Xcode Main.storyboard shows weird view - swift3

not sure when storyboard convert views like this. I re-installed xcode. but no luck. Xcode version is 8.3.2 (8E2002). How do I get previous view.

Open storyboard and then go to Editor -> Canvas -> Show Bounds Rectangle and uncheck it.

It looks like the storyboard content is not getting properly rendered. You can try opening a smaller storyboard and see if the content is rendering properly to know whether it is specific to this larger storyboard.
If a smaller storyboard works, try to isolate the issue in your larger storyboard by temporarily removing scenes and reopening the storyboard. Sometimes these rendering issues can be caused by a particular scene configuration.
The report a bug banner button at the top-right may provide some logs giving clues to the issue. Feel free to send those to the Apple Bug Reporter


XCode 6 Tab Bar tabs greyed out

Anytime I add a tab bar controller to XCode the tab bar is greyed out and I can't see any of the tabs in the storyboard. At runtime it displays fine. I can't figure out why it is happening.
Add an image to the Tab Bar Item and you will see the normal view of the tab bar on the specific View Controller where you changed it. When every single Tab Bar Item got an image you will also see the normal appearance in your Tab Bar Controller.
Setting an image for the Tab Bar Items and restarting xcode fixed it for me.
In the assets folder (or wherever your image is kept), set 'Render as' to Original image
It looks like this was a bug in the XCode UI. This has been fixed in later versions of XCode.

Tab Bar Controller Items Missing on Storyboard

I am not really sure what is happening with my xcode project. I am unable to edit the tab bar items in the story board. They are all greyed out as you can see below.
Could you please let me know what might be causing this?
Thank you.
Restarting my computer solved the problem. You can still see the icons and titles when you click and drag it.

How to add NSTableView to a CCLayer in cocos2D

I'm developing an App. It is compatible with iOS and MacOS. Obviously I'm using preprocessing definitions to establish some code conditions. I'm using Cocos2D. (v.2.1)
My question is related to NSTableView. While in the iOS version I was able to create a UITableView from scratch without using any XIB, and added to the scene using [[[Director sharedInstance] view] addSubview: myTableView] and it worked, the MacOS version didn't.
I created the NSTableView, even an NSHeaderView, also I stablished the delegate protocols for NStableView and DataSource, and it is working, because in my logs, I can see how my app returns the rows, and enters into the method to populate the Table data. But there is not a pixel on the screen. I've got added one column. I'm aware that many people missed to add a column, and the populate methods are not called.
Does anyone know if is it mandatory to use a XIB to create an NSTableView and loaded as a subView with cocos2D? Nothing that I've tested worked to show the table on the screen.
Thank you very much.

Using MGSplitViewController inside UITabBar

Is anyone using MGSplitViewController inside a UITabBar?
My objective is basically to use UISplitViewController inside a UITabBar. UISplitViewController doesn't work well inside a UITabBar. Specifically, UISplitViewController splits apart when device orientation changes.
Since UISplitViewController didn't work for me, i turned to MGSplitViewController. And now it seems that it's not a workable solution to be used with UITabBar either. Im running into all sorts of problems. Mainly the following:
I have a tab-bar with 3-4 tabs. Each one contains a MGSplitViewController. In general, the MGSplitViewController contains a Master (UINavigationController) and a Detail (UIViewController). When i rotate the device, the content (UITableViewCell) inside the UITableView is misaligned/disturbed. Scrolling the UITableView to show new cells fixes the misalignment. The Master has a Navigation bar and a search bar, and orientation change doesn't affect them. Any solution?
MGSplitViewController is great! But it's not being maintained.
I ended up using IntelligentSplitViewController (github.com/grgcombs/IntelligentSplitViewController). Worked for me!

has uitabbarcontroller changed in xcode 4

I recently upgraded to xcode 4. My application utilizes tabbarcontroller. In old xcode 3.x, you were able to change the tabs to different types per this screenshot:
From what I gather in researching this issue, xcode 4 no longer offers this functionality. Am I missing something? From what I researched we are now suppose to delete/add tabs then change attributes to get the desired effect. So, to that end in xcode 4, I've added a new tab item and made the class a UINavigationController fully expecting the ability to toggle the "Shows Navigation Bar" with a checkbox. But, the "Navigation Controller" grouping never appears. What am I missing?
Thanks for your help.
I was surprised at first too and I was about to ask the same question. But, when you open the Object Library, in the bottom you can see a big star, "Tab Bar Item". Just drag that to the tab bar and you will notice a new item added to the tab bar controller.
Weird but works!
Just drag drop View Controller onto tabs!
I played with xcode 4 a little bit more and discovered you can drag Navigation Controller from library onto your UITabBarController and it will create your tab item for you and set it up as a NavigationController. Pretty cool. Hopefully this will help others.