CMake can not find boost libs - c++

I am trying to build C++ progect uses boost and Cmake, but I have a problem with some libs
I already added paths to "Environment Variables"
And even added boost folder to "Path"
But it doesn't work. May somebody give an advice!?

Your BOOST_LIBRARYDIR should be a path to folder containing build boost libraries (typically something like boost_1_64\stage\lib filled with .dll and .lib files) while boost_1_64\libs contains source code. You need to build boost first and then set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR accordingly.


CMake how to find linked absolute path for *.lib files

I have a CMake project which is runnable, with part of the code
target_link_libraries(exec PRIVATE d3d11.lib dwmapi.lib d3dcompiler.lib)
How do I know which *.lib (from where) is used?
Is it possible to print the path?
Try to find the path to CMake link library, specifically *.lib files.

What is the difference between lib and debug/lib created by vcpkg

When I Install packages using vcpkg, it creates lib and Debug/lib, in which are the static libraries. but I wonder what is the difference between them, since I can use both of them as the library path in my Visual Studio C++ Project and both ways can build the project successfully...
(I know that in the debug directory, the libs are for debug. But I only add, for example, imgui.lib, to the "Additional Dependencies", and I set debug/lib(which only has imguid.lib) as the library path, the projected also can be built successfully...How does VS know that imguid.lib is the imgui.lib?)
Root Directory

CMake and MinGW-w64 include paths

I have a C++ project that needs to be built with CMake and MinGW-W64.
Some libraries (such as zlib, libpng) are in: C:\Dev\mingw64-5.3.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32\
So I use : -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Dev\mingw64-5.3.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32"
But, I get a compilation error because the following header is outdated and miss important symbols:
If I add a compiler flag to search into the proper include directory for float.h:
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem C:/Dev/mingw64-5.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/5.3.0/include"
Then, this does not work, since CMake will add this folder after its generated includes_CXX.rsp
How can I handle this issue? Is there a way to enforce header search path priority?
You could also add the include location(s) to environment variable C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.
To locate the libraries you can do the same for the lib with the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
For DLL and EXE files you may even need to add the bin path to PATH.

Using GDCM via CMake

I downloaded source of GDCM 2.4.1 and used CMake and Visual Studio 2010 to build the libraries. I want to use GDCM in my C++ project.
Unfortunately, it seems that after building the GDCM solution with VS, there are only the lib-files in the bin folder, but no typical "include" folder with the header files, what I usually expect. Thus, I can't integrate GDCM libaries in my own project (I tried to use FindPackage(GDCM) in my own CMakeproject, but header files can't be found).
I do not want to copy the header files manually or target the source directory of GDCM.
Does anybody know help?
I found out that the problem has something to do with VTK, I also use the this library in my project. So I need to enable "GDCM_USE_VTK" in CMake of GDCM. That option leads to a compiler error when I try to build the "INSTALL" subproject in the GDCM solution:
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE): file INSTALL cannot find "D:/Libs/VTK_5.6.0/BIN/bin/vtkCommon.dll".
I took a look in the VTK directory and found out that the path mentioned above does not exists. Instead the dll is located in:
D:\Libs\VTK_5.6.0\BIN\bin\Release\vtkCommon.dll or
That means GDCM solution does not know the dll is located in a special debug or release folder. If I disable "GDCM_USE_VTK" everything works fine and all files will be copied to the target folder. But I do need the VTK dll.
Any thoughts?
For anyone who ever touches the same problem, here's the final solution. Build "ALL_BUILD" in the GDCM solution, then integrate GDCM libs in your CMakeLists.txt the following way:
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find GDCM, did you set GDCM_DIR?")

How to use FFTW with cmake on windows?

I am building my project for Visual Studio with CMake. I used this lines in my CMakeList.txt to include FFTW3.
NAMES fftw3 fftw)
I got this error from CMake:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "windows_SHT" in directory C:/...
I think I did not install fftw properly. I got .dll .lib and .h files in a folder but I don't know how to explain to CMake where is the library.
Specify additional paths for find_library to use.
You will need to include the path to your custom FFTW installation.
A similar technique will need to be used when you use find_file to locate the headers