects unstable code in C/C++ programs. Applying STACK to widely used systems has uncovered 160 new bugs that have been confirmed and fixed by developers.
Also in C++11 for the case of constexpr variables and functions undefined behavior should be caught at compile time.
We also have gcc ubsan:
GCC recently (version 4.9) gained Undefined Behavior Sanitizer
(ubsan), a run-time checker for the C and C++ languages. In order to
check your program with ubsan, compile and link the program with
-fsanitize=undefined option. Such instrumented binaries have to be executed; if ubsan detects any problem, it outputs a “runtime error:”
message, and in most cases continues executing the program.
and Clang Static Analyzer which includes many checks for undefined behavior. For example clangs -fsanitize checks which includes -fsanitize=undefined:
-fsanitize=undefined: Fast and compatible undefined behavior checker. Enables the undefined behavior checks that have small runtime cost and
no impact on address space layout or ABI. This includes all of the
checks listed below other than unsigned-integer-overflow.
and for C we can look at his article It’s Time to Get Serious About Exploiting Undefined Behavior which says:
[..]I confess to not personally having the gumption necessary for cramming GCC or LLVM through the best available dynamic undefined behavior checkers: KCC and Frama-C.[...]
Here is a link to kcc and I quote:
[...]If you try to run a program that is undefined (or one for which we are missing semantics), the program will get stuck. The message should tell you where it got stuck and may give a hint as to why. If you want help deciphering the output, or help understanding why the program is undefined, please send your .kdump file to us.[...]
and here are a link to Frama-C, an article where the first use of Frama-C as a C interpreter is described and an addendum to the article.
Using g++
-Wall -Werror -pedantic-error
(preferably with an appropriate -std argument as well) will pick up quite a few case of U.B.
Things that -Wall gets you include:
Issue all the warnings demanded by strict ISO C and ISO C++; reject
all programs that use forbidden extensions, and some other programs
that do not follow ISO C and ISO C++. For ISO C, follows the
version of the ISO C standard specified by any -std option used.
-Winit-self (C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
Warn about uninitialized variables which are initialized with
themselves. Note this option can only be used with the
-Wuninitialized option, which in turn only works with -O1 and
Warn if an automatic variable is used without first being
initialized or if a variable may be clobbered by a "setjmp" call.
and various disallowed things you can do with specifiers to printf and scanf family functions.
Clang has a suite of sanitizers that catch various forms of undefined behavior. Their eventual goal is to be able to catch all C++ core language undefined behavior, but checks for a few tricky forms of undefined behavior are missing right now.
For a decent set of sanitizers, try:
clang++ -fsanitize=undefined,address
-fsanitize=address checks for use of bad pointers (not pointing to valid memory), and -fsanitize=undefined enables a set of lightweight UB checks (integer overflow, bad shifts, misaligned pointers, ...).
-fsanitize=memory (for detecting uninitialized memory reads) and -fsanitize=thread (for detecting data races) are also useful, but neither of these can be combined with -fsanitize=address nor with each other because all three have an invasive impact on the program's address space.
You might want to read about SAFECode.
This is a research project from the University of Illinois, the goal is stated on the front page (linked above):
The purpose of the SAFECode project is to enable program safety without garbage collection and with minimal run-time checks using static analysis when possible and run-time checks when necessary. SAFECode defines a code representation with minimal semantic restrictions designed to enable static enforcement of safety, using aggressive compiler techniques developed in this project.
What is really interesting to me is the elimination of the runtime checks whenever the program can be proved to be correct statically, for example:
int array[N];
for (i = 0; i != N; ++i) { array[i] = 0; }
Should not incur any more overhead than the regular version.
In a lighter fashion, Clang has some guarantees about undefined behavior too as far as I recall, but I cannot get my hands on it...
The clang compiler can detect some undefined behaviors and warn against them. Probably not as complete as you want, but it's definitely a good start.
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any such tool. Typically UB is defined as such precisely because it would be hard or impossible for a compiler to diagnose it in all cases.
In fact your best tool is probably compiler warnings: They often warn about UB type items (for example, non-virtual destructor in base classes, abusing the strict-aliasing rules, etc).
Code review can also help catch cases where UB is relied upon.
Then you have to rely on valgrind to capture the remaining cases.
Just as a side observation, according to the theory of computability, you cannot have a program that detects all possible undefined behaviours.
You can only have tools that use heuristics and detect some particular cases that follow certain patterns. Or you can in certain cases prove that a program behaves as you want. But you cannot detect undefined behaviour in general.
If a program does not terminate (hangs, loops forever) on a given input, then its output is undefined.
If you agree on this definition, then determining whether a program terminates is the well-known "Halting Problem", which has been proven to be undecidable, i.e. there exists no program (Turing Machine, C program, C++ program, Pascal program, in whatever language) that can solve this problem in general.
Simply put: there exists no program P that can take as input any program Q and input data I and print as output TRUE if Q(I) terminates, or else print FALSE if Q(I) does not terminate.
For more information you can look at
Undefined behaviour is undefined. The best you can do is conform to the standard pedantically, as others have suggested, however, you can not test for what is undefined, because you don't know what it is. If you knew what it was and standards specified it, it would not be undefined.
However, if you for some reason, do actually rely on what the standard says is undefined, and it results in a particular result, then you may choose to define it, and write some unit tests to confirm that for your particular build, it is defined. It is much better, however, to simply avoid undefined behaviour whenever possible.
Take a look at PCLint its pretty decent at detecting a lot of bad things in C++.
Here's a subset of what it catches

What is the cost of compiling a C program with a C++ compiler?

I want to use C with templates on a embedded environment and I wanted to know what is the cost of compiling a C program with a C++ compiler?
I'm interested in knowing if there will be more code than the one the C compiler will generate.
Note that as the program is a C program, is expect to call the C++ compiler without exception and RTTI support.
The C++ compiler may take longer to compile the code (since it has to build data structures for overload resolution, it can't know ahead of time that the program doesn't use overloads), but the resulting binary should be quite similar.
Actually, one important optimization difference is that C++ follows strict aliasing rules by default, while C requires the restrict keyword to enable aliasing optimizations. This isn't likely to affect code size much, but it could affect correctness and performance significantly.
There's probably no 'cost', assuming that the two compilers are of equivalent quality. The traditional objection to this is that C++ is much more complex and so it's more likely that a C++ compiler will have bugs in it.
Realistically, this is much less of a problem that it used to be, and I tend to do most of my embedded stuff now as a sort of horrible C/C++ hybrid - taking advantage of stronger typing and easier variable declaration rules, without incurring RTTI or exception handling overheads. If you're taking a given compiler (GCC, etc) and switching it from C to C++ mode, then much of what you have to worry about is common to the two languages anyway.
The only way to really know is for you to try it with the compilers you care about. A quick experiment here on a trivial program shows that the output is the same.
Your program will be linked to the C++ runtime library, not the C one. The C++ is larger as well.
Also, there are a couple of differences between C and C++ (aliases were already pointed out) so it may happen that your C code just does not compile in C++.
If it's C, then you can expect it will be exactly the same.
To elaborate: both C and C++ will forward their parse tree into the same backend that generates code (possibly via another intermediate representation), which means that if the code is functionally identical, the output will look the same (or nearly so).
Templates do "inflate" code, but you would otherwise have to write the same code or use macros to the same effect, so this is no "extra cost". Contrarily, the compiler may be able to optimize templates better in some cases.
A C++ compiler cannot compile C code. It can only compile C++, including a very ugly language which is the intersection of C and C++ and the worst of both worlds. Some C code will fail to compile at all on a C++ compiler, for example:
char *s = malloc(len+1);
While other C code will be compiled to the wrong thing, for example:
sizeof 'a'
I have found this extra-ordinary document Technical Report on C++ Performance. I have found there all the answers i was looking for.
Thanks to all that have answered this question.
There will be more code because that is what templates do. They are a stencil for generating (more) code.
Otherwise, you should see no differences between compiling a C program with a C compiler versus compiling with a C++ compiler.
If you don't use any of the extra "features" there should be no difference in size or behavior of the end result.
Although the C code will likely compile to something very similar (assuming there's no exception support enabled), using templates can very rapidly result in large binaries - you have to be careful, because every template instantiation can recursively result in other templates being implicitly instantiated as well.
There was a time when the C++ compiler linked in a bunch of C++ stuff even if the program didnt use it and you would see binaries that were 10 to 100 times larger than the C compiler would produce. I think a lot of that has gone away.
Since this is tagged "embedded", I assume its for embedded systems?
In that case, the major difference between C and C++ is the way C++ treats structs. All structs will be treated like classes, meaning they will have constructors.
All instances of structs/classes declared at file scope or as static will then have their constructors called before main() is executed, in a similar manner to static initialization, which you already have there no matter C or C++.
All these constructor calls at bootup is a major disadvantage in efficiency for embedded systems, where the code resides in NVM and not in RAM. Just like static initialization, it will create an ugly, undesired workload peak at the start of the program, where values from NVM are copied into the RAM.
There are ways around the static initialization in C/C++: most embedded compilers have an option to disable it. But since that is a non-standard setup, all code using statics would then have to be written so that it never uses any initialization values, but instead sets all static variables in runtime.
But as far as I know, there is no way around calling constructors, without violating the standard.
Here is source code executed in one such C++ system, Freescale HCS08 Codewarrior 6.3. This code is injected in the user program after static initialization, but before main() is executed:
static void Call_Constructors(void) {
int i;
i = (int)(_startupData.nofInitBodies - 1);
while (i >= 0) {
(&_startupData.initBodies->initFunc)[i](); /* call C++ constructors */
At the very least, this overhead code must be executed at program startup, no matter how efficient the compiler is at converting constructors into static initializtion.
C++ runtime start-up differs slightly from C start-up because it must invoke the constructors for global static objects before main() is called. This call loop is trivial and should not add much.
In the case of C++ code that is also entirely C compilable no static constructors will be present so the loop will not iterate.
In most cases apart from that, you will normally see no significant difference, in C++ you only pay for what you use.