Rotating a projection matrix - opengl

In an OpenGL game, I am trying to rotate the camera relative to the player's view. This rotation is not easily defined by relative angles, but rather easily defined by relative forward/up/left vectors.
How do I construct a matrix such that I can multiply it by the current projection matrix to achieve this rotation?


Implementing arcball rotation axis without projection matrix?

I have a question about implementing the arcball in opengl es, using Android Studio.
After calculating the rotation axis, I should reverse the axis through the rendering pipeline back to the object space, so that the rotation could be applied in the object space.
This part would be written like:
obj_rotateAxis = normalize(vec3(inverse(mat3(camera->projMatrix) * mat3(camera->viewMatrix) * mat3(teapot->worldMatrix)) * rotateAxis));
However, I heard that the correct form should be like:
obj_rotateAxis = normalize(vec3(inverse(mat3(camera->viewMatrix) * mat3(teapot->worldMatrix)) * rotateAxis));
where projMatrix is discarded. Why do we not consider the projection matrix when we implement the arcball, although projection transform is done for the object?
As far as I know, you use the arcBall to compute an angle of rotation you will apply to your object. When you want to rotate an object you want to make it rotate from the origin of the world (world matrice) or from the viewpoint (view matrice).
The projection matrice doesn 't represent the actual location of your object. The farest you are located the smaller you will get you don't want the depth to have an effect on your rotation.
So you compute the rotation from the view point or the origin and then you let the projection matrice do its job at render.

Calculating the Normal Matrix in OpenGL

The following site says to use the model_view matrix when computing the normal matrix (assuming we are not using the built in gl_NormalMatrix): (site)Light House. I have the following algorithm in my program:
//Calculate Normal matrix
// 1. Multiply the model matrix by the view matrix and then grab the upper left
// corner 3 x 3 matrix.
mat3x3 mv_orientation = glext::orientation_matrix<float, glext::column>(
glext::model_view<float, glext::column>(glext_model_, glext_view_));
// 2. Because openGL matrices use homogeneous coordinate an affine inversion
// should work???
// 3. The normal matrix is defined as the transpose of the inverse of the upper
// left 3 X 3 matrix
// 4. Place this into the shader
basic_shader_.set_uniform_3d_matrix("normal_matrix", mv_orientation.to_gl_matrix());
Assuming most statements above are correct in the aforementioned code. Do you not include the projection matrix in the computation of the normal matrix? If not why, does the projection matrix not affect the normals like they do points?
That's because projection is not an affine transformation. Projections don't maintain the inner product and then they don't maintain the angles. And the real angles that have effect on the light diffusion and reflection are the angles in the affine 3d space. So using also the projection matrix would get you different angles, wrong angles, and hence wrong lights.
Do you not include the projection matrix in the computation of the normal matrix?
No. Normals are required for calculations, like illumination, happening in world and/or view space. It doesn't make sense from a mathematical point of you to do this after projection.
If not why, does the projection matrix not affect the normals like they do points?
Because it would make no sense. That normals should not undergo projective transformation was the original reason to have a separate projection matrix. If you'd put normals through the projection they'd loose their meaning and usefullness.

Projection of rotation matrix

I have a rotation matrix I use to show a 3D-vector with openGL. Now I would like to have a projection of this vector on the XY-plane. So I´m looking for the rotation matrix that I can use to do this. Any ideas on how to do this?
This will not be rotation matrix, but general 4x4 transformation matrix for doing a projection on a plane. It is often used to do a "shadow" matrix for flattening objects onto a floor.
See more here:
Projected Shadow with shadow matrix, simple test fails

Can I rotate the view of glOrtho()?

I'm making a program where I need an orthographic projection.
So, I'm using glOrtho(). I made a zoom function but I was wandering if you can rotate your view?
Because glOrho() only looks parralel to other planes.
Or is there another projection wich can do that.
glLookAt can rotate but it changes dimensions when further from the camera.
I read
How can I make the glOrtho parallelepiped rotating?
but it didn't give me an answer.
What's essential here is that you usually split the operations into two matrices: The (Model)View and The Projection.
While glOrtho() is usually called with glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION), all operations regarding moving and rotating the camera (such as glRotate*, glTranslate* and gluLookAt) should be preceeded by glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW).
In fixed pipeline, the final position of the vertex is calculated by multiplying input data by these two matrices, and the projection used (orthographic or perspective or nonlinear whatnot) is separate from camera transformations.

using glulookat to rotate the camera

I need to find a way to rotate the camera in its own axis using glulookat. I need to calculate the up vector for this. Assuming the up = {0,1,0} intially. I need to rotate this vector by angle ax,ay,az and find the resulting vector to use in glulookat function. Is there an readymade method or any other easy method rather than applying combined rotation matrix multiplication on the unit vector (0,1,0) to do this?
Have you tried working with Spherical Coordinates? You just get the angles that you need to move with and then transform the spherical to cartezian coordinates and then you should be able to calculate the up vector.