Access Strucuture Sensor via OpenNI 2 from UWP App targeting Windows 10 - c++

I'd like to access the Structure Sensor ( via OpenNI 2 ( from an UWP App running on a Windows 10 Desktop.
The Setup
For this very reason I created a Windows Runtime Component (Universal Windows) in C++ besides my actual UWP App. This component exports several functions basically miming the initialization behavior of one of the samples in above OpenNI Github repo.
I extended the code to also iterate through all available devices:
// Initialize OpenNI
Status rc = OpenNI::initialize();
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
logError("Initialize failed + " + std::string(OpenNI::getExtendedError()));
return false;
// Get all attached sensors supported by OpenNI
Array<DeviceInfo> deviceList;
for (int i = 0; i < deviceList.getSize(); i++) {
// Actual open device
Device device;
rc =[0].getUri());
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
logError("Error = " + to_string(rc));
logError("Couldn't open device " + std::string(OpenNI::getExtendedError()));
return false;
The Problem
Calling above code from my UWP app through the Windows Runtime Component is successful when initializing OpenNI and enumerating over all available devices:
[INFO] PS1080
[INFO] \\?\usb#vid_1d27&pid_0600#13261#{c3b5f022-5a42-1980-1909-ea72095601b1}
Actually Opening the device via is the actual problem (Error 1 = STATUS_ERROR)
[ERROR] Error = 1
[ERROR] Couldn't open device Could not open "\\?\usb#vid_1d27&pid_0600#13261#{c3b5f022-5a42-1980-1909-ea72095601b1}": USB device not found!
I'm also under the impression that above error message is a bit misleading, as the actual message when having no device attached is:
[ERROR] Error = 1
[ERROR] Couldn't open device DeviceOpen using default: no devices found
I already tried to add a USB device capability to the package mainifest without any success.
<DeviceCapability Name="usb">
<Device Id="vidpid:1D27 0600">
<!--<Function Type="classId:ff * *" />-->
<Function Type="name:vendorSpecific"/>
I also verified that above code is working when directly building a classic C++ program without targeting UWP at all.
I would be very happy for any direction/hint you can provide me with

The Solution
Microsoft's UWP policy simply doesn't allow access to USB devices. But you can workaround that by grant the UWP AppContainer Process access to the Structure IO sensor.
Some manual work is required though:
Open the registry editor and go to the USB entry of the Structure IO sensor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\USB\VID_1D27&PID_0600
Uncollapse this node and right click on the node below this one and copy the whole key in to clipboard. The last digit is very important here and differs from machine to machine (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\USB\VID_1D27&PID_0600\13261)
Copy this key into following registry file where the brackets are. The following registry modification basically allows every UWP app access to the structure I/O sensor.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Modify the following batch script to point to the full path(!) of above registry file. This script is needed to modify the registry with the security string. This is only allowed by Window's SYSTEM account. That's why we need to create a task for that.
call schtasks /create /RU SYSTEM /SC ONCE /TN DeviceAC /TR "reg import c:\full\path\to\registry\file.reg" /ST 00:00
call schtasks /run /tn DeviceAC
call schtasks /delete /tn DeviceAC /f
Run the above batch script with Administrator privileges
After successfully executing the script, make sure there's a new entry called "Security" below you node from 2.
If the sensor is already connected to your PC you'll need to reconnect it.
Now the code from my Question above should work :)
You'll find a detailed read on how to solve this problem here:


Crashing when calling QTcpSocket::setSocketDescriptor()

my project using QTcpSocket and the function setSocketDescriptor(). The code is very normal
QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket();
This coding worked fine most of the time until I ran a performance testing on Windows Server 2016, the crash occurred. I debugging with the crash dump, here is the log
0000004f`ad1ff4e0 : ucrtbase!abort+0x4e
00000000`6ed19790 : Qt5Core!qt_logging_to_console+0x15a
000001b7`79015508 : Qt5Core!QMessageLogger::fatal+0x6d
0000004f`ad1ff0f0 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::installMessageHook+0xc0
00000000`00000000 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::createInternalHwnd+0xf3
000001b7`785b0000 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::registerSocketNotifier+0x13e
000001b7`7ad57580 : Qt5Core!QSocketNotifier::QSocketNotifier+0xf9
00000000`00000001 : Qt5Network!QLocalSocket::socketDescriptor+0x4cf7
00000000`00000000 : Qt5Network!QAbstractSocket::setSocketDescriptor+0x256
In the stderr log, I see those logs
CreateWindow() for QEventDispatcherWin32 internal window failed (Not enough storage is available to process this command.)
Qt: INTERNAL ERROR: failed to install GetMessage hook: 8, Not enough storage is available to process this command.
Here is the function, where the code was stopped on the Qt codebase
void QEventDispatcherWin32::installMessageHook()
if (d->getMessageHook)
// setup GetMessage hook needed to drive our posted events
d->getMessageHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, (HOOKPROC) qt_GetMessageHook, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!d->getMessageHook)) {
int errorCode = GetLastError();
qFatal("Qt: INTERNAL ERROR: failed to install GetMessage hook: %d, %s",
errorCode, qPrintable(qt_error_string(errorCode)));
I did research and the error Not enough storage is available to process this command. maybe the OS (Windows) does not have enough resources to process this function (SetWindowsHookEx) and failed to create a hook, and then Qt fire a fatal signal, finally my app is killed.
I tested this on Windows Server 2019, the app is working fine, no crashes appear.
I just want to know more about the meaning of the error message (stderr) cause I don't really know what is "Not enough storage"? I think it is maybe the limit or bug of the Windows Server 2016? If yes, is there any way to overcome this issue on Windows Server 2016?
The error ‘Not enough storage is available to process this command’ usually occurs in Windows servers when the registry value is set incorrectly or after a recent reset or reinstallations, the configurations are not set correctly.
Below is verified procedure for this issue:
Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
Find this key name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
Locate IRPStackSize
If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type in IRPStackSize under the name.
The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok
You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.
After researching for a few days I finally can configure the Windows Server 2016 setting (registry) to prevent the crash.
So basically it is a limitation of the OS itself, it is called desktop heap limitation.
(The funny thing is the error message is Not enough storage is available to process this command but the real problem came to desktop heap limitation. )
So for the solution, flowing the steps in this link:
I increased the 3rd parameter of SharedSection to 2048 and it fix the issue.
Summary steps:
Desktop Heap for the non-interactive desktops is identified by the third parameter of the SharedSection= segment of the following registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows
The default data for this registry value will look something like the following:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16
The value to be entered into the Third Parameter of the SharedSection= segment should be based on the calculation of:
(number of desired concurrent policies) * 10 = (third parameter value)
Example: If it's desired to have 200 concurrent policy instances, then 200 * 10 = 2000, rounding up to a nice memory number gives you 2048as the third parameter resulting in the following update to be made to the registry value:

Connect to multiple queue managers in different servers

I am trying to connect a C++ application (using MQCONNX) based on a PaaS IBM MQ client to two different queue managers, each one based on a different server (one in a PaaS server and the other one in a Unix server). Unfortunately I am not able to do it as I am getting a message when I try to connect to the second server saying that it is not possible as it is connected to the first queue manager. I am using two different MQHCONN connections, one for each queue manager, but the problem is still there.
I have taken a look into this link, but I still have some doubts, as for example, from which server should I copy the CCDT to the client?
Any help would be much appreciated, or even a quick sample of how to use CCDT, as right now I am completely stuck.
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Assuming Queue Manager 1 is called MQG1 and Queue Manager 2 is called MQG2 and these can be found using connection names of and respectively, and using channel names MQG1.SVRCONN and MQG2.SVRCONN respectively, you can create your CCDT, on your client application machine, thus:-
runmqsc -n
issue these commands into runmqsc:-
Then you can code your 2 x MQCONN (or MQCONNX if you need to specify any additional things on the connection) thus:-
#include <cmqc.h> /* Includes for MQI constants */
#include <cmqstrc.h> /* Convert MQRC into string */
MQLONG CompCode, Reason;
if (CompCode)
printf("MQCONN to %s failed with reason code %s (%d)\n", QMName1, MQRC_STR(Reason), Reason);
if (CompCode)
printf("MQCONN to %s failed with reason code %s (%d)\n", QMName2, MQRC_STR(Reason), Reason);
Take care with how you are linking your program. If you try to make two local connections, you will get a return code of MQRC_ANOTHER_Q_MGR_CONNECTED. Ensure you either link with the client library, set connection option MQCNO_CLIENT (which means you must use MQCONNX) or set the environment variable MQ_CONNECT_TYPE=CLIENT.
You might find the following blog post useful additional reading:-

How to read file from USB mass storage Device using Visual C++?

I developed an MFC Dialog application in C++ in MS VS 2013 Ultimate under Windows 7 Maximal. As a progenitor of source code I use CodeProject paper in Detecting Hardware Insertion or Removal.
My application is a user-mode application. It is intended for detection of adding or removing hardware from/to computer. For this purpose I handle WM_DEVICECHANGE message and call RegisterDeviceNotification() function in my application. So, schematically, my aplication does the following:
Calls SetupDiGetClassDevs() to get a handle of device info set HDEVINFO.
Calls SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo() to enumerate all the device in the info set. Upon each iteration, we will get a SP_DEVINFO_DATA.
During the enumeration, SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId() is called to read the instance ID for each device. The instance ID is in the form of "USB\Vid_04e8&Pid_503b\0002F9A9828E0F06".
If the instance ID match the DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE.dbcc_name, then SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty() is called to retrieve the description or friendly name.
But now I'm in need of reading of file from USB mass storage device when this device is pluged in (when the DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL device event has place). How can I do it programmatically in Visual C++?
The parameter of DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL is a DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME which includes a mask of the drive letter assinged. So since you are only after mass storage devices the following works.
if (pj->dbcv_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYPE_VOLUME) {
long um = pj->dbcv_unitmask;
for ( int i=0; i < 26; i++ ) {
if (um&1) break;
um = um >> 1;
if ( i < 26 ) {
char Drive = 'A' + i;
In practice, some drives are ready to read instantly, others need few seconds.

How to enumerate an USB hub that is attached to the first port of root hub on Windows Embedded 7

I am posting here for the first time, I hope this will be clear and readable.
I am currently trying to test the presence of usb devices on an embedded system using a specific HCD and port path programmatically using C++ and Visual Studio 2008.
The idea is to pass in the port number and the hcd value as the parameters of the function, and the function will return a true or false that indicates the connection status.
I have written some code to populate the root hub and prove that the device attached to port 1 of the root hub is a hub using bool DeviceIsHub from usbioctl.h.
However, when I attempt to enumerate the usb hub attached to port 1 of root so that I may test for the connection status of the downstream ports for the presence of device(ports 1 and 2 of this usb hub). It does not seem to know how many downstream ports the usb hub has.
I checked USBVIEW/TreeView, both application tells me that devices are there
but I am not sure what ioctl command code to use such that I can enumerate the downstream ports so I can check the connection status.
The structure of the device based on USB view and USB tree provides the following.
Root hub - it has 7 ports, only the first port is being used.
A USB hub (it has four available ports) is attached to the first port of the root hub.
Two USB devices (USB mouse and USB keyboard) are attached to port 1 and port 2 of the USB hub.
(which is not supported, it can only be used in windows 8, this is the exact ioctl call they used to enumerate the ports).
Please ignore the MessageBoxes, those are for me to check the control path status and determine which route it was following.
Please find the code that I wrote as I attempt to enumerate/populate the usb hub. I did not include the Root hub code because it would make this snippet too big.
My questions mainly resides in the enumeration process of the secondary USB hub I believe.
I just checked the registry key of the device. it appears that the USB hub is enumerated and present on the device since the information is shown under regedit HKLM->System->CurrentControlSet->Enum->USB. I believe I am not enumerating it correctly within my test application.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The part that I am most concerned about is the DeviceIoControl Calls that attempts to get the size and the actual name of that USB hub.
It currently only takes in USB_GET_NODE_INFORMATION. Any other ioctl calls that are intended to retrieve the name of the hub will fail at the first DeviceIoControl where it attempts to get the size of the hub name so that it know how much memory to allocate
for it.
Update Part 2
From observing the usbview open source code, I believe I need to enumerate the host controller and all the devices first before checking for the presence of device. I drew a conclusion such that without doing the enumeration of controller, it only goes so far down the tree (at best second layer, which is where the external hub is attached to in my case).
I am currently attempting to enumerate the other devices and controllers in hope that I can get to the third layer of device. I will keep on updating this thread until either I figure out the problem myself or someone is capable of answering my questions.
//we are connected to the external hub, now we can begin the configuration and enumeration of the external hub.
ULONG kBytes = 0;
//Create a Handle for the external hub driver
char Name[16];
wsprintf(Name, "\\\\.\\HCD%d", HcdSub);
HANDLE SubHub = CreateFile(Name,
//Check to see if the handle was created successfully
MessageBox(NULL,"SubHandle Fail ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
//Query the SUBHUB/External Hub for the structure, this will tell us the number of down stream ports we need to enumerate
ioctlSuccess = DeviceIoControl(SubHub,
//If the command failed, close the handle and return false.
MessageBox(NULL," sub hub size fail ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
//Prepare to receive the SubHubName
kBytes = SubHubName.ActualLength;
USB_HUB_NAME *subHubNameW = (USB_HUB_NAME *) malloc(sizeof(USB_HUB_NAME) * kBytes);
//Check if the allocation failed, if it did, free the memory allocated and return false.
if (subHubNameW == NULL)
MessageBox(NULL,"SUBHubNameW=NULL ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
//Send the command to retrieve the name
ioctlSuccess = DeviceIoControl(SubHub,
//We no longer need this handle.
if(subHubNameW !=NULL)
return false;
//Converts the SubHubNAme from widechar to a cahr.
kBytes = wcslen(subHubNameW->HubName) + 1;
char *subhubname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*kBytes);
wcstombs(subhubname,subHubNameW->HubName, kBytes);
//we no longer need subHubNameW the information is now in subhubname.
if(subHubNameW !=NULL)
//Attempt to open a handle to driver for sub hub.
int SubhdnSize = strlen(subhubname) + sizeof("\\\\.\\");
char *subhubnamelength = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * SubhdnSize);
sprintf(subhubnamelength, "\\\\.\\%s", subhubname);
//We no longer need subhubname, so free it.
if(subhubname !=NULL) free(subhubname);
//Attempt to open a handle for enumerating ports on this hub.
HANDLE ExternalHub = CreateFile(subhubnamelength,
//we no longer need subhubnamelength, so free it if it is not NULL
if(subhubnamelength != NULL) free(subhubnamelength);
//Check and see if the handle was created successfully, if not, return false.
MessageBox(NULL,"EXT handle fail ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
PortConnection ->ConnectionIndex = Port;
ioctlSuccess = DeviceIoControl(ExternalHub,
return false;
if(PortConnection->ConnectionStatus !=DeviceConnected)
printf("The Connection Status Returns: %d",PortConnection->ConnectionStatus);
return false;
Enumerating USB on Windows 7 will fail if UAC is enabled and application doesn't have enough privilege. Windows Embedded 7 may fail also on similar task.
There is also a possibility to enumerate through registry.
You can not enumerate anything possibly. Normally the usb device is either a bus device or a child of a bus device. Sense the bus device is not removable, it is automatically enumerated by acpi.sys the root device during boot, or if a bus device for some other device attached to the root node, then that device has to undergo some event that means it detects the device and then enumerates it, plug and play will automatically look for it's device type's driver and if installed will load it. If the usb say has 4 actual usb connectors, that are controlled from a central device, there could be a usb driver/mini driver pair. In that case the miniport driver is a child of the usb driver and is enumerated by it and attached to it. The miniport's job is to know the actual hardware, and irp's and all other io will come from it's parent. If there are several physical connections there may be additional child drivers. They all operate the hardware and there is a hot plug. When the firmware detects the installation of a usb device it communicates this to the miniport driver and on down the stack to the bus and ultimately it is processed by plug and play. Plug and play will then have the miniport driver enumerate it's device, but it needs to get a hardware id. Then it can find it's driver and load that, then the device is installed and ready for operation.
With out knowing the device stack it is not clear what device it is referring to. Keep in mind the driver stack may not reflect the actual hardware topology. There are also things called logical devices which do not represent any piece of hardware. Any of these would have to be taken into account and you need to know which device corresponds to the end of the node.
Also one little detail. I'm not as familiar with user mode api's and drivers as I am kernel, but it seems wsprintf second argument controls format of the output buffer from the input. It should be %[]%[] were [] is a symbol that represents the format. It would format the first character according to the first symbol then the second character with teh second symbol. Seems you are doing something different.
A final note, it appears the use of wsprintf() is now deprecated instead for other api's.

How to / Is it possible to monitor remote WMI scripting?

do u know perhaps a way (via script or program) to find out if e.g. a WMI script runs from a remote PC1 and performs some tasks in another PC2 when I am seating in a third PC: PC3
Assume that all PC belong to the same network and domain and have windows xp installed.
The reason for this that I administer a small network and I think that one student shuts down the PC where another student works, via WMI scripting.
Is there a way to monitor (via script or program) such a thing, without disabling wmi remote access.
Thanks everybody
You can get the credentials used to perform the shutdown by looking at verbose WMI logs.
1) Enable verbose WMI logging
Run 'Wmimgmt.msc' (also available under My Computer > 'Manage' > 'Services and Applications' > 'WMI Control')
Select 'WMI Control (Local)', right click --> select 'Properties'
Select 'Logging' Tab, set 'Logging level' to Verbose
2) Look at the WMI log files (Default location: %WINDIR%\system32\wbemLogs) to see record of remote access and actions taken. Specifically, look at wbemcore.log
Example: When I logged in remotely I saw the following entry [<domain> and <username> here were the real ones used for the remote connection]:
(Thu Aug 13 <time>) : DCOM connection from <domain>\<username>
at authentiction level Packet, AuthnSvc = 9, AuthzSvc = 1, Capabilities = 0
Then, to execute the WMI method the student would need to GetObject Win32_OperatingSystem, which showed up like this:
(Thu Aug 13 <time>): CALL CWbemNamespace::GetObject
BSTR ObjectPath = win32_operatingsystem
long lFlags = 0
And finally you'd look for executing the Win32Shutdown method, which should log something like this:
(Thu Aug 13 <time>) : CALL CWbemNamespace::ExecMethodAsync
BSTR ObjectPath = Win32_OperatingSystem
BSTR MethodName = Win32Shutdown