Visual studio 2017 Live Unit Testing does not work - visual-studio-2017

Hello I'm getting a very strange exception (object reference not set to an instance of object) when using Visual studio 2017 Live Unit Testing if I run this test through Test Explorer->Run All all works fine and it’s also work in debugging but Live Unit Testing fall.
Test Project


XUnit tests and live unit tests in Visual Studio 2017

Having Visual Studio 2017 last version. I am unable run XUnit tests from test explorer in core Solution.
However, "dotnet test" works properly and Live Unit testing work properly as well.
I couldn't find any information how to fix my Visual Studio.
May you all can suggest me something?

visual studio code unit test discovery frequency setting

When I'm updating my existing unit tests, Visual Studio code drops a status bar from the top letting me know that it could not correctly discover unit tests every time I save the file. This is expected since I'm actively typing so everything is not working python.
Have I configured something incorrectly? Is there some way to tell visual studio to chill out on the unit test discovery?
Of course, I can simply hit the "close" button, but this is extremely distracting.
Disable Live Unit Test running on the background.
Under Test->Test Settings-> uncheck 'Keep Test Execution Engine Running'. I am using VS 2017 & VS 2015.

Angular (Typescript) Unit Testing - ASP.Net Core MVC SPA

I am developing a project which started life as an ASP.Net Core MVC SPA Template in Visual Studio 2015. I used the Visual Studio Karma Test Adapter with no problems for my Angular (Typescript) unit testing, but no matter what I tried I could not get NUnit to recognise my C# unit tests for the Web API and early Domain Model code. I tried to add a separate Test Project with no success and I also created unit test files within the same, single, project with no success.
At some point I knew I should migrate the code to Visual Studio 2017, as I feel that the new IDE will prove to be beneficial as the project develops, so I thought I would do it now and see if it solves my unit testing problems. Visual Studio's migration process didn't go well so I decided to start from scratch again.
I ran dotnet new angular to create a clean solution which I opened in VS 2017. It appears that the Visual Studio Karma Test Adapter does not work with VS 2017 yet, so for the Typescript (Jasmine) testing that left me with Chutzpah. No matter what I try I cannot write the simplest of Jasmine tests and have the Visual Studio Test Explorer recognise it (let alone run the test). I haven't even begun to look at the C# Unit Testing yet.
Can anyone else get a Jasmine Unit Test to be recognised and run in the VS Test Explorer from a clean dotnet new angular solution, I would be very grateful for some advise.

c++ unit test/mock framework integrated into visual studio 2012

I want to use unit tests in VS 2012 in c++. VS allows to write unit tests, run them and see the output in test explorer window. Unfortunately it seems that VS lacks a mock framework. Do You know how to integrate for example Google Test/Mock framework into VS, so that I can still see the test results in test explorer window?

Weird problem with Visual Studio - when I change the name of a unit test, it does not update

I've run into a weird problem with Unit Tests in Visual Studio 2010 that I can't solve (is this a bug in Visual Studio?).
If I edit the name of a unit test, it is not updating in the "Test List Editor" view. If I add a unit test using the normal method, it doesn't add it to the list of unit tests.
Any ideas on what might be possibly be causing this, and perhaps brainstorming some method to redo my Unit Test project to fix this problem?
Found the problem: I have ReSharper installed, and it unexpectedly took over the default unit testing framework provided by Visual Studio 2010, when an auto version upgrade took place. I am currently running the unit tests using the ReSharper unit testing plugin, and everything works fine. This is not to say that it's necessarily ReSharper's fault, I did opt in to use the enhanced unit testing framework when I installed it a month ago (and I can opt out by switching it off in options).