I am using the following nodeJS lambda function to invoke a java lambda function.
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var lambda = new AWS.Lambda({httpOptions:{timeout: 300000}});
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
var params = {
FunctionName: 'sensi', // the lambda function we are going to invoke
InvocationType: 'RequestResponse',
Payload: '{"input":"alum_ROW,10,-1"}',
lambda.invoke(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
The execution of the caller lambda is successful and the function I am calling is getting executed correctly. The problem is the caller lambda ends before the called lambda function ends and I got null as data.payload and hexadecimal characters as data.LogResult. obviously what is needed is to wait until the called lambda is finished.
below the lambda i am trying to call:
public boolean run(String input ){
String [] inputs= input.split(",");
String systemId=inputs[0];
int iterations=Integer.parseInt(inputs[1]);
int output=Integer.parseInt(inputs[2]);
//custom code
return true;
This function is inside class Launchers.Launcher and therefore the sensi lambda function has handler Launchers.Launcher::run
adding: context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
Compiling your question, (correct me if I'm wrong and I'll edit the answer):
You have a lambda X, that calls lambda Y.
Lambda Y returns some value Z for each execution.
You want lambda X to receive the value Z, when calling lambda Y.
You want the callback to be called with the return value Z, after lambda Y ends execution.
According to your params:
You request a synchronous execution, by specifying RequestResponse, which is good for this purpose (receiving the result of lambda Y).
You request the last 4KB of logs produced by lambda Y - by specifying Tail.
According to the documentation and given I was right in compiling your question, the LogResult is not what you're looking for, but the Payload is.
The following is from the Response Elements section:
It is the base64-encoded logs for the Lambda function
invocation. This is present only if the invocation type is
RequestResponse and the logs were requested.
The response returns the following as the HTTP body.
It is the JSON representation of the object returned by the
Lambda function. This is present only if the invocation type is
API_Invoke Reference
Edit (added example):
I've created two lambdas, according to my above description, X and Y.
Here's X's code:
let aws = require('aws-sdk');
let lambda = new aws.Lambda();
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
const params = {
FunctionName: "Y",
InvocationType: "RequestResponse",
LogType: "Tail",
Payload: '{"name":"jonathan"}'
lambda.invoke(params, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
callback(null, res.Payload);
Here's Y's code:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
setTimeout(() => {
callback(null, "My name is Jonathan");
}, 1000 * 10); // 10 seconds delay
What you're trying to achieve is do-able.
Lambda X invokes synchronously Lambda Y and waits for its response (waits 10 seconds).
You were accessing the wrong property of the callback input, you accessed the LogResult property instead of the Payload property.
Here's a log of X's arbitrary execution:
START RequestId: a6a98e8d-31b9-11e7-aba1-d5d86092115f Version: $LATEST
2017-05-05T17:38:40.805Z a6a98e8d-31b9-11e7-aba1-d5d86092115f {"StatusCode":200,"LogResult":"U1RBUlQgUmVxdWVzdElkOiBhNzVmMjIzZi0zMWI5LTExZTctYmRmYy0xMzJkMDc0Zjc3YzggVmVyc2lvbjogJExBVEVTVAoyMDE3LTA1LTA1VDE3OjM4OjMwLjY4NloJYTc1ZjIyM2YtMzFiOS0xMWU3LWJkZmMtMTMyZDA3NGY3N2M4CXsibmFtZSI6ImpvbmF0aGFuIn0KRU5EIFJlcXVlc3RJZDogYTc1ZjIyM2YtMzFiOS0xMWU3LWJkZmMtMTMyZDA3NGY3N2M4ClJFUE9SVCBSZXF1ZXN0SWQ6IGE3NWYyMjNmLTMxYjktMTFlNy1iZGZjLTEzMmQwNzRmNzdjOAlEdXJhdGlvbjogMTAwMjcuMjkgbXMJQmlsbGVkIER1cmF0aW9uOiAxMDEwMCBtcyAJTWVtb3J5IFNpemU6IDEyOCBNQglNYXggTWVtb3J5IFVzZWQ6IDE3IE1CCQo=","Payload":"\"My name is Jonathan\""}
END RequestId: a6a98e8d-31b9-11e7-aba1-d5d86092115f
REPORT RequestId: a6a98e8d-31b9-11e7-aba1-d5d86092115f Duration: 11233.34 ms Billed Duration: 11300 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 30 MB
Note the structure of the callback's input:
"StatusCode": 200,
// this is the logs that Y's printed to the "console" (base64 encoded)
"Payload": "\"My name is Jonathan\"" // <--- this is the returned value
Hopefully this answers your question.
I am trying to invoke lambda B via another lambda A. Call to lambda A is triggered via APIG endpoint. Using curl, a fetch call is done as below:
curl "$#" -L --cookie ~/.midway/cookie --cookie-jar ~/.midway/cookie -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -s https://us-west-2.beta.api.ihmsignage.jihmcdo.com/api/getSignInstances
Above invokes lambda A which handles the request and calls the main handler. Logic for main handler:
const main = (event: any, context: any, lambdaCallback: Function) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
console.log(JSON.stringify(process.env, null, 2));
if (event.path.startsWith('/getUserInfo')) {
const alias = event.headers['X-FORWARDED-USER'];
const userData = JSON.stringify({ alias });
console.info('UserData: ', userData);
return sendResponse(200, userData, lambdaCallback); //This works perfectly fine with api gateway returning proper response
} else if (event.path.startsWith('/api')) {
console.info('Invoke lambda initiate');
invokeLambda(event, context, lambdaCallback); // This somehow invokes lambda B twice
} else {
return sendResponse(404, '{"message": "Resource not found"}', lambdaCallback);
Also have a wrapper associated as well in order to allow proper response is being sent back to the APIG:
export const handler = (event: any, context: any, lambdaCallback: Function) => {
const wrappedCallback = (error: any, success: any) => {
success.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = getAllowedOrigin(event);
success.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] = true;
success.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET,PUT,DELETE,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS';
success.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] =
success.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Encoding, Origin';
console.info('Logging sucess--', success);
return lambdaCallback(error, success);
// Append headers
return main(event, context, wrappedCallback);
And finally this is logic of how lambda B should be invoked within lambda A:
const invokeLambda = async (event: any, context: any, lambdaCallback: Function) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
if (!process.env.INVOKE_ARN) {
console.error('Missing environment variable INVOKE_ARN');
return sendResponse(500, '{"message":"internal server error"}', lambdaCallback);
const params = {
FunctionName: process.env.INVOKE_ARN,
InvocationType: 'RequestResponse',
Payload: JSON.stringify(event),
event.headers = event.headers || [];
const username = event.headers['X-FORWARDED-USER'];
const token = event.headers['X-CLIENT-VERIFY'];
if (!username || !token) {
console.log('No username or token was found');
return sendResponse(401, '{"message":"You shall not pass"}', lambdaCallback);
try {
const data = await lambda.invoke(params).promise();
console.info('Got Request router lambda data: ', data);
const invocationResponse = data?.Payload;
console.info('Got invocationResponse: ', invocationResponse);
return lambdaCallback(null, JSON.parse(invocationResponse as string));
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error while running starlet: ', err);
return sendResponse(500, '{"message":"internal server error"}', lambdaCallback);
Lambda B:
const main = async (event: any = {}) => {
// Log details
console.log('Request router lambda invoked');
console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Hello from RequestRouter Lambda!' }),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
isBase64Encoded: false,
export const handler = main;
All of above works fine (no error logs from cloudwatch for lambdas), however it seems that Lambda A's handler is invoked, but it doesn't invoke Lambda B's handler ultimately returning a response to APIG which doesn't have proper headers.
Any pointers are highly appreciated!! Thank you :)
AWS recommends that you don't orchestrate your lambda functions in the code (one function calling another function).
For that use case, you can use AWS Step Functions.
You can create a state machine, define API Gateway as the trigger, and pass the result from one Lambda function to the next Lambda function.
track the time elapsed in lambda function stop it at 9-10 min .
save the point at which it stopped and continue untill task is completed
compulsory use lambda function
I support John Rotenstein's response, stating that if you're using lambda this way, you probably shouldn't be using lambda. Out of my own curiosity though, I think the code you'd be looking for is something along the following lines (written in Node.JS)
let AWS = require('aws-sdk');
let functionName = 'YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'
let timeThreshholdInMillis = 5000 // 5 seconds
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
let input = JSON.parse(event['foo']); // input from previous lambda, omitted try-catch for brevity
let done // set this variable to true when your code is done
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (done) callback(null, true)
let remainingTime = context.get_remaining_time_in_millis();
if (remainingTime < timeThreshholdInMillis) {
// Going to restart
// save your progress (local or remote) to `input` variable
let lambda = new AWS.Lambda();
return lambda.invoke({
FunctionName: functionName,
Payload: JSON.stringify({ 'foo': input }) // Pass your progress here
}, (err, data) => {
// kill container
if (err) callback(err)
else callback(null, data)
}, 1000);
Edit: an example
This is to clarify how 'passing progress' would work in recursive lambdas.
Let's say you want to increment a variable (+1) every second and you want to do this in Lambda.
We will increment the variable by 1 once every 1000 ms.
Lambda will run until remaining time is < 5000 ms.
Lambda execution timeout is 60,000 ms (1 minute).
Lambda function pseudo code:
function async (event, context) {
let counter = event.counter || 0
setInterval(() => {
if (context.get_remaining_time_in_millis() < 5000) {
// start new lambda and pass `counter` variable
// so it continues counting and we don't lose progress
lambda.invoke({ payload: { counter } })
} else {
// Add 1 to the counter variable
}, 1000)
Not sure what you are trying out, but have a look at AWS Step Functions to better orchestrate your serverless recursion fun.
Also be aware of costs.
Getting Started:
We're trying to develop a self-invoking lambda to process S3 files in chunks. The lambda role has the policies needed for the invocation attached.
Here's the code for the self-invoking lambda:
export const processFileHandler: Handler = async (
event: S3CreateEvent,
context: Context,
callback: Callback,
) => {
let bucket = loGet(event, 'Records[0].s3.bucket.name');
let key = loGet(event, 'Records[0].s3.object.key');
let totalFileSize = loGet(event, 'Records[0].s3.object.size');
const lastPosition = loGet(event, 'position', 0);
const nextRange = getNextSizeRange(lastPosition, totalFileSize);
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
let data = await loadDataFromS3ByRange(bucket, key, nextRange);
await database.connect();
log.debug(`Successfully connected to the database`);
const docs = await getParsedDocs(data, lastPosition);
log.debug(`upserting ${docs.length} records to database`);
if (docs.length) {
try {
// upserting logic
log.debug(`total documents added: ${await docs.length}`);
} catch (err) {
await recurse(nextRange.end, event, context);
log.debug(`error inserting docs: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
if (nextRange.end < totalFileSize) {
log.debug(`Last ${context.getRemainingTimeInMillis()} milliseconds left`);
if (context.getRemainingTimeInMillis() < 10 * 10 * 10 * 6) {
log.debug(`Less than 6000 milliseconds left`);
log.debug(`Invoking next iteration`);
await recurse(nextRange.end, event, context);
callback(null, {
message: `Lambda timed out processing file, please continue from LAST_POSITION: ${nextRange.start}`,
} else {
callback(null, { message: `Successfully completed the chunk processing task` });
Where recurse is an invocation call to the same lambda. Rest of the things work as expected it just times out whenever the call stack comes on this invocation request:
const recurse = async (position: number, event: S3CreateEvent, context: Context) => {
let newEvent = Object.assign(event, { position });
let request = {
FunctionName: context.invokedFunctionArn,
InvocationType: 'Event',
Payload: JSON.stringify(newEvent),
let resp = await lambda.invoke(request).promise();
console.log('Invocation complete', resp);
return resp;
This is the stack trace logged to CloudWatch:
"errorMessage": "connect ETIMEDOUT",
"errorType": "NetworkingError",
"stackTrace": [
"Object._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)",
"_exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1044:20)",
"TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1198:14)"
Not a good idea to create a self-invoking lambda function. In case of an error (could also be a bad handler call on AWS side) a lambda function might re-run several times. Very hard to monitor and debug.
I would suggest using Step Functions. I believe this tutorial can help Iterating a Loop Using Lambda
From the top of my head, if you prefer not dealing with Step Functions, you could create a Lambda trigger for an SQS queue. Then you pass a message to the queue if you want to run the lambda function another time.
I have an AWS Lambda Function A that calls another Lambda Function B
For sake of discussion I want to invoke it synchronously - wait for results
and process them.
I want to do something like this in Lambda A:
let results = lambda.invoke(LambdaB);
// Do some stuff with results
The issue is that when I use the SDK APi to invoke Lambda B, I pass in a function that processes the results of that invocation. The processing function gets invoke and processes the results, but I'm noticing that the
// Do some other stuff with results
line is executing before that processing function completes, so the results
are not available yet. I'm still somewhat new to the NodeJS way of doing things, so what is the paradigm to ensure that I have the results I want before I move on to more processing with Lambda A? Here is what I have in a nuthell:
// Lambda A code
let payLoad = undefined;
let functionName = "LambdaB";
let params = {
FunctionName: functionName,
InvocationType: "RequestResponse",
LogType: "Tail",
Payload: '{name: "Fred"}'
lambda.invoke(params, function(err,data) {
if (err) {
// process error
} else {
payLoad = JSON.parse(data.Payload);
// payLoad is set properly here.
console.log("Do stuff with results');
console.log("PAYLOAD=" + payLoad);
// payLoad is undefined here
// How can I ensure it is set by the time I get here
// or do I need to use a different paradigm?
You will need to use async/await.
So your code will look like that :
exports.handler = async () => {
// Lambda A code
let functionName = "LambdaB";
let result = undefined;
let payload = undefined;
let params = {
FunctionName: functionName,
InvocationType: "RequestResponse",
LogType: "Tail",
Payload: '{name: "Fred"}'
try {
result = await lambda.invoke(params).promise();
payload = JSON.parse(result.Payload);
} catch (err) {
console.log("Do stuff with results');
Watchout : the lambda handler has to be an async function to use async/await in it !
I have a very simple lambda function (nodeJS) which put the event received in kinesis stream. Here is the source code:
'use strict';
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const kinesis = new AWS.Kinesis({apiVersion: '2013-12-02'});
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
let body = JSON.parse(event.body);
let receptionDate = new Date().toISOString();
let partitionKey = "pKey-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
// Response format needed for API Gateway
const formatResponse = (status, responseBody) => {
return {
statusCode: status,
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(responseBody)
// body.events is an array of events. Just add the reception date in each events.
for(let e of body.events) {
e.reception_date = receptionDate;
console.log("put In kinesis stream");
let kinesisParams = {
Data: new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body) + "\n"),
PartitionKey: partitionKey,
StreamName: 'event_test'
kinesis.putRecord(kinesisParams, (err, res) => {
console.log("Kinesis.putRecord DONE");
if(err) {
console.log("putRecord Error:", JSON.stringify(err));
callback(null, formatResponse(500, "Internal Error: " + JSON.stringify(err)));
} else {
console.log("putRecord Success:", JSON.stringify(res));
callback(null, formatResponse(200));
When this code is executed, here are the logs in cloudwatch:
START RequestId: 5d4d7526-1a40-401f-8417-06435f0e5408 Version: $LATEST
2019-01-11T09:39:11.925Z 5d4d7526-1a40-401f-8417-06435f0e5408 put In kinesis stream
END RequestId: 5d4d7526-1a40-401f-8417-06435f0e5408
REPORT RequestId: 5d4d7526-1a40-401f-8417-06435f0e5408 Duration: 519.65 ms Billed Duration: 600 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 28 MB
It seems that kinesis.putRecord is not called... I don't see anything in kinesis stream logs. I'm certainly wrong somewhere, but I don't know where !
kinesis.putRecord is an asynchronous operation, which calls callback (The second param) when it's finished (whether successful or with an error).
async function is a function that returns a promise. Lambda will finish its execution when this promise is resolved, even if there are other asynchronous operations which are not done yet.
Since your function returns nothing, then the promise is immediately resolved when the function ends and therefore the execution will be finished immediately - without waiting to your async kinesis.putRecord task.
When using an async handler, you don't need to call callback. Instead, you return what ever you want, or throw an error. Lambda will get it and respond respectively.
So you have 2 options here:
Since you don't have any await in your code, just remove the async. In this case Lambda is waiting for the event loop to be emtpy (Unless you explicitly change context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop)
Change the kinesis.putRecord to something like:
let result;
try {
result = await kinesis.putRecord(kinesisParams).promise();
} catch (err) {
console.log("putRecord Error:", JSON.stringify(err));
throw Error(formatResponse(500, "Internal Error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
console.log("putRecord Success:", JSON.stringify(result));
return formatResponse(200);
In the second option, the lambda will keep running until kinesis.putRecord is finished.
For more information about Lambda behavior in this case, you can see the the main code which execute your handler under /var/runtime/node_modules/awslambda/index.js in the lambda container.
#ttulka could you explain a bit more? Give advices or code samples ? –
It's about the async processing evolution in JavaScript.
First, everything was done with callback, it's the oldest approach. Using callbacks everywhere leads to "Callback Hell" (http://callbackhell.com).
Then Promises was introduced. Working with Promises looks a bit like working with Monads, everything is packed into a "box" (Promise), so you have to chain all your calls:
.then(data => ...)
.then(data => ...)
.then(data => ...)
.catch(err => ...)
Which is a bit unnatural to humans, so ECMAScript 2017 proposed a syntactic sugar in async functions (async/await) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function
Async/await syntax allows you to work with async promises like with a normal sync code:
const data = await thisCallReturnsPromise(...)
Don't forget, the await call must be inside an async function:
async () => {
const data = await thisCallReturnsPromise(...)
return await processDataAsynchronouslyInPromise(data)
AWS Lambda supports Node.js v8.10, which fully implements this syntax.
Just found the solution: Removing "async" keyword make it work !
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { ... }