Is there a way to normalize a Caffe Blob along a certain dimension? - c++

I've got a blob with the shape n * t * h * w (Batch number, features, height, width). Within a Caffe layer I want to do an L1 normalization along the t axis, i.e. for fixed n, h and w the sum of values along t should be equal to 1. Normally this would be no big deal, but since it's within a Caffe layer it should happen very quickly, preferably through the Caffe math functions (based on BLAS). Is there a way to achieve this in an efficient manner?
I unfortunately can't change the order of the shape parameters due to later processing, but I can remove the batch number (have a vector of blobs with just t * h * w) or I could convert the blob to an OpenCV Mat, if it makes things easier.
Edit 1: I'm starting to suspect I might be able to solve my task with the help of caffe_gpu_gemm, where I'd multiply a vector of ones of length t with a blob from one batch of shape t * h * w, which should theoretically give me the sums along the feature axis. I'll update if I figure out the next step.


Histogram Binning of Gradient Vectors

I am working on a project that has a small component requiring the comparison of distributions over image gradients. Assume I have computed the image gradients in the x and y directions using a Sobel filter and have for each pixel a 2-vector. Obviously getting the magnitude and direction is reasonably trivial and is as follows:
However, what is not clear to me is how to bin these two components in to a two dimensional histogram for an arbitrary number of bins.
I had considered something along these lines(written in browser):
//Assuming normalised magnitudes.
//Histogram dimensions are bins * bins.
int getHistIdx(float mag, float dir, int bins) {
const int magInt = reinterpret_cast<int>(mag);
const int dirInt = reinterpret_cast<int>(dir);
const int magMod = reinterpret_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(1.0));
const int dirMod = reinterpret_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(TWO_PI));
const int idxMag = (magInt % magMod) & bins
const int idxDir = (dirInt % dirMod) & bins;
return idxMag * bins + idxDir;
However, I suspect that the mod operation will introduce a lot of incorrect overlap, i.e. completely different gradients getting placed in to the same bin.
Any insight in to this problem would be very much appreciated.
I would like to avoid using any off the shelf libraries as I want to keep this project as dependency light as possible. Also I intend to implement this in CUDA.
This is more of a what is an histogram question? rather than one of your tags. Two things:
In a 2D plain two directions equal by modulation of 2pi are in fact the same - so it makes sense to modulate.
I see no practical or logical reason of modulating the norms.
Next, you say you want a "two dimensional histogram", but return a single number. A 2D histogram, and what would make sense in your context, is a 3D plot - the plane is theta/R, 2 indexed, while the 3D axis is the "count".
So first suggestion, return
return Pair<int,int>(idxMag,idxDir);
Then you can make a 2D histogram, or 2 2D histograms.
Regarding the "number of bins"
this is use case dependent. You need to define the number of bins you want (maybe different for theta and R). Maybe just some constant 10 bins? Maybe it should depend on the amount of vectors? In any case, you need a function that receives either the number of vectors, or the total set of vectors, and returns the number of bins for each axis. This could be a constant (10 bins) initially, and you can play with it. Once you decide on the number of bins:
Determine the bins
For a bounded case such as 0<theta<2 pi, this is easy. Divide the interval equally into the number of bins, assuming a flat distribution. Your modulation actually handles this well - if you would have actually modulated by 2*pi, which you didn't. You would still need to determine the bin bounds though.
For R this gets trickier, as this is unbounded. Two options here, but both rely on the same tactic - choose a maximal bin. Either arbitrarily (Say R=10), so any vector longer than that is placed in the "longer than max" bin. The rest is divided equally (for example, though you could choose other distributions). Another option is for the longest vector to determine the edge of the maximal bin.
Getting the index
Once you have the bins, you need to search the magnitude/direction of the current vector in your bins. If bins are pairs representing min/max of bin (and maybe an index), say in a linked list, then it would be something like (for mag for example):
bin = histogram.first;
while ( mag > bin.min ) bin =;
magIdx = bin.index;
If the bin does not hold the index you can just use a counter and increase it in the while. Also, for the magnitude the final bin should hold "infinity" or some large number as a limit. Note this has nothing to do with modulation, though that would work for your direction - as you have coded. I don't see how this makes sense for the norm.
Bottom line though, you have to think a bit about what you want. In any case all the "objects" here are trivial enough to write yourself, or even use small arrays.
I think you should arrange your bins in a square array, and then bin by vx and vy independently.
If your gradients are reasonably even you just need to scan the data first to accumulate the min and max in x and y, and then split the gradients evenly.
If the gradients are very unevenly distributed, you might want to sort the (eg) vx first and arrange that the boundaries between each bin exactly evenly divides the values.
An intermediate solution might be to obtain the min and max ignoring the (eg) 10% most extreme values.

Euclidean Loss Layer in Caffe

I am currently trying to implement my own loss layer in caffe, and while attempting to do so, am using other layers as a reference. One thing that puzzles me, however, is the use of top[0]->cpu_diff() in Backward_cpu. I will be using the EuclideanLossLayer as a reference. Here are my questions
It is my understanding that top[0]->cpu_diff() holds the error derivative from the next layer, but what if there is no other layer, how is it initialised? since it is used in EuclideanLossLayer without performing any checks:
const Dtype alpha = sign * top[0]->cpu_diff()[0] / bottom[i]->num();
Again, in the EuclideanLossLayer, the derivative for the error with respect to the activations is calculated using the following code snippet:
const Dtype alpha = sign * top[0]->cpu_diff()[0] / bottom[i]->num();
bottom[i]->count(), // count
alpha, // alpha
diff_.cpu_data(), // a
Dtype(0), // beta
bottom[i]->mutable_cpu_diff()); // b
If my first assumption is correct, and top[0]->cpu_diff() does indeed hold the error derivative for the layer above, why do we only use the first element i.e. top[0]->cpu_diff()[0] as opposed to multiplying by the whole vector i.e. top[0]->cpu_diff()?
For loss layers, there is no next layer, and so the top diff blob is technically undefined and unused - but Caffe is using this preallocated space to store unrelated data: Caffe supports multiplying loss layers with a user-defined weight (loss_weight in the prototxt), this information (a single scalar floating point number) is stored in the first element of the diff array of the top blob. That's why you'll see in every loss layer, that they multiply by that amount to support that functionality. This is explained in Caffe's tutorial about the loss layer.
This weight is usually used to add auxiliary losses to the network. You can read more about it in Google's Going Deeper with Convoltions or in Deeply-Supervised Nets.

Determine difference in stops between images with no EXIF data

I have a set of images of the same scene but shot with different exposures. These images have no EXIF data so there is no way to extract useful info like f-stop, shutter speed etc.
What I'm trying to do is to determine the difference in stops between the images i.e. Image1 is +1.3 stops of Image0.
My current approach is to first calculate luminance from the image's RGB values using the equation
L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
I've seen different numbers being used in the equation but generally it should not affect the end result L too much.
After that I derive the log-average luminance of the image.
exp(avg of log(luminance of image))
But somehow the log-avg luminance doesn't seem to give much indication on exposure difference btw the images.
Any ideas on how to determine exposure difference?
edit: on c/c++
You have to generally solve two problems:
1. Linearize your image data
(In case it's not obvious what is meant: two times more light collected by your pixel shall result in two times the intensity value in your linearized image.)
Your image input might be (sufficiently) linearized already -> you may skip to part 2. If your content came from a camera and it's a JPEG, then this will most certainly not be the case.
The real 'solution' to this problem is finding the camera response function, which you want to invert and apply to your image data to get linear intensity values. This is by no means a trivial task. The EMoR model is widely used in all sorts of software (Photoshop, PTGui, Photomatix, etc.) to describe camera response functions. Some open source software solving this problem (but using a different model iirc) is PFScalibrate.
Having that said, you may get away with a simple inverse gamma application. A rough 'gestimation' for the right gamma value might be found by doing this:
capture an evenly lit, static scene with two exposure times e and e/2
apply a couple of inverse gamma transforms (e.g. for 1.8 to 2.4 in 0.1 steps) on both images
multiply all the short exposure images with 2.0 and subtract them from the respective long exposure images
pick the gamma that lead to the smallest overall difference
2. Find the actual difference of irradiation in stops, i.e. log2(scale factor)
Presuming the scene was static (no moving objects or camera), this is relatively easy:
sum1 = sum2 = 0
foreach pixel pair (p1,p2) from the two images:
if p1 or p2 is close to 0 or 255:
skip this pair
sum1 += p1 and sum2 += p2
return log2(sum1 / sum2)
On large images this will certainly work just as well and a lot faster if you sub-sample the images.
If the camera was static but the scene was not (moving objects), this starts to work less well. I produced acceptable results in this case by simply repeating the above procedure several times and use the output of the previous run as an estimate for the correct scale factor and then discard pixel pairs who's quotient is too far away from the current estimate. So basically replacing the above if line with the following:
if <see above> or if abs(log2(p1/p2) - estimate) > 0.5:
I'd stop the repetition after a fixed number of iterations or if two consecutive estimates are sufficiently close to each other.
EDIT: A note about conversion to luminance
You don't need to do that at all (as Tony D mentioned already) and if you insist, then do it after the linearization step (as Mark Ransom noted). In a perfect setting (static scene, no noise, no de-mosaicing, no quantization) every channel of every pixel would have the same ratio p1/p2 (if neither is saturated). Therefore the relative weighting of the different channels is irrelevant. You may sum over all pixels/channels (weighing R, G and B equally) or maybe only use the green channel.

OpenCV, C++: Distance between two points

For a group project, we are attempting to make a game, where functions are executed whenever a player forms a set of specific hand gestures in front of a camera. To process the images, we are using Open-CV 2.3.
During the image-processing we are trying to find the length between two points.
We already know this can be done very easily with Pythagoras law, though it is known that Pythagoras law requires much computer power, and we wish to do this as low-resource as possible.
We wish to know if there exist any build-in function within Open-CV or standard library for C++, which can handle low-resource calculations of the distance between two points.
We have the coordinates for the points, which are in pixel values (Of course).
Extra info:
Previous experience have taught us, that OpenCV and other libraries are heavily optimized. As an example, we attempted to change the RGB values of the live image feed from the camera with a for loop, going through each pixel. This provided with a low frame-rate output. Instead we decided to use an Open-CV build-in function instead, which instead gave us a high frame-rate output.
You should try this
cv::Point a(1, 3);
cv::Point b(5, 6);
double res = cv::norm(a-b);//Euclidian distance
As you correctly pointed out, there's an OpenCV function that does some of your work :)
(Also check the other way)
It is called magnitude() and it calculates the distance for you. And if you have a vector of more than 4 vectors to calculate distances, it will use SSE (i think) to make it faster.
Now, the problem is that it only calculate the square of the powers, and you have to do by hand differences. (check the documentation). But if you do them also using OpenCV functions it should be fast.
Mat pts1(nPts, 1, CV_8UC2), pts2(nPts, 1, CV_8UC2);
// populate them
Mat diffPts = pts1-pts2;
Mat ptsx, ptsy;
// split your points in x and y vectors. maybe separate them from start
Mat dist;
magnitude(ptsx, ptsy, dist); // voila!
The other way is to use a very fast sqrt:
// 15 times faster than the classical float sqrt.
// Reasonably accurate up to root(32500)
// Source:
unsigned int root(unsigned int x){
unsigned int a,b;
b = x;
a = x = 0x3f;
x = b/x;
a = x = (x+a)>>1;
x = b/x;
a = x = (x+a)>>1;
x = b/x;
x = (x+a)>>1;
This ought to a comment, but I haven't enough rep (50?) |-( so I post it as an answer.
What the guys are trying to tell you in the comments of your questions is that if it's only about comparing distances, then you can simply use
d=(dx*dx+dy*dy) = (x1-x2)(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)(y1-y2)
thus avoiding the square root. But you can't of course skip the square elevation.
Pythagoras is the fastest way, and it really isn't as expensive as you think. It used to be, because of the square-root. But modern processors can usually do this within a few cycles.
If you really need speed, use OpenCL on the graphics card for image processing.

How to get ALL data from 2D Real to Complex FFT in Cuda

I am trying to do a 2D Real To Complex FFT using CUFFT.
I realize that I will do this and get W/2+1 complex values back (W being the "width" of my H*W matrix).
The question is - what if I want to build out a full H*W version of this matrix after the transform - how do I go about copying some values from the H*(w/2+1) result matrix back to a full size matrix to get both parts and the DC value in the right place
I'm not familiar with CUDA, so take that into consideration when reading my response. I am familiar with FFTs and signal processing in general, though.
It sounds like you start out with an H (rows) x W (cols) matrix, and that you are doing a 2D FFT that essentially does an FFT on each row, and you end up with an H x W/2+1 matrix. A W-wide FFT returns W values, but the CUDA function only returns W/2+1 because real data is even in the frequency domain, so the negative frequency data is redundant.
So, if you want to reproduce the missing W/2-1 points, simply mirror the positive frequency. For instance, if one of the rows is as follows:
Index Data
0 12 + i
1 5 + 2i
2 6
3 2 - 3i
The 0 index is your DC power, the 1 index is the lowest positive frequency bin, and so forth. You would thus make your closest-to-DC negative frequency bin 5+2i, the next closest 6, and so on. Where you put those values in the array is up to you. I would do it the way Matlab does it, with the negative frequency data after the positive frequency data.
I hope that makes sense.
There are two ways this can be acheived. You will have to write your own kernel to acheive either of this.
1) You will need to perform conjugate on the (half) data you get to find the other half.
2) Since you want full results anyway, it would be best if you convert the input data from real to complex (by padding with 0 imaginary) and performing the complex to complex transform.
From practice I have noticed that there is not much of a difference in speed either way.
I actually searched the nVidia forums and found a kernel that someone had written that did just what I was asking. That is what I used. if you search the cuda forum for "redundant results fft" or similar you will find it.