SpringData regex not working as expected - regex

Working native query
$match: {
$and : [
$or: [
{login : /infosys/},
{email : /infosys/},
{firstName : /infosys/},
{lastName : /infosys/}
SpringData API which is not working as expected:

You are $or each criteria with the $or operator. orOperator takes a list of crtieria.
Below is the equivalent for your native query.


MongoDB query to find text in third level array of objects

I have a Mongo collection that contains data on saved searches in a Vue/Laravel app, and it contains records like the following:
"_id" : ObjectId("6202f3357a02e8740039f343"),
"q" : null,
"name" : "FCA last 3 years",
"frequency" : "Daily",
"scope" : "FederalContractAwardModel",
"filters" : {
"condition" : "AND",
"rules" : [
"id" : "awardDate",
"operator" : "between_relative_backward",
"value" : [
"id" : "subtypes.extentCompeted",
"operator" : "in",
"value" : [
"Full and Open Competition"
The problem is the value in the item in the rules array that has the decimal.
"value" : [
in particular the decimal. Because of a UI error, the user was allowed to enter a decimal value, and so this needs to be fixed to remove the decimal like so.
"value" : [
My problem is writing a Mongo query to identify these records (I'm a Mongo noob). What I need is to identify records in this collection that have an item in the filters.rules array with an item in the 'value` array that contains a decimal.
Piece of cake, right?
Here's as far as I've gotten.
myCollection.find({"filters.rules": })
but I'm not sure where to go from here.
UPDATE: After running the regex provided by #R2D2, I found that it also brings up records with a valid date string , e.g.
"rules" : [
"id" : "dueDate",
"operator" : "between",
"value" : [
so what I need to do is filter out cases where the period has a double 0 on either side (i.e. 00.00). If I read the regex correctly, this part
is excluding characters, so I would want something like
but running this query
db.collection.find( {
"filters.rules.value": { $regex: /\.[^00\.00]*/ }
} )
still returns the same records, even though it works as expected in a regex tester. What am I missing?
To find all documents containing at least one value string with (.) , try:
db.collection.find( {
"filters.rules.value": { $regex: /\.[^\.]*/ }
} )
Or you can filter only the fields that need fix via aggregation as follow:
[direct: mongos]> db.tes.aggregate([ {$unwind:"$filters.rules"}, {$unwind:"$filters.rules.value"}, {$match:{ "filters.rules.value": {$regex: /\.[^\.]*/ } }} ,{$project:{_id:1,oldValue:"$filters.rules.value"}} ])
{ _id: ObjectId("6202f3357a02e8740039f343"), oldValue: 'now-3.5y/d' }
[direct: mongos]>
Later to update those values:
"filters.rules.value": "now-3.5y/d"
$set: {
"filters.rules.$[x].value.$": "now-3,5y/d-CORRECTED"
arrayFilters: [
"x.value": "now-3.5y/d"

How can i replace little part of profilepic url path in all documents by running single query in mongodb

"_id" : ObjectId("5bd6ed6a49ba281f5c54f185"),
"AvatarSet" : {
"Avatar" : [
"IsPrimaryAvatar" : true,
"ProfilePictureUrl" : "https://blob.blob.core.windows.net/avatarcontainer/avatardba36759-3e8e-4666-bc2b-e53ffb527716.jpeg?version=8b1b58b3-94f8-4608-b4db-05746eea8bfe"
Here I need to Replace only https://blob.blob.core.windows.net to every candidateID present in the database please help me how to write MongoDB Query for this?
I'm using Query but it's not working
.find({},{"AvatarSet":[0]})..forEach(function(e) {
e.ProfilePictureUrl= e.ProfilePictureUrl.replace("https://blob.blob.core.windows.net", "https://blob123.blob.core.windows.net");
The problem in your script is that the ProfilePictureUrl is not properly referred, using dot notation like in the example below should solve the problem.
In your code e.ProfilePictureUrl points to a missing field in the top level document, while doc.AvatarSet.Avatar[0].ProfilePictureUrl in the following example points to the ProfilePictureUrl field for the first element in the Avatar array under the AvatarSet field from the main document.
db.test.find({}).forEach(function(doc) {
doc.AvatarSet.Avatar[0].ProfilePictureUrl= doc.AvatarSet.Avatar[0].ProfilePictureUrl.replace("https://blob.blob.core.windows.net", "https://blob123.blob.core.windows.net");
Local test:
mongos> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bdb5e3c553c271478a9a006"), "AvatarSet" : { "Avatar" : [ { "IsPrimaryAvatar" : true, "ProfilePictureUrl" : "https://blob.blob.core.windows.net/avatarcontainer/avatardba36759-3e8e-4666-bc2b-e53ffb527716.jpeg?version=8b1b58b3-94f8-4608-b4db-05746eea8bfe" } ] } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bdb5e3e553c271478a9a007"), "AvatarSet" : { "Avatar" : [ { "IsPrimaryAvatar" : true, "ProfilePictureUrl" : "https://blob.blob.core.windows.net/avatarcontainer/avatardba36759-3e8e-4666-bc2b-e53ffb527716.jpeg?version=8b1b58b3-94f8-4608-b4db-05746eea8bfe" } ] } }
mongos> db.test.find({}).forEach(function(doc) {
doc.AvatarSet.Avatar[0].ProfilePictureUrl= doc.AvatarSet.Avatar[0].ProfilePictureUrl.replace("https://blob.blob.core.windows.net", "https://blob123.blob.core.windows.net");
db.test.save(doc); });
mongos> db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bdb5e3c553c271478a9a006"), "AvatarSet" : { "Avatar" : [ { "IsPrimaryAvatar" : true, "ProfilePictureUrl" : "https://blob123.blob.core.windows.net/avatarcontainer/avatardba36759-3e8e-4666-bc2b-e53ffb527716.jpeg?version=8b1b58b3-94f8-4608-b4db-05746eea8bfe" } ] } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bdb5e3e553c271478a9a007"), "AvatarSet" : { "Avatar" : [ { "IsPrimaryAvatar" : true, "ProfilePictureUrl" : "https://blob123.blob.core.windows.net/avatarcontainer/avatardba36759-3e8e-4666-bc2b-e53ffb527716.jpeg?version=8b1b58b3-94f8-4608-b4db-05746eea8bfe" } ] } }
In this code contains objects of an array of the object In this code reach AvatarSetArray points to a missing field in the top-level document because we need to access objects within the Another Array so we need to write another loop for 'Avatar' Array like e.AvatarSet.Avatar.forEach its really works. it's work for me.
db.getCollection("test").find({}).forEach(function(e,i) {
e.AvatarSet.Avatar.forEach(function(url, j) {
url.ProfilePictureUrl = url.ProfilePictureUrl.replace("https://blob.blob.core.windows.net", "https://blob123.blob.core.windows.net");
e.AvatarSet.Avatar[j] = url;
thanks!! manfonton and stackoverflow

Using python re regex in MongoDB $filter condition

I have a document like below:
_id: 1,
data: [ { zip: 001, city: "abc" }, { zip: 002, city: "xyz" } ]
I want to filter data array using python regex. But it doesn't seem to be working.
city = "abc"
regx = re.compile("^%s$" %city, re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
for doc in db.testusers.aggregate([ { "$project": { "data": { "$filter": { "input": "$data", "as": "item", "cond": { "$eq": [ "$$item.city", regx ] } } } } } ]):
It doesn't match anything.
Am I doing it right?
I think $filter does not support regex. See doc.
I cannot test this here but it should work like according to this sample:
city_list = ["cityAbc", "Metroid"]
city_list = [re.compile("^" + str(c_id) + "$", re.IGNORECASE) for c_id in city_list]
pipe = [ { "$match" : { "_id":{"$in" : city_list}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$rp"},
{"$group":{"_id": "$_id", "rp": { "$push": "$rp" }}} , {"$limit":500}]
res = list(db.coll.aggregate(pipeline = pipe,allowDiskUse=True))

Do mongo aggregations allow in-query string manipulation?

Possible duplicate
What I'm specifically looking for are analogs for the LEFT, SUBSTRING and REPLACE functions from SQL in mongo.
After researching this for some time, I can't find any direct analogs for those functions nor am I seasoned enough with mongodb that I can see another way of performing an equivalent operation.
An example of a similar query that I'm looking for is as follows:
REPLACE(case when LEFT(title,1) = '"' then SUBSTRING(title, 2, LEN(title)) else title end,char(9),'')
Which is to be used as part of a $project.
String operations you need:
{ $concat: [ <expression1>, <expression2>, ... ] }
{ $substr: [ <string>, <start>, <length> ] }
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", quarter: "13Q1", "description" : "product 1" }
{ "_id" : 2, "item" : "ABC2", quarter: "13Q4", "description" : "product 2" }
{ "_id" : 3, "item" : "XYZ1", quarter: "14Q2", "description" : null }
{ $project: { itemDescription: { $concat: [ "$item", " - ", "$description" ] } } }
item: 1,
yearSubstring: { $substr: [ "$quarter", 0, 2 ] },
quarterSubtring: { $substr: [ "$quarter", 2, -1 ] }
Look at the string operations here. I think you should combine $cond-operator with the string ones.

Pymongo $regex in aggregate

I want to use regex in the aggregation's pipeline.
I originally did:
regex = '(foo|bar)'
regexDB = re.compile(regex, re.I|re.U )
'events.display': True,
'$or' : [
{ 'events.description': regexDB } ,
{ 'events.title' : regexDB }
So I tried in the $match:
regex = '(foo|bar)'
regexDB = re.compile(regex, re.I|re.U )
{'$unwind': "$events"},
{'$match' :
'events.display' : True,
'$or' : [
{ '$events.description': regexDB } ,
{ '$events.title' : regexDB }
However it does not seem to work this way. The above code is based on this example. I also found an example here for mongo's shell.
How can I perform regex in pymongo's aggregation?