Drawing "higher-level" object - c++

So I'm using SFML for a Computer Science project - making a chess game. I have a class Square which is a single square of the chessboard - currently, it contains four vertices (four sf::Vertex objects in a member variable sf::VertexArray) and is colored either white or black. A class ChessBoard encapsulates a std::vector of Squares.
Using the tutorial given by SFML, I'm able to draw a single square. However, the draw() function works based on vertices, and since the ChessBoard class doesn't not actually contain vertices, but rather objects that themselves contain vertices, I'm not able to draw the chess board (i.e. its internal draw() function does not work).
Does anyone know how to work around this?
(I can provide more info/clarification/code if necessary/helpful.)

That's not really how "higher level drawing" is supposed to work.
Your parent class(es) shouldn't have to bother how to draw children. You're mixing responsibilities.
Instead, subclass sf::Drawable (and sf::Transformable, if required).
All this does is forcing you to implement a draw() member, which does all the drawing.
Here's a simple example for your ChessBoard class:
class ChessBoard : public sf::Drawable {
void draw (RenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const {
for (auto &tile : mTiles) // Iterate over all board pieces
target.draw(tile, states); // Draw them
As you can see, this is trivial to setup. In a similar way, you can overload your Square class. (Isn't that name too generic? Why not simply reusing sf::RectangleShape?)
class ChessBoard : public sf::Drawable {
void draw (RenderTarget &target, RenderStates states) const {
target.draw(mVertices, states);
So, back to your main game loop. How to draw the ChessBoard? Again, trivial:
while (window.isOpen()) {
// All the other things happening
While the advantages of this approach might not be as obvious at first, it's pretty easy to see that you're capable of passing responsibilities down the line. For example, the ChessBoard doesn't have to know how to properly draw a Square. In a trivial example – using unicolored polygons only – it's not that easy to notice, but your code will be a lot cleaner once you start adding shaders, textures, etc. Suddenly you'd no longer just have to return a sf::VertexArray, but you'll also need pointers or references to the other ressources. So the ChessBoard would have to know, which components to request from Square to draw it properly (Does it have a shader? Do I need a texture?).

Nevermind. Silly me. Implemented a getter inside class Square that returned the vertex array, & inside Chessboard looped through the vector of squares, calling the getter on each iteration.


SFML: How to check if a point is contained in a group of transformed drawables

I have a class representing a text box. the text box contains a header, some text and a rectangle to enclose the box. It only displays itself (for now):
struct Textbox : public sf::Drawable, public sf::Transformable{
sf::Text header;
sf::Text text;
sf::RectangleShape border;
// set relative locations of the members
auto header_bounds = header.getGlobalBounds();
// the text should be just below the header
text.setPosition(0, header_bounds.top + header_bounds.height);
auto source_bounds = text.getGlobalBounds();
// this function just returns a rectangle enclosing two rectangles
sf::FloatRect rect = enclosing_rect(header_bounds, source_bounds);
// this function sets the position, width and length of border to be equal to rect's.
setRectParams(border, rect);
void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states){
states.transform = getTransform();
The Problem
What I want
I want to add a contains method. It should return true if coor is inside the border of the box. Here is my naive implementation:
bool Textbox::contains(sf::Vector2i coor) const {
return border.getGlobalBounds().contains(coor.x, coor.y);
Why this implementation doesn't work
This implementation breaks when I move the Textbox via the Transformable non-virtual functions. The Textbox moves and it also draws the shapes as transformed. But! It does not actually transform them! it only displays them as transformed. So the border doesn't even know it has been moved.
Possible solutions
I can add all the functions of the Transformable API to this class, thus shadowing them and calling transform by myself on each of the members. I don;t like this because it make me write sooo much more code than I wanted. It also raises the question of how to tackle the double transforms (the one for the Textbox and the others for it's members).
I can write a completely different class Group that holds a vector of drawables and transformables and it has all that shadowing API mechanism. All that is left is to inherit from it. This doesn't actually sound that bad.
I heard about Entity System Component - it's just sound pretty overkill.
I can apply the transform when contains is called. The function is const - it's a query. Also, it's bad design to update your data on seemingly random calls.
just as before just that the transform applies to a function-local rectangle. This smells too - why do I call the transform functions on the whole Textbox just so it would apply them on every method call (so far just it's draw and contains but down the line who knows)
Make the members mutable and somehow transform them inside the draw method. This smell hackish.
The question
How do I group transformations onto multiple entities via an ergonomic API?
The only method that you really need to 'change', but to be fair add on your own is getGlobalBounds().
When you are inheriting from sf::Transformable, sf::Drawable you should treat the base class (your Textbox struct) as a shape itself therfore you just need to call myTextbox.getGlobalBounds().contains(x,y), where myTextbox is a Textbox.
Using your own code:
struct Textbox : public sf::Drawable, public sf::Transformable{
sf::Text header;
sf::Text text;
sf::RectangleShape border;
sf::FloatRect getGlobalBounds() const {
auto header_bounds = header.getGlobalBounds();
auto source_bounds = text.getGlobalBounds();
sf::FloatRect rect = enclosing_rect(header_bounds, source_bounds);
//Don't really know what it does but let say that it returns Top and Left as 0, and calculates Height, Width.
return sf::FloatRect(getPosition(), sf::Vector2f(rect.width,rect.height));
But you still have to manage the rotation, resizing,etc. when calculating globalBounds.
One way to implement rotation and scaling.
sf::FloatRect getGlobalBounds() const {
auto header_bounds = header.getGlobalBounds();
auto source_bounds = text.getGlobalBounds();
sf::FloatRect rect = enclosing_rect(header_bounds, source_bounds);
//Don't really know what it does but let say that it returns Top and Left as 0, and calculates Height, Width.
sf::RectangleShape textbox(sf::Vector2f(rect.width, rect.height));
//at this point textbox = globalBounds of Textbox without transformations
textbox.setOrigin(getOrigin());//setOrigin (point of transformation) before transforming
//after transformation get the bounds
return textbox.getGlobalBounds();
The solution might be much more simple than you expect. Instead of applying all the transforms to the transformable children/members, just de-transform the point you want to check (take it to local space).
Try this:
bool Textbox::contains(sf::Vector2i coor) const {
// Get point in the local space of the rectangle
sf::Transform inverseTr = this->getInverseTransform();
sf::Vector2f pointAsLocal = inverseTr.transformPoint(coor.x, coor.y);
// Check if the point, now in local space, is containted in the rectangle
return border.getLocalBounds().contains(pointAsLocal);
// ^
// Important! Use local bounds here, not global
Why does this work?
When you work with transformation matrices, you can think of them as portals between spaces. You have a local space where no transformation have been applied, and you have a final space, where all transformations are applied.
The problem with global bounds of a transformable member is that they belong neither to the local space nor the final space. They are just a rectangle bounding the shape in a possibly intermediate space where this bounds doesn't even take rotation into account.
What we are doing here is taking the coordinates, that exist in the final space, and take them to the local space of the rectangle, thanks to the inverse transformation matrix. So no matter how many translations, rotations or scales (or even skews, if you have customized the matrix) you apply to the rectangle. The inverse matrix takes the point to a new space where you can just check if it belongs, as if no transformation have ever been applied.

Static classes or instance pointers

Currently I have a series of three classes related to a game. I've previously made games using Unity where you access components such as the camera using functions accessible throughout all code. My current setup, however, relies on instances of each class being sent across the other classes. See the following outtake:
class World{
class Game{
Camera* camera;
World* world;
class Camera{
Game* game;
World* world;
Is this a result of bad design or are there times when a setup like
this is justified?
Should I rather use static classes over my current setup since it
would clarify the code and no more than one instance of each class is
ever used?
What are the possible downsides of using static classes over
Edit: Why they need to access each other.
Why Camera needs World:
The camera needs access to the world since the world need to be rendered from the perspective of the camera. The camera triggers a render of the world depending on what it sees. Rendering is triggered from various methods in the camera such as when it moves.
When the camera is drawn it draws what it sees, such as the world. To draw the world the camera needs access to the world.
Why Camera needs Game:
Game has values such as FPS which Camera use to display an overlay of debugging information.
Three classes which are that tightly coupled does suggest some questionable design choices. Try to change your code so that, for example, the Camera gets a pointer or reference to World passed in only the methods where it actually needs to deal with World. Also consider whether Camera and World actually need a pointer to Game. Conceptually it would make more sense if Game has a World and has a Camera, instead of all three objects being owned by someone else (who)?
The relationship between Game and Camera still only suggest that you should pass Game, or even better, relevant data FROM Game as method arguments to the Camera draw method.
If you have static (global) instance(s) of any class(es) it can be accessed from anywhere and might end up with a "big ball of mud" making it hard to track what uses or needs what.
One idea from the so-called "SOLID" principles is that
"Details should depend upon abstractions"
Now introducing extra abstract base classes (or interfaces in languages that support them) might seem extra complicated, but it might help you find which parts of each object you rally need from where, and allow you say to introduce another Game in the future.
One approach might go as follows:
#include <iostream>
class World {
int Info() { return 0; }
//An abstract base class
class IGame {
virtual ~IGame() = 0 {}
virtual int FPS() = 0;
//One specific type of game
class Game : public IGame {
int FPS() { return 0; }
class Camera {
Camera(Game * game, World * world) : game(game), world(world) {
void Move() {
//actually move first then ...
void Draw() {
//This will show us what needs to be public in the other classes
std::cout << world->Info() << '\n';
if (game)
std::cout << game->FPS() << '\n';
IGame* game;
World* world;
int main() {
World world;
Game game;
Camera camera(&game, &world);
(to the Dependency Inversion Principle) as discussed in this question
This might seem like overkill for what you are doing, but takes you nearer "everything relies on something abstract" rather than "everything conrete relies on everything else".

Engine to render different types of graphic objects

I'm trying to write a class (some sort of graphics engine) basically it's purpose is to render ANYTHING that I pass into it. In most tutorials I've seen, objects draw themselves. I'm not sure if that's how things are supposed to work. I've been searching the internet trying to come up with different ways to handle this problem, I've been reviewing function templates and class templates over and over again (which sounds like the solution I could be looking for) but when I try using templates, it just seems messy to me (possibly because I don't fully understand how to use them) and then I'll feel like taking the template class down, then I'll give it a second try but then I just take it down again, I'm not sure if that's the way to go but it might be. Originally it was tiled-based only (including a movable player on screen along with a camera system), but now I've trying to code up a tile map editor which has things such as tool bars, lists, text, possibly even primitives on screen in the future, etc. and I'm wondering how I will draw all those elements onto the screen with a certain procedure (the procedure isn't important right now, I'll find that out later). If any of you were going to write a graphics engine class, how would you have it distinguish different types of graphic objects from one another, such as a primitive not being drawn as a sprite or a sphere primitive not being drawn as a triangle primitive, etc.? Any help would be appreciated. :)
This is the header for it, it's not functional right now because I've been doing some editing on it, Just ignore the part where I'm using the "new" keyword, I'm still learning that, but I hope this gives an idea for what I'm trying to accomplish:
#pragma once
template <class graphicObjectData>
class graphicsEngine
static graphicObjectData graphicObject[];
static int numObjects;
static void setup()
graphicObject = new graphicObjectData [1]; //ignore this line
template <class graphicObjectData> static void registerObject(graphicObjectData &newGraphicObject) //I'm trying to use a template function to take any type of graphic object
graphicObject[numObjects] = &newObject;
static void process() //This is the main process where EVERYTHING is supposed be drawn
int i;
for (i=0;i<numObjects;i++) drawObject(graphicObject[i]);
I am a huge fan of templates, but you may find in this case that they are cumbersome (though not necessarily the wrong answer). Since it appears you may be wanting diverse object types in your drawing container, inheritance may actually be a stronger solution.
You will want a base type which provides an abstract interface for drawing. All this class needs is some function which provides a mechanism for the actual draw process. It does not actually care how drawing occurs, what's important is that the deriving class knows how to draw itself (if you want to separate your drawing and your objects, keep reading and I will try to explain a way to accomplish this):
class Drawable {
// This is our interface for drawing. Simply, we just need
// something to instruct our base class to draw something.
// Note: this method is pure virtual so that is must be
// overriden by a deriving class.
virtual void draw() = 0;
// In addition, we need to also give this class a default virtual
// destructor in case the deriving class needs to clean itself up.
virtual ~Drawable() { /* The deriving class might want to fill this in */ }
From here, you would simply write new classes which inherit from the Drawable class and provide the necessary draw() override.
class Circle : public Drawable {
void draw() {
// Do whatever you need to make this render a circle.
~Circle() { /* Do cleanup code */ }
class Tetrahedron : public Drawable {
void draw() {
// Do whatever you need to make this render a tetrahedron.
~Tetrahedron() { /* Do cleanup code */ }
class DrawableText : public Drawable {
std::string _text;
// Just to illustrate that the state of the deriving class
// could be variable and even dependent on other classes:
DrawableText(std::string text) : _text(text) {}
void draw() {
// Yet another override of the Drawable::draw function.
~DrawableText() {
// Cleanup here again - in this case, _text will clean itself
// up so nothing to do here. You could even omit this since
// Drawable provides a default destructor.
Now, to link all these objects together, you could simply place them in a container of your choosing which accepts references or pointers (or in C++11 and greater, unique_ptr, shared_ptr and friends). Setup whatever draw context you need and loop through all the contents of the container calling draw().
void do_drawing() {
// This works, but consider checking out unique_ptr and shared_ptr for safer
// memory management
std::vector<Drawable*> drawable_objects;
drawable_objects.push_back(new Circle);
drawable_objects.push_back(new Tetrahedron);
drawable_objects.push_back(new DrawableText("Hello, Drawing Program!"));
// Loop through and draw our circle, tetrahedron and text.
for (auto drawable_object : drawable_objects) {
// Remember to clean up the allocations in drawable_objects!
If you would like to provide state information to your drawing mechanism, you can require that as a parameter in the draw() routine of the Drawable base class:
class Drawable {
// Now takes parameters which hold program state
virtual void draw(DrawContext& draw_context, WorldData& world_data) = 0;
virtual ~Drawable() { /* The deriving class might want to fill this in */ }
The deriving classes Circle, Tetrahedron and DrawableText would, of course, need their draw() signatures updated to take the new program state, but this will allow you to do all of your low-level drawing through an object which is designed for graphics drawing instead of burdening the main class with this functionality. What state you provide is solely up to you and your design. It's pretty flexible.
BIG UPDATE - Another Way to Do It Using Composition
I've been giving it careful thought, and decided to share what I've been up to. What I wrote above has worked for me in the past, but this time around I've decided to go a different route with my engine and forego a scene graph entirely. I'm not sure I can recommend this way of doing things as it can make things complicated, but it also opens the doors to a tremendous amount of flexibility. Effectively, I have written lower-level objects such as VertexBuffer, Effect, Texture etc. which allow me to compose objects in any way I want. I am using templates this time around more than inheritance (though intheritance is still necessary for providing implementations for the VertexBuffers, Textures, etc.).
The reason I bring this up is because you were talking about getting a larger degree of seperation. Using a system such as I described, I could build a world object like this:
class World {
WorldGeometry geometry; // Would hold triangle data.
WorldOccluder occluder; // Runs occlusion tests against
// the geometry and flags what's visible and
// what is not.
WorldCollider collider; // Handles all routines for collision detections.
WorldDrawer drawer; // Draws the world geometry.
void process_and_draw();// Optionally calls everything in necessary
// order.
Here, i would have multiple objects which focus on a single aspect of my engine's processing. WorldGeometry would store all polygon details about this particular world object. WorldOccluder would do checks against the camera and geometry to see which patches of the world are actually visible. WorldCollider would process collission detection against any world objects (omitted for brevity). Finally, WorldDrawer would actually be responsible for the drawing of the world and maintain the VertexBuffer and other lower-level drawing objects as needed.
As you can see, this works a little more closely to what you originally asked as the geometry is actually not used only for rendering. It's more data on the polygons of the world but can be fed to WorldGeometry and WorldOccluder which don't do any drawing whatsoever. In fact, the World class only exists to group these similar classes together, but the WorldDrawer may not be dependent on a World object. Instead, it may need a WorldGeometry object or even a list of Triangles. Basically, your program structure becomes highly flexible and dependencies begin to disappear since objects do not inherit often or at all and only request what they absolutely require to function. Case in point:
class WorldOccluder {
// I do not need anything more than a WorldGeometry reference here //
WorldOccluder(WorldGeometry& geometry) : _geometry(geometry)
// At this point, all I need to function is the position of the camera //
WorldOccluderResult check_occlusion(const Float3& camera) {
// Do all of the world occlusion checks based on the passed
// geometry and then return a WorldOccluderResult
// Which hypothetically could contain lists for visible and occluded
// geometry
WorldGeometry& _geometry;
I chose the WorldOccluder as an example because I've spent the better part of the day working on something like this for my engine and have used a class hierarchy much like above. I've got boxes in 3D space changing colors based on if they should be seen or not. My classes are very succinct and easy to follow, and my entire project hierarchy is easy to follow (I think it is anyway). So this seems to work just fine! I love being on vacation!
Final note: I mentioned templates but didn't explain them. If I have an object that does processing around drawing, a template works really well for this. It avoids dependencies (such as through inheritence) while still giving a great degree of flexibility. Additionally, templates can be optimized by the compiler by inlining code and avoiding virtual-style calls (if the compiler can deduce such optimizations):
template <typename TEffect, TDrawable>
void draw(TEffect& effect, TDrawable& drawable, const Matrix& world, const Matrix& view, const Matrix& projection) {
// Setup effect matrices - our effect template
// must provide these function signatures
// Do some drawing!
// (NOTE: could use some RAII stuff here in case drawable throws).
for (int pass = 0; pass < effect.pass_count(); pass++) {
drawable.draw(); // Once again, TDrawable objects must provide this signature
My technique might really suck, but I do it like this.
class entity {
virtual void render() {}
vector<entity> entities;
void render() {
for(auto c : entities) {
Then I can do stuff like this:
class cubeEntity : public entity {
virtual void render() override {
class triangleEntity : public entity {
virtual void render() override {
And to use it:
entities.push_back(new cubeEntity());
entities.push_back(new triangleEntity());
People say that it's bad to use dynamic inheritance. They're a lot smarter than me, but this approach has been working fine for a while. Make sure to make all your destructors virtual!
The way the SFML graphics library draws objects (and the way I think is most manageable) is to have all drawable objects inherit from a 'Drawable' class (like the one in David Peterson's answer), which can then be passed to the graphics engine in order to be drawn.
To draw objects, I'd have:
A Base class:
class Drawable
int XPosition;
int YPosition;
int PixelData[100][100]; //Or whatever storage system you're using
This can be used to contain information common to all drawable classes (like position, and some form of data storage).
Derived Subclasses:
class Triangle : public Drawable
Triangle() {} //overloaded constructors, additional variables etc
int indigenous_to_triangle;
Because each subclass is largely unique, you can use this method to create anything from sprites to graphical-primitives.
Each of these derived classes can then be passed to the engine by reference with
A 'Draw' function referencing the Base class:
void GraphicsEngine::draw(const Drawable& _object);
Using this method, a template is no longer necessary. Unfortunately your current graphicObjectData array wouldn't work, because derived classes would be 'sliced' in order to fit in it. However, creating a list or vector of 'const Drawable*' pointers (or preferably, smart pointers) would work just as well for keeping tabs on all your objects, though the actual objects would have to be stored elsewhere.
You could use something like this to draw everything using a vector of pointers (I tried to preserve your function and variable names):
std::vector<const Drawable*> graphicObject; //Smart pointers would be better here
static void process()
for (int i = 0; i < graphicObject.size(); ++i)
You'd just have to make sure you added each object to the list as it was created.
If you were clever about it, you could even do this in the construction and destruction:
class Drawable; //So the compiler doesn't throw an error
std::vector<const Drawable*> graphicObject;
class Drawable
Triangle() {} //overloaded constructors, additional variables etc
int indigenous_to_triangle;
std::vector<const Drawable*>::iterator itPos;
Drawable() {
itPos = graphicObject.end() - 1;
~Drawable() {
Now you can just create objects and they'll be drawn automatically when process() is called! And they'll even be removed from the list once they're destroyed!
All the above ideas have served me well in the past, so I hope I've helped you out, or at least given you something to think about.

Adding layer of drawable objects to separate logic from graphics

I am trying to program classical snake game. I have logic working (eating, growing moving etc.). Now I want to add some nice graphics. So far I have some ugly graphics i made with this code:
void drawWorld(const std::vector<Tileable*> world_map) {
for each Tileable {
get position of Tileable
get color of Tileable
draw rectangle at position with color
Class Tileable represents objects on Snakes map -> apples, walls even snake itself. It stores objects position, what happens when snake collides with object etc -> logic.
Woldn it be nice if Apples were circles, not rectangles?
So I want to add with class Drawable with method .draw() and derived classes DrawableSnake, DrawableApple, DrawableWall, DrawableWhatever, each having its own draw() method.
The problem is converting Tielable subclasses from collection world_map to apropriate subclass of Drawable, to have something like this:
void drawWorld(const std::vector<Tileable*> world_map) {
for each Tileable {
get drawable from tileable
I am thinking about using something like factory with RTTI: (pseudocode)
Drawable convertToDrawable(Tileable* tileable){
if tileable is Apple return DrawableApple
if tileable is Wall return DrawableWall
Is there some nicer way to do this, without using RTTI?
This is a common problem in designing game engines. One way to solve this is to move to an entity-component based system.
The apples, walls and the snake would all be of the same class - 'Entity'. To each entity you would attach a list of components. In your case 'ComponentDrawable' could be a component and 'ComponentTileable' could be another. When you create the entity you initialize ComponentDrawable with the data it needs to draw that specific entity.
You need a way to get a component of a certain type from the entity. A simple system could have each entity having an array of component pointers. Each component type would have a unique index in that array. An empty slot in the array would have a NULL value.
template<typename T> T* getComponent( Entity *entity ) {
And your modified pseudocode example would then end up looking something like this:
void drawWorld(const std::vector<Entity*> world_map) {
for each entity in world_map {
ComponentDrawable *drawable = getComponent<ComponentDrawable>( entity )
if( drawable )
Some people like to keep functionality out of the components and only use them as carriers of data. If you would like to go that route then a data driven system could use the data from the ComponentDrawable to draw the correct representation of each entity.

Share variables between classes C++?

Yet another question about classes as Im new to OOP. I am creating a game just for fun. Its a top down shooter, space shooter.
I have a few different classes:
Bullet (a list of bullet coordinates),
Player (player sprite, position etc),
Enemy (enemy sprite, position etc),
Collision (taking coordinates Ax, Ay, and Bx, By to see if they have collided)
How can I send the coordinates from Bullet, Enemy to the Collision class to see if they have collided?
Collision col
col.collision(ax, ay, bx, by) //how can I get the Player and Bullet pos?
Probably what you want to do is to have a common class "SceneObject" that has a position. Then Player, Enemy and Bullet all inherit from that class.
Your Collision then does not need knowledge about Players, Enemies etc. but only SceneObjects which have a position. You can write a Getter method in your base class that returns the position.
I would create a base class for Bullet, Enemy (and maybe Player). Let's call it Object and the Object would own the Coordinates and would have a function determining if a Collision happened.
In code it would look like to following:
class Object
Coord position;
bool Collide(const Object& otherObject) const;
You typically have to go through every enemy and check the coordinates of that enemy against your player coordinates.
I'm sure you stored those enemies somewhere, preferably in a container like std::vector. Now let me just assume you did exactly that:
// somewhere in a 'Game' class
std::vector<Enemy> myEnemies;
Player myPlayer;
Collision col;
for(int i=0; i < myEnemies.size(); ++i){
col.collision(myPlayer.getX(), myPlayer.getY(), myEnemies[i].getX(), myEnemies[i].getY())
And that's it. :) You do the same for bullets and similar objects. Save them all in a container, iterate over that container, and check the positions of the objects.
Now, for another tip, if a class only contains methods and no variables, you may aswell make that free functions. Just because you use OOP in some parts of your project doesn't require you to use it everywhere. Make that collision a free function and be done with it. :)