glMultiDrawElementsIndirect is slow - opengl

I'm rewriting my old rendering pipeline.
I created a very lean prototype of what I'd like, and I'm stunned that my old fairly complex and badly optimized pipeline has the exact same performance as the super simple prototype.
Task is rendering 1024 arbitrary sized meshes (14 million triangles in total) with a different set of uniforms per mesh.
What I now do is using uniform buffers + glMultiDrawElementsIndirect and index into the uniform buffer with gl_DrawIDARB. This is the render loop:
function renderloop(window, N, frame_times, program, commandbuff)
glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
n = 0
while isopen(window) && n <= N
glFinish() # make sure we time the right thing
#glBindVertexArray( doesn't change timing much
C_NULL, length(commandbuff), 0
push!(frame_times, toq())
n += 1
My other pipeline is too complex to write down here, but in short it's unoptimized Julia code, GLSL 3.0 drawing code with uniforms + ray picking + fxaa + a couple of render targets and so on.
Shaders are pretty much the same, besides the modernization with uniform blocks etc.
The new (almost) complete code can be seen here:
vert = """
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters : enable
struct VertexArgument{
vec4 color;
mat4 model;
layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 normal;
layout (std140) uniform Scene{
vec4 lightposition;
mat4 proj;
mat4 view;
mat4 projview;
vec2 resolution;
} scene;
layout (std140) uniform VertexArguments{
VertexArgument[1024] args;
} vertex_arguments;
out VertexOut{
vec3 vertex;
vec3 normal;
vec3 lightdir;
vec4 color;
} vertex_out;
void main(){
VertexArgument arg = vertex_arguments.args[gl_DrawIDARB];
vec4 position_camspace = scene.view * arg.model * vec4(position, 1.0);
gl_Position = scene.proj * position_camspace;
vertex_out.lightdir = normalize(vec3(-10) -;
vertex_out.vertex =;
vertex_out.normal = normal;
vertex_out.color = arg.color;
frag = """
#version 450
vec3 blinnphong(vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 color){
float diff_coeff = max(dot(L,N), 0.0);
// specular coefficient
vec3 H = normalize(L+V);
float spec_coeff = pow(max(dot(H,N), 0.0), 8.0);
if (diff_coeff <= 0.0)
spec_coeff = 0.0;
// final lighting model
return vec3(
vec3(0.1) * vec3(0.3) +
vec3(0.9) * color * diff_coeff +
vec3(0.3) * spec_coeff
in VertexOut{
vec3 vertex;
vec3 normal;
vec3 lightdir;
vec4 color;
} vertex_in;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
void main(){
vec3 L = normalize(vertex_in.lightdir);
vec3 N = normalize(vertex_in.normal);
vec3 light1 = blinnphong(vertex_in.vertex, N, L, vertex_in.color.rgb);
vec3 light2 = blinnphong(vertex_in.vertex, N, -L, vertex_in.color.rgb);
frag_color = vec4(light1 + light2, 1.0);
window = create_glcontext(
major = 4, minor = 5, debugging = false,
windowhints = [
events = WindowEvents(Window => window)
cam = PerspectiveCamera(
TranslationSpeed => 1f0,
LookAt => Vec3f0(0),
EyePosition => Vec3f0(6, 6, 8),
Rotation => Vec3f0(0),
Area => events[Area],
RotationSpeed => 0.1f0
vertshader = compile_shader(Vector{UInt8}(vert), GL_VERTEX_SHADER, :vertexshader)
fragshader = compile_shader(Vector{UInt8}(frag), GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, :fragshader)
program = compile_program(vertshader, fragshader)
scene = (
scene_buff = UniformBuffer(scene) # create UniformBuffer GL_STATIC_DRAW
FieldTraits.on(cam, ProjectionView) do projview
# write new values to scene buffer.. if not doing this, timings stay the same
scene_buff[1] = (
vals = (Vec4f0(1, 0, 0, 1), eye(Mat4f0))
uniform_array = UniformBuffer(typeof(vals))
function loadmeshes(folder)
# load 1024 meshes
meshpaths = filter(x-> endswith(x, ".ifs"), readdir(folder))[1:1024]
faces = GLTriangle[]
vertices = Tuple{Point3f0, Normal{3, Float32}}[]
fidx = 0; vidx = 0;
drawcommands = Vector{Command}(length(meshpaths))
for (i, meshpath) in enumerate(meshpaths)
mesh = read_ifs(joinpath(folder, meshpath))
fs, vs = mesh.indexes[1], mesh.parent
append!(faces, fs)
ns = normals(vs, fs)
append!(vertices, zip(vs, ns))
mini, maxi = extrema(mesh.parent)
x, y = ind2sub((32, 32), i)
trans = translationmatrix(Vec3f0(x, y, 0f0))
s = maximum(maxi .- mini)
scale = scalematrix(Vec3f0(1f0 ./ s))
# add uniform attributes to buffer
push!(uniform_array, (
Vec4f0(rand(Vec3f0)..., 1f0),
trans * scale * translationmatrix(-Vec3f0(mini))
drawcommands[i] = Command(length(fs) * 3, 1, fidx, vidx, 0)
fidx += length(fs) * 3; vidx += length(vs)
vbo = VertexArray(view(vertices, faces)) # vertexarray
ibuff = GLBuffer(drawcommands, buffertype = GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER)
vbo, ibuff
vbo, commandbuff = loadmeshes(homedir() * "/3dstuff/models")
sceneidx = glGetUniformBlockIndex(program, "Scene")
vertex_arts_idx = glGetUniformBlockIndex(program, "VertexArguments")
glUniformBlockBinding(program, sceneidx, 0)
glUniformBlockBinding(program, vertex_arts_idx, 1)
glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0,
glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 1,
function renderloop(window, N, frame_times, commandbuff)
glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
n = 0
while isopen(window) && n <= N
glFinish() # make sure we time the real thing
#glBindVertexArray( doesn't change timing much
C_NULL, length(commandbuff), 0
push!(frame_times, toq())
n += 1
times = Float64[]
renderloop(window, 2000, times, commandbuff)
mean(times) * 1000 # ~ 14 ms
GPU is a FirePro 9100.
Timings of old pipeline: ~13ms per frame.
New prototype: ~15ms and 0.2ms without the glMultiDrawElementsIndirect call.
I also tried turning vsync on and off and moved the code around a little, with no difference in timing whatsoever. The new prototype feels less smooth as well, so seems like it's not just a measuring problem.

C_NULL, length(commandbuff), 0
This parameter should be how many elements you want to draw. Put 1024 here to see if it fixes the performance issue.


glDrawArraysInstanced behave weird when camera move far from the screen

What I want to attrive is to render many small quads with this opengl function "glDrawArraysInstanced", the space between them is the same. For example, please refer to the follwing image:
The code is as follow:
void OpenGLShowVideo::displayBySmallMatrix()
// Now use QOpenGLExtraFunctions instead of QOpenGLFunctions as we want to
// do more than what GL(ES) 2.0 offers.
QOpenGLExtraFunctions *f = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->extraFunctions();
f->glClearColor(9.f/255.0f, 14.f/255.0f, 15.f/255.0f, 1);
f->glViewport(0, 0, this->width(), this->height());
f->glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + m_acRenderToScreenTexUnit);
f->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_renderWithMaskFbo->texture());
if (m_uniformsDirty) {
m_uniformsDirty = false;
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_samplerLoc, m_acRenderToScreenTexUnit);
m_proj.perspective(INIT_VERTICAL_ANGLE, float(this->width()) / float(this->height()), m_fNearPlane, m_fFarPlane);
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_projMatrixLoc, m_proj);
QMatrix4x4 camera;
camera.lookAt(m_eye, m_eye + m_target, QVector3D(0, 1, 0));
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_camMatrixLoc, camera);
float fOffsetZ = m_fVerticalAngle / INIT_VERTICAL_ANGLE;
m_world.translate(m_fMatrixOffsetX, m_fMatrixOffsetY, fOffsetZ);
m_world.rotate(180, 1, 0, 0);
QMatrix4x4 wm = m_world;
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_worldMatrixLoc, wm);
QMatrix4x4 mm;
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_myMatrixLoc, mm);
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_lightPosLoc, QVector3D(0, 0, 70));
QSize tmpSize = QSize(m_viewPortWidth, m_viewPortHeight);
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_resolutionLoc, tmpSize);
int whRatioVal = m_viewPortWidth / m_viewPortHeight;
m_displayByMatrixProgram->setUniformValue(m_whRatioLoc, whRatioVal);
f->glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, m_viewPortWidth * m_viewPortHeight);
And the vertex shader code is as follow:
#version 330
layout(location = 0) in vec4 vertex;
out vec3 color;
uniform mat4 mvp_matrix;
uniform mat4 projMatrix;
uniform mat4 camMatrix;
uniform mat4 worldMatrix;
uniform mat4 myMatrix;
uniform vec2 viewResolution;
uniform int whRatio;
uniform sampler2D sampler;
void main() {
int posX = gl_InstanceID % int(viewResolution.x);
int posY = gl_InstanceID / int(viewResolution.y);
if( posY % whRatio < whRatio) {
posY = gl_InstanceID / int(viewResolution.x);
ivec2 pos = ivec2(posX, posY);
vec2 t = vec2( pos.x * 3.0, pos.y * 3.0 );
mat4 wm = mat4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, t.x, t.y, 1, 1) * worldMatrix;
color = texelFetch(sampler,pos,0).rgb;
gl_Position = projMatrix * camMatrix * wm * vertex;
And the fragment shader is as follow:
#version 330 core
in vec3 color;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
fragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
However, when I move the camera far from the screen (by changing the [camera.lookAt (m_eye, m_eye + m_target, QVector3D (0, 1, 0);] "m_eye" parameter value), I got sth like this:
The space between quads is different, and the size of the quad is also different. But when I move the camera closer to the screen, it looks much better.
I think what you're seeing there is the result of rounding the coordinates to the nearest integer pixel coordinate.
To get something that looks more even, you want to use some form of anti-aliasing. The options that spring to mind are:
Enable some sort of full screen anti-aliasing like MSAA. This is simple to enable, but can have a significant performance cost.
Put your pattern in a texture, and tile that texture over a single quad. Texture filtering and mip maps should take care of the anti-aliasing for you, and it will probably be faster to render that way as well because you only need a single quad.

OpenGL Flickering Fragments when Drawing Wireframe

I've been following along with the OpenGL 4 Shading Language cookbook and have gotten a teapot rendering with bezier surfaces. The next step I'm attempting is to draw a wireframe over the surfaces using a geometry shader. The directions can be found here on pages 228-230. Following the code that is given, I've gotten the wireframe to display, however, I also have multiple fragments that flicker different shades of my material color.
An image of this can be seen
I have narrowed down the possible issues and have discovered that for some reason, when I perform my triangle height calculations, I am getting variable side lengths for my calculations, as if I hard code the values in the edge distance for each vertex of the triangle within the geometry shader, the teapot no longer flickers, but neither does a wireframe display. (variables ha, hb, hc in the geo shader below)
I was wondering if anyone has run into this issue before or are aware of a workaround.
Below are some sections of my code:
Geometry Shader:
* Geometry Shader
* CSCI 499, Computer Graphics, Colorado School of Mines
#version 410 core
layout( triangles ) in;
layout( triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3 ) out;
out vec3 GNormal;
out vec3 GPosition;
out vec3 ghalfwayVec;
out vec3 GLight;
noperspective out vec3 GEdgeDistance;
in vec4 TENormal[];
in vec4 TEPosition[];
in vec3 halfwayVec[];
in vec3 TELight[];
uniform mat4 ViewportMatrix;
void main() {
// Transform each vertex into viewport space
vec3 p0 = vec3(ViewportMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position / gl_in[0].gl_Position.w));
vec3 p1 = vec3(ViewportMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position / gl_in[1].gl_Position.w));
vec3 p2 = vec3(ViewportMatrix * (gl_in[2].gl_Position / gl_in[2].gl_Position.w));
// Find the altitudes (ha, hb and hc)
float a = length(p1 - p2);
float b = length(p2 - p0);
float c = length(p1 - p0);
float alpha = acos( (b*b + c*c - a*a) / (2.0*b*c) );
float beta = acos( (a*a + c*c - b*b) / (2.0*a*c) );
float ha = abs( c * sin( beta ) );
float hb = abs( c * sin( alpha ) );
float hc = abs( b * sin( alpha ) );
// Send the triangle along with the edge distances
GEdgeDistance = vec3( ha, 0, 0 );
GNormal = vec3(TENormal[0]);
GPosition = vec3(TEPosition[0]);
gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
GEdgeDistance = vec3( 0, hb, 0 );
GNormal = vec3(TENormal[1]);
GPosition = vec3(TEPosition[1]);
gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position;
GEdgeDistance = vec3( 0, 0, hc );
GNormal = vec3(TENormal[2]);
GPosition = vec3(TEPosition[2]);
gl_Position = gl_in[2].gl_Position;
ghalfwayVec = halfwayVec[0];
GLight = TELight[0];
Fragment Shader:
* Fragment Shader
* CSCI 441, Computer Graphics, Colorado School of Mines
#version 410 core
in vec3 ghalfwayVec;
in vec3 GLight;
in vec3 GNormal;
in vec3 GPosition;
noperspective in vec3 GEdgeDistance;
layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 FragColor;
uniform vec3 mDiff, mAmb, mSpec;
uniform float shininess;
uniform light {
vec3 lAmb, lDiff, lSpec, lPos;
// The mesh line settings
uniform struct LineInfo {
float Width;
vec4 Color;
} Line;
vec3 phongModel( vec3 pos, vec3 norm ) {
vec3 lightVec2 = normalize(GLight);
vec3 normalVec2 = -normalize(GNormal);
vec3 halfwayVec2 = normalize(ghalfwayVec);
float sDotN = max( dot(lightVec2, normalVec2), 0.0 );
vec4 diffuse = vec4(lDiff * mDiff * sDotN, 1);
vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);
if( sDotN > 0.0 ) {
specular = vec4(lSpec * mSpec * pow( max( 0.0, dot( halfwayVec2, normalVec2 ) ), shininess ),1);
vec4 ambient = vec4(lAmb * mAmb, 1);
vec3 fragColorOut = vec3(diffuse + specular + ambient);
// vec4 fragColorOut = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
return fragColorOut;
void main() {
// /*****************************************/
// /******* Final Color Calculations ********/
// /*****************************************/
// The shaded surface color.
vec4 color=vec4(phongModel(GPosition, GNormal), 1.0);
// Find the smallest distance
float d = min( GEdgeDistance.x, GEdgeDistance.y );
d = min( d, GEdgeDistance.z );
// Determine the mix factor with the line color
float mixVal = smoothstep( Line.Width - 1, Line.Width + 1, d );
// float mixVal = 1;
// Mix the surface color with the line color
FragColor = vec4(mix( Line.Color, color, mixVal ));
FragColor.a = 1;
I ended up stumbling across the solution to my issue. In the geometry shader, I was passing the halfway vector and the light vector after ending the primitive, as such, the values of these vectors was never being correctly sent to the fragment shader. Since no data was given to the fragment shader, garbage values were used and the Phong shading model used random values to compute the fragment color. Moving the two lines after EndPrimative() to the top of the main function in the geometry shader resolved the issue.

How to update array of matrices to glsl shader

I'm currently working with skeletal animation and I'm really close to getting it working. Currently, I have a struct that has a matrix with 100 spots ( this is so that I can max have 100 joints ) like so :
struct skelShader {
glm::mat4 currentJointTrans[100];
The struct should be binded in the shader, I've done it like this:
glGenBuffers(1, &sksBuff);
glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sksBuff);
// bind buffer to work further with it...
// allocate memory for the buffer in the GPU
glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(skelShader), NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// because we hard-coded "binding=3" in the shader code we can do this:
// bind Uniform Buffer to binding point 3 (without caring about index of UBO)
glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 4, sksBuff);
// good practice, unbind buffer
glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0);
sksBuff is just an GLuint.
I fill this array with new values every render/frame that goes by, these values are the new transformations for the joints. I do it like this:
for (int i = 0; i < skeleton.size(); i++) {
globalSkelInfo.currentJointTrans[i] = skeleton[i]->transformMat[currentFrame - 1] * skeleton[i]->globalBindPosMat;
This is working correctly for the root joint, but the rest of the joints/mesh remains in bind pose. The problem should be located in where I update the array. Currently I do it like this in the render function after I've done the multiplication for each joint:
for (int i = 0; i < skeleton.size(); i++) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(aShaderProgram, ("currentJointTrans[" + std::to_string(i) + "]").c_str()),
1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(globalSkelInfo.currentJointTrans[i]));
After this I draw. The root joints values seem to be moving correctly, but the rest of the mesh is in bindpose and doesn't move. In the Vertex Shader I try to update the matrix like this:
#version 440
const int maxJoints = 100;
const int maxWeights = 4;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertex_position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertex_UV;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 vertex_normal;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 vertex_weight;
layout(location = 4) in ivec4 vertex_controllers;
out vec2 outUVs;
out vec3 outNorm;
layout(binding = 3 , std140) uniform uniformBlock
vec3 camPos;
mat4 world;
mat4 LookAt;
mat4 projection;
mat4 MVP;
layout(binding = 4 , std140) uniform animationStruct
mat4 currentJointTrans[maxJoints];
void main() {
vec4 finalModelPos = vec4(0.0);
vec4 finalNormal = vec4(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
mat4 jointTrans = currentJointTrans[vertex_controllers[i]];
vec4 posePos = jointTrans * vec4(vertex_position, 1.0);
finalModelPos += posePos * vertex_weight[i];
vec4 worldNormal = jointTrans * vec4(vertex_normal, 0.0);
finalNormal += worldNormal * vertex_weight[i];
gl_Position = MVP * finalModelPos;
outNorm =;
outUVs = vertex_UV;
My theory is that the updating of the struct skelShader with my currentJointTrans array is incorrect. Any tips on how I should do this instead?
glUniform* calls cannot set data in uniform buffers. Indeed, the whole point of uniform buffers is that the uniform data comes from a buffer object. That's why you had to create one.
So if you want to set the uniform data for a uniform block, you set that data into the buffer object.

Bump Mapping in OpenGL and GLSL

I'm trying to implement bump mapping on a cube using OpenGL and GLSL. However, when I rotate my cube around, only the left-facing square and right-facing square appear (that is, in the negative x and positive x direction), the other four faces of the cube (top, bottom, front, back) are black. Here is an example:
My mesh class consists of an indexList and vertexList (the Vertex class contains x, y, z, etc). I'm using this simple cube.ply model, which contains s,t texture coordinates. Borrowing from this example, I calculate the tangent vectors as follows:
void Mesh::computeTangents() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_indexList.size(); i += 3) {
Vertex v1 = m_vertexList[m_indexList[i]];
Vertex v2 = m_vertexList[m_indexList[i+1]];
Vertex v3 = m_vertexList[m_indexList[i+2]];
glm::vec3 pos1 = glm::vec3(v1.getX(), v1.getY(), v1.getZ());
glm::vec3 pos2 = glm::vec3(v2.getX(), v2.getY(), v2.getZ());
glm::vec3 pos3 = glm::vec3(v3.getX(), v3.getY(), v3.getZ());
glm::vec2 tex1 = glm::vec2(v1.getS(), v1.getT());
glm::vec2 tex2 = glm::vec2(v2.getS(), v2.getT());
glm::vec2 tex3 = glm::vec2(v3.getS(), v3.getT());
glm::vec3 edge1 = glm::normalize(pos2 - pos1);
glm::vec3 edge2 = glm::normalize(pos3 - pos1);
glm::vec2 texEdge1 = glm::normalize(tex2 - tex1);
glm::vec2 texEdge2 = glm::normalize(tex3 - tex1);
float det = (texEdge1.x * texEdge2.y) - (texEdge1.y * texEdge2.x);
glm::vec3 tangent;
if(fabsf(det) < 1e-6f) {
tangent.x = 1.0;
tangent.y = 0.0;
tangent.z = 0.0;
else {
det = 1.0 / det;
tangent.x = (texEdge2.y * edge1.x - texEdge1.y * edge2.x) * det;
tangent.y = (texEdge2.y * edge1.y - texEdge1.y * edge2.y) * det;
tangent.z = (texEdge2.y * edge1.z - texEdge1.y * edge2.z) * det;
If I output the values of the tangent vector for each triangle, I get these values:
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
0, 0, -1
0, 0, -1
0, 0, 1
0, 0, 1
-1, 0, 0
-1, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
If these are correct, then the problem is likely in the shader. My shader is as follows (mostly taken from a book):
attribute vec4 vertexPosition;
attribute vec3 vertexNormal;
attribute vec2 vertexTexture;
attribute vec3 vertexTangent;
varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec3 viewDirection;
varying vec3 lightDirection;
uniform vec3 diffuseColor;
uniform float shininess;
uniform vec4 lightPosition;
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 normalMatrix;
uniform mat4 MVP; // modelview projection
void main() {
vec4 eyePosition = modelViewMatrix * vertexPosition;
vec3 N = normalize(vec3(normalMatrix * vec4(vertexNormal, 1.0)));
vec3 T = normalize(vec3(normalMatrix * vec4(vertexTangent, 1.0)));
vec3 B = normalize(cross(N, T));
vec3 v;
v.x = dot(, T);
v.y = dot(, B);
v.z = dot(, N);
lightDirection = normalize(v);
v.x = dot(, T);
v.y = dot(, B);
v.z = dot(, N);
viewDirection = normalize(v);
texCoord = vertexTexture;
gl_Position = MVP * vertexPosition;
varying vec2 texCoord;
varying vec3 viewDirection;
varying vec3 lightDirection;
uniform vec3 diffuseColor;
uniform float shininess;
void main() {
float bumpDensity = 16.0;
float bumpSize = 0.15;
vec2 c = bumpDensity * texCoord;
vec2 p = fract(c) - vec2(0.5);
float d, f;
d = dot(p, p);
f = 1.0 / sqrt(d + 1.0);
if (d >= bumpSize) {
p = vec2(0.0);
f = 1.0;
vec3 normalDelta = vec3(p.x, p.y, 1.0) * f;
vec3 litColor = diffuseColor * max(dot(normalDelta, lightDirection), 0.0);
vec3 reflectDir = reflect(lightDirection, normalDelta);
float spec = max(dot(viewDirection, reflectDir), 0.0);
spec *= shininess;
litColor = min(litColor + spec, vec3(1.0));
gl_FragColor = vec4(litColor, 1.0);
Edit: Changed background to more clearly see the black faces. Also, I incorrectly noted which faces were actually appearing before.
Edit 2: I'm finding that the value of max(dot(normalDelta, lightDirection), 0.0) in the fragment shader returns 0 for those faces. However, I still don't know why.
Edit 3: Well, the problem turned out to be that I was passing the wrong index of the tangent vectors in my Vertex class. That is, I had 10 in this line instead of 9:
glVertexAttribPointer(v3, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (void*)(sizeof( float ) * 9));
Okay, so the problem is that any face with a normal on the xz-plane isn't rendering properly, i.e. the ones that are rendering properly are the ones with normals along the y-axis (top and bottom faces).
And your list of tangents:
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
0, 0, -1
0, 0, -1
0, 0, 1
0, 0, 1
-1, 0, 0
-1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 0
Are all either along the x or z axes. So what I'm guessing might be happening is that your normals and tangents are pointing in the same (or opposite) directions, in which case this line in your vertex shader:
vec3 B = normalize(cross(N, T));
is going to result in vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), which can't be normalized.
My recommendation is to try manually giving the x and z faces tangents along the y-axis, see if that makes a difference. If it helps, then you know that the problem is with your computation of the tangents.
If it doesn't help, you can troubleshoot by outputting values from the fragment shader as on-screen colours. Try displaying the viewDirection, lightDirection, normalDelta, reflectDir, and anything else you can think of to see which variable is causing the blackness.
Bonus: Switch the glClear color to something other than black? So that it doesn't look like a face floating in space.

Lighting Dual depth peeling

I'm doing Dual depth peeling. I want to ask you, how to properly. I have algorithm like this.
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, dualDepthFBOID);
// Render targets 1 and 2 store the front and back colors
// Clear to 0.0 and use MAX blending to filter written color
// At most one front color and one back color can be written every pass
glDrawBuffers(2, &drawBuffers[1]);
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Render target 0 stores (-minDepth, maxDepth, alphaMultiplier)
glClearColor(-MAX_DEPTH, -MAX_DEPTH, 0, 0);
DrawScene(MVP, initShader);
// 2. Depth peeling + blending pass
glClearColor(bg.x, bg.y, bg.z, bg.w);
int numLayers = (NUM_PASSES - 1) * 2;
int currId = 0;
for (int layer = 1; bUseOQ || layer < numLayers; layer++) {
currId = layer % 2;
int prevId = 1 - currId;
int bufId = currId * 3;
glDrawBuffers(2, &drawBuffers[bufId+1]);
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
glClearColor(-MAX_DEPTH, -MAX_DEPTH, 0, 0);
// Render target 0: RG32F MAX blending
// Render target 1: RGBA MAX blending
// Render target 2: RGBA MAX blending
glDrawBuffers(3, &drawBuffers[bufId+0]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, depthTexID[prevId]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, texID[prevId]);
DrawScene(MVP, dualPeelShader, true,true);
// Full screen pass to alpha-blend the back color
if (bUseOQ) {
glBeginQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB, queryId);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, backTexID[currId]);
if (bUseOQ) {
GLuint sample_count;
glGetQueryObjectuiv(queryId, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &sample_count);
if (sample_count == 0) {
// 3. Final render pass
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, colorBlenderTexID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, depthTexID[currId]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, texID[currId]);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, colorBlenderTexID);
I'm doing lighting in dualPeelShader, where are lighting each pass. This is resulting to extremly bright object. Should I do lighting in finalShader?
Peel Fragment Shader
#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) out vec4 vFragColor0;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 vFragColor1;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 vFragColor2;
uniform vec4 vColor;
uniform float isObject;
uniform vec3 LightPosition;
uniform sampler2DRect depthBlenderTex;
uniform sampler2DRect frontBlenderTex;
in vec4 vOutColor;
in vec3 position;
in vec3 normal;
in vec3 eyeDirection;
in vec3 lightDirection;
#define MAX_DEPTH 1.0
vec4 Lighted()
vec3 LightColor = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
float LightPower = 50;
// Material properties
vec3 MaterialDiffuseColor = vOutColor.rgb;
vec3 MaterialAmbientColor = vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1) * MaterialDiffuseColor;
vec3 MaterialSpecularColor = vec3(0.3,0.3,0.3);
// Distance to the light
float distance = length( LightPosition - position );
// Normal of the computed fragment, in camera space
vec3 n = normalize( normal );
// Direction of the light (from the fragment to the light)
vec3 l = normalize( lightDirection);
// Cosvaryinge of the angle between the normal and the light direction,
// clamped above 0
// - light is at the vertical of the triangle -> 1
// - light is perpendicular to the triangle -> 0
// - light is behvaryingd the triangle -> 0
float cosTheta = clamp( dot( n,l ), 0,1 );
// Eye vector (towards the camera)
vec3 E = normalize(eyeDirection);
// Direction in which the triangle reflects the light
vec3 R = reflect(-l,n);
// Cosvaryinge of the angle between the Eye vector and the Reflect vector,
// clamped to 0
// - Lookvaryingg varyingto the reflection -> 1
// - Lookvaryingg elsewhere -> < 1
float cosAlpha = clamp( dot( E,R ), 0,1 );
return vec4(MaterialAmbientColor + MaterialDiffuseColor * LightColor * LightPower * cosTheta / (distance*distance) +
MaterialSpecularColor * LightColor * LightPower * pow(cosAlpha,5) / (distance*distance),vOutColor.a);
void main(void)
float fragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z;
vec2 depthBlender = texture(depthBlenderTex, gl_FragCoord.xy).xy;
vec4 forwardTemp = texture(frontBlenderTex, gl_FragCoord.xy);
// Depths and 1.0-alphaMult always increase
// so we can use pass-through by default with MAX blending
vFragColor0.xy = depthBlender;
// Front colors always increase (DST += SRC*ALPHA_MULT)
// so we can use pass-through by default with MAX blending
vFragColor1 = forwardTemp;
// Because over blending makes color increase or decrease,
// we cannot pass-through by default.
// Each pass, only one fragment writes a color greater than 0
vFragColor2 = vec4(0.0);
float nearestDepth = -depthBlender.x;
float farthestDepth = depthBlender.y;
float alphaMultiplier = 1.0 - forwardTemp.w;
if (fragDepth < nearestDepth || fragDepth > farthestDepth) {
// Skip this depth in the peeling algorithm
vFragColor0.xy = vec2(-MAX_DEPTH);
if (fragDepth > nearestDepth && fragDepth < farthestDepth) {
// This fragment needs to be peeled again
vFragColor0.xy = vec2(-fragDepth, fragDepth);
// If we made it here, this fragment is on the peeled layer from last pass
// therefore, we need to shade it, and make sure it is not peeled any farther
vFragColor0.xy = vec2(-MAX_DEPTH);
vec4 Color;
if(isObject == 0.0)
Color = vColor;
Color = Lighted();
if (fragDepth == nearestDepth) { += Color.rgb * Color.a * alphaMultiplier;
vFragColor1.w = 1.0 - alphaMultiplier * (1.0 - Color.a);
} else {
vFragColor2 += Color;
Blend Fragment Shader
#version 330 core
uniform sampler2DRect tempTexture;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 vFragColor;
void main(void)
vFragColor = texture(tempTexture, gl_FragCoord.xy);
if(vFragColor.a == 0)