Global vs User Queue - swift3

I want to have a UI button press trigger a block of code, so I created a queue and dispatched a block to it async, but I'm not seeing the block start in a reasonable amount of time.
minimized example:
class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "unique_label", qos: .userInteractive)
#IBAction func on_press() {
queue.async {
// Stuff
So I see the "Touch" line in the console, but nothing from the async block happens.
Odd thing is, if I use let queue = instead, it seems to work as desired. So what is the operational difference between making my own queue, and using the global one here? I would have expected my QoS to give it some CPU time.

So what is the operational difference between making my own queue, and
using the global one here?
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "unique_label", qos: .userInteractive)
creates the .serial queue with high priority
let queue =
doesn't actually create nothing but returns global (system) .concurrent queue with qos .default.
When you create Your own queue, the system will decide, on which global queue it will dispatch your execution request. The queue is not an execution engine ...
I am not able to believe, that your code is never executed, it is very unlikely to be true. If it happened, the trouble must be somewhere in your code which is not part of your question.


Implementing a custom async task type and await

I am developing a C++ app in which i need to receive messages from an MQ and then parsing them according to their type and for a particular reason I want to make this process (receiving a single message followed by processing it) asynchronous. Since, I want to keep things as simple as possible in a way that the next developer would have no problem continuing the code, I have written a very small class to implement Asynchrony.
I first raise a new thread and pass a function to the thread:
task = new thread([&] {
result = fn();
isCompleted = true;
and in order to await the task I do the following:
while (!isCompleted && !(*cancelationToken))
state = 1; // marking the task as completed
So far there is no problem and I have not faced any bug or error but I am not sure if this is "a good way to do this" and my question is focused on determining this.
Read about std::future and std::async.
If your task runs in another core or processor, the variable isCompleted may become un-synchronized having two copies in core cache. So you may be waiting more than needed.
If you have to wait for something it is better to use a semaphore.
As said in comments, using standard methods is better anyway.

Reading all available messages from mpsc UnboundedReceiver without blocking unnecessarily

I have an futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded channel. I can send messages to the UnboundedSender<T> but have problems receiving them from the UnboundedReciever<T>.
I use the channel to send messages to the UI thread, and I have a function that gets called every frame, and I'd like to read all the available messages from the channel on each frame, without blocking the thread when there are no available messages.
From what I've read the Future::poll method is kind of what I need, I just poll, and if I get Async::Ready, I do something with the message, and if not, I just return from the function.
The problem is the poll panics when there is no task context (I'm not sure what that means or what to do about it).
What I tried:
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // somewhere in the code, doesn't matter
// ...
let fut = match receiver.by_ref().collect().poll() {
Async::Ready(items_vec) => // do something on UI with items,
_ => return None
this panics because I don't have a task context.
Also tried:
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // somewhere in the code, doesn't matter
// ...
let fut = receiver.by_ref().collect(); // how do I run the future?
tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(fut); // this blocks the thread when there are no items in the receiver
I would like help with reading the UnboundedReceiver<T> without blocking the thread when there are no items in the stream (just do nothing then).
You are using futures incorrectly -- you need a Runtime and a bit more boilerplate to get this to work:
extern crate tokio;
extern crate futures;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use futures::future::{lazy, ok};
use futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
fn main() {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::<i64>();
let receiver = receiver.for_each(|result| {
println!("Got: {}", result);
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let lazy_future = lazy(move || {
ok::<(), ()>(())
Further reading, from Tokio's runtime model:
[...]in order to use Tokio and successfully execute tasks, an application must start an executor and the necessary drivers for the resources that the application’s tasks depend on. This requires significant boilerplate. To manage the boilerplate, Tokio offers a couple of runtime options. A runtime is an executor bundled with all necessary drivers to power Tokio’s resources. Instead of managing all the various Tokio components individually, a runtime is created and started in a single call.
Tokio offers a concurrent runtime and a single-threaded runtime. The concurrent runtime is backed by a multi-threaded, work-stealing executor. The single-threaded runtime executes all tasks and drivers on thee current thread. The user may pick the runtime with characteristics best suited for the application.

How to avoid receiving messages multiple times from a ServcieBus Queue when using the WebJobs SDK

I have got a WebJob with the following ServiceBus handler using the WebJobs SDK:
public static async Task HandleMessagesAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("%QueueName%")] BrokeredMessage message, [ServiceBus("%QueueName%")]ICollector<BrokeredMessage> queue, TextWriter logger)
using (var scope = Program.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = scope.Resolve<MessageHandlers>();
logger.WriteLine(AsInvariant($"Handling message with label {message.Label}"));
// To avoid coupling Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs the return type is IEnumerable<T>
var outputMessages = await handler.OnMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var outputMessage in outputMessages)
If the prerequisites for the handler aren't fulfilled, outputMessages contains a BrokeredMessage with the same MessageId, Label and payload as the one we are currently handling, but it contains a ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtcin the future.
The idea is that we complete the handling of the current message quickly and wait for a retry by scheduling the new message in the future.
Sometimes, especially when there are more messages in the Queue than the SDK peek-locks, I see messages duplicating in the ServiceBus queue. They have the same MessageId, Label and payload, but a different SequenceNumber, EnqueuedTimeUtc and ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc. They all have a delivery count of 1.
Looking at my handler code, the only way this can happen is if I received the same message multiple times, figure out that I need to wait and create a new message for handling in the future. The handler finishes successfully, so the original message gets completed.
The initial messages are unique. Also I put the SingletonAttribute on the message handler, so that messages for the same MessageId cannot be consumed by different handlers.
Why are multiple handlers triggered with the same message and how can I prevent that from happening?
I am using the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs version is v2.1.0
The duration of my handlers are at max 17s and in average 1s. The lock duration is 1m. Still my best theory is that something with the message (re)locking doesn't work, so while I'm processing the handler, the lock gets lost, the message goes back to the queue and gets consumed another time. If both handlers would see that the critical resource is still occupied, they would both enqueue a new message.
After a little bit of experimenting I figured out the root cause and I found a workaround.
If a ServiceBus message is completed, but the peek lock is not abandoned, it will return to the queue in active state after the lock expires.
The ServiceBus QueueClient, apparently, abandons the lock, once it receives the next message (or batch of messages).
So if the QueueClient used by the WebJobs SDK terminates unexpectedly (e.g. because of the process being ended or the Web App being restarted), all messages that have been locked appear back in the Queue, even if they have been completed.
In my handler I am now completing the message manually and also abandoning the lock like this:
public static async Task ProcessQueueMessageAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("%QueueName%")] BrokeredMessage message, [ServiceBus("%QueueName%")]ICollector<BrokeredMessage> queue, TextWriter logger)
using (var scope = Program.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = scope.Resolve<MessageHandlers>();
logger.WriteLine(AsInvariant($"Handling message with label {message.Label}"));
// To avoid coupling Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs the return type is IEnumerable<T>
var outputMessages = await handler.OnMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var outputMessage in outputMessages)
await message.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await message.AbandonAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
That way I don't get the messages back into the Queue in the reboot scenario.

Dispatch queue clear explanation

I know there are already a lot of posts about dispatch queues, async tasks etc. ,but I can't retrieve a useful explanation out of these posts, because there are too many distractions because of the extra code. I there someone who can give me a clear instruction on how to make Task B start after task A has been finished?
I need some data from Task A in order to run Task B successfully and I know that I have to do something with DispatchQueue.async, but I don't know how exactly.
The typical process would be to dispatch asynchronously with async to some serial queue. So, let's say you want some queue for processing images, doing task A and then task B, and then do some UI updates when task B is done, you might do:
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".images")
queue.async {
// do task A
queue.async {
// do task B
queue.async {
// do whatever else is needed after B here
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// update model objects and UI here
This is a pattern that avoids blocking the main queue, but lets you make sure that you do A and B serially.
Please note, that if either task A or task B are, themselves, asynchronous, the above won't work. (Nor would trying to use sync, if the underlying task was asynchronous.) Other patterns would apply in these cases. But your example is too generic and there are simple too many other possible patterns for us to enumerate them all. If you tell us specifically what task A and B are doing, we could offer more constructive counsel.
Also note that I'd explicitly advise against dispatching synchronously (with sync). Using sync has a certain intuitive appeal, but it is rarely the right approach. Blocking the calling thread (which is what sync does) largely defeats the purpose of having dispatch queue in the first place. The (largely) only reason one should use sync is if you're trying to have thread-safe access to some shared resource. But most of the time, you use dispatch queues explicitly for the purpose of getting some time consuming task off the current thread. So, dispatch A and B async to serial queue, and if you wanted to do something else, C, afterwards, then you'd dispatch that async to the same queue, too.
For a description see Concurrency Programming Guide: Dispatch Queues. The examples are in Objective-C, but all the concepts are the same. You can also go to WWDC videos and search for "GCD", and you'll get a number of great videos that walk through Grand Central Dispatch (the broader term for dispatch queue technologies).
How about something like this?
import Dispatch
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "My dispatch queue") //TODO: Give better label
let result1 = queue.sync { // "Task A"
return "result 1"
let result2 = queue.sync { // "Task B", which uses result from Task A
return result1.uppercased()

How to lock a long async call in a WebApi action?

I have this scenario where I have a WebApi and an endpoint that when triggered does a lot of work (around 2-5min). It is a POST endpoint with side effects and I would like to limit the execution so that if 2 requests are sent to this endpoint (should not happen, but better safe than sorry), one of them will have to wait in order to avoid race conditions.
I first tried to use a simple static lock inside the controller like this:
lock (_lockObj)
var results = await _service.LongRunningWithSideEffects();
return Ok(results);
this is of course not possible because of the await inside the lock statement.
Another solution I considered was to use a SemaphoreSlim implementation like this:
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
var results = await _service.LongRunningWithSideEffects();
return Ok(results);
However, according to MSDN:
The SemaphoreSlim class represents a lightweight, fast semaphore that can be used for waiting within a single process when wait times are expected to be very short.
Since in this scenario the wait times may even reach 5 minutes, what should I use for concurrency control?
EDIT (in response to plog17):
I do understand that passing this task onto a service might be the optimal way, however, I do not necessarily want to queue something in the background that still runs after the request is done.
The request involves other requests and integrations that take some time, but I would still like the user to wait for this request to finish and get a response regardless.
This request is expected to be only fired once a day at a specific time by a cron job. However, there is also an option to fire it manually by a developer (mostly in case something goes wrong with the job) and I would like to ensure the API doesn't run into concurrency issues if the developer e.g. double-sends the request accidentally etc.
If only one request of that sort can be processed at a given time, why not implement a queue ?
With such design, no more need to lock nor wait while processing the long running request.
Flow could be:
Client POST /RessourcesToProcess, should receive 202-Accepted quickly
HttpController simply queue the task to proceed (and return the 202-accepted)
Other service (windows service?) dequeue next task to proceed
Proceed task
Update resource status
During this process, client should be easily able to get status of requests previously made:
If task not found: 404-NotFound. Ressource not found for id 123
If task processing: 200-OK. 123 is processing.
If task done: 200-OK. Process response.
Your controller could look like:
public class TaskController
//constructor and private members
[HttpPost, Route("")]
public void QueueTask(RequestBody body)
[HttpGet, Route("taskId")]
public void QueueTask(string taskId)
YourThing thing = tasksRepository.Get(taskId);
if (thing == null)
return NotFound("thing does not exist");
if (thing.IsProcessing)
return Ok("thing is processing");
if (!thing.IsProcessing)
return Ok("thing is not processing yet");
//here we assume thing had been processed
return Ok(thing.ResponseContent);
This design suggests that you do not handle long running process inside your WebApi. Indeed, it may not be the best design choice. If you still want to do so, you may want to read:
Long running task in WebAPI