Testing ASP.NET Core app using Protractor in Visual Studio 2017 - unit-testing

I've got a asp.net core application which uses angular4 as client frontend and asp.net core for the service api. I've had end-to-end unit-testing up and running while using Visual Studio 2015.
Since I switched to Visual Studio 2017 I can't get the tests to use protractor anymore.
First problem: For protractor I need the full .net framework, for hosting my app I want to use .NetCoreApp 1.1. And Visual Studio 2017 does only support using one Framework. There are tricks by editing the proj-file, but even then I could not even compile my test project to use protractor.
So: Has anyone been able to run unit Tests using protractor in Visual Studio 2017? Any pointers about it, maybe you can point me to a website containing a sample?


VisualStudio2019 WebAPI Run from Postman

I am trying to run the webAPI (C#) in Visual Studio 2019 and test in Postman. These are steps I took
Created a new project with type WebAPI in Visual Studio 2019 (selected C#) with example controller (WeatherApp)
Ran the application in Visual Studio 2019. It opens the browser and brings up the url as
the application then immediately shutsdown
I have postman window open, where I would like to test the api, but I am unable to.
I am trying to setup the environment, so that I can create my new webapi with get/post requests and run from postman, while debugging from visual studio 2019
Am I doing something wrong here ?
I found that I need to run dotnet run from terminal/shell with url https://localhost:5001 and then go to Postman and invoke the service uri. It worked. But not sure how to debug in this mode

jaggery project in WSO Developer Studio 6.6.0 or Integration Studio 7.2.0

Is it possible to create "Jaggery Project" in WSO2 developer studio 6.6.0 or Integration Studio 7.*?
I found a few documents describing jaggery project in developer studio 3.x version.
But it seems not possible to download corresponding version from WSO2.
They open available links only for developer studio version 6.* or integration studio versions.
(I guess Integration studio is the new name of developer studio.)
Other versions including 3.x does not available. Maybe, they decided not to provide old versions.
In new versions of developer studio, I could not found a way to create "Jaggery Project".
"https://jaggeryjs.org/editor.jag" has this link(https://docs.wso2.org/display/DVS360/Creating+Jaggery+Artifacts) but it also must be a dead link.

Missing web template under visual C# in newly installed Visual Studio 2017

I'm specifically looking for asp.net MVC 4/5 template under Visual C#. Already installed .NET framework component but still not seeing the web template as I see before in my VS 2013. Please help.
In Visual Studio Installer - Workloads tab, under Web & Cloud, select ASP.NET and web development. You can now add the usual ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework).

Xamarin Studio Template Distribution

I'd like to create Xamarin Studio Forms template and distribute it using Xamarin channels. Is there a way that I can distribute add-in package similar to Xamarin Components Store (https://components.xamarin.com/)?
You can distribute you addin via monodevelopaddins
Here you have a full example from creating to publishing a Xamarin Studio addin.

How can I create a .NET 4.0 web service project in Visual Studio 2010 Pro?

The Web Services template isn't in the .NET 4.0 projects list--only .NET 3.5, but my service needs to depend on a .NET 4.0 assembly with my model/database functions. That assembly depends on 4.0, because of the data provider required (dotConnect for MySQL)
The web service will need a reference to this business logic assembly so it can pass its arguments to said assembly and blindly return. But, can I run the web services project in a .NET 4.0 application pool without any problems with the data provider?
I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional, not Ultimate (which I've read has the template)--is there any way around this?
In 4.0 you have the WCF framework. Try this one.
See this related article: Asp.Net Web Service Application missing in Visual Studio 2010