I'm trying to deploy a Single Node File Server as referred to in the instructions here: https://cloud.google.com/solutions/using-tensorflow-jupyterhub-classrooms
When I follow the instructions, the instance appears to come up OK, but NFS does not appear to be running. When I try to mount from another instance with
sudo mount -t nfs jupyterhub-filer-vm:/jupyterhub /mnt
I get
mount.nfs: Connection timed out
When I inspect the filer instance from the Compute Engine UI (https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/instancesDetail/zones/us-east1-d/instances/jupyterhub-filer-vm), I see
Custom metadata
ATTACHED_DISKS jupyterhub-filer-vm-jupyterhub
ENABLE_NFS enable:True
ENABLE_SMB enable:False
The documentation suggests
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag=-L3000:localhost:3000 --project=workpop-dev --zone us-east1-d jupyterhub-filer-vm
and then accessing localhost:3000 in a browser to access a performance dashboard. The ssh command connects me to the instance, but the browser returns ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE and in the ssh session I see
channel 4: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused.
Within the ssh session, I try
$ ps -e | grep nfs
and it returns nothing.
$ cat /etc/exports
returns a default file containing only comments.
So I look for the disk with $ sudo find / -name "jupyterhub*" but this returns nothing. Poking around some more, I see /opt/c2d/setup.log which has the following lines at the the end:
+ readonly ZFS_KERNEL_CONFIG=/etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf
+ ZFS_KERNEL_CONFIG=/etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf
+ networks=(
+ readonly networks
+ readonly DISK_PREFIX=/dev/disk/by-id/google
+ DISK_PREFIX=/dev/disk/by-id/google
+ readonly DATA_DEVICE=/dev/disk/by-id/google-jupyterhub-filer-vm-data
+ DATA_DEVICE=/dev/disk/by-id/google-jupyterhub-filer-vm-data
+ [[ xfs = \z\f\s ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ case "${FILE_SYSTEM}" in
+ mkfs.xfs -L jupyterhub /dev/disk/by-id/google-jupyterhub-filer-vm-data
/dev/disk/by-id/google-jupyterhub-filer-vm-data: No such file or directory
Usage: mkfs.xfs
/* blocksize */ [-b log=n|size=num]
/* metadata */ [-m crc=0|1,finobt=0|1]
/* data subvol */ [-d agcount=n,agsize=n,file,name=xxx,size=num,
/* force overwrite */ [-f]
/* inode size */ [-i log=n|perblock=n|size=num,maxpct=n,attr=0|1|2,
/* no discard */ [-K]
/* log subvol */ [-l agnum=n,internal,size=num,logdev=xxx,version=n
/* label */ [-L label (maximum 12 characters)]
/* naming */ [-n log=n|size=num,version=2|ci,ftype=0|1]
/* no-op info only */ [-N]
/* prototype file */ [-p fname]
/* quiet */ [-q]
/* realtime subvol */ [-r extsize=num,size=num,rtdev=xxx]
/* sectorsize */ [-s log=n|size=num]
/* version */ [-V]
<devicename> is required unless -d name=xxx is given.
<num> is xxx (bytes), xxxs (sectors), xxxb (fs blocks), xxxk (xxx KiB),
xxxm (xxx MiB), xxxg (xxx GiB), xxxt (xxx TiB) or xxxp (xxx PiB).
<value> is xxx (512 byte blocks).
At this point, I'm convinced that something has gone wrong, but I don't know how to fix it. Can anyone help?
There is an issue with the disk name.
Try it with the default value: Storage Name = data
( It finished the setup for me without an error and localhost:3000 is loading correctly. I'm not sure if it creates errors later in the lab.)
I'm wondering if it's possible to know when the script in user data executes completely?
data "template_file" "script" {
template = file("${path.module}/installing.sh")
data "template_cloudinit_config" "config" {
gzip = false
base64_encode = false
# Main cloud-config configuration file.
part {
filename = "install.sh"
content = "${data.template_file.script.rendered}"
resource "aws_instance" "web" {
ami = "ami-04e7b4117bb0488e4"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
key_name = "KEY"
vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_default_security_group.default.id]
subnet_id = aws_default_subnet.default_az1.id
associate_public_ip_address = true
iam_instance_profile = "Role_S3"
user_data = data.template_cloudinit_config.config.rendered
tags = {
Name = "Terraform-Ansible"
And in the content of the script I have this.
It tells me Terraform successfully apply the changes, but the script is still running, is there a way I can monitor that?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1
echo BEGIN
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y unzip
echo END
No, You can not confirm the user data status from the terraform, as it posts launching script that executes once EC2 instance launched. But you will need some extra effort on init script that one way to check.
How to check User Data status while launching the instance in aws
If you do something that is mentioned above to make some marker file once user data completed, then you can try this to check.
resource "null_resource" "user_data_status_check" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
on_failure = "fail"
interpreter = ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
command = <<EOT
echo -e "\x1B[31m wait for few minute for instance warm up, adjust accordingly \x1B[0m"
# wait 30 sec
sleep 30
ssh -i yourkey.pem instance_ip ConnectTimeout=30 -o 'ConnectionAttempts 5' test -f "/home/user/markerfile.txt" && echo found || echo not found
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "user data sucessfully executed"
echo "Failed to execute user data"
triggers = {
#remove this once you test it out as it should run only once
always_run ="${timestamp()}"
depends_on = ["aws_instance.my_instance"]
so this script will check marker file on the newly launch server by doing ssh with timeout 30 seconds with max attempts 5.
Here are some pointers to remember:
User data shell scripts must start with the Shebang #! characters and the path to the interpreter you want to read the script (commonly /bin/bash).
Scripts entered as user data are run as the root user, so no need to use the sudo command in the init script.
When a user data script is processed, it is copied to and run from /var/lib/cloud/instances/instance-id/. The script is not deleted after it is run and can be found in this directory with the name user-data.txt So to check if your shell script made to the server refer this directory and the file.
The cloud-init output log file (/var/log/cloud-init-output.log) captures console output of your user_data shell script. to know how your user_data shell script was executed and its output check this file.
Source: https://www.middlewareinventory.com/blog/terraform-aws-ec2-user_data-example/
Well I use these two ways to confirm.
At the end of cloudinit config file this line sends me a notification through whatsapp (using callmebot). Thus no matter how much does it take to setup, I always get notified when it's ready to use. I watch some series or read something in that time. no time wasted.
curl -X POST "https://api.callmebot.com/whatsapp.php?phone=12345678910&text=Ec2+transcoder+setup+complete&apikey=12345"
At the end of cloudinit config this line runs -
echo "for faster/visual confirmation of above execution.."
wget https://www.sample-videos.com/video123/mp4/720/big_buck_bunny_720p_1mb.mp4 -O /home/ubuntu/dpnd_comp.mp4
When I sign in to the instance I can see directly the file.
And I'm loving it. Hope this helps someone. Also, don't forget to tell me your method too.
I am trying to get ENVIRONMENT Variables into the EC2 instance (trying to run a django app on Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type ami-0ff8a91507f77f867 ). How do you get them in the newest version of amazon's linux, or get the logging so it can be traced.
user-data text (modified from here):
#trying to get a file made
touch /tmp/testfile.txt
cat 'This and that' > /tmp/testfile.txt
#trying to log
echo 'Woot!' > /home/ec2-user/user-script-output.txt
#Trying to get the output logged to see what is going wrong
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data ) 2>&1
#trying to log
#trying to store the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
# Functions
get_parameter_store_tags() {
echo $($AWS ssm get-parameters-by-path --with-decryption --path ${PARAMETER_PATH} --region ${REGION})
params_to_env () {
# If .Ta1gs does not exist we assume ssm Parameteres object.
for key in $(echo $params | /usr/bin/jq -r ".[][].${SELECTOR}"); do
value=$(echo $params | /usr/bin/jq -r ".[][] | select(.${SELECTOR}==\"$key\") | .Value")
key=$(echo "${key##*/}" | /usr/bin/tr ':' '_' | /usr/bin/tr '-' '_' | /usr/bin/tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
export $key="$value"
echo "$key=$value"
# Get TAGS
if [ -z "$PARAMETER_PATH" ]
echo "Please provide a parameter store path. -p option"
exit 1
TAGS=$(get_parameter_store_tags ${PARAMETER_PATH} ${REGION})
echo "Tags fetched via ssm from ${PARAMETER_PATH} ${REGION}"
echo "Adding new variables..."
params_to_env "$TAGS"
Notes -
What i think i know but am unsure
the user-data script is only loaded when it is created, not when I stop and then start mentioned here (although it also says [i think outdated] that the output is logged to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log )
I may not be starting the instance correctly
I don't know where to store the bash script so that it can be executed
What I have verified
the user-data text is on the instance by ssh-ing in and curl shows the current text (#!/bin/bash …)
What Ive tried
editing rc.local directly to export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='JEFEJEFEJEFEJEFE' … and the like
putting them in the AWS Parameter Store (and can see them via the correct call, I just can't trace getting them into the EC2 instance without logs or confirming if the user-data is getting run)
putting ENV variables in Tags and importing them as mentioned here:
tried outputting the logs to other files as suggested here (Not seeing any log files in the ssh instance or on the system log)
viewing the System Log on the aws webpage to see any errors/logs via selecting the instance -> 'Actions' -> 'Instance Settings' -> 'Get System Log' (not seeing any commands run or log statements [only 1 unrelated word of user])
I can't create a minion from the map file, no idea what's happened. A month ago my script was working correctly, right now it fails. I was trying to do some research about it but I could't find anything about it. Could someone have a look on my DEBUG log? The minion is created on DigitalOcean but the master server can't connect to it at all.
so I run:
salt-cloud -P -m /etc/salt/cloud.maps.d/production.map -l debug
The master is running on Ubuntu 16.04.1 x64, the minion also.
I use the latest saltstack's library:
echo "deb http://repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/16.04/amd64/latest xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list
I tested both 2016.3.2 and 2016.3.3, what is interesting, the same script was working correctly 4 weeks ago, I assume something had to change.
Writing /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt-2016.3.3.egg-info
* INFO: Running install_ubuntu_git_post()
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/salt-minion.service to /lib/systemd/system/salt-minion.service.
* INFO: Running install_ubuntu_check_services()
* INFO: Running install_ubuntu_restart_daemons()
Job for salt-minion.service failed because a configured resource limit was exceeded. See "systemctl status salt-minion.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
* ERROR: No init.d support for salt-minion was found
* ERROR: Fai
[DEBUG ] led to run install_ubuntu_restart_daemons()!!!
[ERROR ] Failed to deploy 'minion-zk-0'. Error: Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /etc/salt/keys/cloud/do.pem -p 22 root#REMOVED_IP '/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd/deploy.sh -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd'"'"' -P git v2016.3.3'' failed. Exit code: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/__init__.py", line 2293, in create_multiprocessing
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/__init__.py", line 1281, in create
output = self.clouds[func](vm_)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/clouds/digital_ocean.py", line 481, in create
ret = __utils__['cloud.bootstrap'](vm_, __opts__)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/cloud.py", line 527, in bootstrap
deployed = deploy_script(**deploy_kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/cloud.py", line 1516, in deploy_script
if root_cmd(deploy_command, tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) != 0:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/cloud.py", line 2167, in root_cmd
retcode = _exec_ssh_cmd(cmd, allow_failure=allow_failure, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/cloud.py", line 1784, in _exec_ssh_cmd
cmd, proc.exitstatus
SaltCloudSystemExit: Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /etc/salt/keys/cloud/do.pem -p 22 root#REMOVED_ID '/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd/deploy.sh -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd'"'"' -P git v2016.3.3'' failed. Exit code: 1
[DEBUG ] LazyLoaded nested.output
Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /etc/salt/keys/cloud/do.pem -p 22 root#REMOVED_IP '/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd/deploy.sh -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-5d18c002-e817-46d5-9fb2-d3bdb2dfe7fd'"'"' -P git v2016.3.3'' failed. Exit code: 1
root#master-zk:/etc/salt/cloud.maps.d# salt '*' test.ping
Minion did not return. [No response]
It is located in your cloud configuration somewhere in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/, /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ or /etc/salt/cloud.d/. Just figure out where and change the value salt to your masters ip.
I currently do this in my providers setting like that:
driver: vmware
user: 'foo'
password: 'secret'
url: 'some url'
protocol: 'https'
port: 443
Would you please review the WMI-QL or share the correct MSDN section or WMI man page to lookout for these following WMI Event class QL definitions ?
Setup using Win7 laptop with WMI enabled and working for many WMI-QL for system info.
I have already explored WMI Reference, however unable to Zero-In the correct class category.
Myself still not getting any response from WMIC command for the following commands, while remaining commands are giving positive response.
Following Seven Empty Response WMI-QL commands, each of which returned immediately always:
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4778'".
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4779'"
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4780'"
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4800'"
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4801'"
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4802'"
$ wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4803'"
The question points to: Whether we need to explicitly Subscribe/Register to any WMI Event class explicitly only for these above seven events ? or any other configuration settings are missing for these events ? Any tips/hints would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Please refer to MSDN link: [Win32_NTLogEvent class] (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394226(v=vs.85).aspx#properties).
Like to get the "512 / 4608 STARTUP" query, you may run WMIC command: "select * from Win32_StartupCommand"
CLASS: Win32_StartupCommand
Sidebar|%ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe /autoRun|Sidebar|HKU\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run|Sidebar|(null)|NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE|S-1-5-19
Similarly, to get the event code 4800, you may also run the exact WMIC command:
wmic -U Domain/username%password //nt-ip-addr "select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode = '4800'".
WMI/WMIC experts out there, please review/correct, if anything need to be modified.
I'd like to set up Loggly to run on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, but can't find any information on how to do this. Is there any guide anywhere, or some general guidance on how to start?
This is how I do it, for papertrailapp.com (which I prefer instead of loggly). In your /ebextensions folder (see more info) you create logs.config, where specify:
command: hostname www.example.com
# https://papertrailapp.com/systems/setup
command: echo "*.* #logs.papertrailapp.com:55555" >> /etc/rsyslog.conf
command: echo -e "\$ModLoad imudp\n\$UDPServerRun 514\n\$ModLoad imtcp\n\$InputTCPServerRun 514\n\$EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive off" >> /etc/rsyslog.conf
command: service rsyslog restart
55555 should be replaced with the UDP port number provided by papertrailapp.com. Every time after new instance bootstrap this config will be applied. Then, in your log4j.properties:
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, SYSLOG
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.layout.ConversionPattern=[%p] %t %c: %m%n
I'm not sure whether it's an optimal solution. Read more about this mechanism in jcabi-beanstalk-maven-plugin
You can also use the installation script from loggly itself.
The setup below follows the instructions for the legacy setup on https://www.loggly.com/docs/configure-syslog-script/ with minor changes (no confirmation prompts, sudo command replaced since no tty is available)
(edit: updated link, seems to be an outdated solution now in loggly docs)
Place the following script in .ebextensions/loggly.config
Replace TOKEN and ACCOUNT with your own.
# Install loggly.com on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
# Tested with node.js environment
# Save this file as .ebextensions/loggly.config
# Deploy per normal scripts or aws.push. To help debug the push, ssh & tail /var/log/cfn-init.log
# See Also /var/log/eb-tools.log
command: wget -q -O /tmp/loggly.py https://www.loggly.com/install/configure-syslog.py
command: su --session-command="python /tmp/loggly.py setup --auth TOKEN --account ACCOUNT --yes"
Here is a link to loggly support site for using syslogd with loggly:
or using the loggly api with your own app:
Here is an elasticbeanstalk config for Loggly that I've just started using thanks to pointers from this thread and the logging SaaS vendors setup instructions. [Loggly Config Mgmt, Papertrail rsyslog ]
Save the file as loggly.config in the .ebextensions directory and make sure to check the YAML formatting conventions (no tabs, etc). Substitute your Loggly TCP port number, username, password and domain name into the angle brackets as required.
Note that for AWS ruby versions of elasticbeanstalk, there may be differences in the EC2 /etc/rsyslog setup. For example, if /etc/rsyslog.d already exists, and there is already an "$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf" directive, then command "01-forward-rsyslog-to-loggly:" can be removed.
Deploy per normal scripts or aws.push. To help debug the push, ssh & tail /var/log/cfn-init.log
"/etc/rsyslog.d/90-loggly.conf" :
mode: "000664"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
# ### begin forwarding rule ###
# The statement between the begin ... end define a SINGLE forwarding
# rule. They belong together, do NOT split them. If you create multiple
# forwarding rules, duplicate the whole block!
# Remote Logging (we use TCP for reliable delivery)
# An on-disk queue is created for this action. If the remote host is
# down, messages are spooled to disk and sent when it is up again.
$WorkDirectory /var/lib/rsyslog # where to place spool files
$ActionQueueFileName fwdRule1 # unique name prefix for spool files
$ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 1g # 1gb space limit (use as much as possible)
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on # save messages to disk on shutdown
$ActionQueueType LinkedList # run asynchronously
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1 # infinite retries if host is down
*.* ##logs.loggly.com:<yourportnum> # !!!Loggly supplied port number for each app!!!
# ### end of the forwarding rule ###
encoding: plain
"/tmp/loggly.py" :
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
import json
import sys
import urllib2
Auto-authenticate Syslog TCP inputs.
Usage: python inputs.py -u user -p pass -s subdomain
state = None
params = {}
for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
arg = sys.argv[i]
if state:
params[state] = arg
state = None
if arg == '--username' or arg == '-u':
state = 'username'
if arg == '--password' or arg == '-p':
state = 'password'
if arg == '--subdomain' or arg == '-s':
state = 'subdomain'
url = 'https://%s.loggly.com/api/inputs' % params['subdomain']
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, url, params['username'], params['password'])
handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
inputs = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
for input in inputs:
if input['service']['name'] == 'syslogtcp':
url = 'https://%s.loggly.com/api/inputs/%d/adddevice' % \
(params['subdomain'], input['id'])
response = urllib2.urlopen(url, {}).read()
print response
encoding: plain
# http://loggly.com/support/sending-data/logging-from/syslog/rsyslog/cd
command: test "$(grep -s '90-loggly.conf' /etc/rsyslog.conf)" == "" && echo -e "\n# Include the loggly.conf file\n\$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/90-loggly.conf" >> /etc/rsyslog.conf
command: service rsyslog restart
command: "python /tmp/loggly.py -u <Yourloginname> -p <Yourpassword> -s <Yourdomainname>"
Typically, /etc/rsyslog.config will have a "$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf" at the end - so you can simply introduce your own configuration file using the "files:" portion of your .ebextensions file. This works whether you are deploying to fresh servers or not.
For a ruby production.log, you might have something like this in a .ebextensions/01loggly.config file. Note this picks up your beanstalk environment name too as a loggly tag.
# For docs on eb configs, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/customize-containers-ec2.html
# This set of commands sets up loggly forwarding
"/etc/rsyslog.d/myapp-loggly.conf" :
mode: "000664"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
$template LogglyFormat,"<%pri%>%protocol-version% %timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msgid% [yourlogglyid#41058 tag=`{ "Ref" : "AWSEBEnvironmentName" }`] %msg%\n"
*.* ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
# One time config
$ModLoad imfile
$InputFilePollInterval 10
$PrivDropToGroup adm
$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog
# Add a tag for file events
# For production.log
$InputFileName /var/app/support/logs/production.log
$InputFileTag production-log
$InputFileStateFile stat-production-log #this must be unique for each file being polled
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
# Send to Loggly then discard
if $programname == 'myapp-production-log' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'myapp-production-log' then ~
encoding: plain
command: mkdir -p /var/spool/rsyslog
command: service rsyslog restart
For Tomcat, you might do something like this in a .ebextesions/01logglyg.config file:
# For docs on eb configs, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/customize-containers-ec2.html
# This set of commands sets up loggly forwarding
"/etc/rsyslog.d/mytomcatapp-loggly.conf" :
mode: "000664"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
$template LogglyFormat,"<%pri%>%protocol-version% %timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msgid% [yourlogglygidhere#41058 tag=`{ "Ref" : "AWSEBEnvironmentName" }`] %msg%\n"
*.* ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
# One time config
$ModLoad imfile
$InputFilePollInterval 10
$PrivDropToGroup adm
$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog
# catalina.log
$InputFileName /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.log
$InputFileTag catalina-log
$InputFileStateFile stat-catalina-log
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
if $programname == 'catalina-log' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'catalina-log' then ~
# catalina.out
$InputFileName /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out
$InputFileTag catalina-out
$InputFileStateFile stat-catalina-out
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
if $programname == 'catalina-out' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'catalina-out' then ~
# host-manager.log
$InputFileName /var/log/tomcat7/host-manager.log
$InputFileTag host-manager
$InputFileStateFile stat-host-manager
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
if $programname == 'host-manager' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'host-manager' then ~
# initd.log
$InputFileName /var/log/tomcat7/initd.log
$InputFileTag initd
$InputFileStateFile stat-initd
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
if $programname == 'initd' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'initd' then ~
# localhost.log
$InputFileName /var/log/tomcat7/localhost.log
$InputFileTag localhost-log
$InputFileStateFile stat-localhost-log
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
if $programname == 'localhost-log' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'localhost-log' then ~
# manager.log
$InputFileName /var/log/tomcat7/manager.log
$InputFileTag manager
$InputFileStateFile stat-manager
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFilePersistStateInterval 20000
if $programname == 'manager' then ##logs-01.loggly.com:514;LogglyFormat
if $programname == 'manager' then ~
encoding: plain
command: mkdir -p /var/spool/rsyslog
command: service rsyslog restart
This config is working for me - though I haven't yet determined how to get multi-line entries coming into a single entry in Loggly yet.
I know this is question is fairly old but I found that the answers really didnt answer the question or just plain didnt work correctly when implemented. I found that this works (file .ebextenstions/02loggly.config):
command: sed "s/NODE_ENV/$NODE_ENV/g" scripts/22-loggly.conf.temp > scripts/22-loggly.conf
command: cp scripts/22-loggly.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/22-loggly.conf
command: /sbin/service rsyslog restart
the "01-transform-rsyslog.conf" step is optional; I use that to set a tag by NODE_ENV in the file. "22-loggly.conf.temp" is a modified version of the "22-loggly.conf" file that gets created at "/etc/rsyslog.d/" when you run the linux source setup script (https://www.loggly.com/install/configure-syslog.py). I just installed it on a ec2 instance and copied the file.
Note I had to prepend '/sbin' to my service command because it was failing for me without it. Also, this restarts syslog on every deploy, which should be fine.
Now you just have to make sure your app logs to syslog. For Java it is going to be log4j or similar. For Node.js (which is what I'm using), rconsole works (https://github.com/tblobaum/rconsole).
None of the things I tried seemed to work, and the loggly documentation is very confusing!
I hope that this will help someone, this is how I got it to work.
Paste the following in .ebextensions/loggly.config
"/etc/rsyslog.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
$ModLoad imfile
$InputFilePollInterval 10
$PrivDropToGroup adm
# Input for FILE.LOG
$InputFileName /var/app/current/PATH_TO_YOUR_LOG_FILE
$InputFileTag social_php:
$InputFileStateFile stat-social_php #this must be unique for each file being polled
$InputFileSeverity info
#Add a tag for events from this file
$template LogglyFormatsocial_php,"<%pri%>%protocol-version% %timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msgid% [TOKEN#41058 tag=\"php_log\"] %msg%\n"
if $programname == 'social_php' then ##logs.loggly.com:37146;LogglyFormatsocial_php
if $programname == 'social_php' then ~
*.* ##logs.loggly.com:37146
command: service rsyslog restart
Replace all instances of social_php with the tag that makes sense for your application.
Replace /var/app/current/PATH_TO_YOUR_LOG_FILE with your log file location
Follow my loggly configuration in elasticbeanstalk. For Linux + log4j
on .ebextensions file configuration
command: sed -i -- 's/ requiretty/ \!requiretty/g' /etc/sudoers
command: sudo python .ebextensions/scripts/loggly_config.py
command: sed -i -- 's/ \!requiretty/ requiretty/g' /etc/sudoers
Loggly script in python for default AMI:
import os
rsyslog_path = '/etc/rsyslog.conf'
loggly_file_path = '/etc/rsyslog.d/22-loggly.conf'
class LogglyConfig:
def __init__(self):
def __linux_log(self):
#not installed on this machine
if not os.path.exists(loggly_file_path):
os.system('rm -f configure-linux.sh')
os.system('wget https://www.loggly.com/install/configure-linux.sh')
os.system('sudo bash configure-linux.sh -a DOMAIN -t TOKEN -u USER -p PASSWORD -s')
def __config_loggly_for_log4j(self):
f = open(rsyslog_path,'r')
file_text = f.read()
file_text = file_text.replace('#$ModLoad imudp', '$ModLoad imudp')
file_text = file_text.replace('#$UDPServerRun 514', '$UDPServerRun 514')
f = open(rsyslog_path,'w')
os.system('service rsyslog restart')
In log4j.properties on your java project
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, SYSLOG
log4j.appender.SYSLOG.layout.ConversionPattern=java %d{ISO8601} %p %t %c{1}.%M - %m%n