I have some trouble to convert my function into a std::find_if lamnda.
below you can see my function
bool Room::ItemInRoomPresent(std::string & item)
bool isPresent = false;
for (std::vector<Item>::iterator i = m_RoomItems.begin(); i !=m_RoomItems.end(); i++)
if (i->GetName() == item)
item == i->GetName();
isPresent = true;
return isPresent;
Can some one help me?
As noted in the comments, if you aren't interested in the position at which an item is found, just that there is at least one matching item anywhere in the sequence, you can use std::any_of and make this essentially a one-liner:
return std::any_of(m_RoomItems.begin(),
[&](Item const& x) { return x.GetName() == item; });
The passed lambda is identical to Kerrek's version but the return value can be used directly.
Like this:
auto it = std::find_if(m_RoomItems.begin(), m_RoomItems.end(),
[&](const Item& x) { return x.GetName() == item; });
return it != m_RoomItems.end();
(The statement item == i->GetName(); in your if statement has no effect, so I omitted it.)
I have a function that have very similar repeating code. I like to refactor it, but don't want any complex mapping code.
The code basically filter out columns in a table. I made this example simple by having the comparison statement having a simple type, but the real comparison can be more complex.
I am hoping there may be some template or lambda technique that can do this.
vector<MyRecord*>& MyDb::Find(bool* field1, std::string * field2, int* field3)
std::vector<MyRecord*>::iterator iter;
std::copy(list_.begin(), list_.end(), back_inserter(filterList_));
if (field1)
iter = filterList_.begin();
while (iter != filterList_.end())
MyRecord* rec = *iter;
if (rec->field1 != *field1)
if (field2)
iter = filterList_.begin();
while (iter != filterList_.end())
MyRecord* rec = *iter;
if (rec->field2 != *field2)
if (field3)
iter = filterList_.begin();
while (iter != filterList_.end())
MyRecord* rec = *iter;
if (rec->field3 != *field3)
return filterList_;
Update: Just in case someone is curious, this is my final code. Thanks again everyone. A lot easy to understand and maintain.
vector<MyRecord*>& MyDb::Find(bool* field1, std::string* field2, int* field3)
auto compare = [&](MyRecord* rec) {
bool add = true;
if (field1 && rec->field1 != *field1) {
add = false;
if (field2 && rec->field2 != *field2) {
add = false;
if (field3 && rec->field3 != *field3) {
add = false;
return add;
std::copy_if(list_.begin(), list_.end(), back_inserter(filterList_), compare);
return filterList_;
you can use std::copy_if (as you already/would do a copy anyway)
vector<MyRecord*>& MyDb::Find(bool* field1, std::string* field2, int* field3){
std::copy_if(list_.begin(), list_.end(), back_inserter(filterList_),[&](MyRecord* rec){
// whatever condition you want.
return field3 && rec->field3 != *field3;
return filterList_;
Is there a simple way of refactoring this code?
As far as I understood your algorithm/ intention, using std::erase_if (c++20) you can replace the entire while loops as follows (Demo code):
#include <vector> // std::erase_if
std::vector<MyRecord*> // return by copy as filterList_ is local to function scope
Find(bool* field1 = nullptr, std::string* field2 = nullptr, int* field3 = nullptr)
std::vector<MyRecord*> filterList_{ list_ }; // copy of original
const auto erased = std::erase_if(filterList_, [=](MyRecord* record) {
return record
&& ((field1 && record->field1 != *field1)
|| (field2 && record->field2 != *field2)
|| (field3 && record->field3 != *field3));
return filterList_;
If no support for C++20, alternatively you can use erase–remove idiom, which is in effect happening under the hood of std::erase_if.
I have some operation that I would like to use with std::accumulate, but it may fail for some elements, in which case the accumulation should be aborted. With exceptions, I could throw an exception in case of failure, but I need to build without exceptions. With exceptions, this would look like this (the operation being greatly simplified):
std::optional<int> sum_accumulate_with_exceptions(
std::vector<int> const& aVec) {
try {
return std::accumulate(aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), 0,
[](int oldSum, int current) {
if (current > 42)
throw std::logic_error{"too large"};
return oldSum + current;
} catch (std::logic_error const&) {
return std::nullopt;
Actually, even with the possibility of using exceptions, this appears quite wasteful, as I am not interested in the particular exception thrown, and so the overhead of exceptions is unnecessarily large.
Using std::accumulate, I could use an error flag like this:
std::optional<int> sum_accumulate_without_exceptions(
std::vector<int> const& aVec) {
bool errored = false;
int res = std::accumulate(aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), 0,
[&errored](int oldSum, int current) {
if (errored) return 0;
if (current > 42) {
errored = true;
return 0;
return oldSum + current;
return errored ? std::optional<int>{} : res;
However, this is clearly bad, since this always iterates over the whole container, which might be large.
I came up with my own variant of std::accumulate:
template <typename It, typename T, typename Op>
std::optional<T> accumulate_shortcircuit(It aBegin, It aEnd, T aInit,
const Op& aOp) {
std::optional<T> res = std::move(aInit);
for (auto it = aBegin; it != aEnd; ++it) {
res = aOp(*res, *it);
if (!res) break;
return res;
This can be used nicely for the example case like this:
std::optional<int> sum_accumulate_shortcircuit(std::vector<int> const& aVec) {
return accumulate_shortcircuit(aVec.begin(), aVec.end(), 0,
[](int oldSum, int current) {
if (current > 42) {
return std::optional<int>{};
return std::optional<int>{oldSum + current};
However, I would prefer using std::accumulate (or any other standard library algorithm [edit:] or combination of them) itself, instead of using a replacement. Is there any way to achieve this?
While I was using C++17's std::optional in the example, ideally this would only use C++14 standard library algorithms, but I am also interested in solutions from newer/future standard versions.
[edit:] Based on #NathanOliver's answer, accumulate_shortcircuit could be implemented like this without having the range TS:
template <typename It, typename T, typename Op>
std::optional<T> accumulate_shortcircuit(It aBegin, It aEnd, T aInit,
const Op& aOp) {
std::optional<T> res = std::move(aInit);
std::all_of(aBegin, aEnd, [&](const T& element) {
return static_cast<bool>(res = aOp(*res, element));
return res;
You need an algorithm that has short circuiting built in. The first one that comes to to mind is std::any_of. You can use a lambda to do the sumation, and then return true to it once you've reached the point where you want to return. That would give you a function like
int sum_accumulate_shortcircuit(std::vector<int> const& aVec)
int sum = 0;
std::any_of(aVec.begin(), aVec.end(),
[&](auto elm) { if (elm > 42) return true; sum += elm; return false; });
return sum;
For future reference, this type of composition of algorithms/operations will be much easier in C++20 (with the inclusion of the ranges TS). This is an example from the current TS using accumulate and view::take_while:
auto sum = ranges::accumulate(my_vec | view::take_while([] (auto i) -> i <= 42), 0);
I'm a beginner to the STL and I used it to make a simple hangman project. Full code here: https://github.com/SamtheSaint/Hangman.
I needed to detect multiple occurrences of letters in a vector but I could not and ended up working around it to finish the program. Is there a simpler way to do this?
iter = find(gameWord.begin(), gameWord.end(), playGuess);
if (iter == gameWord.end()) {
while (iter != gameWord.end()) {
iter = find(gameWord.begin(), gameWord.end(), playGuess);
if (iter != gameWord.end()) {
int index = distance(gameWord.begin(), iter);
hiddenWord[index] = playGuess;
*iter = '0'; // so program can find the next one
I end up destroying gameWord vector so I have to make a copy(which I call checkWord) at the beginning of the loop it's in so I can compare it later to hiddenWord.
You do not need std::map.
You just need two std::string (one which is expression to guess, the other one is the pattern shown to the player) which will be kept in synchronization. This mean you should enclose them in class.
Do not make thing more complicated then it is necessary.
This is quite simple:
class Hangman {
constexpr SecretChar = '_';
Hangman(const std::string& secret)
: mSecret(secret)
bool guess(char ch) {
auto index = mSecret.find(ch);
if (index == std::string::npos) return false;
if (already_guessed(index)) return false;
return true;
std::string mask() const {
return mMask;
void provideMask() {
mask = mSecret;
std::replace_if(mMask.begin(), mMask.end(), std::isalpha, SecretChar);
bool already_guessed(int index) {
return mMask[index] != SecretChar;
void updateMaskWith(char ch) {
auto index = mSecret.find(ch);
while (index == std::string::npos) {
mMask[index] = ch;
index = mSecret.find(ch, index + 1);
std::string mSecret;
std::string mMask;
Now write seperate code which will use this and keep score and you are almost done.
I want to convert a function body into a lambda. But I don't know how you can implement this if statement into the lambda. I also dont know what is the best to use for this. Is it better to use std::find_if, std::find or something else.
void Inventory::RemoveFromInventory(std::string item)
//--bool to check if an item is in the inventory
bool found = false;
for (std::list<Item>::iterator i = m_Inventory.begin(); i != m_Inventory.end(); i++)
if (i->GetName() == item)
found = true;
if (found == false)
std::cout << "item not in inventory!" << std::endl;
Cann someone help me with this conversion problem?
So you want to search for an item that verifies a condition, check whether you found it, and erase it. That's a use case for std::find_if:
void Inventory::RemoveFromInventory(std::string item)
auto const foundAt = std::find_if(
[&](Item const &i) { return i.GetName() == item; }
if(foundAt == end(m_Inventory)) {
std::cout << "item not in inventory!\n";
} else {
I am trying to erase an entity from a list in two cases. In the first case the following worked just fine, where I have a list of pairs from which I want to erase a certain one:
bool remove(std::list<std::pair<std::string, size_t>>& myList, std::string const& name) {
for (auto i = myList.begin(); i != myList.end(); i++) {
if(i->first == name) {
return true;
return false;
Here the pair gets removed from the list as it should, but when I have a list of structs it does not work as in the following:
void remove(std::list<myStruct>& myList , const std::string& name) {
for (auto i = myList.begin(); i != myList.end(); i++) {
if(i->name == name) {
The program crashes in the erase part. Only if I plug in myList.erase(i++) then it works. Why is this??
Have I done something foul in the first case and it just happened to work, but then in the second case it does not? I can not understand the reason.
You're working on an invalidated iterator. That's undefined behavior. That's why erase returns a valid iterator.
If you want to only erase the first matching element, use find_if and then erase if the returned iterator isn't equal to end().
auto it = find_if(myList.begin(), myList.end(), [&name](auto const& p){
return p.first == name;
if(it == myList.end()){
return false;
return true;
Otherwise, just use erase-remove idiom and be wary for its pitfalls (erase will happily accept 1 argument, but it'll call a different overload):
auto it = remove_if(myList.begin(), myList.end(), [&name](auto const& p){
return p.first == name;
myList.erase(it, myList.end());
The above is a generic version (will work if you change myList's type to vector for example), but as per ksfone's reply, std::list<T> implements member function template remove_if:
myList.remove_if([&name](auto const& p){
return p.first == name;
Your first loop removes an entry from the list and stops.
for (auto i = myList.begin(); i != myList.end(); i++) {
if(i->first == name) {
return true;
while your second loop continues looking for matching elements:
for (auto i = myList.begin(); i != myList.end(); i++) {
if(i->name == name) {
When you erase i from myList, i becomes invalid - we have no idea what it references now that the element it was talking about has gone away and may have been deleted, returned to the os and it's memory used by another thread.
The very next thing you do is i++ which is undefined behavior, since i is an invalid iterator.
The erase operator returns the next valid iterator, so you could write this:
for (auto i = myList.begin(); i != myList.end();) {
if(i->name == name)
i = myList.erase(i);
Or you could write:
void remove(std::list<myStruct>& myList , const std::string& name) {
myList.remove_if([&](const myStruct& it) { return it.name == name; });
or if your compiler supports C++14
void remove(std::list<myStruct>& myList , const std::string& name) {
myList.remove_if([&](auto& it) { return it.name == name; });
As in
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
struct A {
std::string name_;
A(const char* name) : name_(name) {}
void dump(const std::list<A>& list) {
for (auto&& a : list) {
std::cout << a.name_ << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
int main() {
std::list<A> myList { { "hello", "pizza", "world", "pizza" } };
const std::string name = "pizza";
myList.remove_if([&](const A& it){ return it.name_ == name; });
return 0;
Live demo: http://ideone.com/SaWejv
erase() invalidates the erased iterator. The for loop then attempts to increment the invalidated iterator, resulting in undefined behavior, and a crash.
The correct way to do this, actually, would be:
rather than using post-increment.
I'll avoid repeating what others have stated and instead suggest a more elegant solution via the erase-remove idiom:
myList.erase(std::remove_if(myList.begin(), myList.end(), [&name](auto& el) {
return el.first == name;
}), myList.end());
The reason is that the iterator breaks when you remove an item, but in the first case you are returning back so the error never occurs in the next iteration. In any way it's not a matter of your struct.