Set timeout for alert in Ionic2 - ionic2

I've created an alert message which I want to close after a set defined time only. Below is my code:
showAlert() {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
subTitle: 'The information you have provided is incomplete or invalid. Please check your entries and check again.'
showAlert() is the method that will be invoked after an event. Now, I want to set timeout for it but I couldn't get any solution for it.

If you want to use timeout to invoke alert,
you can use the global setTimeout() function like so:
showAlert() {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
subTitle: 'The information you have provided is incomplete or invalid. Please check your entries and check again.'
In case you want to dismiss after timeout,

Instead of using alert , prefer using toast for such issues , you can display it for as much time you want.
for using toast , you may proceed like mentioned below:
import {Toast} from 'ionic-native';"The information you have provided is incomplete or invalid. Please check your entries and check again.", '3000', 'center').subscribe(
toast => {
"3000" : is the time for which you want to display , timing is in milliseconds , hence , 3000 = 3 sec.
"center": is the position of the toast , it can either be top , center , or bottom.


cypress .next at end of list yields '' but I need to break instead

I am writing Cypress tests for an application that has a dynamic group/list of items. Each item has a details link that when clicked creates a popup with said details. I need to close that popup and move to the next item in the group.
I first tried to use the .each() command on the group and then would .click({multiple:true}) the details but the popup would cover the the next click. Adding {foce:true} does allow all of the popups to display but I don't think that is in the spirit of how the application should function.
My latest attempt has been to create a custom command using .next() to iterate through the group. This works but when .next() reaches the end of the group it yields "" and so the test ultimately fails.
The actual error I get is:
Expected to find element: ``, but never found it. Queried from element: <>
the .spec.ts
describe('Can select incentives and view details', () => {
it('Views incentive details', () => {
cy.optionPop('section#Incentives div.groups:first')
the index.ts
Cypress.Commands.add('optionPop', (clickable) => {
cy.get(clickable).find('[ng-reflect-track="Estimator, open_selection_dial"]').click()
cy.get('mat-dialog-container i.close').click()
cy.get(clickable).next().as('clicked').then(($clicked) => {
//fails at .next ^ because '' is yielded at end of list
You basically have the right idea, but it might work better in a plain JS function rather than a custom command.
function openPopups(clickables) {
if (clickables.length === 0) return // exit when array is empty
const clickable = clickables.pop() // extract one and reduce array
.find('[ng-reflect-track="Estimator, open_selection_dial"]').click()
cy.get('mat-dialog-container i.close')
.should('be.visible') // in case popup is slow
// wait for this popup to go, then proceed to next
.then(() => {
openPopups(clickables) // clickables now has one less item
cy.get('section#Incentives div.groups') // get all the popups
.then($popups => {
const popupsArray = Array.from($popups) // convert jQuery result to array
Some extra notes:
Using Array.from($popups) because we don't know how many in the list, and want to use array.pop() to grab each item and at the same time reduce the array (it's length will control the loop exit).
clickables is a list of raw elements, so cy.wrap(clickable) makes the individual element usable with Cypress commands like .find()
.should('be.visible') - when dealing with popup, the DOM is often altered by the click event that opens it, which can be slow relative to the speed the test runs at. Adding .should('be.visible') is a guard to make sure the test is not flaky on some runs (e.g if using CI)
.should('').then(() => ... - since you have some problems with multiple overlapping popups this will ensure each popup has gone before testing the next one.

Discord.js v12 Bot Say Command in different channel (via args?)

Im looking for some help/direction/suggestion... I have my discord bot say command here, its taken me a while to get it this far and working. What im looking for is to adapt the current code so that i can check if the word after ".say" is a "#channel" and if so send the message there. ie ".say #feedback your welcome" ....... would result in the bot saying "your welcome" in the feedback channel ELSE just send the message within the same channel. I hope i have explained myself properly but this is over my head, iv tried to research as much as possible. thanks in advance for your time
case 'say':
if (!message.member.roles.cache.find(r => === 'Moderator') && !message.member.roles.cache.find(r => === 'Staff')) return'You dont not have the required permissions').then(msg => {
msg.delete({ timeout: 5000 })
else if (message.content.startsWith(".say")) {
if (message.deletable) {
if (!args[1]) return"Nothing to say").then(msg => {
msg.delete({ timeout: 5000 })
})`${(args.slice(1).join(" "))}`)
To check if a channel is mention in the incoming message, you can use Message.mentions property that returns a MessageMentions object.
MessageMentions.channels returns a Collection of GuildChannel that are mention in the message.
So to check if at least one channel is mention in the message :
if (message.mentions.channels.size > 0) {
// There is at least 1 channel mention in the message.
} else {
// No channel mention in the message.
To send a message to the first channel mention :

APEX row selector part 2

This is a follow on to "APEX row selector" posted 5 days ago.
The problem was collecting multiple values from an interactive grid. From the excellent links to post supplied I was able to achieve this. However, the next part of the project is to open an edit dialog page and update multiple values.
I added this code to the attribute of the interactive grid:
function (config)
var $ = apex.jQuery,
toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(),
toolbarGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind("actions3");
type: "BUTTON",
action: "updateCar",
label: "Edit Selected Cars",
hot: true,
config.toolbarData = toolbarData;
config.initActions = function (actions)
// Defining the action for activate button
name: "updateCar",
label: "Edit Selected Cars",
action: updateCar
function updateCar(event, focusElement)
var i, records, model, record,
view = apex.region("ig_car").widget().interactiveGrid("getCurrentView");
var vid = "";
model = view.model;
records = view.getSelectedRecords();
if (records.length > 0)
for (i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
record = records[i];
alert("Under Development " + record[1]);
vid = vid + record[1] + "||";
// need to open next page here and pass parameters
return config;
I need to know how to open a form and have the parameter values available to pass to an oracle update script.
Thank you for any help you can provide. I did find some posts but I really need a good example. I have tried everything to no avail.
There are various ways you could do this. Here's one way, perhaps someone else will offer a more efficient option.
The JavaScript options for navigation in APEX are documented here:
Since you're trying to open a separate page, you probably want to use apex.navigation.dialog, which is what APEX automatically uses when opening modal pages from reports, buttons, etc.
However, as noted in the doc, the URL for the navigation must be generated server-side for security purposes. You need a dynamic URL (one not known when the page renders), so you'll need a workaround to generate it. Once you have the URL, navigating to it is easy. So how do you get the URL? Ajax.
Create an Ajax process to generate the URL
Under the processing tab of the report/grid page, right-click Ajax Callback and select Create Process.
Set Name to GET_FORM_URL.
Set PL/SQL code to the following
l_url varchar2(512);
l_url := apex_page.get_url(
p_application => :APP_ID,
p_page => 3,
p_items => 'P3_ITEM_NAME',
p_values => apex_application.g_x01
apex_json.write('url', l_url);
Note that I'm using apex_item.get_url to get the URL, this is an alternative to apex_util.prepare_url. I'm also using apex_json to emit JSON for the response to the client.
Also, the reference to apex_application.g_x01 is important, as this will contain the selected values from the calling page. You'll see how this was set in the next step.
Open the URL with JavaScript
Enter the following code in the Function and Global Variable Declaration attribute of the calling page:
function openFormPage(ids) {
x01: ids.join(':')
success: function (data) {
var funcBody = data.url.replace(/^"javascript:/, '').replace(/\"$/,'');
new Function(funcBody).call(window);
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// handle error
In this case, I'm using apex.server.process to call the server-side PL/SQL process. Note that I'm passing the value of ids.join(':') to x01. That value will become accessible in the PL/SQL code as apex_application.g_x01. You can use additional items, or you can pass a colon-delimited string of values to just one item (as I'm doing).
The URL that's returned to the client will not be a standard URL, it will be a JavaScript snippet that includes the URL. You'll need to remove the leading and trailing parts and use what's left to generate a dynamic function in JavaScript.
This is generally frowned upon, but I believe it's safe enough in this context since I know I can trust that the response from the process call is not malicious JavaScript code.
Add a security check!!!
Because you're creating a dynamic way to generate URLs to open page 3 (or whatever page you're targeting), you need to ensure that the modal page is protected. On that page, create a Before Header process that validates the value of P3_ITEM_NAME. If the user isn't supposed to be able to access those values, then throw an exception.

How to get current page from Navigation in ionic 2

I am new to Ionic2, and I am trying to build dynamic tabs based on current menu selection. I am just wondering how can I get current page using navigation controller.
export class TabsPage {
constructor(navParams: NavParams,navCtrl:NavController) {
//here I want to get current page
From api documentation I feel getActiveChildNav() or getActive() will give me the current page, but I have no knowledge on ViewController/Nav.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Full example:
import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
export class Page {
constructor(public navCtrl:NavController) {
getActivePage(): string {
return this.navCtrl.getActive().name;
Method to get current page name:
More details here
OMG! This Really Helped mate, Tons of Thanks! #Deivide
I have been stuck for 1 Month, Your answer saved me. :)
if(navCtrl.getActive().component === DashboardPage){
My team had to build a separate custom shared menu bar, that would be shared and displayed with most pages. From inside of this menu component.ts calling this.navCtrl.getActive().name returns the previous page name. We were able to get the current page name in this case using:
ngAfterViewInit() {
let currentPage =[0].name;
console.log('current page is: ', currentPage);
this.navCtrl.getActive().name !=
this.navCtrl.getActive().component !== TheComponent
is also possible
navCtrl.getActive() seems to be buggy in certain circumstances, because it returns the wrong ViewController if .setRoot was just used or if .pop was just used, whereas navCtrl.getActive() seems to return the correct ViewController if .push was used.
Use the viewController emitted by the viewDidEnter Observable instead of using navCtrl.getActive() to get the correct active ViewController, like so:
navCtrl.viewDidEnter.subscribe(item=> {
const viewController = item as ViewController;
const n =;
console.log('active page: ' + n);
I have tested this inside the viewDidEnter subscription, don't know about other lifecycle events ..
Old post. But this is how I get current page name both in dev and prod
Instead of
//In debug mode alert value is 'HomePage'
//In production/ signed apk alert value is 'n'
if ( === 'HomePage') {
Use this
//In debug mode alert value is 'HomePage'
//In production/ signed apk alert value is 'HomePage'
if ( === 'HomePage') {
Source Link
You can use getActive to get active ViewController. The ViewController has component and its the instance of current view. The issue is the comparsion method. I've came up to solution with settings some field like id:string for all my Page components and then compare them. Unfortunately simple checking function name so getActive() will break after minification.

Remove a view from the back history - Ionic2

Anyone knows how to remove a view from the back history (or navigation stack) in ionic2?
In Ionic 1 I solved this with
disableAnimate: true,
disableBack: true
Would be really useful, for example, to fully remove the login page of my application from the history once a successfully login was performed.
Just not showing the back button isn't enough in such case, since Android terminals got their own physical back button on the devices.
I tried, after my login function returned a successful promise and before pushing the next page in the stack:
but unfortunately both weren't successful :(
obrejacatalin on the found the solution
this.nav.push(TabsPage).then(() => {
const index = this.nav.getActive().index;
this.nav.remove(0, index);
so I guess it's important to push the next page first, wait for the promise answer and then remove the current view
To remove one backview you need to use startIndex and count of pages to remove from stack.
.then(() => {
const startIndex = this.navCtrl.getActive().index - 1;
this.navCtrl.remove(startIndex, 1);
See this document for more options like removeView(viewController):
I got the same issue with Ionic 3.
So, only two steps to reset history:
// ...
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) { }
// ...
// ...